高考英語二輪復(fù)習 第三部分 寫作知識 第二章 書面表達課件.ppt
《高考英語二輪復(fù)習 第三部分 寫作知識 第二章 書面表達課件.ppt》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《高考英語二輪復(fù)習 第三部分 寫作知識 第二章 書面表達課件.ppt(174頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。
第三部分 寫作知識 第二章 書面表達,一、考綱解讀 高考書面表達作為書面形式的英語語言能力的輸出,要求學生能根據(jù)提示與要求,在一定的語境中使用英語語法和詞匯,清楚、準確、連貫地用英語表達自己的思想和情感。書面表達的題材、體裁、話題具有多樣性、實用性,取材廣泛,來自生活,內(nèi)容豐富。它較好地反映出學生的思維能力和語言表達能力,一直是歷年高考的重點和難點。,二、命題特點 1.體裁:交際應(yīng)用文是主打。 高考書面表達一直堅持新課改“體現(xiàn)英語教學的交際性和實用性,提高學生的綜合語言運用能力”的總要求,沿襲以往的風格,強調(diào)寫作的目的性和實用性。,2.題材:體現(xiàn)“三貼”原則,時代感強。 “三貼”原則,即貼近時代,貼近生活,貼近考生。書面表達的題目設(shè)計將更加符合學生的認知水平和日常生活經(jīng)歷(如英語學習經(jīng)驗介紹、文理分科、競選、暑假計劃等);情感方面將更加注意學生的成長,注意培養(yǎng)良好的道德品質(zhì)和健全的人格(如家庭教育、照顧病人、幫助做家務(wù)、遵守交通法規(guī)等);另外,所涉及話題關(guān)注社會,富有時代特色,以喚起學生強烈的主人翁意識的責任感。這種貼近生活、立足基礎(chǔ)、發(fā)揚個性、關(guān)注環(huán)境的設(shè)題理念仍會是高考書面表達的基本思路。,3.形式:提示型、半開放式是主流。 寫作要求和提示簡明,完全摒棄原來的“翻譯型”命題,題目設(shè)置一般都會提供簡要提示、寓意圖畫或一段英文以提供必要的情景,同時又給考生留出了很大的發(fā)揮余地和空間,使其個性張揚。,三、解題步驟 1.認真審題,理清思路。 審題是寫作的關(guān)鍵所在,只有仔細審題才能深刻理解題目所要表達的主要意思。不論是漢語提示寫作還是看圖寫作,動筆前要仔細閱讀試題,明確寫作內(nèi)容,如背景、人物、時間、體裁等要求。 審題一定要慢,思路理清后,答題則要快,在有限的時間內(nèi)完成寫作任務(wù)。,2.編擬提綱,提煉要點。 在明確了題目所要表達的主要意思后,便可針對題目特點,根據(jù)主要內(nèi)容列出提綱,將要求的內(nèi)容分解,提煉出要點,把主要內(nèi)容所涉及的重點單詞、短語或句型寫出來,以備正式書寫用。理清要點的目的就是為了把握短文的脈絡(luò),既可保證不遺漏所要表達的信息,又可使表達的內(nèi)容條理清晰。,3.擴點成句,就易避難。 在體裁明確、信息全面、要點清晰的前提下,避開偏、難、怪詞,選用自己最熟悉、最有把握的詞語和句型將要點逐句表達出來。完成這個步驟要注意: (1)書面表達重在達意,切忌直譯,尤其不可逐句羅列了事。 (2)靈活表達,如果遇到一時想不起的詞語或句型,不要輕易放棄,要學會變通,可實現(xiàn)“曲線救國”。,(3)盡可能多地運用較高級的詞匯和較復(fù)雜的語言結(jié)構(gòu),如并列句、復(fù)合句、倒裝句、強調(diào)句、分詞結(jié)構(gòu)、固定句型、經(jīng)典引言等,努力克服母語的逆向干擾,力求使用地道的英語,爭取文章中能出現(xiàn)兩三個“亮點”。 (4)選擇正確的人稱、時態(tài)、語態(tài)等進行表達。 (5)如果是記敘文,還要寫明時間、地點和人物等。,4.連句成篇,行文連貫。 連句成篇要有整體的思路,行文邏輯不可混亂。要按照篇章結(jié)構(gòu)和行文邏輯,選擇能恰當表示并列、遞進、因果、轉(zhuǎn)折、條件等意義的關(guān)聯(lián)詞語把所有要點句子連接成文,使句與句、段與段之間的意思連貫、銜接自然、行文流暢,生動、準確地表達考題內(nèi)容。,5.仔細核對,查漏補缺。 擴寫成文后,要認真閱讀擴寫后的文章,檢查是否有錯誤。檢查時,著重看短文是否扣住了提示或圖畫的內(nèi)容,要點是否有遺漏。同時,還要注意有無語法錯誤,如時態(tài)、人稱等,是否符合文體特點、格式等;語句是否有毛病,行文是否連貫,拼寫是否正確,詞數(shù)是否符合要求等。,6.規(guī)范書寫,整潔上卷。 書面表達是主觀性題目,且分值較高,評分雖有嚴格的標準和檔次,但也有彈性。經(jīng)過檢查和修改后,要認真謄寫,力求書寫規(guī)范、字跡清晰、卷面整潔。倘若書寫馬虎潦草或涂改亂擦,就會影響卷面整潔,給閱卷者留下不好印象,得不到所寫材料的應(yīng)得分。,四、備考策略 1.仔細審題,吃透要求。 審題是非常重要的一個環(huán)節(jié),包括審要求、審文體、審人稱、審時態(tài)等。 (1)審要求。 要特別注意高考書面表達題中的“注意”一項,因為這是命題人對考生提出的具體要求。對于試題提供的提綱、圖畫或圖表,考生要進行認真分析,反復(fù)推敲,抓住要表達的信息點,特別是時間、地點、人物姓名等不能隨意更改,否則會被扣分,甚至會被以泄露機密論處。,(2)審文體。 根據(jù)考綱要求,文體形式有記敘文、說明文、議論文和應(yīng)用文。試題要求寫的是何種文體,必須弄清楚,因為文體不同,書寫的格式和語言特征也不同。,(3)審人稱。 書面表達中的人稱關(guān)系非常重要,要按要求用第一人稱或者用第二、三人稱來寫,用合適的身份,口氣或語氣表達。 (4)審時態(tài)。 根據(jù)要求來確定文章應(yīng)該主要采用什么時態(tài)。如果是日記,時態(tài)應(yīng)以過去時為主;如果是書信,時態(tài)應(yīng)以一般現(xiàn)在時為主;如果是說明文,也是以一般現(xiàn)在時為主。,2.要點齊全,滴水不漏。 一篇高分或者滿分書面表達必須要點齊全,遺漏要點要扣分,因為評分標準最高檔的要求就有“覆蓋所有知識要點”。要想做到要點齊全,在動手寫作之前,必須先把試題中所有要點以提綱式列出來,然后把它們組成句子,再根據(jù)邏輯關(guān)系重新排列順序。,3.開頭出彩,結(jié)尾精妙。 現(xiàn)在的高考書面表達對于開頭和結(jié)尾的命題有兩種形式。一種是提供了開頭和結(jié)尾,特別是應(yīng)用文體,命題者并不在寫作格式上對考生進行考查,因為那樣會讓考生陷入記憶大量的寫作格式的局面。另一種就是需要考生自己來組織開頭和結(jié)尾。好的開始是成功的一半,開好頭、起好步對書面表達至關(guān)重要,好的開頭會讓閱卷老師的眼睛為之一“亮”。開頭常見的方式包括開門見山、以俗語諺語或直接引語引出等,當然也可以以疑問句、套語開頭。,文章能否得高分,關(guān)鍵還要看結(jié)尾,好的結(jié)尾能起到畫龍點睛的作用。文章的結(jié)尾應(yīng)根據(jù)不同體裁而定,或總結(jié)全文,或表明對所敘述的人或事的態(tài)度,適可而止,但千萬不能草草收場,結(jié)尾一定要顯得水到渠成。,4.詞匯高級,結(jié)構(gòu)復(fù)雜。 有句英語諺語說:“Variety is the spice of life.(多樣化是生活的調(diào)味品。)”同樣,英語書面表達的用詞也應(yīng)盡量多樣化,避免重復(fù)使用同一個單詞和短語,并盡量多地使用“較高級詞匯”。“較高級詞匯”并不是生僻或怪異的詞匯,而是考生在高中階段所學的、在英語報紙、雜志中出現(xiàn)頻率較高的詞匯,即“高頻詞”。使用“較高級詞匯”能使文章意思表達更清楚、語言更貼切、寫作更上檔次。,(1)精選詞匯。 在寫作中使用通過構(gòu)詞法變化而來的新詞、同(近)義詞或反義詞等來代替常見詞語。如: ①在周末我們要做很多作業(yè)。 At weekends, we have endless homework to do.(替代a lot of) ②洗手間和廚房都很好。 The bathroom and the kitchen are wellfurnished.(替代very good),(2)巧用習語。 英語中有大量習語,如果運用得當,則可大大增加文章的感染力,考生要在平時學習的過程中不斷積累。如: Many families struggle to make ends meet. 很多家庭只能勉強維持生計。 He turned a deaf ear to what I said. 他對我的話充耳不聞。,(3)用短語代替單詞。 英語中的同義詞很多,在表達的時候,考生應(yīng)盡量用短語代替單詞。如: I have made up my mind to study English better this term.(同義詞:decide) I have no idea how to enlarge my vocabulary.(同義詞:dont know),(4)使用特殊句式為文章增色。 要想在書面表達中得高分,考生除了要做到要點陳述齊全和語言準確以外,還必須適當?shù)厥褂幂^復(fù)雜的句子結(jié)構(gòu)或較高級的詞匯。句式單一、缺乏生機的文章不可能得高分。以下三種手段是增加句子復(fù)雜性的常用方法。,①改變句子開頭的方式,不要一味地都是主語開頭,接著是謂語、賓語和狀語??梢园褷钫Z置于句首或用非謂語動詞作狀語等。如:,【原文】 We met at the school gate and went there together early in the morning. 【修正】 Early in the morning we met at the school gate and went there together. 【原文】 The young man couldnt help crying when he heard the bad news. 【修正】 Hearing the bad news, the young man couldnt help crying.,②在整篇文章中,避免只使用一兩個句式,要靈活運用倒裝句、強調(diào)句、主從復(fù)合句等。復(fù)合句可以把結(jié)構(gòu)松散的句子連接起來,從而使表達顯得更加高級。,a.定語從句 【原文】 Mary is a girl in Class 1.She speaks English very fluently. 【修正】 Mary is a girl in Class 1, who speaks English very fluently.,b.狀語從句 【原文】 The doctor arrived there in time.The boy was saved.It was not too late. 【修正】 The boy was saved because the doctor arrived there before it was too late.,c.名詞性從句(包括主語從句、表語從句、賓語從句和同位語從句) 【原文】 Xiao Ming was always late for school. His teacher didnt know why. 【修正】 His teacher didnt know why Xiao Ming was always late for school.,d.強調(diào)句 【原文】 My parents praised Tom warmly.He had saved my little sister bravely. 【修正】 My parents praised Tom warmly.It was he who had saved my little sister bravely.,e.倒裝句 【原文】 We can achieve our goal only in this way. 【修正】 Only in this way can we achieve our goal. 【原文】 I have never seen such a wonderful film before. 【修正】 Never before have I seen such a wonderful film.,(5)通過使用非謂語動詞、with復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)等,增強句子的連貫性和表現(xiàn)力。 a.it作形式主語和形式賓語 【原文】 To reduce pollution and keep the earth clean is our responsibility. 【修正】 It is our responsibility to reduce pollution and keep the earth clean.,b.分詞短語 【原文】 We had a short rest.Then we began to play happily.We sang and danced.Some told stories. Some played chess. 【修正】 After a short rest, we had great fun singing and dancing, telling stories and playing chess.,c.with復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu) with復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)由“with+名詞/代詞+分詞/不定式/形容詞/副詞/介詞短語”構(gòu)成,通常在句中作狀語,表示時間、原因、條件、方式和伴隨狀況等。有時,with復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)也可作后置定語。如: With the College Entrance Examination drawing near, many of us are getting more and more nervous.(with復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)表示伴隨狀況) They came to a small village with mountains all around it.(with復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)作后置定語),d.獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu) 獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu)由“名詞/代詞+分詞/不定式/形容詞/副詞/介詞短語”構(gòu)成,通常在句中作狀語。使用獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu)也是提升書面表達檔次、獲取高分的重要手段。如: If time permits, you can pay a visit to the Summer Palace. 我們可把句中的條件狀語從句改為獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu):Time permitting, you can pay a visit to the Summer Palace.使表達更加靈活。,5.書寫工整,卷面整潔。 常言道:“字好文一半”,這種說法在高考英語書面表達中雖然有些言過其實,但書寫的好壞與卷面的整潔與否直接影響考生的成績,卻是不爭的事實。書寫不好會給閱卷老師留下很壞的第一印象,分數(shù)會降低一個檔次甚至更多。,在寫作時,要注意以下幾點: ①英語字母不要寫得過大或過小,字母大小一致,單詞之間空一個字母的距離,否則會無法辨認。要特別注意,在字母連寫的時候不要把a寫得像o,把e寫得像c,把r寫得像v等。 ②行與行之間要平行,不要忽上忽下。 ③不要漏寫、錯寫單詞或標點符號。,④文章要合理分段,切忌把全部內(nèi)容寫成一段。一般要分為三段:第一段,根據(jù)題目要求用一兩個過渡性的句子引出下文;第二段承接上文,進入主題,按題目要求適當發(fā)揮;第三段用一兩個總結(jié)、概括性的句子結(jié)束全文。 ⑤字跡清晰,卷面整潔,行文盡量做到一氣呵成,不再修改。,一、簡單句的五個基本句型 1.主語+謂語(S+V):此句型中的動詞是不及物動詞,后面不能接賓語。 She speaks loudly. 2.主語+系動詞+表語(S+V+P): (1)系動詞為be動詞。 I am happy today.,(2)系動詞為感官動詞。 His suggestion sounds reasonable. (3)系動詞為表示主語狀態(tài)變化的詞。 The leaves turn red in autumn. (4)系動詞為表示延續(xù)的動詞。 Everyone remains silent.,(5)系動詞說明主語的特征或狀態(tài)。 The sky appears blue. (6)系動詞為終止動詞。 The news turns out true.,3.主語+謂語+賓語(S+V+O):該句型中的動詞為及物動詞,其后帶賓語。 I placed the book on the table. 4.主語+謂語+雙賓語(S+V+O+O):此句型中的謂語動詞是及物動詞,其后帶兩個賓語,一個賓語指人,另一個賓語指物。 He lent me a pen.,5.主語+謂語+賓語+賓語補足語(S+V+O+OC):此句型中的謂語動詞是及物動詞,動詞的賓語后需要有一個補足語才能使句子的意思完整。 復(fù)合賓語的表現(xiàn)形式有: (1)名詞/代詞+名詞。 I found her idea a good suggestion.,(2)名詞/代詞+形容詞。 I consider him helpful. (3)名詞/代詞+副詞/介詞短語。 I saw him out with his father. (4)名詞/代詞+分詞/分詞短語。 I saw Tom walking down the street.,(5)名詞/代詞+不定式。 I never see an animal act like that. (6)名詞/代詞+從句。 We will make our hometown what your hometown is now.,●即學即練 按要求將下列句子譯成英語。 1.用“主語+謂語”結(jié)構(gòu)。 (1)李明學習很努力。 答案:Li Ming works very hard. (2)事故是昨天下午發(fā)生的。 答案:The accident happened yesterday afternoon.,(3)春天將來臨。 答案:Spring is coming. (4)我們在這個城市里生活了10年。 答案:We have lived in the city for ten years.,2.用“主語+系動詞+表語”結(jié)構(gòu)。 (1)這種食物吃起來很可口。 答案:This kind of food tastes delicious. (2)剛才他看上去有些焦急。 答案:He looked worried just now.,(3)春天到了,天氣變得越來越暖和。 答案:Spring comes.It is getting warmer and warmer. (4)這棵樹比以前長得高多了。 答案:The tree has grown much taller than before.,3.用“主語+謂語+賓語”結(jié)構(gòu)。 (1)他拿著書包離開了。 答案:He took his bag and left.(名詞作賓語) (2)當我遇到困難時,李雷總能給我?guī)椭?答案:Li Lei always helps me when I have difficulties.(代詞作賓語),(3)她打算在即將到來的“五一”外出旅游。 答案:She plans to travel in the coming May Day.(不定式作賓語) (4)我不知道下一步該做什么。 答案:I dont know what I should do next.(從句作賓語),4.用“主語+謂語+間賓+直賓”結(jié)構(gòu)。 (1)她爸爸給她買了一本詞典作為生日禮物。 答案:Her father bought her a dictionary as a birthday present. = Her father bought a dictionary for her as a birthday present.,(2)這位老人經(jīng)常給孩子們講述長征途中那些英雄的故事。 答案:The old man always tells the children stories about the heroes in the Long March. = The old man always tells stories about the heroes in the Long March to the children.,(3)李華將一瓶水遞給我。 答案:Li Hua passed me a bottle of water. = Li Hua passed a bottle of water to me. (4)我給媽媽做了個生日蛋糕。 答案:I made my mother a birthday cake. =I made a birthday cake for my mother.,5.用“主語+謂語+賓語+賓語補足語”結(jié)構(gòu)。 (1)你應(yīng)該讓屋子保持干凈整潔。 答案:You should keep the room clean and tidy.(形容詞作賓補) (2)我們選他當班長。 答案:We made him our monitor.(名詞作賓補),(3)他父親告訴他不要在街上玩。 答案:His father told him not to play in the street.(不定式作賓補) (4)我爸爸喜歡看男孩子們打籃球。 答案:My father likes to watch the boys playing basketball.(現(xiàn)在分詞作賓補),(5)昨天我和兩個美國人拍了照。 答案:Yesterday I had a picture taken with two Americans.(過去分詞作賓補) (6)老板讓他整天做那項工作。 答案:The boss made him do the work all day.(不帶to的不定式作賓補),二、with結(jié)構(gòu) 1.“with+賓語”:在句中一般做定語。意為“擁有,具有”,表示特征。 She is a beautiful girl with long hair. 2.“with+賓語+賓補”:在句中做定語或狀語。 I saw a wallet with a lot of money in it.(with a lot of money in it在句中作定語) With everything settled,I had a good rest.(With everything settled在句中作狀語),●即學即練 用with結(jié)構(gòu)翻譯下列句子。 1.湯姆勤奮有禮貌。 答案:Tom is a hardworking person with good manners. 2.中國是一個有五千年歷史的文明古國。 答案:China is a civilized ancient country with a history of 5,000 years old.,3.加拿大是一個有997萬平方千米土地面積的多元文化國家。 答案:Canada is a multicultural country with an area of 9.97 million square kilometers. 4.印度是一個有11億人口的農(nóng)業(yè)國家。 答案:India is an agricultural country with a population of 1.1 billion.,5.香港是一個有許多風景名勝的現(xiàn)代化城市。 答案:Hong Kong is a modern city with many places of interest. 6.蘇州是一個三面環(huán)山的花園城市。 答案:Suzhou is a garden city with hills on its three sides. 7.杰克背一個重包環(huán)游全世界。 答案:Jack traveled all over the world with a heavy bag on his back.,8.我哥哥正騎車載著我。 答案:My elder brother was riding with me sitting on the seat. 9.有很多作業(yè)要做,我匆忙趕回家。 答案:With a lot of homework to do,I hurried home. 10.凱瑟琳喜歡開著燈睡覺。 答案:Catherine likes to sleep with the light on.,三、非謂語動詞 1.寫作中常用不定式作賓語或目的狀語。 To_learn_English_well,I decided to go to Britain and stay there for a year.(不定式作狀語,表目的) I want to_buy_a_new_computer.(不定式作賓語),2.寫作中常用Ving/Ved形式作定語或結(jié)果、伴隨狀語。 A book published_over_100_years_ago became popular at last.(Ved分詞作定語) A fire broke out last night,causing_8_deaths.(Ving分詞作結(jié)果狀語) He stayed up last nights,writing_an_English_composition.(Ving分詞作伴隨狀語),●即學即練 (一)根據(jù)提示翻譯下列句子。 1.會議室不允許抽煙。(Ving作主語) 答案:Smoking is prohibited/not allowed in the meeting room. 2.一本名為《男巫》(Wizard)的書的封面吸引了我的注意。(Ved作后置定語) 答案:The cover of a book entitled Wizard caught my attention.,3.再多給我一個小時,我就能解決這個問題。(Ved作狀語) 答案:Given another hour,I can figure out this problem. 4.喬布斯(Jobs),前蘋果公司總裁,三年多以前逝世,引起了全世界的注意。(Ving作伴隨狀語) 答案:Jobs,the former CEO of Apple,passed away more than three years ago,drawing worldwide attention. 5.對那些孩子們來說,踢足球非常有趣。(不定式作主語) 答案:To play football is very interesting for those kids.,(二)根據(jù)提示改寫句子,注意保持句意不變。 1.The film is directed by Steven Spiellberg.It has won seven Oscars.(Ved作后置定語) 答案:The film directed by Steven Spiellberg has won seven Oscars.,2.Li Na has won the French Open.She became the first Asian to win a Grand Slam.(Ving作伴隨狀語) 答案:Li Na has won the French Open,becoming the first Asian to win a Grand Slam. 3.I love working with my new colleague.Its very enjoyable and interesting.(Ving形式作主語) 答案:Working with my new colleague is very enjoyable and interesting.,4.More and more people drive cars to work.This places much pressure on the traffic.(Ving作結(jié)果狀語) 答案:More and more people drive cars to work,placing much pressure on the traffic. 5.I help my disabled aunt.I spend an hour working in her house every day.(不定式作目的狀語) 答案:To help my disabled aunt,I spend an hour working in her house every day.,6.I teach English in a middle school.This is my job.(不定式作表語) 答案:My job is to teach English in a middle school. 7.Many people have no sense of traffic rules.Among them are drivers,passersby and cyclists.(Ving作伴隨狀語) 答案:Many people including drivers,passersby and cyclists,have no sense of traffic rules.,8.Although Joan was left at home last night,she wasnt afraid at all.(Ved作讓步狀語) 答案:Left alone at home last night,Joan wasnt afraid at all. 9.David has finished his homework.He went on to watch TV.(Ving作原因狀語) 答案:Having finished his homework,David went on to watch TV.,10.The 26th Universiade was held in Shenzhen.It was a huge success.(Ved作后置定語) 答案:The 26th Universiade held in Shenzhen was a huge success. 四、主從復(fù)合句,并列句與簡單句相互轉(zhuǎn)換 1.After he finished his work,he left here. He finished his work before he left here. After finishing his work,he left here. Having finished his work,he left here.,2.As soon as he got home,he began to cook. On getting home,he began to cook. Hardly had he got home when he began to cook. No sooner had he got home than he began to cook. 3.The ship changed its course because there was a storm. The ship changed its course because of the storm.,4.Because he was ill,he didnt go to school. He was ill,so he didnt go to school. Being ill,he didnt go to school. 5.If you work harder,you will succeed. Work harder,and you will succeed. Working harder,you will succeed. Only by hard work will you succeed.,6.Although he wasnt successful,he was promising. Although not being successful,he was promising. He wasnt successful but he was promising. 7.He was tired and hungry and went home. Tired and hungry,he went home.,8.We depended on our own effort and overcame all the difficulties. Depending on our own effort,we overcame all the difficulties. 9.The manager was filled with apologies and walked into the room. Filled with apologies,the manager walked into the room.,10.Because the Silver Fern is strong and easy to grow,it can be seen to reflect the spirit of survival of the Europeans who first arrived in New Zealand in the late 17th century. Strong and easy to grow,the Silver Fern can be seen to reflect the spirit of survival of the Europeans who first arrived in New Zealand in the late 17th century.,●即學即練 (一)一句多譯。 1.老師向我們展示了學習英語的重要性。 ①答案:The teacher showed us that it was important to learn English.(主從復(fù)合句) ②答案:The teacher showed us the importance of learning English.(簡單句),2.我意識到了說謊的危害。 ①答案:I realized that it was harmful to tell lies.(主從復(fù)合句) ②答案:I realized the harmfulness of telling lies.(簡單句),3.道路交通事故的死亡人數(shù)正在降低。 ①答案:The number of people who have been killed in the road accident is decreasing.(定語從句) ②答案:The number of people killed in the road accident is decreasing.(簡單句),4.花在度假上的錢在增加。 ①答案:The sum of money which is being spent on traveling is increasing.(定語從句) ②答案:The sum of money being spent on traveling is increasing.(簡單句),5.我中學所學的主要課程有語文、英語、數(shù)學、政治、歷史、地理、物理、化學、生物。 ①答案:The main subjects that I learnt in middle school were Chinese,English,maths,politics,history,geography,physics,chemistry and biology.(定語從句) ②答案:I mainly learnt Chinese,English,maths,politics,history,geography,physics,chemistry and biology in middle school.(簡單句),6.他一到現(xiàn)場就開始調(diào)查案情。 ①答案:As soon as he arrived at the scene,he began to look into the case.(主從復(fù)合句) ②答案:Hardly had he arrived at the scene when he began to look into the case.(倒裝句) ③答案:On his arrival at the scene,he began to look into the case.(介詞短語作狀語),7.父母陪伴孩子學習,不利于培養(yǎng)孩子獨立生活的能力。 ①答案:If parents accompany their children in study,it will not be good for the children to develop the ability to live independently.(條件狀語從句) ②答案:Parents company with their children in study is not good for the children to develop the ability to live independently.(簡單句),8.幫助別人也會給自己帶來滿足感。 ①答案:If you help others,it will also bring satisfaction to yourself.(條件狀語從句) ②答案:Helping others will also bring satisfaction to yourself.(簡單句),9.給我留下深刻印象的是他的智慧。 ①答案:What impressed me most was his wisdom.(主語從句) ②答案:His wisdom left a deep impression on me.(簡單句),10.Eric Nilsson 1988年從美國的一所大學畢業(yè),1992年來中國并在廣州一中教英語至今。 ①答案:After he graduated from an American university in 1988,Eric Nilsson came to work in China in 1992 and has been working as an English teacher in Guangzhou No.1 Middle School ever since.(狀語從句),②答案:After graduation(After graduating)from an American university in 1988,Eric Nilsson came to work in China in 1992 and has been working as an English teacher in Guangzhou No.1 Middle School ever since.(簡單句),(二)先翻譯簡單句,再將每組句子合并成并列句或主從復(fù)合句。 1.①湯姆出生在美國。 ②湯姆能流利地說英語。 答案:①Tom was born in America. ②Tom can speak English fluently.,Combined: Tom was born in America and he can speak English fluently. Or: Tom,(who was)born in America,can speak English fluently. Or: Born in America,Tom can speak English fluently.,2.①下了大雨。 ②這給該地區(qū)帶來了洪水。 答案:①It rained heavily. ②This brought flood to the region. Combined: It rained heavily and this brought flood to the region. Or: It rained heavily,which brought flood to the region. Or: It rained heavily,bringing flood to the region.,3.①廣州位于珠江河畔。 ②是廣東省省府。 ③2010年成功舉辦了第16屆亞運會。 答案:①Guangzhou is situated on the Pearl River. ②It is the capital of Guangdong Province. ③It held the 16th Asian Games successfully in 2010. Combined: Situated on the Pearl River,Guangzhou,the capital of Guangdong Province,held the 16th Asian Games successfully in 2010.,4.①杰克是著名學者。 ②他在文章中提到了一些社會問題。 ③他遭到了反對者的攻擊。 答案:①Jack is a wellknown scholar. ②He mentioned some social problems in his article. ③He was attacked by his opponents. Combined: Mentioning some social problems in his article,Jack,a wellknown scholar,was attacked by his opponents.,5.①上海位于中國東部。 ②上海的人口超過2 000萬。 ③上海是中國最大的城市和金融商業(yè)中心,每年都有成千上萬來自世界各地的旅游者。 答案:①Shanghai is located in the east of China. ②Shanghai has a population of over 20 million. ③As the largest city in China and the center of commerce and finance,Shanghai is visited by thousands of tourists from all over the world.,Combined: Located in the east of China and with/having a population of over 20 million,Shanghai,the largest city in China and the center of commerce and finance,is visited by thousands of tourists from all over the world.,6.①1960年4月18日早上5點14分,舊金山發(fā)生了一次強烈地震。 ②地震發(fā)生時,大多數(shù)人在睡覺,沒有留意到不尋常。 ③在2分鐘內(nèi),大半個城市成為廢墟(lie in ruins)。 答案:①A strong earthquake struck/hit San Francisco at 5:14 on the morning of April 18,1960. ②Most of the people were asleep and took no notice of anything unusual. ③Within 2 minutes,most of the city lay in ruins.,Combined: A strong earthquake struck/hit San Francisco at 5:14 on the morning of April 18,1960 when most of the people were asleep,taking no notice of anything unusual and within 2 minutes,most of the city lay in ruins.,7.①在中國北部,春天經(jīng)常發(fā)生沙塵暴(occur)。 ②沙塵暴從沙漠上帶來大量的沙塵(a mass of)。 ③沙塵暴會嚴重破壞環(huán)境(result in)。 答案:①In the north of China,sandstorms often occur in spring. ②Sandstorms take a mass of sand and dust from the desert. ③Sandstorms will result in great damage to the environment.,Combined: In the north of China,sandstorms often occur in spring,which take a mass of sand and dust from the desert,resulting in great damage to the environment.,8.①三峽工程(The Three Gorges Project)將提供水電能,促進經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展,減少環(huán)境污染。 ②三峽工程利大于弊(more.than.)。 ③三峽工程能給當?shù)厝罕妿碓S多利益。 答案:①The Three Gorges Project will generate Hydroelectric power,promoting economy and reducing environmental pollution. ②The Three Gorges Project has more advantages than disadvantages.,③The Three Gorges Project can bring great benefit to the local people. Combined:The Three Gorges Project,generating Hydroelectric power,promoting economy and reducing environmental pollution,has more advantages than disadvantages ,which can bring great benefit to the local people.,一、提綱作文 1.命題特點。 (1)命題常以短文提示、要點提示和表格提示三種形式呈現(xiàn)。 (2)考查形式以書信(電子郵件)、通知、日記、報道等為主,但體裁多變,記敘文、議論文、應(yīng)用文都會牽涉到,且題材多貼近學生生活。,(3)寫作內(nèi)容以提綱的形式分割成獨立的信息塊,所給的提綱既是獨立的要點,又體現(xiàn)了文章的層次,是全文寫作的思路。 2.解題技巧。 (1)認真審題和分析所給的提綱,認清題目和提綱之間的關(guān)系,然后確定文章的主題、內(nèi)容以及文體。 (2)每一個提綱可以作為文章的一個段落層次,段落的展開圍繞提綱的中心內(nèi)容,不能偏離,也不能任意增減。,(3)提綱只是對文章的提示和概括,不是主題句。這需要根據(jù)提綱的性質(zhì),寫出完整的、體現(xiàn)提綱主旨的句子,使之成為主題句。然后圍繞主題句進行擴展。 (4)收集材料支持主題句。材料可以是事實、例證、親身經(jīng)歷、名人名言、諺語警句等。應(yīng)當注意的是,所選材料要與文章的主題相符,即要“扣題”。 同時要具有典型性,能充分說明問題。在有多個例證的段落中,還要注意各個例證之間的連貫性。,3.寫作素材。 (1)常用句式。 (a)開頭常用句式 : ①We had a heated discussion about/on. ②With the development of. ③At present, there is a widespread concern that.,④Modern technology has many advantages. ⑤Im very glad to have the chance to speak here. ⑥It is often said that.,(b)銜接常用句式 : ①The main reason why.is that. ②The reasons are as follows. ③Take.for example.,④Besides, we should not neglect that. ⑤Wonderful as.is, however, it has its own disadvantages as well. ⑥As far as Im concerned, Im in favor of the first/second view.,(c)結(jié)尾常用句式: ①Taking all these into account/consideration, we may safely reach the concl- 1.請仔細閱讀文檔,確保文檔完整性,對于不預(yù)覽、不比對內(nèi)容而直接下載帶來的問題本站不予受理。
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