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(宜賓專版)2019屆中考英語總復習 第一篇 教材知識梳理篇 八下 Units 9-10(精講)檢測.doc

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(宜賓專版)2019屆中考英語總復習 第一篇 教材知識梳理篇 八下 Units 9-10(精講)檢測.doc

八年級(下)Units 910,單元重點回顧類別課標考點要求重點單詞1.camera(n.)照相機;攝影機;攝像機2.unbelievable(adj.)難以置信的;不真實的3.progress(v.& n.)進步;進展4.rapid(adj.)迅速的;快速的5.unusual(adj.)特別的;不尋常的6.toilet(n.)坐便器;廁所7.encourage(v.)鼓勵8.social(adj.)社會的9.peaceful(adj.)和平的;安寧的10.perfect(adj.)完美的;完全的11.collect(v.)收集;采集12.German(adj.)德國的;德語的;德國人的(n.);德語;德國人13.ride(n.)供乘騎的游樂設施;短途旅程14.province(n.)省份15.thousand(num.)一千16.safe(adj.)安全的;無危險的17.simply(adv.)僅僅;只;不過18.fear(v.& n.)害怕;懼怕19.whether(conj.)不管(還是);或者(或者);是否20.Indian(adj.)印度的(n.);印度人21.Japanese(adj.n.)日本的;日本人的;日語的(n.)日本人;日語22.whenever(conj.)在任何的時候;無論何時23.spring(n.)春天24.mostly(adv.)主要地;通常25.sweet(adj.)甜蜜的;甜的;含糖的26.memory(n.)記憶;回憶27.toy(n.)玩具28.bear(n.)熊29.maker(n.)生產(chǎn)者;制訂者30.scarf(n.)圍巾;披巾;頭巾31.soft(adj.)軟的;柔軟的32.check(v.& n.)檢查;審查33.board(n.)板;木板34.junior(adj.)地位(或職位、級別)低下的35.clear(v.)清理;清除36.bedroom(n.)臥室37.own(v.)擁有;有38.railway(n.)鐵路;鐵道39.part(v.)離開;分開40.certain(adj.)某種;某事;某人41.honest(adj.)誠實的;老實的42.while(n.)一段時間;一會兒43.truthful(adj.)誠實的;真實的44.hometown(n.)家鄉(xiāng);故鄉(xiāng)45.nowadays(adv.)現(xiàn)今;現(xiàn)在;目前46.search(v.& n.)搜索;搜查47.among(prep.)在(其)中;之一48.crayon(n.)彩色鉛筆(或粉筆、蠟筆)49.shame(n.)羞恥;羞愧;慚愧50.regard(v.)將認為;把視為;看待51.count(v.)數(shù)數(shù)52.century(n.)百年;世紀53.opposite(prep.)與相對;在對面(adj.)對面的;另一邊的54.especially(adv.)尤其;特別;格外55.childhood(n)童年;幼年56.consider(v.)注視;仔細考慮57.hold(v.)擁有;抓住詞性轉換1.invent(v.)發(fā)明invention(n.)發(fā)明2.believe(v.)相信unbelievable(adj.)難以置信的3.rapid(adj.)迅速的;快速的rapidly(adv.)快速地4.usual(adj.)通常的;尋常的unusual不同尋常的(反義詞)5.social(adj.)社會的society(n.)社會6.it(pron.)它itself(反身代詞)7.German(adj.& n.)德國的;德語的;德語;德國人Germany(n.)德國8.safe(adj.)安全的safety(n.)安全safely(adv.)安全地dangerous(adj.)危險的(反義詞)9.Indian(adj.)印度的;印度人的India(n.)印度10.Japanese(adj.& n.)日本的;日本人的;日本人;日語Japan(n.)日本11.fox(n.)狐貍foxes(復數(shù))12.memory(n.)記憶;回憶memorize(v.)記憶13.scarf(n.)圍巾;披巾;頭巾scarves/scarfs(復數(shù))14.soft(adj.)軟的hard(adj.)硬的(反義詞)15.sweet(adj.)sweeter(比較級)sweetest(最高級)16.honest(adj.)誠實的honesty(n.)誠實unhonest (n.)不誠實的(反義詞)17.shame(n.)羞恥;羞愧shameful(adj.)羞愧的18.century(n.)世紀centuries世紀(復數(shù))19.hold(v.)擁有;抓住held(過去式/過去分詞)重點短語 1.了解;獲知;得知learn about2.導致;通向lead to 3.張貼;搭建;舉起put up 4.取得進步make (great)progress5.以如此快速的方式in such a rapid way 6.鼓勵某人(不)做某事encourage sb.(not)to do sth.7.兩個;一對,幾個a couple of8.聽說(過去式heard)hear of/about sth.9.數(shù)以千計的;許許多多的thousands of 10.2千 two thousand11.一方面另一方面on the one handon the other hand12.一個說英語的國家an Englishspeaking country13.在白天during/in the daytime 14.全年all year round 15.幾乎接近 close to16.帶回甜蜜的回憶bring back sweet memories 17.察看;觀察check out18.清理;丟掉clear out 19.不再no longernot any longer 20.放棄、交出(尤指不舍得的東西)part with 21.至于;關于as for 22.說實在的to be honest 23.一會兒for a while24.依據(jù);按照according to25.考慮做某事 consider doing sth.續(xù)表類別課標考點要求重點句子1._Have_ you ever _been_to_ a science museum?你曾經(jīng)去過科學博物館嗎?_Yes_,I _have_.是的,我去過。2.We _put_up_ a tent and cooked outside.我們搭起帳篷并且在外面做飯。3._Ive_ never _been_camping_.我從未野營過。4._Its_unbelievable_that_ technology _has_progressed_ in such a rapid way!科學技術進步得如此之快,真是難以置信。5.I _wonder_ how much more puters _will_be_able_to_ do in the future.我想知道將來電腦還能夠做些什么事情。6.The tea art performances show _how_to_make_ a perfect cup of tea _with_ beautiful tea sets.茶藝表演展示怎樣用漂亮的茶具沏一杯完美的茶。7._Watching_ the tea preparation _is_ just _as_enjoyable_as_ drinking the tea itself.觀看茶的準備過程就像喝茶本身一樣令人愉快。8._Ive_never_been_to_ a water park.我從未去過水上公園。_Me_neither._我也沒去過。9._Ive_been_to_ the art museum many times.我去過藝術博物館很多次了。_Me,too_.And _Ive_also_visited_ the nature museum.我也是。而且我還參觀過自然博物館。10.You wont _have_any_problem_getting_ rice,noodles or dumplings.你將不會在獲得米飯、面條或是餃子上有任何困難。11.So you can choose to go _whenever_ you likespring,summer,autumn or winter.因此你可以選擇你喜歡的任何時候去,春天、夏天、秋天或者冬天。12.As they _get_bigger_,our house seems to _get_smaller_.隨著他們長大,我們的房子似乎變小了。13.We have decided to each sell five things that we _no_longer_ use.我們已經(jīng)決定每個人賣掉我們不再用的5樣東西。14._How_long_ have you _had_ that bike over there? 你買那邊的那輛自行車多久了?Ive had it _for_three_years_.我已經(jīng)買了三年了。15._How_long_ has his son _owned_ the train and railway set? 他兒子擁有火車和鐵軌套裝多久了?Hes owned it _since_his_fourth_birthday_.自從他的4歲生日時就已經(jīng)擁有了。16.I _used_to_ return home at least once a year,but I _havent_been_back_for_almost_three_years_now_.我過去至少一年回家一次,但是我現(xiàn)在幾乎快三年沒回去了。17.Our hometown has _left_many_soft_and_sweet_memories_in_our_hearts_.家鄉(xiāng)在我們的心中留下了許多溫柔甜美回憶。語法1.現(xiàn)在完成時been,ever和never(詳見第二編P136)2.現(xiàn)在完成時since,for(詳見第二編P136)話題Unit 9 Fun places(有趣的地方)Unit 10 Living environment(生活環(huán)境)單元重難點突破辨析Me,too與Me neither (八下Unit 9 P65)【舉例透析】He passed the exam,and so did I/me,too.他通過了考試,我也通過了。Theyve passed the exam.So have we./Us,too.他們通過了考試,我們也過了。Im going home.我要回家了。 So am I./Me,too.我也是。(Me,too/so do I意為“我也是”,源于so do 主語,助動詞do代表句中的be動詞、助動詞或情態(tài)動詞。)He never es late.Me neither./Nor do I.他從未遲到過。我也沒有。If you dont go,neither/nor will I.如果你不去,我也不去。He couldnt do it and neither could she/she neither.他做不了,她也做不了。(Me neither./Neither/Nor do I.表示“我也不”。源于neither/nor be動詞/助動詞/情態(tài)動詞 主語,前句所述情況為否定。)(A)1.I think you are different now.Of course,times have changed and _.A.so have I B.so I have C.neither have I D.neither I have(B)2.(新信息題)I dont like the movie Dream Breaker(破夢游戲)._.A.So do I B.Me neitherC.Also I do D.So I do分數(shù)表達 (八下Unit 9 P70)【舉例透析】three quarters 意為3/4。(在表達英語的分數(shù)時,要注意分子用基數(shù)詞,分母用序數(shù)詞,當分子大于1時,分母要用復數(shù)形式。)a quarter 1/4a/one sixth 1/6five sevenths 5/7Two thirds of the water has been used for farming.三分之二的水已經(jīng)被用來耕種了。(“分數(shù)(或百分數(shù)) of 名詞”構成的名詞詞組作主語時,其后的動詞形式根據(jù)of詞組的名詞確定。)(D)Peter,_ of the bananas _ gone bad.Wed better eat up the rest as soon as possible.A.one fifths;has B.one fifth;hasC.one fifths;have D.one fifth;have辨析have gone to,have been to與have been in (八下Unit 9 P68)【舉例透析】Where is Jim?吉姆在哪? He has gone to England.他去英國了。(have/has gone to 地點:去了某地(表示現(xiàn)在還沒回來,可能在去的途中,或已經(jīng)到了目的地)My father has been to Beijing twice.我爸爸已經(jīng)去了北京兩次。(have/has been to 地點:去過某地(此時人已回到說話處),常與twice(兩次),several times(幾次),ever(曾經(jīng)),never(從未)等詞組或副詞搭配。)I have been in Shanghai for three years.我在上海待了三年了。(have/has been at (in)地點:在某地待了多久(后面須用表示時間段的狀語)(C)1.Im expecting a call from my daughter.She _ New York for three days.A.has gone to B.has been to C.has been in D.has been(A)2.(xx哈爾濱中考改編)Qingdao is the most beautiful city Ive ever_.So it is.Many international meetings are held there every year.A.been to B.gone toC.went D.going(A)3.(xx昆山模擬)Look!Your teacher Miss White is over there.No,it cant be her.She _ to Beijing.A.has gone B.has beenC.went D.will go辨析for與since (八下Unit 10 P73)【舉例透析】He has lived here for five years.他在這兒住5年了。She has taught there since xx/since 4 years ago.從xx年/自四年前以來她就在那兒教書。(for 與 since都可以用作介詞,經(jīng)常用于含有完成時的句子里。)He has been here for two years/since two years ago.他來這里已經(jīng)有兩年了。(for后面的賓語接“時間段”,表示一段時間。since后面的賓語接“時間點”,表示從過去某一時間點以來。)He has taught here since he came to China.自從他來到中國就在這兒教書。It is/has been an hour since he left here.他離開這兒已有一小時了。(for和since引導時間狀語,主句均須用延續(xù)性動詞或非延續(xù)性動詞的否定式。往往用how long對時間段提問。)I worked here for over 20 years.我曾經(jīng)在這里工作了20多年。(since可以用作連詞引導時間狀語從句,而for則不能。)注意:并非有for作為時間狀語的句子都用現(xiàn)在完成時。(C)1.We have had the tea set _ three years.A.since B.until C.for D.unless(A)2.(xx宜昌中考)It has been much easier for me to go to work_ shared bikes appeared.But they also caused plenty of problems.A.since B.before C.unless D.though3.因為我還是個嬰兒的時候就擁有它了。Because Ive _had/owned_ it since I _was_ a baby.encourage (八下Unit 9 P67)【舉例透析】His classmates encouraged him to take part in the singing petition.他同學鼓勵他參加歌唱比賽。(encourage作動詞,意為鼓勵。常用搭配:encourage sb. to do sth.鼓勵某人做某事)(B)(新信息題)The TV show Super Mom(媽媽是超人) encourages all mothers_ closer to their children and care for them.A.get B.to getC.to getting D.gets直 擊 中 考一、單項選擇。(A)1.(xx涼山州中考)The picture of the Snowflake boy has bee very popular recently.Yeah,it receives _ Internet hits a day.A.thousands of B.thousandsC.hundred D.hundreds(A)2.(xx涼山州中考改編)Paris is a wonderful place.So it is.I _ there twice.A.have been B.have goneC.went D.have been to (C)3.(xx玉林中考改編)In life,_ we are disappointed,angry and sad,we shouldnt lose heart.A.whoever B.whateverC.whenever D.where(B)4.(xx烏魯木齊中考)My friends new restaurant in Wanda Plaza(萬達廣場) _ two years ago,but I _ there so far.A.has opened;havent beenB.was open;havent beenC.opened;havent gone D.has been open;havent gone二、完形填空。A man got a new car and he was very proud of it.One day,when he came back home,he saw his threeyearold son happily hitting the new car with a toy _1_.He broke off the paint on the car.The man was so _2_ that he ran to his son,took away his hammer(錘子) from him,and used the hammer to hit the boys _3_ as hard as he could for punishment.The poor boy cried _4_ but his father didnt care at all.When the father calmed down,he took his son to the _5_ as soon as he could.Although the doctor tried to save the broken bones,he had to _6_ the fingers from both of the boys hands in the end.When the boy _7_ in the hospital and saw his hands,he innocently(天真地) said,“Daddy,Im sorry about your car.”Then he asked,“But when are my fingers going to grow back?”The father felt very sad and regretted this very much.Think about this story when someone steps(踩)_8_ your feet and you want to argue(爭吵) with him.Think first before you _9_ your patience with someone.Cars can be broken,_10_ bones and hurt feelings often cant.So always remember:Excusing is greater than argument and think before you act!(B)1.A.gun B.hammer C.plane D.knife(B)2.A.satisfied B.angryC.patient D.surprised(D)3.A.eyes B.feet C.back D.hands(B)4.A.silently B.loudlyC.proudly D.suddenly(C)5.A.school B.shopC.hospital D.restaurant(A)6.A.cut B.connect C.clean D.cycle(C)7.A.went up B.caught upC.woke up D.looked up(B)8.A.in B.on C.by D.at(A)9.A.lose B.share C.protect D.find(D)10.A.and B.so C.although D.but三、(xx義烏中考改編)還原句子。閱讀下面短文,把A、B、C、D四個句子填入文中空缺處,使短文內(nèi)容完整、正確。Are You Ready for High School?If you can do these things by the time you go to high school,youll get on well with others in high school.Be the best roommate.A little respect(尊重) goes a long way.Dont help yourself to her personal things in the room,and let her know if you plan to treat friends there.1._B_Make a great first impression(印象).2._C_ To make an immediate connection,look at a person in the eye and give a firm handshake.Keep eye contact while youre chatting and mention the persons name when saying goodbye.Keep a secret.One study found that holding something in can make you feel lonely and sad.3._A_4._D_ If someone did something nice for youa gift,some help,now its the time to take out your pen! Sending the person a handwritten note card within 48 hours afterward is a sign that you really have it together.A.So for your health and friendships,write down the secret in a safe place instead of talking about others in public.B.If you dont feel like youre being treated fairly,have a talk face to face.C.The first meeting with someone really does matter.D.Write a fantastic thankyou note.四、(xx烏魯木齊中考改編)綜合填空。閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)單詞、首字母、漢語和語境提示,在每個空格內(nèi)填入一個適當?shù)膯卧~,要求意義準確、拼寫正確。There once was a farmer who grew the best corn in his town.One day,his friend Scott asked him 1.how_ he grew the best corn.The farmer told him that he often gave his good corn seeds(種子) to his 2._neighbors_.“3._Why_ do you give your good seeds to your neighbors? They will pete 4._with_ you!” Scott asked.“Why?” the farmer laughed.“Dont you know? The wind picks up pollen(花粉) from the corn and 5._spreads_(spread) it from field to field.If my neighbors grow bad corn,the bad pollen will have bad influence on 6._mine_(my).My corn cannot improve 7._unless_(除非) my neighbors corn improves.”It is the same with our lives.Those 8.who_ choose to live in peace must help their neighbors to live in peace.Those who choose to live well must help 9._others_(其他人) to live well.And those who choose to be happy must help others to find 10._happiness_,as the happiness of each has something to do with the happiness of all.五、(xx河北中考改編)完成句子。閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)題后要求完成句子。Artificial intelligence(AI)(人工智能) is growing rapidly.We are living in a world that depends more and more on AI.AI is a group of technologies that help machines get,understand and use information to do tasks.AIs recent developments have got a lot of social attention.Some people have weled AI because it makes things possible.For example,AI will have a big influence on areas like medicine and engineering.But this attention has also produced a lot of fear.Especially,many workers are worrying that AI could make them lose their jobs.(A)根據(jù)最近的研究,將近百分之五的工作將因為人工智能而消失。 In some industries,AI is already doing the work that people used to do,such as assembling(裝配) cars,digging the coal and lifting goods.Selfdriving cars and trucks controlled by AI will also take away the drivers jobs in the future.(B)for,AI,many,will,also,create,new,jobs,people. More people will be needed to write programmes for AI systems(系統(tǒng)) and they will set up and work on them,too.Meanwhile,jobs that require feelings,excellent munication skills with people will not be replaced(取代) by AI.These include jobs in fields like teaching,nursing and personal training.AI is here.(C)It_is_changing_how_people_live_and_work_in_many_ways.That makes AI important to watch,not to fear.1.漢譯英。請根據(jù)(A)處中文提示寫出英語句子。(每空一詞)According to a recent study,nearly five percent of jobs will_disappear_ because _of_ AI.2.連詞成句。請將(B)處的單詞連成意義完整的句子。_AI_will_also_create_many_new_jobs_for_people._3.英譯漢。請將(C)句譯成中文。_人工智能在很多方面正在改變?nèi)藗兙幼『凸ぷ鞯姆绞?。_4.根據(jù)文章,完成下面兩個句子。(1)AI is _a_group_of_technologies_ that help machines to do tasks.(2)_Selfdriving_cars_and_trucks_controlled by AI may make the drivers lose their jobs.


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