
1、國家開放大學(xué)電大本科《英語教學(xué)理論與實踐》2026-2027期末試題及答案(試卷號:1366) Section I | Basic Thcodei and Principles 40 points Qucilion* 1—20 arc bated on thi* parL Uirvctloiui Choate the be*t nnnwcr from A? B or C for each question. Writ。your anwcr on the Answer ShccL 1. Whit syllabus doea the following prcscntT Unit I
2、To be Unit 2 There be… Unit 3 Simple prewrnt tnnac Unit 4 Third pemon singular Unit 5 Present continuous Unh 6 To >uv A. Structural sylhbusk K Topic tyllftbutu C Functional syllabus. 2. Which of the following IwlonKft to bchnviorism? A. Une of native language in learnings Problem nolvin
3、g uskiu C Pattern drill*. 3. Which o( the following mcthodn doc not tolcrAtc errors? A. The Audio-linxual Mclhod> K The(A)mmunicative Approuch. C* The Direct McthutL What approach trcal* the utudcntu nn ■ whole person? with fcelin and cmotion!i? A. The Natural Approach. H. The Cornmuntc/itiv
4、c Approach. C? The HumimUtic Approach. 5. Which of thr followinR uhould moM concern im when designing a nylhbun? A? Need* of the learnrrs. l\. laks o( the learncra. G Wunta of the IcAmera. 6. What doeA the communication approach treat lnnsuaRc ”? A. A ■ymm. B? A meant of cotnmunioition< C.
5、A tel of habits. 7. Which of the (ollowinR activities in most BUluble for the cultivation of communicative competence? A. Inlormntion gap- H. Reciting o( tcxta C. Complcnon questions. 8. In which of the following doc the tcnchcr n>Numc the role of miiniHcr? A? Arranging for the fant groups to
6、 help the slow |(roupfi? K Commenting on the performance of the groups* C l^monntrating how to conduct xrcwp edi(ing> 9. Which of the (allowing is a communicntive activity? A. Liatening to ihr weather broadcast und fill in a form# B> Ltutcning to the weather broRdcost and talk about a picnic,
7、Q rmnulrrring the informittinn from the wenthcr broadennt into n churt> 10. Which of the following activities can be adopted At the pre rending *tngc? A. RrsarranRinff the mmeriiiR Hrainstorming the topic. G Writing a ftummary o( the texh I L Whut rcadihK stratcKy doea ^picking out ut>topic Mcn
8、tcnccs* train? A< Skimming- IL ScAnning. (:? Inferring* 12. Which of thr following Activities represent the top-down apprunch? A. Watching related filtnse B. Prc-tcaching vocnbulnr/a Q Exphining difficult lanKuagc points In the reading matemL 13. To iJrvrlop the kdl of liKlcning for Rpccific
9、 informnlion> the lencher aakn Btudentn to (ill in the hlankt with the information they hear on the tape. Which stage of Ihtening cIsm it It at now?
A. Prr-lintrninK.
B. Whilr
A. /Mier ImieninKt the tudcnu arc rc 11、oid when Melccting listening motcnals?
A. The texts scripted and recorded in the studio.
B. The textR with implicated concepts beyond the comprehension of students
C? The texts delivered through the accents other than RP or Standard American Pronuncintioru
16- When a teacher corrects the errors 12、of his/her students* what measures shouldnt he/he umc at fi函?
A. To give the studentn who makes error thr firs! opportunity to correct it.
Fk To get other studentB to correct iL ,
G To correct the mudent dircctlya
17> What role is a teacher less likely to play at the later stage of a Apenking cl 13、nAS?
A< Demonstraton
B? Helper.
C Corrector.
18. Which three stages enn the oral lesson aiming at teaching new hnguagr br used?
A. Pre-xpeakingf while speaktHgt pont-prjikings
B. Preaentntiont pmctice> production.
Ce Previewt lecture* praciicc
19. What does the nature of oral communication i 14、mply for teaching?
A. We should encourage our students to speak with more redundancy.
Be We should encourage our students to participate more in conversations than preparing one-person speeches
C? We nhould encourage our students to use more gestures and facial expressions when talking.
20. What 15、 aspect of pronunciation does the following demonstrate?
/f-七 L 7
Twinkle, twinkle9 little star
八 L L 7 “
How I wonder uuhat you are .”
A> Rhythm
B. Liaisoru
G ; PitcK
Section II i MinFIcsson Plan 60 points
2\. Directions: In this section9 you arc presented with a Mhort dialogue* Read the d 16、ialogue and design three listening activities: one pre-liertening activity? one listening activity and one post-IhtcDlng 9clMly. The requirement of each activity is as follows:
> Pre-listening: lead in the topic going for vacation
> Listening: finish the details In the listening material
> Post-l 17、istening: train the students9 ability to talk a boat their own plans.
You may follow the table given after the passage. Make sure the three activities are related to each other
MnlcrialL Listening material
A: Whal are you doing fot vacation? B: rm (go sightseeing) In Befjing>
A; Thafi a good Id 18、ea Who ore you going wtth?
A: What is Mary (do) for vacation?
B: I (go) with my parent!.
礪B: She4s going sightseeing In Hawaii.
A A: That sounds nice.
尸k Who l> ihe (go) wHh?
Shefs going with her brother
Activity 1 (Prv-lbtcning)
Chsroom organiation
Teaching aid
Proced 19、ure
Tranaition (how to relate to the following activity)
Activity 2 (listening)
Clasnroom organisation
Teaching aid
Traniitton (how to relate to the former activity)
Transition (how to rclnte to the following activity)
Activit 20、y 3 (PaoMbtaiing}
Ciosroom argnniXAtion
Teaching aid
Transit ion (how to relate io the former activity)
Buckup plant
(1 )F,redicted problems (2)PoMib!c solutions
Section | | Bask llicories and Principles
本購為革逸??共20個小地說汁40分部11 2分.
L 21、A 2.C 3. A 4.
3. A
8. A
10< B
40 points
12. A
17. A
18. H
20. A
60 points
Sccilon |] i lyCMon Plan
21. ,考答**怦分株峰
Activity 1 (Pre-Lktcnlng)
Objectivesi to lead in the topic unci lo activate fitudcnts" buckRround knowletige of going for vacation.
ClaMroo 22、m oninnlxatloni Group work
Teschlng aid* pictures
Assumed timet 5 minutes
(DLciid-ini introduce the topic (I *)
The teacher can lead in the topic by nskinR quentions liket
"Now. clnsiL Where do you URually for vncntion? Who do you go with?"
(2)Group discuikiiion (3,)
The teacher c 23、nlh on one or two ntudcniM io contributct nnd then rftine tinothcr qiiCNtipn for group dincuMsiion*
"OK. What do you do ? Work in ftroupiu See if you do the tame thinK^
⑶Feedb.dc (19
Call on different Rroupa to reporu
Transition i
(4)Ti "All nght< Thank you. SometimeN we need to tnlk our vacati 24、on pl?niB???."
Activity 2 (Listening)
Objectivest to train student*1 ability to Ret the key informution from the paMAgr
CIbmhxnii oqcanbtaHoni wholc-ckas work to pair work
Teaching alds text-book* tape recorder> or multi-media
Assumed timet 8 minutes
<5)AMign tht listening task (1f 25、)
<4 continued) MToday were Roing to listen to two converMAfionn nbout talkinx about the plan for vucatioru Listen and try to find what their plans are. You cn unc rhe following inblc to help you.”
Ai What is Mary (do) for vacation?
Bt Shes going sightseeing in Hawaii.
Ai That sounds nice-
Who 26、 is she (go) with?
B: She9s going with her brother.
A: What are you doing for vacation?
B: Tm (go sightseeing) in Beijing.
Ai That、a good ids
Who are you going with?
B: 1 (go) with my parents
(6)Whole class listening (3F)
The teacher plays the recording and students listen to 27、the passage to complete the table.
⑺Pair work to check (2,)
Get the AtudcnfA into pairs to check their work. For exnmple the tenchrr cnn give the instruction like this. Hall rights have you hnished? Now Id like you to check your answers with your partner to see whether you hnve different idea^ ”
28、(8) Feedback (2)
Invite individual pairs to report their work. Make sure to ask the students to exploin what problems they have in listening. For example^ the teacher can do like thin, "Do you have problems in getting the information? OK. ???■ can you tell what difficulty you met when listcning?w
(9) Ti MNowf we know how to talk about vacation plans in English. …”
Activity 3 (Post-Hstening)
Objectives: to train the ability to express attitudes and comments, at the same time applying information obtained from the conversation.
ClitJisroom orfpmiuitioni Pair work
Teaching aid: 30、 no
Assumed time: 6 minutes
Transition :
(10) Assign the task (1 *)
(9 continued) Now. the national day is coming? What * s your plan for the vacation? Pica* get into a pair and make a converatiotu "
(11) Group discussion (3)
Students work in pairs and make o conversation# The teac 31、her may walk around to issue help or participate a bit.
(12) Feedb&ck (2,)
Invite each pair to report their choice-
Backup plan
Backup p!un
Prrdklcd pnibktmi
(1 )Thc siudentn m” not know anything about vacation pinna in English. They may olno know ftlrmdy through the conversation if I hey have 32、 prcvicwccL
(2)Sorne students may have difficulty cxprcAting lheir opinion in Englisbe
PoMiblc M>lutinni
(I )1( the tudent know nothing about vacation plans in Engliaht it in bet bccaunr the objective of lintening is to learn about these things from the listenin*. However# H they know alreadyi it 33、 do€*n#t matter bccaune more often than note utudents may not understand the passage even if they already know the content. Whatf s more* sludcntn1 lintening may differ Krratly. If they hvc previewedt thry may hnvc lca diffirulty in following the clasiu
(2)1f students hnvc difficulty cxprrfiKing thrm^clven in English* we should allow them to cxprcMM lheir idcaa in Chinr^e< Then the teacher cn rcprwt lheir idrai in English^ In thi, wayt they may get to know how to express thcmuclve*.
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