The emergency is slopeed on the coal bed to sum up to pluck
The slanting coal bed is asked for a few minutes component that the slanting coal bed roof pressure uprightness hurried actes as to be used on stand either the coal post than postponeing ,But greatly along component that slopes the action ,The plank at coal bed peak base wholly slips along the trend probably ,The stand stability is bad ,As a result ading the complexity that extraction and sheltered work.
Face pedestrian mines coal 、Transport stuff 、Coal drops 、Shelter 、The various workman sequence operation is collecting spece area handle and so on wholly comparatively more difficult ,Add the difficulty that the mechanize was mined coal .
Oridinarily ,Hurry that the slanting coal bed has wholly udergo that the intense geology alters ,The geological structure is more complex ,The surrounding rock term is bader ;Mining coal beside , the face carryes forward velocity slowly ,Extraction leading is leted drop .As a result heads for length and asks for a few minutes than postponeing the slanting coal bed in the collecting area .
The key that successful in the great dip coal bed ordinary set of use being living was mined coal is properly resolving the good coal_winning machine 、Conveyer and stand antisliping problem .
Guard against the main step of coal_winning machine glide slope station from possesing :
(1)Revising as the coal_winning machine anchor chain draws and gurrantees rated tractive effort ;
(2)Being living the level fixs the secure windlass antisliping ,Supplementarily draw the coal_winning machine ;
(3)When the plank conveyer is fleeced in the slanting coal bed face of 450 left and right sides emergency in case being living ,The coal_winning machine is fixed the staff antisliping .
The face conveyer step antisliping possess :
(1)Nose and tail all solder antisliping to fix the post pedestal admittedly ,Strikeing firmly antislips to fix admittedly the post ;
(2)Being living the level installs the windlass antisliping ;
(3)Have to sticing to moves when being living the transportation conveyer afterwards moves the order down earlier ,Move the tail to fix upper part in face admittedly earlier ,Move the middle part trough again .The middle part trough ought to add the provisional post to fix admittedly by the burst .
Guarding against the face stand glide slope station step is :
Adopt brining the base beam three posts parallel face shacks ,Liang Tou is docked ;Build the treadle antisliping between two rows of posts .With personnel staff old and young and the task doing being convenient for .
The synthesis is mined coal , and necessary installation consists of twin cylinder coal_winning machines 、Support style hydraulic pressure stand 、The emulsify fluid pump awaits .
Composition and technique feature that the cylinder coal_winning machine is mined coal
In 1976 manufactures experimently out MJW-80's mould coal_winning machine the March ,Such main master succeeds partly to be possess :Electric motor ,Box decelerates ,Cylinder ,Low wheel stand ,The stand is in turn in the peak ,Suspending hoists the set ,Slips to sled and so on .The action that the stand is in turn in the peak is the cutting depth that causes the coal_winning machine maintain specified .The base wheel stand action is transferring to a lower level the direction in the interest of the coal_winning machine along the coal breastwork in face ,Moreover avert the coal_winning machine to topple over .Sliing the action which sledd is decreasing the obstruction that the coal_winning machine is living the plank slip at base ,Moreover cause cylinder tooth-tip together with coal bed base plank maintain the specified distance ,Avert the cylinder to cut the photographic plate in coal bed .
Cylinder coal_winning machine fixing up of face .Elder 40~50's rice of face ,Along slopes to fix up ,Along heads for carry forward .Practice proof ,Cut in the process ,The face will take shape against heads for the slant face that the string succeeds 80~85's degree angle of intersection certainly (Upper part is leaded )。Draw outside the coal_winning machine adopts the means ,Drawing the windlass fixs in the recirculation air alley inner place .The natural law shelves are build up in the upper site in face ,Used to remove directing towards to the coal_winning machine .The guide of coal_winning machine joins with a hinge against the hydraulic pressure stand ,Pass in the way of the hoisting jack .Moving an order is transportation from bottom to top .
Extraction technology
The main dependence self-esteem of coal_winning machine is feed ,Through gets off but goes up along the plank at base cuts the coal ,The coal on peak randomly sends out by self .The coal_winning machine competent till the face extremity is ,Cease to draw voluntarily .Afterwards ,By the coal_winning machine transfers to a lower level up the face gets off the extremity ,Dealing with to in turn the sky shelf newly removes forward to lay equal stress on ,Be underway down more once severring the coal .The coal that the face is plucked gets off the extremity since gliding up the face ,Along the alley on slope glide to carry in the alley transport aircraft 。The coal_winning machine burden electric cable is fixd synchronously ruing together against drawing the cord admittedly .In the extraction process ,The face is not underway sheltering ,Since the fact that the surrounding rock is comparatively steadyd ,The extraction perioc does not oridinarily send out .
Synthetical mechanize is mined coal
Being living to sum up plucks inner place the face ,Mine coal by the use cylinder coal_winning machine ,Sheltering piece tries out the distinct shapes mechanize stand ,In case the entirety removes the curve screen stand (Abbreviation curve stand ),Self moves curve screen stand and the screen style hydraulic pressure stand and awaits the sectioning
The curve stand - cylinder coal_winning machine is sum up to pluck
That installation succeeds through below three section masters chiefly :Curve stand ,The cylinder coal_winning machine is with draws installation
The curve stand is may entirety the person who removes the rigid structure 。Makes in the way of the H-beam in the mine in the way of 25.4 state-owned jin of /'s rice of stand base beam ,The uprightness is build to the face ,Per is brief 0.8 meter elder ,Along slopes 0.4 meter of clearance .Remove obstruction in order to decrease ,Liang Jianshe at base possess two rows of local villains .The H-beam is employd in the mine that Quan Chang of base beam top along the face build five rows of /'s rice of 25.4 state-owned jin ,In it near the face three rows as the coal_winning machine the track ,Two rows near the collecting spece area feed that propping up the curve H-beam employ .Be living over the curve H-beam ,Build thick 1~3's millimetre plate in the interest of shelters the plank .The horn is sheltered in the way of angle iron in the curve H-beam peak .Curve .The curve stand extremity going up is go up the extremity and is sheltered the plank .The curve stand gets off the extremity to join with a hinge against sleing the plank .
The cylinder coal_winning machine consists of the electric motor of 17 kilowatts ,One decelerates the box ,And cylinder .The cylinder diameter possess 970 ,1170The millimetre is two kinds ,Severring very possess 250 ,200,150The millimetre is 3 kinds .
That the recirculation air alley reaches leades in with the trough ,Builds up 5.5 kilowatts of prop drawing one in windlasses respectively ,Used to draw the coal_winning machine with removes the curve stand .
Thick 1.0~1.5's rice of the coal of face ,Coal bed dip 56~64's degree ,Slanting elder 11~35's rice of face ,On the basis of practice effect ,Optimumly slantingly develop in the interest of 15~25's rice .
Before the coal_winning machine is mined coal ,Earlier in the way of the hand pick extraction engine nest .Queen is locateed by the coal_winning machine ,In immediate future may be living windlass draws secondly ,Through below upwards cuts the coal .The coal plucked gos into gliding the little aperture of coal since gliding ,Transport out after fleecing the plank transport aircraft again .Pluck through sword queen ,By the coal_winning machine transfers to a lower level up the face gets off the extremity .Afterwards ,Old and young draws the curve stand and moves to the coal breastwork by the windlass ,Go on cutting the coal .Accepts when acting as in extraction face ,Dimolish the curve stand from bottom to top .Self moves curve screen stand - cylinder coal_winning machine and sums up to pluck two sectionings
The above-mentioned defect removing the curve screen stand in order to overcome entirety ,Adoping the sectioning , self moves the curve screen stand and reaches such cylinder coal_winning machine .The sectioning self to move the curve screen stand act as the stiff stand ,Is not being used for directly propping up the roof with slices the peak .Such main component part possess :Pedestal ,Curve beam ,Screen plank ,Prop ,That the direction joins to reach moves a hydraulic pressure hoisting jack to await .The pedestal through has joined against face uprightness and parallel two seriess of mines in the way of the H-beam ,In it act as the coal_winning machine track concurrently in the way of the H-beam near two rows of mines on the coal breastwork .The curve beam gets off the extremity to be solidityd scheduled to the pedestal ,Middle upper part is in the way of the crossbeam against its uprightness even together .Curve Liang Yuqi wholly adopts the mine to manufacture in the way of the H-beam by the crossbeam .The screen plank takes to ward off the waste action ,Its slight plate through thick 3~4's millimetre is make ,Solidity the curve beam on in the way of the screw .The preceding extremity of curve beam is living ,Be getting near the taut screen plank in the way of steel band either angle iron .Prop use Φ76χ6The seamless steel tube of millimetre is make ,Install crossbeam and pedestal between .Emploing to have gyro wheel direction between the sectioning of stand joins being linked together .Moves a hydraulic pressure hoisting jack to be the stand self the person who moves main apparatus ,The sure enough is invariably antisliped inner place the plank below joint part that it sets up to the stand sectioning along with the stand .Entire stand lower part ,There is the plank invariably antisliping ,Used to stand complete glide slope station force of stand ,Moreover the most second one length of removing orientation of stand of control .Its reason “Sedan ”,Bring guide plank sleing and hydraulic pressure hoisting jack to make up .“Sedan ”The top together with the most second one length of stand joins with a hinge ,The next is packed four wheels and is ride to be living sleing on the plank guide .The rails in the way of 43 state-owned jin of /'s rice of guide is make ,Sleing the plank fixs to be living leading with the base plank of trough .
The coal_winning machine is ride the stand track on and is rund .Before mining coal ,F(xiàn)irst of all being living , gets off the extremity and turns on the good engine nest in the face .Afterwards the coal is cut in the coal_winning machine upriver ,The hollow range is transferred to a lower level .Deal with the coal_winning machine to transfer to a lower level when the lower part of face ,Move the shelf more from bottom to top .
Beginning moves hour ,The plank hydraulic pressure hoisting jack earlier emploing invariably to antislip is sledd the guide that the plank peak comees out ,Afterwards remove next first length of stand .When moving that length of stand ,Plank hydraulic pressure hoisting jack invariably antislips “Accept vat ”Draw that length of stand with forward ;Meanwhile ,In the way of first ,Moving hoisting jack between two lengths of stands pushes first length of stand forward .Now ,F(xiàn)irst length of stand is living ,Hoisting jack of below site pushes to draw along with the rear to send out , and the waste side thrust action is geted off ,Move before may achieving .Henceforth ,In the way of the analogous means ,Every sectioning over removing successively stand .
The main problem that this law is a stand Gong ,Some props ,Connector cracks .In the interest of resolves these issues ,Puing out the screen style hydraulic pressure stand - cylinder coal_winning machine sums up to pluck installation .
Three screen style hydraulic pressure stand - cylinder coal_winning machine
Single post style screen style hydraulic pressure stand - cylinder coal_winning machine
Equally thickness in face is 1.1 meters of dip 56~60's degrees 。In the interest of the compensation stand micro glide slope station ,The fake slanting condition that leades into the lower part is fixed up in the face ,The fake slanting included angle that face together with coal bed slope between the string is in the interest of 5~6's degree .The hydraulic pressure stand uprightness is fixed up to the coal breastwork .47 meters of Quan Chang in the face ,Is living upper part slanting elder 16.5 meters inner place the limit install 16 lengths of single post style screen style hydraulic pressure stands ,The made of wood prop stand yet employd in the work of the lower part .
Per two hydraulic pressure stands join in the way of the direction even succeeing one series .Moving a means adopts the sectioning to move the shelf from bottom to top .
Face use self-control 30 kilowatts of cylinder coal_winning machines are mined coal ,Drawing the means inner place the coal_winning machine adopts draws .
That installation havees safe and reliablely ,Strongs point such as labour intensity base and so on .Yet also being some stand components injures easily ,Lean before the stand ,The coal_winning machine severs very (0.8Rice )Against moves Bu Ju's adaption is harmfully along with the coal_winning machine problem such as runs not firmly and so on .
Twin post screen style hydraulic pressure stands ---Cylinder coal_winning machine
Twin post screen style hydraulic pressure stands ---The cylinder coal_winning machine is sum up to pluck installation is living that the single post style screen style hydraulic pressure stand - cylinder coal_winning machine is sum up to pluck and is improved on the installation base .Twin post screen style hydraulic pressure stands ,Too calling brief the supporting with the hand beam thrusts the leg screen style hydraulic pressure stand ,It is main through supports with the hand the beam ,Pedestal ,The components constitute hoisting jack of hydraulic pressure prop with moves and so on
Hydraulic pressure stand every sectioning ,Being living joins even together in the way of the direction on the face .Moving the shelf dives out length being underway from bottom to top .
Horizontal three posts of hydraulic pump in the interest of XRB's mould are squeezeed in the emulsify fluid pump ,70 liters of rate of flow /'s branch ,Pressure 150 state-owned jin of /s centimetres 2 .The fuel tank is in the interest of XRS's mould emulsion box ,The volume is 640 liters .
Being living , is separately install the coal_winning machine security windlass in recirculation air alley and transportation alley ,The taut cord windlass is one different .Before the coal_winning machine is mined coal ,Act good face old and young's engine nest earlier ,The coal_winning machine is mined coal according to the upriver ,Means work that the hollow range is transferred to a lower level .Up the transport aircraft alley in the transport aircraft transporting out of the coal of extraction since glides .
Practice makes known :Hurry that the thick coal bed of slanting Bao Jizhong employs to sum up plucking the set to mine coal and remarkbly cut down the labour intensity of worker ,Lift labour productivity ;Being living , the hydraulic pressure is doed below the stand ,The roof fall mishap easily not happen ,It is safe and reliable ;The yield in face be able to be liftd ,Consumption of degradution stuff ;Be able to lift the extraction in coal quality and face leads ;This kind is mined coal that the means is the development orientation in the days to come ,Yet the installation being living is at the moment prepareed to go up the application yet being a lot the problem ,Await to improve further .
Reference :
Xu Yongqi edits The coal mine is extractd studying Chinese mining industry university press 1999
Li Qifeng edits The exploitation in coal bed is slopeed to the emergency Coal industry press 1984
Xu Yongqi edits The technique is developed together with the prospect coal journal is extractd that in the sbterranean in coal mine 1997
關(guān)鍵字: 急傾斜 煤層 機(jī)械化
Summary:The our country mines the yield specific weight of the nasty and inclined coal seam not very, according to 1996 covariance, the state-owned point coal mine mines the yield of the nasty and inclined coal seam occupies 3.73%.Because mining nasty and inclined coal seam contain special some difficulty, at adopt coal mechanization with improve to produce the economic index sign in technique to all still exsits not a few problems.
Key word:Nasty inclination Coal seam Mechanization
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