畢 業(yè) 設 計 ( 論 文 ) 任 務 書機電工程學院 學院 機械設計制造及其自動化 專業(yè)設計(論文)題目 液壓壓磚機 學 生 姓 名 班 級 起 止 日 期 指 導 教 師 教 研 室 主 任 發(fā)任務書日期 年 02 月 25 日1.畢業(yè)設計的背景:中國現(xiàn)已是世界公認的墻地磚生產(chǎn)大國,有著世界最大的壓磚機市場。但在壓磚機上,卻一直依賴于進口,其中主要來年自意大利和德國,自國家“七五”計劃以來, 。由國家建材局組織實施的墻地磚技術裝備現(xiàn)代化和國產(chǎn)化項目不斷取得進步,在自主開發(fā)與國外先進技術相結合,引進技術與消化吸收相結合的方針指導下,國產(chǎn)液壓壓磚機取得了從無到有、從小到大的重大發(fā)展和技術進步,填補了國內空白,并且產(chǎn)品還開始出口到東南亞等國。2.畢業(yè)設計(論文)的內容和要求:本文主要內容就是了解液壓壓磚機的整體結構,對液壓機本體結構的主要部件進行強度核算,保證機器的運行安全。同時根據(jù)壓力和流量這兩個液壓系統(tǒng)的主要參數(shù)來選擇液壓元、輔件和原動機的規(guī)格。最后對液壓機的技術性能進行估算,以便從幾種設計方案中比較出最佳方案,或判斷其設計質量。本次畢業(yè)設計的要求主要有:1.撰寫畢業(yè)設計說明書一份(包括:封面、中文及外文摘要、目錄、正文、 參考文獻、附錄等內容)2. 畢業(yè)設計說明書按學校統(tǒng)一要求撰寫3. 繪制一定數(shù)量的設計圖紙3.主要參考文獻:[1] 俞新陸主編,液壓機.北京:,1982[2] 官忠范主編,液壓傳動系統(tǒng) 北京:機械工業(yè)出版社, 1998[3] 王春行主編,液壓控制系統(tǒng) 第 2 版 北京:機械工業(yè)出版社 2000[4] 林建亞,何存心主編 液壓元件 北京:機械工業(yè)出版社 1988[5] 雷天覺主編,新編液壓工程手冊.北京:北京理工大學出版社 19984.畢業(yè)設計(論文) 進度計劃( 以周為單位):起 止 日 期 工 作 內 容 備 注1-2 周3-4 周5-6 周7-8 周9-10 周11-13 周14-15 周結合課題進行相關實地考察,查詢相關文獻,收集資料。綜合分析文獻資料,提出和論證壓磚機總體設計方案。對液壓系統(tǒng)進行分析,設計其本體設計。完成液壓機的選型計算。完成液壓泵的選型計算。完成液壓元件的選型計算。繪壓磚機的總裝圖及各零件圖。在綜合設計的基礎上,校核和改正設計的不完善之處,撰寫畢業(yè)論文。教研室審查意見:室主任 年 月 日學院審查意見:教學院長 年 月 日附錄附錄 1NC technology and equipment, trends and countermeasures --------Alexander LudwigAbstract: This paper describes the current world NC technology and equipment and the development trend of China's CNC equipment and technology development and industrialization of the status quo, based on this discussion in China's WTO accession and opening up further deepen under the new circumstances, the development of China NC technology and equipment, and enhance the country's information industry and the level of international competitiveness of the importance of strategy and tactics from the two dimensions of the development of China's technology and equipment NC Viewpoints. Industrial equipment of the technological level and degree of modernization of the national economy as a whole is determined by the level and degree of modernization, NC technology and equipment is the development of new high-tech industries and cutting-edge industries (such as information technology and related industries, biotechnology and related industries, aviation, aerospace and other defense industrial) enabling technology and the most basic equipment. Marx once said that “the difference between various economic times, what is not production, and production is how, what labor production.“ Manufacturing technology and equipment, is the most basic of human activities in the production of capital goods, and numerical control technology is today's advanced manufacturing technology and equipment, the core technology. The world today manufacturing CNC technology widely used to enhance manufacturing capability and the level of increase on the dynamic ability to adapt to changing market and competitive ability. In addition to the world's industrialized countries will NC NC technology and equipment as a national strategic commodities, not only to take significant measures to develop its own CNC technology and its industries, but also in the “high-tech“ key technology and equipment NC aspects of the implementation of China's policy of closures and restrictions. In short, vigorously develop its NC technology as the core of advanced manufacturing technology has become the world's least developed countries to accelerate economic development and enhance the overall national strength and an important way to statehood. NC technology is the use of digital information on the mechanical movement and the work process control technology, NC NC technology equipment is the representative of new technologies on traditional manufacturing industries and new manufacturing formation of the infiltration of electromechanical integration products, the so-called Digital equipment, and its technical covering many areas: (1) Machinery Manufacturing Technology (2) information processing, processing, transmission technology, (3) automatic control technology, (4) servo drive technology; (5) sensor technology; (6) software technology. 1 NC technology development trends NC technology applications not only to the traditional manufacturing sector has brought revolutionary changes in the manufacturing industry as a symbol of industrialization, and along with the constant development of NC technology and the expansion of the area of application, he comes to some important sectors (IT , automobiles, light industry, health care, etc.), playing an increasingly important role in these industries because of digital equipment needed is the development of the modern trend. Judging from the current NC Technology and the world view of the trend of the development of equipment, and its main research focus in the following areas [1 ~ 4]. 1.1 high-speed, high-technology and equipment finishing the new trend Efficiency, and quality is the main body of advanced manufacturing technology. High-speed, high-finishing technologies can greatly improve the efficiency, improve product quality and grades, shortening the production cycle and improve market competitiveness. For this reason Japan will tip its technology research as five of the modern manufacturing technology, and international production Engineering Society (CIRP) will be identified as the center of the 21st century one of the research directions. In the car industry, the annual production of 300,000 is 40 seconds beats / units, and car variety processing equipment is the key problems must be solved one of the aviation and aerospace industry, processing for more than thin-walled parts and the thin line, stiffness poor material for aluminum or aluminum alloy, and only in high cutting speed cutting force small circumstances, can these tendons, wall processing. Recently a large overall aluminum alloy billets “hollowing out“ approach to manufacture wings, fuselage and other parts to replace large number of parts by many rivets, screws and other foodstuff to connect to the component strength, stiffness and reliability has been upgraded. All of the processing equipment to the high-speed, high-precision and high flexibility requirements. EMO2001 show from the point of view, high-speed machining centers to speed up to 80 m / min, or even higher, air speed of 100 m / min or so. At present many of the world's automobile plants, including China's Shanghai General Motors Corp., have already been used in high-speed machining center of the production line of alternative combinations machine. CINCINNATI the United States HyperMach largest machine tool to speed up to 60 m / min, and rapid 100 m / min, the acceleration of 2 g, spindle speed reached 60 000r/min. A thin-walled processing aircraft parts, only 30 min, and the same high-speed milling machine parts in the general processing takes 3 h, in the general milling machine processing to 8 h; Germany DMG's dual-spindle lathe spindle speed and acceleration respectively 12 *! 000 r / mm and 1 g. In the processing accuracy, the past 10 years, the general level of machining precision CNC machine has been raised to 10 μ m 5 μ m, precision-machining center from 3 to 5 μ m, and increased to 1 ~ 1.5 μ m, and ultra-precision machining accuracy has entered nanotechnology - (0.01 μ m). In the reliability of foreign NC device MTBF value has reached more than 6 000h, the servo system MTBF value reached more than 30000 h, showing very high reliability. In order to achieve high-speed, high-finishing, ancillary components such as the spindle, linear motors have been rapid development of application areas further expanded. 1.2 5-axis machining and composite machining and rapid development On a 5-axis machining 3D parts can be the best tool for cutting geometry, and not only finish high, and also greatly improve efficiency. Generally believed that, one 5-axis machine tools can be equivalent to the efficiency of 2 - 3-axis machine tools, in particular the use of cubic boron nitride and other superhard materials for high-speed milling cutter hardened steel components, the 5-axis machining comparable 3-axis Processing play higher efficiency. But in the past because of 5-axis CNC system, host of complex reasons, its price than the 3-axis CNC machine tool is several times higher, and the more difficult programming technology, restricted the 5-axis machine tool development. At present, due to the emergence of electro-spindle, and make the attainment of the 5-axis machining spindle head composite structure substantially simplified its manufacturing difficulties and costs lowered significantly, NC system narrowing the price gap. Therefore promotion of the first type of spindle 5-axis machine tools and machining complex (including 5-sided machining) development. In EMO2001 exhibition, the new Japan-5-sided machining machine tool spindle first compound can be realized four vertical plane processing and the processing of arbitrary angle, making 5-sided machining and 5-axis machining can be realized on the same machine, tilted surface can be realized and inverted cone-processing. German companies at DMG DMUVoution Series machining centers, in a fixture of 5-sided machining and 5-axis machining, CNC system can be controlled or CAD / CAM direct or indirect control. 1.3 intelligent, open, network-based CNC system, as one of the major trends in the development of 21 NC equipment will be is a certain intelligent systems, intelligent content included in the NC system in all aspects: the pursuit of processing efficiency and the quality of the intelligent processing, such as the adaptive process control, process Automatic Generation of parameters; drive to improve performance and to facilitate the use of the intelligent connections, such as feedforward control, the electrical parameters of adaptive computing, automatic identification load automatically selected model, self-tuning, etc.; simplify programming, simplifying the operation Intelligent, such as intelligent automatic programming, and intelligent human-machine interface; also intelligent diagnosis, intelligent monitoring the contents of the system to facilitate the diagnosis and maintenance. To address the traditional system of NC NC closed and the application software industry production existing problems. Many countries to open CNC systems research, such as the United States of NGC (The Next Generation Work-Station/Machine Control), the EC OSACA (Open System Architecture for Control within Automation Systems), Japan OSEC (Open System Environment for Controller), China's ONC (Open Numerical Control System). CNC system has become open NC The future of the system. The so-called open CNC system is the development of CNC system can be run in a unified platform, and the machine tool manufacturers and end-users, by changing, adding or tailoring of objects (NC function), a serialization, and easy to the customer's specific application and technical know-how to control system integration, rapid realization of different varieties, different grades of open CNC system and form a distinctive brand products. NC current open system architecture norms, communications specification, the standard configuration, operation platform, the system functions as well as NC NC system software development tools, and is the core of the current study. NC network equipment in the last two years internationally renowned Machine Tool Exposition of a new bright spot. NC network equipment will be great to meet production lines, manufacturing systems, manufacturing enterprise information integration needs is a new manufacturing paradigm as agile manufacturing, virtual enterprise, the basis of global manufacturing unit. Some well-known at home and abroad CNC machine tools and CNC system manufacturing company in the past two years introduced a related new concepts and prototypes, such as EMO2001 exhibition, Japan Yamasaki file (Mazak) exhibited “CyberProduction Center“ (Intelligent Production Control Center, or CPC), Japan Okuma (Okuma) machine tool companies exhibited the “IT plaza“ (Information Technology Square, as IT Plaza); Germany's Siemens (Siemens) at the company's Open Manufacturing Environment (open manufacturing environment, or OME ), reflecting the network CNC machining to develop in the direction of the trend. 1.4 emphasis on new technical standards, the establishment of norms 1.4.1 on the NC system design and development norms As mentioned earlier, open CNC system better interoperability, flexibility, adaptability, scalability, the United States, the EC and Japan, and other countries have implemented strategic development plan, and open architecture CNC system norms (OMAC, OSACA, OSEC) research and development of the world's three largest economies in the short term was almost the same as the scientific programme and the development of norms, NC foretells a new technology changes the coming period. China in 2000 also began in China ONC CNC system of research and normative framework for the development. 1.4.2 on the NC Standard NC manufacturing standards of the development of information a trend. CNC technology was born 50 years after the exchange of information are based on the ISO6983 standard, that is, by G and M code describe how (how) processing, and its essential character-oriented process, it is clear that he has become increasingly unable to meet modern NC High-speed technology development needs. To this end, the international community is research and development of a new CNC system standard ISO14649 (STEP-NC), the aim is to provide a system not dependent on the specific neutral mechanism, can describe the entire life cycle of products within the unified data model in order to achieve the manufacturing process, as well as various industrial fields standardized product information. STEP-NC is likely NC technology is a revolution, the development of the NC and the entire manufacturing sector, it will have far-reaching implications. First, the STEP-NC A new manufacturing philosophy, the traditional manufacturing concepts, NC machining process are concentrated in a single computer. And in the new standards, the NC program can be distributed on the Internet, which is open CNC technology, the network of the direction of development. Secondly, the STEP-NC NC system can be greatly reduced processing drawings (about 75%), preparation of processing time (approximately 35%) and processing time (approximately 50%). At present, Europe and the United States attach great importance to the STEP-NC research, Europe launched the STEP-NC IMS plan (1999.1.1 ~ 2001.12.31). Participating in the scheme from Europe and Japan 20 CAD / CAM / CAPP / CNC users, vendors and academic institutions. United States STEP Tools Inc. is the world of manufacturing data exchange software development, he has developed for CNC machining exchange of information super model (Super Model), its goal is to use a unified description of all norms process. At present this new data exchange format has been equipped with SIEMENS, and the European OSACA FIDIA NC-NC prototype of the system was verified. 2 Two pairs of NC technology and the development of basic industries estimate CNC technology in China started in 1958, the last 50 years of development history can be broadly classified into three stages: the first stage, from 1958 to 1979, that is a closed stage of development. At this stage, as foreign technology blockade and our basic conditions, the development of NC technology more slowly. The second stage is in the country's “June 5“, “July 5,“ and during the “Eighth Five“ early, that is, the introduction of technology, digestion and absorption, initially established system of the domestic stage. At this stage, due to reform and opening up and national attention, and research and development environment and the improvement of the international environment, China's CNC technology research and development as well as in the area of domestic products has made considerable progress. The third stage is in the country's “Eighth Five“ and later “Ninth Five-Year“ period, that is the implementation of the industrialization of research into market competition stage. At this stage, China's domestic industries of CNC equipment has made substantial progress. In the “Ninth Five-Year,“ the China CNC machine tool of the domestic market share of 50%, with domestic CNC system (universal type) also reached 10%. Throughout China's CNC technology nearly 50 years of development history, particularly after four five-year plan and tackle the general view in the following results. A. laid the basis for the development of numerical control technology, basically mastered the modern CNC technology. China has basically mastered from the NC system, servo-driven, NC console, accessories, and parts of the plane and its technical basis, the majority of whom possesses the technology has been the basis for the development of commercialization, technology has been part of the commercialization and industrialization of. B. initially formed a NC industrial base. In the research results and commercialization of the technology on the basis of the establishment of the NC Central China, such as aerospace, such as production capacity NC NC systems production plant. Maryland Motor Works, a group of central NC servo system and servo motor manufacturing plant, as well as Beijing No. 1 Machine Tool Plant, Jinan first of a number of CNC machine tool plant host plant. These factories basically formed the country's industrial base NC. C. NC established a research, development, the basic team management personnel. While in the research and development of NC technology and industrialization of China has made remarkable progress, but we have to clearly recognize that China's high-end CNC technology research and development, especially in the industrialization of the status quo and the technological level of China's practical needs there is still a significant gap. Although longitudinal look at the development of our country very fast, but horizontal ratio (compared with other countries) there is a gap between the level of technology not only in certain areas there is a gap between the speed of development, that is, some of sophisticated CNC equipment to expand the gap between the level of technology trends. From the international perspective, the level of China's CNC technology and the level of industry estimates are as follows. A. technical level, with foreign advanced level of about 10 to 15 years behind in even more sophisticated technology. B. industry level, the market share of low coverage of small, no large-scale production of components and complete sets of specialized production and low capacity level; appearance of a relatively poor quality, reliability is not high, lack of commercialization; Domestic NC system is not yet set up their own brand, user's lack of confidence. C. the capacity for sustainable development, the competition before NC technology research and development, engineering capability is weak; NC efforts to expand the area of application is not strong; relevant standards of the study, formulation, lagging behind. Analysis of the main reasons for the gap exist in the following areas. A. awareness. NC process of the domestic industry arduous, complex and long-term understanding of the characteristics of inadequate market regulations, the blockade and stifle foreign institutional underestimating the difficulties, such as; NC technology to China's level and ability of not enough. B. system aspects. From a technical point of concern NC Industrialization of the time, from the system, the perspective of industrial chain NC industries considered when the issue of less quality without the establishment of a complete support system, comprehensive training, service network support system. C. mechanism. Adverse mechanism caused the brain drain, and the technical constraints and technical route innovation, product innovation, and restricting the effective implementation of the planning, often planning vision, implementation difficulties. D. technology. Enterprises in the technical aspects of the capability of independent innovation is not strong, core technical engineering capability is not strong. Machine Tool standards backward, lower level, the CNC system on the new standards inadequate. Three pairs of NC technology and industrial development of the strategic thinking 3.1 strategic considerations China is Zhicaodaguo, transfer of industries in the world, we should try to accept front-end and back-end instead of the transfer, that is, to master core technologies and advanced manufacturing, or in the new round of international industrial restructuring, China's manufacturing industry will be further “empty core.“ Our resources, the environment, the market price of the exchange may be only the world's new economic structure of the international “processing center“ and “assembly centers“ rather than grasp core technology manufacturing centre, which will seriously affect our modern manufacturing process of development. We should stand on national security importance to the strategic height of