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名校名 推薦【走向高考】(12 省專用) 2015 高考英語大一輪復習夯實基礎鞏固Unit 3 Computers 新人教版必修 2 . 單詞拼寫1 Many difficulties _ (出現(xiàn) ) in the course of their experiment, which wasbeyond our expectations.2 There isanotherkind of beautythathas nothingto do with _ ( 外貌 ), butcomes from the heart.3 It was just her childhood experiences that affected her _ (性格 ) and laterlife.4 Please _ (打字 ) this letter for me.5 Let us _ (探索 ) the possibilities forimprovement.6 They achieved their _ (目標 ) of increasing sales by five percent.7 It is such a hard problem that it is impossible for me to _ (解決 ) 8 She _ _ ( 簡化 ) the instructionsso thatthe childrencouldunderstand them.9 The abilityto give good advice at therighttimeinvolves a greatdeal of _( 智力 ) 10 Her speech was a _ (信號 ) that her views had changed.答案: 1.arose2.appearance3.character4.type5.explore6 goal 7.solve8.simplified9.intelligence10.signal . 完成句子1天氣那么好,我們決定去游泳。(so.that.)_was_ _ _ _ _we decided to go swimming.2事故隨時可能出現(xiàn),因此要求警察全天候值班。(arise)_ _ _ _ _,_requiresthe police to_ _all the day time.3我不知道怎樣處理所有這些剩飯剩菜。(do with)I dont know_ _ _ _all the food_ _.4無論如何,我必須說出真相。(anyhow)_, I must_ _ _.5我外出時請你照料我的孩子好嗎?(watch over)Would y ou_ _my child_ _ _?答案: 1.It; so lovely a day that2.Accidents arise at any time; which; be on duty3.what to do with ; (thats)leftover 4.Anyhow; tellthe truth5.watch over; whileIm away . 作文練筆先將下面幾個句子翻譯成英語,然后連成一段小短文。1隨著科學技術的發(fā)展,計算機應用于如此多的領域,以至于我們不能沒有它。2結果是人們依靠計算機來解決各種問題,比如探索月球。3即便如此,人們也普遍認為在將來計算機不能替代人類。_1名校名 推薦答案:With science and technology developing quickly, computers can apply to so many fields that we cant go without it. As a result, people could calculate on computers to solveall kindsof problems such as exploring the moon. Anyhow, it is also universallybelieved that computers cant take the place of human beings in the future.方法與思考本節(jié)聚焦:完形填空題答題策略( 二)一、主人公的心思要猜透典例I noticed that she wasfacing a lot of 9(pain)and she was tryingto hide it buthadnot succeeded.I was 10(thinking_of)giving her my seat, butwas fightingin my mindabout 11(why) I should give her my seat.BeforeI stood toask the lady to take my seatan old man stood and 12(offered) hisseat.This old man, who had only one leg, travelled his wholejourney 13(standing)I found myself in an ocean of _14_ and guilt why didnt I help her?14 A.luckB courageC freedomD shame答案: D 選文首段提到作者想把自己的座位讓給雙腿有毛病的老太太,可思想斗爭激烈, 遲遲沒有行動。 下一段中講到那位老人雖然只有一條腿,仍然舍己為人, 把座位讓給了老太太,他卻一路站著。健康人未讓座,而站立不便的殘疾人卻讓座了,由此可推斷作者當時感到無比“羞愧”。仔細研究近幾年的高考完形填空,我們可以看出,完形填空主要以記敘文類和夾敘夾議類文章為主,而且往往涉及人物的心理描寫,考生應該通過字里行間的內(nèi)容體會主人公的心理活動,弄懂主人公對人物或事件的態(tài)度,身臨其境,與主人公的思維保持一致。請考生體會下面的例子:One man was to meet his wifedowntown and spend some timepatientlyfor15 minutesmore. Then he waitedimpat ientlyhe became _.A angryB hungryshopping with her. He waited for 15 minutes. After that,C frightenedD thirsty答案: A 分析這段文字, 考生如果置身于語篇的情景之中,認真揣摩一下此時主人公的心理假如自己就是文中的男士,在耐心等待15 分鐘后,然后不耐煩地又等待了15 分鐘,之后其心理一定是“生氣的”。故答案為A。由此可以看出,考生在解題時一定要認真揣摩主人公的心理,這樣才能正確解題。二、段落關系要抓準根據(jù)上下文的信息提示進行邏輯推理,做到“上氣下氣要貫通”,這是解答完形填空題的主要方法。考生不僅要從句子之間的關系入手進行把握,有時還要從段落之間的關系入手進行把握。典例First of all, a pen should fitcomfortably in your hand.Then, the writing point of the pen should 46(allow) the ink to flow evenly (均勻地 ) while the pen remains in touch with the paper._52_ , the pen should make a thick, dark line. Fine-line pens may _53_ badhandwriting,butfine, delicatelinesdo not command_54_ next to printedtext.2名校名 推薦A broader line, on the other hand, gives an impression of confidence and authority( 權威 ) 52 A.MeanwhileB GenerallyC AfterwardsD Finally答案: D 此題考查段落間的內(nèi)在聯(lián)系。finally 常用來 ( 在說明某一事物時) 引出最后一項。根據(jù)上文中的“ First of all”,“ Then”可知,此處表示的是先后順序,故用Finally 。53 A.show upB differ fromC break downD compensate for答案: D考生要從句子內(nèi)的關系入手來理解本句。本句中的but 表示轉(zhuǎn)折, 由此可知前半句敘述的是細線條鋼筆的好處,這樣的鋼筆也許可以“彌補”拙劣的筆跡,故用D 項表示“彌補”。 A 項表示“使顯示出,出現(xiàn)”, B 項表示“不同于”, C 項表示“打倒,使分解”,都不符合語境。54 A.attentionB supportC respectD admission答案:A考生要從句子之間的關系入手來把握句子。此處與本段最后一句“ Abroader line,on the other hand, gives an impression of confidence and authority(權威 ) ”相呼應,故此處表示纖細的線條不能引起別人的“注意”,attention表示“注意”。3


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