
Sect kin | i Ba^lc I hcorlr* and Principles
Quotlnn* I —2() lire buZ on this part.
Direction*. Choow: the be( answer from A. B or C for each question. Write your unnwer 2、Unit 1 FirM day al jurAiw/
2 bi //ir rfutaurant
Unti 3 Af the market
Unit 4 Buying
I hul 5 Al the doctors
2. Wlrnt m thr hrt (arc ul course design?
A. Nzd- anaiyniiu R EcrmulAtion of object w
C Selection u( eonirnu
3. I hr Humanist Approach of leaching trrut jitudcntn _ ?
A> A whole 3、per non K Eipcrimcniiil nubjoct
C. A tcxil
4. What docn the communicative nppremeh rrenl InnguiiK^ an?
A. A system. K A mrnnii of communiCAtiona (:? A net of hrtbiu.
5- Thr tcdchrr i> expected to ploy the rok of in the Cofntnunientive
A. Ointrollrr nnd mnngcr
IL As商nor nd pnrticipa 4、nt
G Both A nnd B
fi. Which o( the fallowing ACliviticn doc6 not belong to eornrnuntcaiivr nctivitics?
11 Pattern drills*
C. hiformation gap.
7. Which o( the (ollowinK doe* not belong to thr Humaniftt Appronch?
A. ("immunity Lu“ruw。Lairruw
R Audio IJnitunl Mei hod.
Ct S 5、
8. Which o( (hr followinK mclhodi* rmphnairew dUlogur mcmoriMtion?
A. Audio Im皿I Methoti. R Crmmm I rmlmion Mmhod.
(\ Nmurnl Approach.
H. Pom-reading
9. TcAchirm reading involve* three Mngci rMm while-reading 血
A. Appltcniiun
C. PraetKe
IO? Which ftkill i reading hrtwern thr line* involved 6、 in7
A. Skimming. H Sninning?
C> Inferring*
I h WhM docx Mlocating the Bpecific informfttion,* help to train?
A. Scanning. K Skimming.
C Inferring.
12. Whal rcodinA npproRch i bAncd on the aftumptton of rca(hn i ■ guesAing 爐n" A. The tup down approachi
11 1 hr bottom up approiich.
C. Thr int 7、crnctivc upproach>
13. Which o( the following can be used to develop the wktll of lUtcning for》砒?
A. Whilr liMcriniK* thr ntudcntN nre required to look al a lint of words und circle thane used by lhe upeaken
B. After listening the fttudents nrr required to write a nummary of the text in n lew sen 8、tences.
(\ After li>lvninRf thr xtuclentM requirrd la nrrnngc the 5cn!rnern in the nrdrr tn which they Arc mentioned in the texh
H. To dcvolop the o( liMcninH lor Hpcctfn information? the tcnchrf MudenU ta fill in ih^ blnnkN with thr inforrnutian they henr on the tnpc< Which mUic of listening dos 9、g H m now?
A. Pml商5inx? K WhiZwenmg.
G Post listeninK^
I5 Which litrning skill cocnbinrFi hMteninn nnd writing?
At Inferring*
H. Lintrning for wprctlir inforrnatiotu
G Note inkmKt
16 Whin ItittcninK *kill dm the (ollowing activity help to train?
Li v/rn to the follau^ng airfMrt unnounefifirn 10、ti and fill ihr blunkt nt the tafdr v.^lh ihr
utfonHuthtH vow /imr.
Eight number
< ? dr fHitnlx t
Par Amcnciin
BA 359
New York
At Lmtrnmg for R函.
11 LmrcnmK for specific informnuon.
C. Inkrring*
17. Wha! convcrniittonftl techniqu 11、e dacji thr following convcrsatici prrnent Juck t Sum ? whal urr yuu ^oing to du /nmornru1?
Sum NoJitmuch. Why^
Jack I going to u^atch a footle11 niuhh. Would you Ziir Id comf,cm>?
Samt Pd tol^
A. Checking undersUrKling. B. Prtsinvttaiion.
G Showing understanding.
18. Which of the (ollowinK q 12、ucMionw cxemplKirs the conMtdtfratian fur interact Kin in drsiffninK ■ ipcakinR activity?
A. Ikwfl the nctivity involve competition or problem solving?
fl Is thr activity easy ta mannse?
C What role^ are Atudrnfd expected Ko play mid how should they play them?
19- Which stage of the &peaking les 13、son ia least teacher-controlled?
A. PresentAtion. K PractictL
C. Product inn.
20- Whiit ARpect of pronnnci*t>nn dors foHnwing demmuttrate?
f a o pws?lQ:d] C*an English postcard)
[gl*<. tu ( * Glad to mett you.")
A. Ltaikon. B. Rhythm.
(L Pitch.
Section || , Mlnldmon Plun 60 point*
2L Direct 14、ional In thh *■<>? you arr pcr^nlrd whh a piece o( rradhi mn(criaL Raid H and dt^lnn Ihrce rcodlnic acliviileft: one prcrrndinis nctivlly. nnc rrndinK activity and onr p(Ht-rcadtng activity* Write your answer on the Answer Sheet fhc rcqitircmctll of *h cliiily to as the followingi
■ Pr^rfading t ac 15、ti^utini: tiudrnti 9 background knowledge about prop/r 1 s nomrs and
phonr number
> Heading! arranging irudrnti to finish (hr exerdie
x Poxbrrading( organitt ttudfnU to raU play a tUuation in which family tiamti and phone numbers arf exchanged.
You mny follow (he Uble Riven after lhe passRv Mkc 16、nure the thrve aclhiticv art rrlatcd lo rch other.
Reading mulcrial
A)Do you know Amy1* U*t name9
Bt YeUf if fn Janm and her phone number i? Hvc-four-fivct rivc-fivc-lnur oh.
Ai Iw TornUnt name Smith?
II; YrMt h ib. Hib phonn number i cvcn-lhrcc lwot righuix-ninc an 17、c.
Ai I)o you know the phone number for Dnvid Kim?
Bt Yc5> It1 * four mix iwoe three>nme^ix-nevcm And th< phone number for Unn Hdl i
Acvrn-thrcr eight t oh nix ncvrhjhrer< Do you know Ton/n phone number?
A, Tuny Jone*?
Ht Ycha
A| It9 six 18、 Kiri next to Mark Locke?
A: I hnt * r I indn Brown. Hr phunr number is nine-nine-lour. Rix-two onr one. And Murk、number it two-liv 19、t yuufir rights
Ph 20、tion
Teaching aid
1), 2> 3>
rrnn*il)nn《how to rrlute to the (ollowinK activity)
Artblly 2 < Reading)
(hzroam orunnix/ition
Teaching nnl
Transition ( how to rehte tu the lorrnrr Activity)
TrAnsittun (how to rehite to the followiri 21、R Activity)
Activity 3 (PmtTrJidlng)
廠穌!》room orgAnixation
Traching Mid
Trnnnidon ( how to rrlntr to ihr (otnirr activity)
Backup plant
(t)Prcdirtcd problem*
(2)PoMible wlutionn
10 poililk
Section I t Haile rheodes and Prin 22、rlplm
2. A
3. A
7. H
12. A
13. H
14. B
15. C
17. B
20. A
60 point*
2t ,考答JK和押分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)
Activity I (Pre-reading)
Objectim. ta mrtjvMr ?tudent^ Iwkground knowledge o( pwpi tug and phmwnumbh.
Clns^rmi 23、m orRMiiiuitlnn a Group work
reuching uld| piriuro or vidcoii
心timed time; 5
(I )Lcnddni
Pnierdurri inircxhice the loptc ( T)
Thr trnrhrr
*,r,,sehl< "vuid ph>lcib ol (dttK)iis ntor- wnh mndr-up phone nuinlicm on
Hz「rm with PP F *nd axka the mu<|< ni> who they arc. 1*hcn nk the 24、student* what u hU 5 hrr Inxt name ur(Arnily rmrrw.
COGroup dmcijftftion (31)
Arr/mge the stuilrniw Ililo Rnoupn of (our to disema how to rend the phone nutnlwru.
(3) Feedback (P)
InviM rach group q( Mudcntu to report thnr dmru頊tm.
Transition x
(4) T: “Well, we have many students who pronounce 25、 "D” ns zero, othern pronounce 234 as two hundred and thirty four But how on earth can we say phone numbers correctly? Now kt S come to our text. ”
Activity 2 < reading)
Objectives: tn train student*f ability to ger the specific information from the text
ClaMbHxim organization: Individual work to 26、 pair work
Teaching aid: text-book
Assumed time: 8 minutes
Procedure >
(5) Assign the rraidtng task (I )
(1 continued) HPIcasr rend the text and try to find out the answer in the exercise ”
(6) Individual reading (3,)
Students read the text individually to (ulfill lhe t 27、ask.
(7) Pair work to check .(2*)
GtJ! the students into pairs to check their work- For exnmplc. the teacher can Rive th< instruction like thise "all right> have you finished? Now Vd like you to check your answers with your partner to see whether you have different ideas.”
C8)Feedback (2*)
Invit 28、e individual pairs to report their work. Make sure to ask ihr students to report how to say phone numbers correctly in English.
(9)Tt "Now. wr know how to ay phone numbers- Id like you to use it in yourlibs ”
Activity 3 (Post-rcudlng)
ObjccliveN: to Associate what is leamril from the 29、 text with one1 * real life and to apply the newly learned knowledgef and to make comments
Ottb^rntifn orsanlziillnn)Group work
Ir*ching aidt muhimedia
Assumed time i 6mmutes
i10)Aitsign the task (T)
《9 cnniinued) -Ralephy a mskm in which you sk ■ (nrrid for unnfhcr fnend^ phnnr
n 30、uniher ? Now plranr into RrnupN ci( (our nn 31、 lo drrnnnfitrAte thrir role piny. 1 hrn thr irachrr yivr o comrnmt (tcr the role piny.
Markup plan
Pmlklcd problrmvi
(IMudenti mny not know who the nl^r mpniilly tn unckrdcvcloprd wrvnn<
(2)Fhr Nuden” niny havr difficulty cxprc^AinK I heir cupecUlly thonr with low IrtriKHAKe >rnpctcncr<
Pmiihl 32、c wlulion^i
(I ) When chooRintf the photon (or prc^rn 33、 tnnkc comntrntiL
1. 目的描述7分,每個(gè)活動(dòng)都要有目標(biāo)描述,各占2分。要求三個(gè)活動(dòng)的目的符合活動(dòng) 所在的教學(xué)階段,不符合不得分。三個(gè)目的前后相連,前后相連得1分,否則不得分。
2. 活動(dòng)組織形式6分,要求形式與活動(dòng)類(lèi)型相符合。三個(gè)活動(dòng)的組織形式各2分。有一 個(gè)不符合要求,扣2分。
3. 教具3分,要求教具的使用得當(dāng),有助于活動(dòng)的開(kāi)展。每個(gè)活動(dòng)的教具描述占1分。
4. 估計(jì)時(shí)間6分,要求時(shí)間的長(zhǎng)短與活動(dòng)的目標(biāo)功能一致。如果活動(dòng)1時(shí)間太長(zhǎng),超過(guò) 了活動(dòng)2和活動(dòng)3的時(shí)間,扣2分。
5. 操作時(shí)間6分,如果每個(gè)階段都標(biāo)出了時(shí) 34、間,并旦時(shí)間長(zhǎng)短合理就可以得6分。有一 個(gè)活動(dòng)的操作環(huán)節(jié)時(shí)間不合理扣3分,兩個(gè)活動(dòng)的時(shí)間安排不合理,則不得分。
6. 過(guò)渡7分,要求三個(gè)活動(dòng)之間得過(guò)渡自然,能夠把三個(gè)活動(dòng)緊密連接在一起1分,第一 個(gè)活動(dòng)要能啟下,占1分,第二個(gè)活動(dòng)要有兩個(gè)過(guò)渡環(huán)節(jié),占4分,第三個(gè)活動(dòng)要有承上的介 紹,也占1分。要求過(guò)渡環(huán)節(jié)采用指令描述,用直接引語(yǔ),否則不得分。
7. 應(yīng)急方案3分,要求預(yù)測(cè)的問(wèn)題有可能出現(xiàn),設(shè)計(jì)的處理方式合理1分。問(wèn)題預(yù)測(cè)與 解決的描述各占1分。
8. 活動(dòng)1的操作6分,活動(dòng)必須是激活背景的活動(dòng),否則不得分。操作過(guò)程中話題導(dǎo)人、 操作以及反饋各2分。
9. 活動(dòng)2的操作10分,其中個(gè)體閱讀占2分,同伴討論占2分,信息反饋占2分,有教師 指令的展示占2分?;顒?dòng)能夠幫助學(xué)生獲取信息占2分。但是,如果活動(dòng)2不是信息獲取的 理解活動(dòng),比如是講解類(lèi)活動(dòng)則不得分。
10. 活動(dòng)3的操作6分,活動(dòng)為應(yīng)用性活動(dòng),能夠要求學(xué)生發(fā)表自己的觀點(diǎn)占2分,小組 討論過(guò)程占2分,反饋占2分。
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- 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)班子2024年度民主生活會(huì)對(duì)照檢查材料范文(三篇)
- 金融工作主題黨課講稿范文(匯編)
- 鍋爐必備學(xué)習(xí)材料
- 鍋爐設(shè)備的檢修
- 主題黨課講稿:走中國(guó)特色金融發(fā)展之路加快建設(shè)金融強(qiáng)國(guó)(范文)
- 鍋爐基礎(chǔ)知識(shí):?jiǎn)t注意事項(xiàng)技術(shù)問(wèn)答題
- 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)班子2024年度民主生活會(huì)“四個(gè)帶頭”對(duì)照檢查材料范文(三篇)
- 正常運(yùn)行時(shí)影響鍋爐汽溫的因素和調(diào)整方法
- 3.鍋爐檢修模擬考試復(fù)習(xí)題含答案
- 司爐作業(yè)人員模擬考試試卷含答案-2
- 3.鍋爐閥門(mén)模擬考試復(fù)習(xí)題含答案
- 某公司鍋爐安全檢查表
- 3.工業(yè)鍋爐司爐模擬考試題庫(kù)試卷含答案
- 4.司爐工考試題含答案解析
- 發(fā)電廠鍋爐的運(yùn)行監(jiān)視和調(diào)整