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高考英語一輪復習自選訓練 閱讀理解25

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高考英語一輪復習自選訓練 閱讀理解25

2019屆高考英語一輪復習自選訓練 閱讀理解25(D)Hans was an honest fellow with a funny round good-humored faceLiving alone, every day he worked in his gardenIn all the countryside there was no garden so lovely as hisAll sorts of flowers grew there, blooming in their proper order as the months went by, one flower taking another flowers place, so that there were always beautiful things to see, and pleasant odors to smell Hans had many friends, the most devoted being the MillerSo devoted was the rich Miller to Hans that hed never go by his garden without plucking a large bunch of flowers or a handful of sweet herbs, or filling his pockets with fruitsThe Miller used to talk about noble ideas, and Hans nodded and smiled, feeling proud of having such a friend The neighbors thought it strange that the rich Miller never gave Hans anything in return, though he had hundreds of sacks of flour, many cows and sheep, but Hans never troubled his head about these, and nothing gave him greater pleasure than to listen to all the wonderful things about the unselfishness of true friendshipIn spring, summer, and autumn Hans was very happy, but when winter came, and he had no fruit or flowers to sell, he suffered from cold and hungerThough extremely lonely, the Miller never came to see him then “Theres no good in going to see Hans while the snow lasts” The Miller said to his wife, “When people are in trouble they shouldnt be botheredSo Ill wait till the spring comes when hes happy to give me flowers” “Youre certainly very thoughtful,” answered his wife, “Its quite a treat to hear you talk about friendship” “Couldnt we ask Hans up here?” said their son“Ill give him half my meal, and show him my white rabbits” “How silly you are!” cried the Miller“I really dont know whats the use of sending you to schoolIf Hans came up here, and saw our warm fire, our good supper, and our red wine, he might get envious, and envy is a most terrible thing, and would spoil anybodys natureI am his best friend, and Ill always watch over him, and see that hes not led into any temptationBesides, if Hans came here, he might ask me for some flourFlour is one thing, and friendship is another, and they shouldnt be confusedThe words are spelt differently, and mean quite different thingsEverybody can see that” He looked seriously at his son, who felt so ashamed that he hung his head down, and grew quite scared, and began to cry into his teaSpring coming, the Miller went down to see HansAgain he talked about friendship“Hans, friendship never forgetsIm afraid you dont understand the poetry of lifeSee, how lovely your roses are!” Hans said he wanted to sell them in the market to buy back his things which were sold during the hard time of the winter “Ill give you many good thingsI think being generous is the base of friendship” said the Miller“And now, as Ill give you many good things, Im sure youd like to give me some flowers in returnHeres the basket, and fill it quite full” Poor Hans was afraid to say anythingHe ran and plucked all his pretty roses, and filled the Millers basket, imagining the many good things promised by the Miller The next day he heard the Miller calling: “Hans, would you mind carrying this sack of flour for me to market?” “Im sorry, but I am really very busy today” “Well,” said the Miller, “considering that Im going to give you my things, its rather unfriendly of you to refuseUpon my word, you mustnt mind my speaking quite plainly to you”Poor Hans was driven by his friendship theory to work hard for his best friend, leaving his garden dry and wasted One evening Hans was sitting by fire when the Miller came “Hans,” cried the Miller, “My little boy has fallen off a ladder and hurt himself, and Im going for the DoctorBut he lives so far away, and its such a bad windy nightIt has just occurred to me that you can go instead of meYou know Im going to give you my good things, so you should do something for me in return” “Certainly,” cried HansHe struggled into the stormy night, and got the doctor to ride a horse to the Millers house in time to save the boyHowever, Hans got lost in the darkness, and wandered off into a deep pool, drownedAt Hans funeral, the Miller said, “I was his best friendI should walk at the head of the procession” Every now and then he wiped his eyes with a handkerchief16From the passage, we can learn that Hans _ Awas extremely wise and nobleBwas highly valued by the Miller Cadmired the Miller very muchDhad a strong desire for fortune17“Flour is one thing, and friendship is another” can be understood as _ A“Different words may mean quite different things” B“Interest is permanent while friendship is flexible” C“Im afraid you dont understand the poetry of life” D“I think being generous is the base of friendship”18From the Millers talk at home, we can see he was _ Aserious but kind Bhelpful and generousCcaring but strict Dselfish and cold-hearted19Whats the main cause of Hans tragedy (悲慘的事)? ATrue friendship between themBA lack of formal education CA sudden change of weatherDBlind devotion to a friend20The author described the Millers behavior in order to _ Aentertain the readers with an incredible joking tale Bshow the friendship between Hans and the Miller Cwarn the readers about the danger of a false friend Dpersuade people to be as intelligent as the Miller參考答案 (D)CBDDC *結(jié)束閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項.AWhere is it possible to drive from Rome to Moscow, Madrid, Paris, Vienna, and Stockholm without going to Europe? The answer is in the state of Maine!Throughout the United States there are many towns and cities that have been named after not only European cities but other countries as well, such as China, Poland, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Just how many New World place names are recycled from the Old World names has never been tallied, but one researcher found forty-one Londons, fifty-six Berlins, twenty-four Dublins, thirty-two Athenses, and twenty-seven Moscows, among others! Reasons for European place names differ. Some were in memory of settlers former homes, others in honor of historic events. Founded in 1818 by John Coffee, Robert Beaty, John D. Carroll, and John Read, Athens is one of the oldest incorporated cities in the State of Alabama. The town was first called Athenson, and the name was then shortened to Athens, after the ancient city in Greece. More interestingly, some names were given by mistake. For instance, the people of Moscow, Kansas, wanted to their city to follow the name of the explorer Moscoso. They shortened his name to Mosco, and an official in Washington, thinking the Kansans couldn't spell, added a W.1. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. In the state of Maine there are many different European cities. B. You can drive to many European cities from the state of Maine. C. All the settlers in the state of Maine came from Europe. D. The state of Maine has many cities named after European cities.2. The word “tallied”(Line 4, Paragraph 2) is closest in meaning to _.A. built B. believed C. added D. visited3. What might have made the official in Washington change Mosco into Moscow? A. Moscow was a world-famous city name. B. He thought Moscoso would prefer Moscow. C. He believed Moscow was a far better name. D. He couldn't spell very well and made a mistake.4. The best title for the passage is _.A. The Story of Moscow, KansasB. AmericanCities and Their Names C. Interesting NamesD. Old World Place Names in America參考答案 1-4 DCAD*結(jié)束D Psychology has a new application in the field of medicine. Many doctors, together with their patients, are looking for alternative methods of treatment of physical problems. In large hospitals, modern therapy(療法) seems to focus on the physical disease. Patients may feel they are treated like broken machines. Some doctors have recognized this as a problem. They are now using psychological therapy, in which the patient is working with the doctors against the disease with the help of medicine. The patient does not wait for the medicine and treatment to cure him or her, but instead the patient joins in the fight.    The doctor knows that a disease affects a patient's body physically. The body of the patient changes because of the disease. He is not only physically affected, but also has an emotional response to the disease. Because his mind is affected, his attitude and behavior change. The medical treatment might cure the patient's physical problems, but the patient's mind must fight the emotional ones. For example, the studies of one doctor, Carl Simonton, M. D., have shown that a typical cancer patient has predictable attitudes. She typically feels depressed, upset, and angry. Her constant depression makes her acts unfriendly toward her family, friends, doctors, and nurses. Such attitudes and behaviors prevent recovery. Therefore, a doctor's treatment must help the patient change that. Simonton's method emphasizes treatment of the “whole” patient.    The attitude of a cancer patient receiving radiation therapy, an X-ray treatment, can become more positive. The physician who is following Simonton's psychological treatment plan suggests that the patient imagine that he or she can see the tumor(腫瘤) in the body. In the mental picture, the patient "sees" a powerful beam of radiation like a million bullets of energy. The patient imagines the beam hitting the tumor cells and causing them to shrink. For another cancer patient, Dr. Simonton asks him to imagine the medicine going from the stomach into the bloodstream and to the cancer cells. The patient imagines that the medicine is like an army fighting the diseased cells and sees the cancer cells gradually dying and his blood carry away the dead cells. Both the medical therapy and the patient's positive attitude fight the disease.    Doctors are not certain why this mental therapy works. However, this use of psychology does help some patients because their attitudes about themselves change. They become more confident because they use the power within their own minds to help stop the disease.    Another application of using the mind to help cure disease is the use of suggestion therapy. At first, the doctor helps the patient to concentrate deeply. The patient thinks only about one thing. He becomes so unaware of other things around him that he is asleep, or rather in a trance(催眠狀態(tài)). Then the physician makes “a suggestion” to the patient about the medical problem. The patient's mind responds to the suggestion even after the patient is no longer in the trance. In this way, the patient uses his mind to help his body respond to treatment.    Doctors have learned that this use of psychology is helpful for both adults and children. For example, physicians have used suggestion to help adults deal with the strong pain of some disease. Furthermore, sometimes the adult patient worries about her illness so much that the anxiety keeps her from getting well. The right suggestions may help the patient to stop being anxious. Such treatment may help the patient with a chronic(慢性的)diseases. Asthma (哮喘) is an example of a chronic disorder. Asthma is a disease that causes the patient to have difficulty in breathing. The patient starts to cough and sometimes has to fight to get the air that he or she needs. Psychology can help relieve the symptoms of this disorder. After suggestion therapy, the asthma patient breathes more easily.    Physicians have learned that the psychological method is very useful in treating children. Children respond quickly to the treatment because they are fascinated by it. For example, Dr. Basil R. Collison has worked with 121 asthmatic children in Sydney, Australia, and had good results. Twenty-five of the children had Excellent results. They were able to breathe more easily, and they did not need medication. Another forty-three were also helped. The symptoms of the asthma occurred less frequently, and when they did, they were not as strong. Most of the children also felt better about themselves. Doctors have also used suggestion to change habits like nail-biting, thumb-sucking, and sleep-related problems.    Many professional medical groups have accepted the medical use of psychology and that psychology has important applications in medicine.15. What does the passage mainly discuss?  A. How to use the mind against disease.  B. How modern therapy focuses on the disease.  C. Responses from the medical world.  D. How suggestion therapy benefits adults and children.16. How does psychological therapy work?  A. The patient waits for the medicine and treatment to cure him.  B. The doctor uses medical treatment to cure the patient's problems.  C. The doctor, the medicine, and the patient work together to fight disease.  D. The patient uses his mind to cure himself. 17. What can we learn from the studies of Carl Simonton, M. D.?  A. The medical treatment can cure the patient's mental disease.  B. The treatment of a patient by treating the body and the mind is necessary.  C. The mental treatment is more important than medical treatment.  D. Few patients have emotional response to the disease.18. The use of psychological therapy is helpful to some patients in that             .  A. the medical effect is better with psychological therapy than without it  B. the patients can see a powerful beam of radiation hitting their tumor cells  C. the patients' attitudes towards themselves have changed  D. the patients are easy to accept the methods the doctors use to treat them19. It can be learned from the passage that suggestion therapy cannot be used to             .  A. help adults deal with the strong pain of some diseases  B. help the patients with chronic diseases  C. help change some bad habits  D. help cure patients of insomnia(失眠癥)20. According to the passage, which of the following remains unknown so far?  A. The value of mental therapy.  B. The effectiveness of suggestion therapy.  C. The working principle of suggestion therapy.  D. The importance of psychology in medical treatment.參考答案 15-20 ACBCDC*結(jié)束內(nèi)容總結(jié)


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