
1、國家開放大學(xué)電大??啤毒C合英語(1)》2028-2029期末試題及答案(試卷號:2158) I . Vocabulary and Structure Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked At Bt C and D? Choose the one that best completes the sentence Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points) Emmp、The old couple al
2、la it tn finding a flat to rent. B. did A. managed C. finished D. mcceedcd The sentence should read . M The old couple tucce^ded at last hi finding a flat to rent.” Therefore^ you should choose D. A. As mutter of fact li- As a matter of fact As a fact Did you to get along well with you
3、r lister when you were younger? A. used 51 蟲 7. Bring me a cup of cx)fket A> will you D. dont you 8. — ! haven91 >cen any good movien recently. have 1. A. Neither B. Either A. brought up B. mode up C? picked up D. took up 2. todays newspaper we shall have cold weather next week.
4、 A. According to B. In spite of C With regard to D? In sight of 3. He holds an A. apparent C. average attitude towards life, so he always looks happy. K overall D. optimistic 4. They waited in A. realism C. dream to hear the end of the story< B< ^uppen^e I》trouble the technical
5、skill in computer while working in the company. I. He ? he knew nothing alniut it. C?So D? Not 9. 1 have a cur myaelf? but I to work. A. would drive rather not 11 would rather not drive C. would rather drive IX not would rather drive 10. These are two ingredienta in making thia kind of pi
6、e> A? indinpenable B. independent C. unncce^ary IX internal H. Siliuitional Dhloxncs Direction*: Choose A. B or C to complete cch convcnmUon. using (he entcncc* below. Murk your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 polnu) Exnmplci ()h, look. Joni Mitchell in in town. Whnt7 Sherj one of the grcntcM
7、t (oik Mingrni in the world\ A. Who1* that? r vc never heard of hen I久 Suret Im in town. Yet Im ^Ind coming. Antiwcr A is correct brruuMc the conversation uFtould read. "—Oht look. Joni Mitchell i* in town* —Whoheard a J her. Whnt? Shr、onr of the grrulrnt folk Kingrrn tn fhr world!" IL — 1fv
8、e always wanted to swim in fhnt lake< A? What do you think of the coach? 11 Really? Could you lell me why? c The weather foreciuit says it i> Roing to rain oon. 12. — Hello Chris? This >5 Lee* ? —Oh. thatfs O. K. 1 was just setting the table. A. Whut are we going to have for dinner? B- 1 hope
9、 1ftn not calling at dinner time. C. Jane invites us over for dinner tonights 13. — 1 got a letter from Chuck today. — . A. Hey ? how ftre you feeling? 11 Youf vc really changed^ C Ohe whflt did he have to my? 14. — Cnn you recommend a place that is not O expentivc? —■ ? A. Not really. Were
10、 looking for a rcstaumnt for lunch. Not yet. It depends on the weather? I thinlu c. Let me sec— Therc^ a rcimonblr one down the rondt to the 】
11、d to leave immediiitcly- C< Let move to other topics^ |6. — Do you get aIohr with your nistcr? - . A. Yes> mo5t of the time tk Shell corning to nee me this weekend# C. Did you um to get alonR when you were younger? 17. — Do you know where Liberty Street i? —lt? off Oak Street < near the park
12、 — I dont know exactly. Perhaps every five minuter or ao. A? The |>ark? Which one do you mean? R Do you have any idoi where Pine Street is? C By the wny? do you know how often the Number 5 Hub run normnlly? 】8. How ckxm ihi sound? MSunny omsbedroom nwir trnnii|x)rt/ition< ccntrnlly IocaIccL A.
13、 Not Id rather huvc my own place. H Docb it n?y how much it is? C> Do you hpprn to know how often ii runs during ruth hour? 19. — Could you tell me where the tissues arc# please? A- h? under ? big tree in front ol the Art building. B? KU go to the store and get nome more* C> All the way in the
14、 back, against the walk 20. 一 Were going to a party at Dtvc and Sully A. Do you know how long Jock、Roing to br in town? EL Oh. yeah< I forgot. h9s at eight oclock, isn*! it? Ce Which one? Bob ia coming to talk to me alxiut the interview. HI. Close Test Directions: For each numbered blank In th
15、e following pnvm好,there arc four chokes marked A. H. C and I). Chomc the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 pointe) Hidden pas^rngrrs traveling tn uhipL trainut or even cars cah be a terrible trouble — especiilly when they are insects. As for this, there im a grr?砒 difference be
16、tween human Iwmge* nnd inuccttie Thr former 21 every [XJ^siblc effort to avoid being discovered? while the bitter quickly draw attention to themselves We can only show mercy to the 22 man who had to stop hit car noon after Aettinft out from a country villngr to drive to Ixindon. Hearing a grange no
17、iiic from the 23 of the cur. he naturally tfot out to cMuminn the wheels curcfully. Imt he found nothinn wrong? ao he 24 hit way. Agmn the nomr beKn immrdiAtely wnd became even louden Quickly 25 hi hrad* ihr man nw whnt nppeAred to be a -r函 black cloud following the cm When he stopped at a viIIahc
18、further on ht? wan told ihnt b queen bee munt be hidden in hi* CAr an there were thouimnds of been 26 . ()n Icnniing ihi?. the mn drove wny hr quickly ■? posMiblc. After nn hourf n hard driving ? he itrrivrd M(ely in London> where he parked hin car outidr a 27 nnd went in. h wan not Iohk brfurc a c
19、unfotncr who hud Been him urrivr 追 in to inform him that hm cat wam covered with her? The poor driver whm 29 ihftt the be^t way should hr ta call a bw- kecpcra In /i uhort lime thr man arrived. He fount! the unwelcome pit^scngrr hidden near the wheels At the back of the can Very thankful to the dri
20、ver (or this 30 Kift# thr beekeeper look the queen nnd her thousand* o( followers home in ? htrnr box> 21. A. do K take a mnkr 11 try 22. A. unlartunatc K CArelesa c. unpIrAMant I). hopdcHB 23. A. front B? bnck c. Mi D. riftht 24. A. drove K forced u pushed I), contin
21、ued 25. A? hiding B. turning G. nhnking D. ruining 26. A. below B. ahrAil c. nearby I), behind 27. A. hotel H. rntitirutn c. honpiul IX school 2& A. broke B. movml a dropped IX hurriril 29. A. ?(Wined K requires! c. ordrred I). rfftpicMtrd 30> A. tinfAmili
22、ar unknown C. unexpretcd IX uncrrirnn N? Reading Comprehension Directions: Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question there ■re four answers marked A. B. C and D. Rcud the pussages carefully and choose the best answer Io each of the questhms. Mark your answer
23、on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points) Qurn/ons 31 ?35 are based on 小。following postage. Generations of Amrricuns have been brought up to believe that a good breakfasf is one of lifers essentials Ealing breakfast at the start of the day? we have all been told* and told again, is ns nece^ary as putting g
24、asoline in the family car before starring a trip.
But for many proplr the thought of food first lhin& in the morning is by no means a plro^urc. so despite all the e(fortj 25、didnl have brcakfaM increased by 33% ? from 8.8 million to 1 L 7 million According to the Chicago-based , Market Research Corporation of America^
For those who feel pain of guilt about not eating breakfast< however, there in some good news. Several studies in the last few years indicate that* for a 26、dults cspcctAlly. (here may be nothing wrong with omitting breakfast. M (ioing without brenkfaxt docs not affect performancessaid Arroid E. Bender* former professor of nutrition At Queen Elisabeth College in l.ondone *nor does giving people breakfast improve performance ”
Scientific evidence linkin 27、g lrrakfnM to better health or better performHncr ir swrpnsinRly inadequate> and most of recent work involves children# not adultsu "The litemluret^ *ays one rrwarrhert Dn Ernesto Pollifl nt the University of Texas> Mii poon ”
3L The latest year for which figuren could lx* obtained is .
A. the yea 28、r the outhur wrote the article
氏 1977
C< nny year between 1977 and 1983
n 1983
32. For those who do not take breakfaBt the good ncw that ,
A. several studies have been done in the pant few years
Bi thr otniision of breakfast does no harm to adult** health
Q adults h>vc etpecially made studies 29、 in this field
D. eating little in the morning is good for health
33. ^???nor docx giving people breftkfant improve hu performance11 men..
A< anyone without hreakfaat docn improve hin performance
not giving people breakfniit improves performance
C havinR brenkfaat doetnft improve performance* e 30、ither
[1 people having hrcAkUnt do improve their performance? too
34. The word 31、by the nuthor i thnt ?
A. breakfast doe* not affect performance
11 |)r. Pollit! is engngvd in rciwnrch work nt n inMtitution of higher harnmH
C\ not rafinu brenkfast might affect the health of children
IX Pro(enor Ikndcr ancc taught college courwo in nutrition in Ixindon Qu^itiom 36?40 orr basfd 32、 on thr following patsage.
Do you hnvr bright idrutt? Idcaa (or inventions that change nocicty or? At Icmm > mRke life cnMicr for Minicbody? Per hap* we *11 do ?ometimg? but we dont often niakc the id?? renUly. Recently, in Britain, there war a competition called British DruiRncrN (or Foniorrow. 33、Flwro were two w in the contenti Ciroup One wan iar achoolrhildrrn under 16)(iroup Two wan (or nchcxilchildren over 16. And there were eleven pri*e-winnrm ahogethen
Neil Hunt# one of the prise winner*! wan called 1 Sunshine SupcrmAn * by one newspaper wriung nbout his denign. It important when peop 34、le study the weather to be able to record sunshine accurately* Wc need to know how mnny hours of sunshine wr have and how Atrong it is. Most tunnhine recorders only record direct sunlight. Neilf s it more Accurate unci this M very important for research into ways of uaing nolar power. With the prise 35、 of 100> Neil plans to carry on inventing^
You can do so much with animation (動(dòng)州).Look at Simon West ra idea for animated road ign&4 He uacs pictures which appcur to move b you go nearer to or farther from them.
I hm m not a new iden< But it in new to ue these picture on road itinnL M Wc found tha 36、t people were more likely to Ace moving signssaid Simon. So nowt you can really see rocking, trninn moving? horses galloping or a car falling off thr edge of a ulifL Quite b WArninft!
The ideaA in the competition were so inventive that we arc surprised that Bntinh industry docanft ask more schoolch 37、ildren (or suggeKtioni^ Pcrhapfi this will be the start of
"pupil powerF!
36? was carried out in Britain.
A. A competition among xchooichildrcn
B. A competition in industry
C A competition called Britifih DcsiKncru For Tomorrow
D. A competition (or eleven pnxe-winner
37. The aim of the compe 38、tition was?
A. to gk schoolchildren (or suggcntionM
K to encaurnge young people to carry our their bright idewg
QC to Htart ,pupil power
IX to ank British industry (or ide"
3& Who Is Netl Hunt?
A< A schoolboy K A teacher
C A schoolgirl D. A designer
39. Neil Hunt was called ?Sunshine Super m 39、anM because .
A. he suggests the ways of using solar power
B- he designed a more accurate sunshine recorder
G he wan able to record direct sunshine accurately
D. he invented the way of using solar energy
10? Who invented animated road signs?
:A Neil Hunt B, Simon Went
C. A driver IX A schoolc 40、hild
Directions: Pat each of the following sentences into English or Chineset using the word(t) given in the bracket if any. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points|
41. Many scientisit^ believe that the ancestors of these people migrated to Amcriai from Asia about 11.500 ye 41、ars ago
42. If there are a number of utensils, thosvc fnrthent from the plnte are supposed to be used firm
43. Chinese is so very difficult from other languages I studied ? and of course the writing syidem 15 completely different
45.無叱是(whEhz)仰堆的二人用錢 42、還地小梨罹會(huì).這電的加致人微會(huì)使你夠到徑廳的
I ? (20%. 2 pointB for cuch Item.)
1. C 2. A
3. D
4. B
5. H
6. C 7. A
8. A
9. n
10. A
II ? (20%. 2 points for each Item.)
11. B 12. H
13. C
u. c
15. A
16. A 17. C
!8. B
19. C
20. H
01 .(20% 9 2 poInU for e 43、ach item.)
22. A
23. B
25. H
27. A
28. D
30< C
IV. (20%, 2 points for euch Hem.)
3U D
32. n
3L H
35. C
36. C
37. B
39. B
40a B
V- (20%. 4 points for each Item.)
4~3分,格本符合句意■無■大語法情做.神 44、3?2分,不太符合句■.有明是諾法帝諛?用1 分I不符合句財(cái).句子無法讀憧.再。分.共他情配?的情加分?>
H.許務(wù)陽學(xué)家隊(duì)為這些人的祖洗是大的11500 <1 M從亞州遷移劌H洲大陸的.
43. 漢ift跟我學(xué)習(xí)過的共他語肖之間的區(qū)別非常大.竹號形式則完全不何.
44. You should bring something when you viiiit ? but it shouldnf t be loo cxprnjiive or
your hoit will be uncomfortiihlc.
45. The attention to detail azures you that the Netting and service rc a perfect as your meal, whether itS a quirt dinner for two or o small party.
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