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新目標初中英語七年級上冊Unit 4 Where’s my backpack開課教案

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新目標初中英語七年級上冊Unit 4 Where’s my backpack開課教案

Unit 4 Wheres my backpack?Section B 3a-4 一、單元整體分析本單元是圍繞“Things around the house”展開教學活動的,這就要求學生掌握表示物品的單詞,同時也要掌握物品擺放位置的表達方式;即能用 “Where is/are?”提問并用方位介詞on, in, under, near, behind來回答,熟悉where引導的特殊疑問句和一般疑問句及回答;繼而學習is, are與名詞單復數(shù)的關系。在日常生活當中,能用本單元的目標語言描述房間,寫便條,使英語學習生活化,英語的交際功能得到充分的發(fā)揮。本單元話題是學生日常生活中熟悉的話題,因此學生有表達的欲望。這就要充分利用教材的聽力材料,訓練和提高學生的聽、說能力。在聽說的基礎上創(chuàng)設語言情景,加強讀寫能力的訓練。同時,要充分利用課本插圖來啟發(fā)學生,引起學生的學習欲望,提高學生聽、說、讀、寫的綜合能力。同時滲透學生的情感教育,引導他們養(yǎng)成愛干凈、愛整潔的好習慣。二、單元知識結構1. 詞匯:名詞:thing, table, bed, sofa, dresser, bookcase, chair, drawer, floor, room,desk, plant, bag, alarm clock, video tape, hat動詞:need, take, bring介詞:in, on, under 3. 句型: Where is/are? -Its/Theyre Is my computer game on the table? -Yes, it is./No, it isnt. Are my books on the bookcase? -Yes, they are./No, they arent.4. 語法:Where questions; prepositions.三、單元總體目標1. Master the vocabulary2. Master and use:where的特殊疑問句和一般疑問句。3.幫助學生養(yǎng)成干凈整潔的好習慣。單元教學重難點一覽重點難點1. The vocabulary2. Where is/are?Its/Theyre3.Is/Are? -Yes,/No,Use the language to talk about the things in ones room.Write a note.四、單元學情分析學生在小學及Starter Unit2已經學習過一些有關物品的名詞, 并接觸過一些介詞和where句型。在此基礎上,通過本單元的學習,學生可以進一步地談論物品及其擺放的位置,進行更深入的交流和運用。本單元話題源于實際生活,是學生樂意交談的話題,能夠激發(fā)學生說英語的欲望。五、課時安排:本單元共5課時:Section A(1a-1c)第1課時Section A(2a-4) 第2課時Section B(1a-2b)第3課時Section B (3a-4) 第4課時 Self check 第5課時六、第四課時Section B (3a-4)分析Teaching contentUnit4 Wheres my backpack? Section B (3a-4)Teaching AimsImportant points1. Ss are able to use the words (about things and prepositions) and where questions to talk about ones room.2. Some Ss are able to tell the differences between “take” and “bring”.3. Ss are able to get the structure and information by reading. 4. Ss are able to write a note.5. Some Ss will be able to realize the importance of keeping a good habit in their life.1. Words: Prepositions: in, on, under, near, behindVerbs: need, take, bring2. Where questions and answers.3. The difference between take and bring.4. Get the structure and information by reading.5.Write a note.Difficult pointsHelp Ss use the prepositions and where questions to talk about ones room.Make Ss understand the differences between “take” and “bring”.Help Ss improve their reading skill.Enable Ss to write a note.Teaching AidsPPT, a tapeTeaching Procedures Teachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposesI. Revision and presentation. (Groupwork)1. Show the “on, in, under” song.2.Do the action “Follow me”. Revise “in, on, under, near, behind”.3. Group work. Ask Ss to help Miss Lin design her new room and present the new words: need, take, bring.1. Listen to the song.2. Follow the teacher.3.Do the groupwork to revise words and learn the new words: need, take, bring.通過聽英文歌曲,不僅活躍了課堂氣氛,而且喚起了學生對介詞的回憶。通過做動作,再一次復習了介詞,并且對學生來說,也是一個很好的熱身活動和道德熏陶。然后通過小組活動去完成幫Miss Lin布置房間這個任務,自然地復習和呈現(xiàn)了詞匯,句型。II. Reading, 3a.1. Let Ss look at the picture and describe Linglings room.2. Let Ss pay attention to the beginning and the ending, answer the questions “Whos the note from? Whos the note to?”3. Let Ss read the note and fill in the chart.4. Let Ss add the missing things in the picture together.5. Let Ss describe Linglings room in pairs.1. Look at the picture and describe Linglings room.2. Answer the questions.3. Read the note and fill in the chart.4. Add the missing things together.5.Describe Linglings room in pairs.通過談論圖片,感知和熟悉閱讀內容。再通過閱讀填表,進一步鞏固目標語言和了解如何寫便條。然后讓學生兩人一起幫Lingling布置她的房間并作報告,這是閱讀后的拓展與延伸,既操練了目標語言,也是對學生一次有益的德育教育。最后通過跟讀錄音,培養(yǎng)學生的語音語調,再一次讓學生感受閱讀內容。III. Look at the picture and fill in the blanks, 3b. 1. Let Ss look at the picture and read the note in 3b, fill in the chart.2. Let Ss look at the picture and fill in the blanks.1. Fill in the chart, according to the picture and the note in 3b.2.Look at the picture and fill in the blanks.先通過填表,為完成3b作一個鋪墊。通過這一環(huán)節(jié),學生完成了半開放性的寫作。IV. Write a note.1. Make a summary about “how to write a note”.2. Show Ss a task and ask them to write a note. Ask two Ss to write on the blackboard.3. Check the notes together. Let them realize the importance of handwriting.1. Learn how to write a note.2. Write a notes to finish the task.3. Check the notes.先總結如何寫note, 再放在一個真實的任務中,讓學生寫note,最后一起改note。完成了從說到讀,再從讀到寫這一過程,從而達到以讀帶寫的目的。V. Homework1. Draw and describe your ideal room to your classmate.2. Review Unit4.讓學生描述自己理想的房間,既是對本單元的一個概括和總結,也具有實際意義。The Design of the blackboard: Unit 4 Wheres my backpack? Section B(3a-4)need A note Dear , Can you? I need is/arebring Thanks/Yours,take 1. Groupwork (小組活動):ThingsWhere is/are?in, on, under, near, behindDo like this(可以像這樣做):A: What things do we need? B,C,D: We needA: Where is/are , B? B: Its/ TheyreA: Where is/are, C? C: Its/TheyreA: Where is/are,D? D: Its/Theyre A: Thank you.Do like this(可以像這樣做):Dear , Can you bring some things to school? I need 今天,Miss Lin一心想著上公開課,出門忘帶了一些東西,她需要五件東西(植物,鬧鐘,三本筆記本, 一串鑰匙和一些光盤),她請求她的母親Mom替她送到學校來,現(xiàn)在請你幫她寫一張便條(note),告訴她母親這五件物品的地點.(植物在地板上,鬧鐘在床邊,筆記本在抽屜里,鑰匙在椅子下面, 光盤在書桌上) (Miss Lins name is Jessie.)2. Write a note (寫便條) 2. Write a note. (寫便條)Report(報告): This is Miss Lins new room. Its very nice. The is/are. 教學反思 每一次上課對我來說,都是一個自我挑戰(zhàn)、自我改進的過程。在這個令人緊張而又令人興奮的過程當中,我學到了很多,感受到了很多這次我所上的內容是七上Unit4 Wheres my backpack?第四課時,這是一節(jié)讀寫課,即Read for writing。學生在小學及第四單元的前三個課時已經掌握了有關房間內物品的詞匯,也熟悉 “Where is/are Its/Theyre”句型,因此對本節(jié)課我作了如下設計:1.通過“Follow me”這一環(huán)節(jié),喚起學生對本單元已學過的介詞的回憶,也活躍了課堂氣氛。2.設計了讓學生幫助我設計房間這一任務。復習和操練了本單元有關things的詞匯和where句型,同時也引出本課的重點詞匯 “need, bring, take”。3.在進行閱讀之前,先讓學生對圖片進行描述,對文章內容有所了解。再觀察文章的beginning and ending, 讓學生回答 “Whos the note from? Whos the note to?” 使學生對寫note有一個初步的印象。接下去學生仔細閱讀全文,填表格,這也是正文的寫作框架。然后一起添加圖片中丟失的物品,再次熟悉課文內容。最后讓學生兩人一起幫忙把房間擺設整齊,進行一個對話。4仿寫,即3b。先讓學生看圖片和3b的note,進行填表;然后把3b的note補充完整。5.寫便條。先在學過的兩個便條的基礎上進行總結,總結出便條由哪幾個部分組成,如何寫每個部分。再讓學生完成一個任務,即幫助Miss Lin寫一則便條給她母親。叫兩個學生寫到黑板上,一起校對,指出handwriting的重要性。上完課,我作如下反思:一、 成功之處:1. 教學設計圍繞教學目標展開。我認為本節(jié)課思路比較清晰,重點突出,教學目標基本達成。2. 利用任務型展開教學,來復習已學過的詞匯和句型,并引出本節(jié)課的重點詞匯。操練面廣,并且真實自然。3. 寫note部分,處理得較細致。先總結如何寫note,再讓學生寫note,最后一起改note,簡單明了,易操作,較實用。二、 不足之處:1. “bring”和 “take”操練得不夠多,部分學生可能還不太明白。2. 當學生出現(xiàn)一點紀律問題時,沒有很耐心地去引導。3. 整節(jié)課下來,學生活動多也動得起來,但自己較冷靜??赡軣崆樾?。4. 處理好3a,3b后,應該有意識地帶領學生去尋找、欣賞文中的好句(在3b中出現(xiàn)了and連接的并列句),這樣有利于學生好習慣的培養(yǎng);從某種意義上說,也幫助了他們的寫作。每一次上課對我來說,都是一種歷練。我珍惜這樣的每一個過程,并好好感受著這樣的每一個過程6


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