
1、Section A (10 marks)Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using theinformation from the passage.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Throughout high school, students dream about college and where it will take them. Moststudents think about the price, locati
2、on and courses offered when they are choosinga college. But many forget about the size of the college, which can affect a student抯 entire decision.Some students want to attend a large college, while others would choose a small one.The choice may seem like an easy one, but there are advantages and di
3、sadvantages ofboth.Large colleges are a favorite because a larger campus gives students a better chanceto make friends and be more involved. For students who wish to have a unique career,a large is the best option, since they offer more courses to choose from.Small colleges create a friendlier atmos
4、phere and make new students feel morecomfortable. Smaller classes allow students to get more attention and help that theymay need from professors. Also, only experienced professors teach during class. At largecolleges, graduate student teachers often assist in the classroom.Another advantage of atte
5、nding a small college is that of price. Small colleges areusually cheaper, while being more flexible about their course requirements.Although large and small schools both have benefits, there are also drawbacks.Most small colleges only offer undergraduate degrees, have fewer course options, andmay n
6、ot be as well known as a competitive large college.Large colleges can have crowded classes, providing students with less time withprofessors, and can have a campus that is confusing to get around.The size of a college can be one of the most important factors in selecting which tochoose. The size cou
7、ld give away more than just the number of students who attend, andcould be the most important consideration in a student 抯 decision.Title:71:LargeorSmall ?Situationdreaming about college and futurethinking about the price, location and72forgetting about the size of the college73AlargecollegeAdvantag
8、esgiving students a better chance to make friends and get involved74more courses to choose fromDisadvantagesproviding less75with professorshaving crowded classesbeing76to get aroundAsmallcollegeBenefitshaving a friendlier and more comfortable 77allowing students to get more attention and help needed
9、 by themhaving experienced professors in classhaving lower prices and flexible course requirements78only offering undergraduate degreeshaving fewer course options79than a competitive large college80take the size of the college into considerationSection B (10 marks)Directions: Read the following pass
10、age. Answer the questions according to theinformation given in the passage .One cold, rainy evening last October, I was gathering data for my paper in the ward.There, I met Ms Green, a 43-year-old stroke patient.Ms Green was lying on bed and no relatives or friends were with her. I sat down on achai
11、r next to her bed. Her left side was still weak, but when knowing I wanted to gathersome information from her, she agreed.After I finished, I prepared to leave so I could go through more records. Before I couldstand up, Ms Green spoke up in her weak voice. 揇 oc, do you think I can get back tomy norm
12、al life?she asked.I replied that while I didn 抰 know much about her case, I could tell her what I hadlearned about the recovery of stroke patients, unwilling to go into too much detail.Ms Green started talking about herself. She had three children in primary school. Herhusbanddiedayearagoandshewasth
13、ebreadwinner( #c睌Q禰剉篘)o fh e rf a m i l y .Id i d n tk n o ww h a tt os a y ,d e s p e r a t e l yt r y i n gt or e m e m b e rt h el e s s o n sfr o mac o m m u n i c a t i o ns k i l l sc l a s st a k e naf e wy e a r se a r l i e r ,b u tmym i n dw a sb l a n k .Ij u s ts a tq u ie t l y ,h o l d
14、 i n gM sG r e e n sh a n dw h i l es h et a l k e d .T h a t sw h e ni to ccurred to me that she was not expecting any reply fromme. She just wanted me to listen.The conversation went on like this for about 20 minutes. She shared her difficultiesand sufferings and also expressed her fear about what
15、 would become of her children ifsomething bad happened to her. All I did was to nod my head to show my sympathy.Finally, Ms Green stopped talking and let go of my hand. I stood up, waved goodbye andleft. A few days later, when I returned to the ward, I discovered Ms Green had leftthe hospital.Ms Gre
16、en taught me a most important lesson doctors can learn. Sometimes patients justneed someone with the patience and willingness to lend an ear and spare a little oftheir time. That is one of the best things a doctor can do for a patient.81. Why did the author meet Ms Green in hospital? (no more than 6
17、 words)82. Why was the author unwilling to answer Ms Green in detail? (no more than 9 words)83. What did Ms Green share with the author in their conversation? (no more than 5 words)84. What has the author learnt from this passage? (no more than 9 words)Part IV Writing (45 marks)Section A (10 marks)7
18、1. Choosing/selecting a College72. courses73. Choices74. offering75. time76. confusing77. atmosphere78. Drawbacks /Disadvantages79. being less well-known/ famous80. Conclusion / Suggestion/Tip /AdviceSection B (10 marks)81. To gather data for his/her/the paper. (2 marks)82.Becausetheauthorknewlittle
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