
1、中譯英操作:遣詞造句 借助于字典、網(wǎng)絡等資源 理想的翻譯模式是把外語翻譯為母語,這是因為, “ even years of study and experience do not necessarily enable one to be completely at home with an acquired language,” (Sofer 1998)(一個人即使學習和使用外語多年,也不一 定能夠完全達到自如的程度)。 但實際情況是,如果一個國家的政治、經(jīng)濟、文化 等處于劣勢,學習該國語言的外國人就會很少,其 中愿意從事該語言翻譯的人更少。而這些弱勢國家 出于政治、經(jīng)貿(mào)和文化交流的需要,往往
2、要把大量 的文獻譯為外語,依賴外國人翻譯是不現(xiàn)實的,所 以,大多數(shù)情況下需要由本國人把文獻資料從母語 翻譯為外語。 正如 Campbell( 1998)所說的, “ for many parts of the world, translation into the second language is a regular and accepted practice”(在世界很多地方,譯為第二語言是一 項常規(guī)和人們所接受的做法)。 與英語相比,漢語處于劣勢,雖然隨著中國國力 的增強,學習漢語的人越來越多,但短期內(nèi)漢譯 英的工作由中國人自己做的局面不會有根本性改 變。對于十分重要的文件,頂多最后由
3、外國人在 語言上把把關。 許多人的研究表明,外語水平難以達到自 如,除其他原因外,主要是沒有掌握足夠 的英語成語、搭配和句套子( idioms, collocations and sentence stems)。 英語成語經(jīng)常是比喻性質(zhì)的,其組成部分 不能隨意替換,如 bark up the wrong tree, have sticky fingers等。 找錯門了; 順手牽羊,手腳不干凈 搭配分為兩類,一是語法搭配( grammatical collocations),二是詞匯搭配( lexical collocations)( Benson等 1997)。 語法搭配是一個短語,由一個主導
4、詞( dominant word),即名詞、形容詞和動詞,加一個介詞或不 定式、從句等語法結構組成,如 account for, apathy towards, offer to help, a pleasure to do something, and afraid that it would rain. 詞匯搭配不包括介詞、不定式或從句等,而是由 名詞、形容詞、動詞和副詞構成,如 strong tea, rough estimates, readily available, sorely needed, deeply absorbed. 詞匯搭配比成語更為靈活(如 sorely neede
5、d 也 可以說 badly needed),但比單詞的自由組合更 為固定。所謂自由組合,是指只要符合語法規(guī)則, 就可以幾乎不受限制地進行組合。如,與 put搭 配的賓語可以是任何物體; run表示 “ 管理 ” 的 意思時,其賓語的選擇范圍雖受到一定限制,但 仍可以在意思上歸納為任何可以管理的機構,如 business, institution等。 句套子是指一個句子的骨架(也叫 sentence builders, lexicalized sentence stems),如 at the heart of is , demand for is high, with all the , it
6、should be no surprise that , to be sorry to have kept you waiting, theres no doubt that X or my point here is X. 另外,還有一些固定的短語和句子,似乎無法歸 入以上各類,如 by the way, Can I help you?等。 研究認為,人們在表達思想時, 遵守 “ 成語優(yōu) 先原則 ” ( idiom principle),即首先選用語 言中業(yè)已存在的表達方式,當找不到現(xiàn)有的表達 方式時,再使用自由選擇原則( open-choice principle),即根據(jù)語法規(guī)則創(chuàng)造新的
7、表達方 式。 業(yè)已存在的表達方式就是指成語、搭配、句套子 等。我們在學習外語時,傳統(tǒng)上強調(diào)語法規(guī)則, 按照語法規(guī)則造句,沒有遵循成語優(yōu)先的原則, 導致語言不符合習慣。 但現(xiàn)在的問題是,盡管我們知道應當遵循成語優(yōu)先 的原則,我們卻沒有足夠的 “ 成語 ” (包括成語、 搭配和句套子)可供使用,無論在口頭表達、寫作 或翻譯時都是如此。 表達和寫作當然要符合英語習慣,翻譯是否一定要 符合英語習慣呢?這是不言而喻的。 從古到今,無論中國的翻譯家,還是外國的翻譯家 都提出過很多種翻譯標準,其中都強調(diào)了譯文要符 合譯入語語言習慣,如 “ 信 ” 、 “ 達 ” 、 “ 雅 ” 中 的 “ 達 ” , “
8、忠實 ” 、 “ 通順 ” 中的 “ 通順 ” 。 紐馬克( 1988)也說過,在進行交流性翻譯(不 是字面翻譯)時,無論翻譯的是信息性文本、通 知或廣告, “ 自然 ” ( naturalness)都是至關 重要的。 紐馬克的結論是: “ 所以,如果目的語不是譯者 慣用的語言,就沒有辦法翻譯好。 ” ( That is why you cannot translate properly if the TL is not your language of habitual usage.”) 然而,我們面臨的工作恰恰是無法做好的工作。 從以上論述可以看出,外語學習者所缺乏的不 是語法知識,而是慣
9、用表達方法。語法知識是有 限的,容易在短時間內(nèi)掌握,而慣用表達方法的 數(shù)量要大得多,短時間內(nèi)充分掌握有很大困難。 為此,一方面我們在外語教學中應充分重視慣用 表達方法,另一方面,對于翻譯專業(yè)的學生以及 廣大從事中英翻譯實踐的人士來說,由于沒有時 間專門學習外語,必須學會在翻譯中提高自己的 英語表達能力,使我們譯文盡量符合英語習慣。 介紹用什么手段解決英語表達習慣問題, 重點介紹翻譯時如何確定句子骨架和詞語 搭配 操作步驟: 1 確定句子的關鍵詞 2 根據(jù)漢英詞典查找關鍵詞的英語譯法 3 根據(jù)英英詞典檢驗關鍵詞的英語譯法是否符合特 定上下文的意思;如果不符合 4 根據(jù)英語同義詞詞典尋找更為貼切的
10、譯法 5 根據(jù)英語搭配(用法)詞典、語料庫等電子手段 等確定該關鍵詞的語法搭配(句型)、詞匯搭配,從 而確定譯入語句子框架 6 把原文各個組成部分按照語法要求逐項納入該句 子框架,注意各成分內(nèi)部的搭配 當然,并非翻譯每個句子都要遵守以上 步驟。如果對各種句子結構、搭配都很熟 悉、有把握,當然不需要每個地方都查。 這些步驟是遇到問題時的解決方法。 例子 1 中國政府 歡迎 外國私人資本參與中國的基礎設施 和基礎工業(yè)建設。 原譯: The Chinese government welcomes private foreign capital to invest in Chinas infrastr
11、ucture development and basic industries. 本句話中關鍵的動詞是 “ 歡迎 ” ,根據(jù)我們已有 的英語知識,翻譯為 welcome應該不會有問題,所 以,我們可以直接用搭配(用法)詞典查 welcome 的用法。 The Collins Cobuild Students Dictionary Online 對 welcome一詞用法的解釋: 1. If you welcome someone, you greet them in a friendly way when they arrive. He moved eagerly towards the do
12、or to welcome his visitor. Welcome n. I was given a warm welcome by the President. 2. You can say Welcome to someone who has just arrived. Welcome to Peking. Welcome back. 3. If someone is welcome in a place, people are pleased when they come there. All members of the public are welcome. 4. If you t
13、ell someone that they are welcome to do something, you are encouraging them to do it. You will always be welcome to come back. 5. If you welcome something new, you approve of it and support it. I warmly welcomed his proposal. 6. If something that happens or occurs is welcome, you are pleased about i
14、t or approve of it. This is a welcome development. 可以看出,動詞 welcome有 6種用法,我們 使用 welcome一詞時,應符合這 6種用法之一。 根據(jù)本句所需表達的意思,我們可以選擇第 4項、第 5項或第 6項用法作為句子框架 第 4項用法: Someone is welcome to do something. 改譯 1. Private foreign investors are welcome to invest in Chinas infrastructure and basic industries. 為符合該句型的要求,我
15、們把 “ 物 ” (資本)改 為 “ 人 ” (投資者)。原文的主語 “ 中國政府 ” 沒地方加入,但這可以從上下文推斷出來,所以, 不譯也可以。如果你不知道 “ 基礎設施 ” 的英語 是 infrastructure,而是直接譯為 basic facilities,需要上網(wǎng)查一查有沒有這個搭配。 結果發(fā)現(xiàn)有這一說法,意思與該句相符,理應不 算錯?;A產(chǎn)業(yè)是否 basic industries?上網(wǎng)查 一查也發(fā)現(xiàn)有這一搭配。 第 5項用法: Someone welcomes something. 改譯 2. The Chinese government welcomes private for
16、eign investments in Chinas infrastructure and basic industries. 第 6項用法: Something is welcome. 改譯 3. Private foreign investments are welcome in the development of Chinas infrastructure and basic industries. 是否可以用 A welcomes B to do something?這似乎是我們期待的句型, 但字典中卻沒有說明。如果存在這一句型, 則本句也可以翻譯為: 改譯 4. The Chine
17、se government welcomes private foreign investors to invest in Chinas infrastructure and basic industries. 我們可以用 Google搜索 “ welcomes * to” (一個 *號代表任意一個單詞,以此控制 welcome 與 to之間的單詞數(shù)目),發(fā)現(xiàn)大多數(shù)場合是 to welcome someone to some place,以及 to welcome something,如: 1. President Bush Welcomes Prime Minister Sharon to
18、White House 2. Dr Dreary welcomes you to Creep Street! 3. UNFPA Welcomes Anglo-Dutch Action to Avert Condom Crisis 4. VLADIMIR PUTIN WELCOMES U.S. DECISION TO RECOGNIZE RUSSIA AS MARKET ECONOMY 也有個別例子用句型 to welcome someone to do something: 1. The Chinese government welcomes students studying abroad
19、to return and develop their careers at home, Vice Minister of Personnel Shu Huiguo said Sunday. 2. Sidhu welcomes visitors who are interested to come and watch the performance of this talented martial artist. 鑒于我們無法斷定這樣的用法是否來自英語國 家的媒體,我們可以用英語國家的語料庫,如 Collins Cobuild Concordance Sampler 進一步 搜索 welcom
20、e的用法。檢索結果與 Google搜索結果 類似。 if做這樣的檢索: 輸入 welcome/VERB檢索 welcome作為動詞的例句, 在所顯示的 40個索引行中發(fā)現(xiàn)只有一句可以歸入 to welcome someone to do something的句型: Judge Sporkin today said, “I welcome you back to sue Exxon. For” 輸入 welcome/VERB+PPO+to+VERB搜索 welcome+ 人稱代詞動詞不定式的例句,結果為: 1. s Eve. She knows that no one will welcome
21、her to share the festivities and 2. aloof. Here, everybody else had welcomed me to take photographs of their 3. Act as an historic village and we welcome you to join us on a special tour 用 welcome/VERB+NOUN+to+VERB檢索動詞 welcome+一個名詞不定式的用法,其中符合 welcome someone to do something的例句有: 1. policy. We are an
22、 open society. We welcome people to come and work with us. 2. the Conservation Tent but they would welcome volunteers to help design the 3. Christmas Fair. The Committee will welcome volunteers to help before, during 輸入 welcome/VERB+NOUN+NOUN+to+VERB查動詞 welcome+兩個名詞不定式的用法,其中符合 welcome someone to do
23、something的例句有: 1. and Governor Clinton have said they welcome Mr. Perot to join their debates, 2. David OBrien.29 p The priest welcomed wage earners to join a larger mass 結論 從以上調(diào)查可以發(fā)現(xiàn), welcome someone to do something的用法是存在的,盡管 不常用。 所以,該句翻譯為 The Chinese government welcomes private foreign investors t
24、o invest in Chinas infrastructure and basic industries. 是沒有問題的。 Other choices? 在 The Collins Cobuild Students Dictionary Online對 welcome用法的解釋 中,我們看到 “ If you tell someone that they are welcome to do something, you are encouraging them to do it.”, 所以,我們還可以用 encourage做本句的動 詞來翻譯,這時,就要使用 encourage的所 要求的
25、句子框架: 1. If you encourage someone to do something, you tell them that you think that they should do it, or that they should continue doing it. Her husband encouraged her to get a car. Encouragement n. Many people sent messages of encouragement. 2. If you encourage a particular activity, you support
26、it actively. Group meetings in the factory were always encouraged. 3. If something encourages an attitude or a kind of behaviour, it makes it more likely to happen. This encouraged the growth of Marxism. (The Collins Cobuild Students Dictionary) 改譯 5. The Chinese government encourages private foreig
27、n investors to invest in the development of Chinas infrastructure and basic industries. 改譯 6. The Chinese government encourages private foreign investment in the development of Chinas infrastructure and basic industries. 當然,孤立地翻譯一個句子與在上下文中 翻譯是不同的。有了上下文,還需要考慮 其他因素,如段落的話題( topic),從而 可能影響我們對譯文句子主語的選擇,也
28、 許在以上眾多譯法中,只有一兩個是合適 的。 例子 2 一種觀點認為,既然我國刑法沒有把丈夫和妻子 排除在外,如果丈夫違背妻子意愿,強行與妻子 發(fā)生性行為,就應定為強奸罪 原譯: First opinion, now that Criminal Law in China does not exclude husband and wife, if a husband forces his wife to participate in unwanted sexual activity, he has committed rape. 查漢英詞典和同義詞詞典 , “ 觀點 ” 可 能譯為: view,
29、 viewpoint, point of view, opinion “一種觀點 ” 可能翻譯為: one view, one opinion, one point of view 接下來看這些說法的搭配是否得當,以及 如何放在句子中。 One view 在 Simple Search of BNC-World上搜索 one view, 共搜索到 76個包含 one view的例句,顯示了其中的 50個(免費用戶最多可以看到 50個),比如: 1. One view of the art market is that it is like a staircase with several la
30、ndings. 2. One view is that the Corporation can now afford to do this. 3. One view has it that they are the trusted preservers of law and order 4. One view sees the development of fairness as a correlative of the expansion of procedural rights post Ridge v. Baldwin. 5. One view saw Suhartos motive i
31、n encouraging greater activism on the part of Golkar as an attempt to acquire a reforming image to help counteract pressure on him to stand down before the 1993 election. 6. On one view, this was a bilateral dispute between Israel and Egypt regarding the right of transit for Israeli shipping through
32、 the Canal. 7. On one view, expert determination is not a form of dispute resolution at all. 據(jù)此,我們可以總結出 one view所使用 的句套子: One view is that , one view has it that , one view sees something as something else, on one view+句子。 根據(jù)本句的特點,我們可以選用簡單的 one view is that One opinion 我們可以再搜索一下 one opinion的用法。同一語 料
33、庫, one opinion僅有 6個例句,可以用作本句翻 譯模板的只有一個: Taking a more global view, one opinion is that the manufacturing industries should indeed move to developing countries whilst the advanced industries orientate their labour forces toward information and other service industries. 可以看出,雖然 one view is that 與 one
34、opinion is that 都可以使用,但前者更為常用。 認為 從另一個角度看,也可以從 “ 認為 ” 入手進行翻譯。 “ 認為 ” 的英語可以是 think, believe, consider. 在 WordNet上查 think,不僅得到 think的同義詞,還 可以得到各詞的例句,可以據(jù)此決定各詞在句子中 的用法,比如, think的第 1義項是: Sense 1 think, believe, consider, conceive - (judge or regard; look upon; judge; I think he is very smart; I believe h
35、er to be very smart; I think that he is her boyfriend; The racist conceives such people to be inferior) EX: They think that there was a traffic accident. 因為 think或 believe的主語必須是人(從例句可以 看到),所以, “ 一種觀點認為 ” ,就應變?yōu)?“ 有 人認為 ” : some believe , some think 既然 下面看 “ 既然 ” 一詞的意義和用法。 “ 既然 ” 在 字典上有兩個譯法,一是 now tha
36、t,二是 since。 學生選擇了 now that. Cobuild 對 now that的解釋是: 2. You also use now or now that when you are talking about the effect of an event or change. I like him a lot now hes older. Now that shes found him, shell never let him go. 可見, Now that 表示 “ 既然結果是 ” , BNC- World眾多例句也說明了這一意思,如: 1. Sir: Now that the
37、 dust kicked up by the mass raid on the Broadwater Farm estate last week has begun to settle, it is time to embark upon an assessment of its effects. 2. Now that Caen had fallen, some of the villagers, were beginning to drift back to their homes. 3. Now that Czechoslovakia is stepping out of the Sta
38、linist ice-box, nationalist voices in Slovakia are beginning to be heard again. Cobuild 對 since的解釋如下: 3 You use since to introduce a reason. Aircraft noise is a problem here since were close to Heathrow Airport. Since it was Saturday, he stayed in bed an extra hour. 所以, since表示原因,更符合本句的意思。 排除 我們看下一個
39、關鍵詞 “ 排除 ” 。 “ 排除 ” 可以翻譯為 exclude。我們看 Cobuild的解釋和用法舉例: 1 If you exclude something from an activity or discussion, you deliberately do not include that thing in it. The retail prices index, excluding housing costs, rose by 646.6 per cent. 2 If you exclude a possibility, you reject it. A fake call fro
40、m some local phone box was not excluded. 3 If you exclude someone from a place or activity, you prevent them from entering the place or taking part in the activity. .jobs from which the majority of workers are excluded. 我們由此知道, exclude的句型是 exclude something或 exclude someone/something from ,但我們懷疑 這個詞
41、是否可以表示法律上的 “ 不適用 于 ” ,于是我們查 Microsoft Bookshelf中 的錢伯斯電子詞典,發(fā)現(xiàn)一條解釋中有: to exempt (from a law, regulation, etc) 。所以,這里可以用 exclude,也提 醒我們,還可以用 exempt。 所以,前半句可以翻譯為: One view is that since the criminal law of China does not exclude husband and wife 或者用被動語態(tài): One view is that since husband and wife are not e
42、xcluded from the criminal law of China (考慮到后半句話題是丈夫,為保持話 題的一致,用被動更好一些)。也可以用 exempt 翻譯: One view is that since husband and wife are not exempted from the criminal law of China 這半句還有一個小問題:是 criminal law in China還是 criminal law of China? 在 BNC-World 上查 criminal law of,結果有: 1. The criminal law of Englan
43、d (it might well be argued) is shot through with inconsistencies and irrationalities 2. suggested that Imelda Marcos would be charged under the criminal law of the Philippines at some point in the future. 3. There are plenty of examples in English criminal law of crimes which appear to include 所以,我們
44、不僅可以說 the criminal law of China,還可以說 the Chinese criminal law。 至于 the criminal law in China,查詢結果共有 12 項,其中 3項與我們的要求在形式上相似,它們是: 1. The Dutch courts applied Roman-Dutch criminal law in the Low Country, though it is unlikely that it was adhered to by headmen or officials trying minor offences. 2. His l
45、ecture took as its starting point the distinction drawn by the Wolfenden Committee between public and private behaviour, and what it thus considered to be the proper role of the criminal law in these areas. 3. There is growing interest in the possibility of introducing a formal system of plea bargai
46、ning and discounts into the systems of criminal law in the UK. 但仔細分析,發(fā)現(xiàn)介詞 in組成的短語并 不修飾 law:第一句應當理解為 to apply in some place;第二句應理解為 the proper role in these areas; 第三句應理解為 the systems in the UK. 所以,不能用介詞 in. 下半句: 如果丈夫違背妻子意愿,強行 與妻子發(fā)生性行為,就應定為強奸罪 原譯: if a husband forces his wife to participate in unwant
47、ed sexual activity, he has committed rape. 學生選用的關鍵詞是 force. 我們查 Cobuild看動詞 force的意思和搭配: 1. If you force someone to do something, you cause them to do it, although they are unwilling. They forced him to resign. She forced herself to kiss her mothers cheek. .the campaign to force the closure of the fa
48、ctory. Weekend gales forced him to change his plans. 2. If you force something into a particular position, you use a lot of strength to make it move there. I forced his head back. 3. If you force a lock, door, or safe, you break the lock in order to open it. 學生的用法符合第一個句型 to force someone to do somet
49、hing. 從第 1項解釋還可以看到, force本身有違 背某人意愿的意思,所以, “ 違背妻子意愿 ” 不譯出來 是對的。 我們看 to participate in unwanted sexual activity這個詞匯搭配是否說得通。 查 Google: “participate in unwanted sexual activity”,結果有: Date/Acquaintance rape occurs when an individual is forced by someone he or she knows to participate in unwanted sexual
50、activity. 這樣,學生的這部分譯文是站得住腳的。 我們看最后一部分: 就應定為強奸罪 原譯: he has committed rape. 這部分譯文顯然與原文意思不太相符。原文是表 達一種觀點,譯文是陳述事實,原因在于沒有把 “ 應定為 ” 翻譯出來。假如我們從 “ 強奸罪 ” 的譯 法入手,看能否找到解決方案。 “ 強奸罪 ” 字典上 可能無法直接查出來,但 “ 強奸 ” 是可以找到的: rape. 那么, “ 強奸罪 ” 是否可以說 crime of rape? 我們可以用 Google或其他電子手段查一下這個搭配 是否成立。結果發(fā)現(xiàn)答案是肯定的。 那么,下一步 就是決定與 cr
51、ime of rape搭配的動詞是什么。 用 Cobuild Concordance Sampler查 VBN+5crime of rape(表示要搜索一個過去分詞 crime of rape, 兩者之間的單詞數(shù)不超過 5個),結果有兩個符合我 們需要的意思: 1. be adjudged guilty of the crime of rape & hellip You know what f carnal f 2. person convicted of the crime of rape shall be imprisoned in a 我們可以從中抽出兩個搭配: Someone is a
52、djudged guilty of a crime. 以及 Someone is convicted of a crime. 基于這個結果,我們可以把原譯文修改如下: he should be convicted of the crime of rape. 由于 rape本身就是犯罪,可以不用 crime加以限制。 所以,整個句子翻譯為: 1. One view is that since husband and wife are not excluded from the criminal law of China, if a husband forces his wife to parti
53、cipate in unwanted sexual activity, he should be convicted of the crime of rape. 2. One view is that the husband should be convicted of the crime of rape if he forces his wife to participate in unwanted sexual activity, since husband and wife are not excluded from the criminal law of China. 當然,一句話的譯
54、法可以多種多樣,只要意思正 確,保證符合英語習慣就可以,不必拘泥于字詞。 比如,這句話完全可以作為整體翻譯(宏觀處理 方法): 3. Coercive sex within marriage should be a criminal offense since husband and wife are not exempted from the Chinese criminal law. 綜上所述,只要充分利用現(xiàn)有資源,尤其是電子資 源和網(wǎng)絡資源,我們在漢譯英方面是可以避免死譯、 硬譯,做到達意、通順的。我們應當針對外語學習 的薄弱環(huán)節(jié)(各種搭配及句子結構),勤查英英詞 典、英語搭配詞典、用法詞典、同義詞詞典、英語 語料庫和有關英語文獻,不要輕易相信漢英詞典。 雖然每個人的英語水平不同,但只要掌握了方法, 多查資料,都可以保證翻譯質(zhì)量,只不過英語差的 多用些時間罷了。 另外,建議大家在學習外語、閱讀和翻譯外語材料 時,注意抽取其中的成語、短語、搭配和句子骨架, 以備漢譯英時使用。 推薦: 查找搭配的好去處: http:/www.webcorp.org.uk/,它以整個網(wǎng) 絡作為語料庫,搜索功能極為強大。 李長栓 北京外國語大學高級翻譯學院 中譯英操作:遣詞造句 (中國譯協(xié)網(wǎng)) http:/www.tac- 06/26/content_79960.htm
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