
1、國家開放大學(xué)電大??啤队⒄Z閱讀(2)》2022-2023期末試題及答案(試卷號:2156) Part I Questions 1 —10 are based on Passage 1 and 2. Passage 1 This short passage presents us with a detailed report on Monica Selesf attack. Spectator stabs tennis star on court BY EDWARD BUSCALL AND OUR FOREIGN STAFF MONICA Selcs? the top-ranked
2、 tennis player, was slabbed in (he back by a spectator while playing in a tournament in Hamburg yesterday. The 19-year-old was sitting in her chair during a change-over when a man lunged at her with a long-bladed knife. She received a 1 inch cut beiwccn her shoulders and was taken to a hospital .
3、neai by after being attended on court She would stay there overnight ibr observation. Read Passage 1 and then try to give short answers to Questions 1—5. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. 1. In which city was Monica stabbed? 2. How old was Monica when she was attacked? 3. Who stabbed Monic
4、a? 4. Which part of her body was affected? 5. How long would she have to stay in hospital? Passage 2 This short passage is the last part of the above report. Later reports suggested that her attacker, an eastern German, was a fan of her German tennis rival, Steffi Graf, and had wanted to stop S
5、eles from playing. The 38-year-old attacker leaned over a 3ft barrier and stabbed her as she took a break. She screamed and ran to mid-court, reaching for her upper back. She appeared woozy as she stood at courtside and then collapsed. Her brother Zoltan and officials rushed to her, giving her firs
6、t aid and taking her from the court on a stretcher. “We saw a man come from the left," said a woman sitting in the front row of the tournament. uHe looked strange or drunk. He just looked weird. 1hen we saw him strike out at Monica." The attacker was pounced on by security men and members of the c
7、rowd, and carried away by four guards. Read Passage 2 and decide whether the following statements are True or False. Write 1 for I rue and F for False against the number of each of the statements on your Answer Sheet 6. The reports suggested that the attacker was a western German. 7. After the s
8、tab, Seles ran to back-courtt reaching for her upper back. 8. It was her brother and officials that took her from the court on a stretcher. 9. A woman sitting in the mid row of the tournament saw the attacker come from the right. 10. The attacker was beaten and carried away by four guards. Part
9、II Questions 11—20 are based on Passage 3? Passage 3 China has 267 million families. About 10 million newlyweds establish new households every year. Many of these new households differ significantly from traditional families. Today women play a major role in the family. The old patriarchal famil
10、y is being replaced by a more or less equal spousal relationship. This change was not simply a result of Chinese laws that stipulate men and women are equals. Chinese women are receiving more education, are actively employed and are making significant contributions to family incomes. Their financial
11、 contribution has increased from 20 percent in the 1950s to 40 percent today. In some families it is even higher. Two national studies on the status of women reached similar conclusions; Women have mOre power in the family. In cities, more women make decisions on family matters, a change many Chine
12、se men are happy with. The concept of marriage is changing so that people now marry for happiness rather than to carry on the family line. In choosing a spouse, many will marry someone they love; otherwise they may choose to remain single. Most people hope to find a spouse who is well-educated and
13、considerate. While they value love in a marriage, most people also consider the material well-being of a potential spouse. In both rural and urban areas, people have more say about who they marry. China is rapidly changing from the traditional belief that more children means more happiness to the m
14、odern concept of fewer and healthier births. In less than two decades, Chinas fertility rate has dropped by more than 50 percent. Increasingly, young couples are postponing having a child to allow for their own personal growth and enjoyment. Some couples are declining to have children. In these case
15、s, women generally play a pivotal role; this situation is most common in large cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Starting a new household is replacing the tradition of marrying into the mans family. In a traditional marriaget the wife became a member of the husbands family. It was eve
16、n stipulated by law that a wife must make her husbands home her legal residence. This meant that a woman was transferred from her parents home to her parents-in」aws home, where she assumed a subordinate position. After the new law was enacted in 1980, traditional marriages began disappearing in cit
17、ies. Today, about half of all households are nuclear families; these households promote equality between men and women. In rural areas it is still common for a woman to move into the mans home when she marries. Chinese marriages are still relatively stable even though peoples ideas and conduct have
18、 changed significantly since Chinas reform and opening to the outside world. The average age at which Chinese people first marry is between 22 and 23, this age being somewhat lower in rural areas and somewhat higher in the cities. Chinamarriage rate is high; very few people remain single their entir
19、e lives. Most women marry between the ages of 20 to 24. In recent years the divorce rate has slowly climbed, but is still only one-third to one-fifth that of developing countries such as India and Thailand. The divorce rate in European and American countries is 10 times that of China. This indicate
20、s relative stability even though Chinese marriages and families are changing. Read Passage 3 and then choose the best answer that may complete each of the statements according to the passage. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. 11. Which one of the statements is True? A. China has 2,670,000,0
21、00 families. B. Every year about 10,000,000 newlyweds establish new households in China. C. Chinese laws stipulate that men and women are equals only in the rural areas. D. Womens financial contribution has increased from 20 percent in the 1950s to 30 percent today. 12. Which of the following is
22、 the closest in meaning to the phrase upatriarchal family” in the second paragraph? A. Father controls the family. B. Mother controls the family. C. Grandmother controls the family. D? Everyone is equal in the family. 13. One key factor which enables women to gain equal status with men in the fam
23、ily is that■ A. more women can choose their own marriage partner than before B. many women are contributing more to the family income C. men are happy to share the family chores with their wives D. many women have received college education before they get married 14. In choosing their spouse,
24、people usually consider. A. love B. material wealth C. educational background D. all of the above 15. In the last two decades, the fertility rate has dropped sharply because. A. most couples are unwilling to have children B. the traditional belief pF more children meaning more happiness has cha
25、nged C- most urban couples care more about their personal happiness D? many women are becoming economically independent 16. Which one of the statements is False? A. More young couples are postponing having a child to allow for their own personal growth and enjoyment. B. When some couples are de
26、clining to have children, men generally play an important role. C. In a traditional marriage, the wife became a member of the husbands family. D. After the new law was enacted in 1980, traditional marriage began disappearing in cities. 17. One of the features of nuclear families is that. A. husb
27、and and wife are equal to each other B. the wife listens more to her husband C? the wife normally moves to her husbands home D. the wife doesnt identify herself as a member of the husbands family 18. The last part of the article states that “Chinas marriage rate is high," which implies that . A
28、. people in rural areas get married earlier than people in cities B. most people get married at the age of 24 C. men marry later than women D. most people get married sooner or later in their lives 19. By comparisoni the divorce rate in China is. A. one of the lowest in the world B. ten times
29、that of the European countries C. one fifth of the marriage rate in the country D. ten times higher than it was ten years ago 20. Which of the following titles best summarizes the main idea of the passage? A. Chinese marriages. B. Chinese families. C. Chinese marriages and families. D. Chinese
30、divorce rate. Part Hl True or False Questions 21—30 are based on Passage 4. Passage 4 What1 s your dream vacation? Watching wildlife in Kenya? Boating down the Amazon? Sunbathing in Malaysia? New chances are opening up all the time to explore the world. So we visit travel agents, compare package
31、s and prices> and pay our money. We know what our vacation costs us. But do we know what it might cost someone else? Its true that many poorer countries now depend on tourism for foreign income^ Unfortunately, though, tourism often harms the local people more than it helps them. It might cost thei
32、r homes and lands. In Myanmar, 5,200 people were forced to leave their homes among the pagodas in Bagan so that tourists could visit the pagodas. Pourism might also cost the local people their livelihood and dignity. Local workers often find only menial jobs in the tourist industry. And most of the
33、 profits do not help the local economy. Instead, profits return to the tour operators in wealthier countries. When the Maasai people in Tanzania were driven from their lands, some moved to city slums. Others now make a little money selling souvenirs or posing for photos. Problems like these were o
34、bserved more than 20 years ago. But now some non-government organizations, tour operators and local governments are working together to begin correcting them. Tourists, too, are putting on the pressure. The result is responsible tourism, or “ethical tourism. " Ethical tourism has people at its hear
35、t. New international agreements and codes of conduct can help protect the peoples lands, homes, economies and cultures. The beginnings are small, though, and the problems are complex. But take heart. The good news is that everyone, including us> can play a part to help the local people in the place
36、s we visit. Tour operators and companies can help by making sure that local people work in good conditions and earn reasonable wages. They can make it a point to use only locally owned hotels, restaurants and guide . services. They can share profits fairly to help the local economy. And they can i
37、nvolve the local people in planning and managing tourism. What can tourists do? First, we can ask tour companies to provide information about the conditions of local citizens. We can then make our choices and tell them why. And while were abroad, we can: ? Buy local foods and products, not importe
38、d ones. ? Pay a fair price for goods and services and not bargain for the cheapest price. ? Avoid flaunting wealth. ? Ask before taking photographs of people. They are not just part of the landscape! Lets enjoy our vacation and make sure others do, too. Read Passage 4 and decide whether the fo
39、llowing statements are True or False. Write T for True and F for False against the number of each of the statements on your Answer Sheet. 21. The writer thinks dream vacations should only be spent abroad. 22. Many developing countries now depend on tourism for foreign income. 23. Local people in
40、Myanmar were well paid to leave their lands. 24. Local people in the tourist industry are usually provided with low-paying work. 25. Some government organizations, tour operators and local governments are working together to begin correcting the problems caused by tourism. 26. The problems caused
41、 by tourism are easy to settle. 27. rhe underlined phrase "take heart” means "cheer up". 28. Tourists should respect local customs and culture. 29. Tourists could bargain with local people for a reasonable price. 30. The best title for the article is probably u Vacations Cost More Than You Think
42、". Questions 31—35 are based on Passage 5. Part IV Short Answer Passage 5 Scorpio October 24-November 22 Scorpios are clever and mysterious. They are able to get through difficult times and protect themselves. They will do anything to achieve their goals. While others are wasting time on usel
43、ess things, they are quietly doing their own work, which helps them to get more experience. Gemini May 21-June 21 It seems that nothing is impossible for Geminis. Instead of waiting for pies from the sky, they try their best to make use of every chance to achieve their goals, even if it means that
44、 they have to work much harder than others. They will never give up easily in the face of difficulties. Leo July 23-August 22 Leos are just like lions: energetic and independent. They are good at learning and can do many different jobs. Because of their strong self-confidencet sometimes they can e
45、asily cope with difficult situations. They can be good leaders and managers. 1he horoscopes are just for fun. Dont take them seriously. Read Passage 5 and then try to give short answers to Questions 31—35. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. 31. When are Geminis born? 32. Why can Leos easily
46、 deal with difficult situations sometimes? 33. What are Scorpios like? 34. Who wont give up easily in the face of difficulties? 35. What suggestion does the passage give us in the end? 試題答案及評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn) (僅供參考) Part I (30 points, 3 points each) 1. In Hamburg. 2. 19 years old. 3. A man (with a long-b
47、laded knife.) 4. Her shoulders. 5. She would stay there (in hospital) overnight for observation. 6. F 7. F 8. T 9. F 10. T Part H ( 30 points, 3 points each) 11. B 12. A 13. B 14. D 15. B 16. B 17. A 18. D 19. A 20. C Part III ( 20 points, 2 points each) 21. F 22. T 23. F 24. T 25. F . 26. F 27. T 28. T 29. T 30. T Part IV ( 20 points, 4 points each) 31. May 21-June 21. 32. Because they have strong self-confidence. 33. Scorpios are clever and mysterious. 34. Geminis. 35. The horoscopes are just for fun. Dont take them seriously.
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