本 科 生 畢 業(yè) 論 文姓 名:學 院:專 業(yè):論文題目:專 題:指導教師:20XX 年 6 月 摘 要懸臂式斗輪取料機堆取料機械中的一種,它廣泛應用于港口、內(nèi)陸的散料場所,主要用于取煤和礦石。懸臂式斗輪取料機主要由金屬結(jié)構(gòu)、臂式輸送機、回 轉(zhuǎn)機構(gòu)、行走機構(gòu)、斗輪機構(gòu)、潤滑裝置、電氣系統(tǒng)和安全裝置組成。工作時, 取料機沿著軌道行進,并能改變臂架的角度。懸臂式斗輪取料機是由斗輪挖掘機 發(fā)展而來,它能與堆料機和輸送機一起組成自動運輸系統(tǒng),隨著國民經(jīng)濟的快速 發(fā)展,對取料機的需求也越來越大。 本文章主要是對斗輪機構(gòu)和回轉(zhuǎn)機構(gòu)的設計,它們都是取料機的重要組成部 分。斗輪機構(gòu)主要是通過銷齒傳動來驅(qū)動斗輪的轉(zhuǎn)動,這種傳動方式具有結(jié)構(gòu)簡 單、加工容易、造價低、拆修方便的優(yōu)點。在回轉(zhuǎn)機構(gòu)中,關(guān)鍵是回轉(zhuǎn)支承?;剞D(zhuǎn)機構(gòu)的工作原理是小齒輪與回轉(zhuǎn)支承 的大齒輪嚙合來帶動整個回轉(zhuǎn)體的轉(zhuǎn)動,所以本文章將對回轉(zhuǎn)支承進行選型并對 小齒輪進行設計。本文還對相對于斗輪取料能力進行了輸送機的選型。 因為懸臂式斗輪取料機比較容易實現(xiàn)自動控制,所以本文章采用 PLC 進行對 取料過程的控制。PLC 是個無觸點裝置,通過改變程序就可以改變生產(chǎn)工藝,PLC 已成為工廠自動化的強有力工具,得到了廣泛的普及及推廣應用,它具有可靠性 高,抗干擾能力強,編程直觀、簡單的優(yōu)點。關(guān)鍵詞:懸臂式斗輪取料機;斗輪機構(gòu);回轉(zhuǎn)機構(gòu),ABSTRACTBucketWheel Reclaimer Bucket-WheelReclaimer,and widelyused reclaimbulk cargo innerland steelstructure,jib belt conveyor,luffing mechanism, slewing mechanism,travling bridge,bucket wheel,lubrication,electrical equipment safetyaiding devices. canmove along rails slewjib,which can change amplitude. BucketWheel Reclaimer bucket-wheelexcavator,and can make up mechanizedtransport system Bucket-WheelStaker bletconveyor. economy,theneed BucketWheel Reclaimer mainabout bucketwheel slewingmechanism,which allvery important paper,thedriving between pingear bucketwheel run,this method have some advantage,for example,its structure uncomplicated,so lower.Also takedown slewingmechanism,the key rotorsupport. actionbetween rotorsupport paperchooses rotorsupport paperalso choose conveyorbelts,which reclaiming.Because BucketWheel Reclaimer paperdesigns reclaimingcourse PLC.PLC non-contactequipment,the procedures can changeproduction. hasbecame powerfultool factoryautomation, widely popular replication. highreliability,anti- interference capability programmingvisual,simple. Keywords BucketWheel Reclaimer; bucket wheel ;slewing mechanism;PLC目 錄1 概述 .11.1 斗輪堆取料機簡介 .11.2 斗輪堆取料機分類 21.3 斗輪堆取料機市場需求 31.4 斗輪堆取料機國內(nèi)發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀 41.5 斗輪堆取料機的研究方向 71.6 設計課題及選題意義 82 總體設計 .102.1 總體設計概述 102.2 懸臂式斗輪取料機構(gòu)成 102.3 懸臂式斗輪取料機的主要參數(shù)及其確定 112.3.1 取料的理論生產(chǎn)率 .112.3.2 斗輪取料時每層深度 .122.3.3 料堆高度 .122.3.4 料堆長度 .122.4 懸臂式斗輪取料機的工作性能參數(shù)及其確定 122.4.1 斗輪直徑的確定 .122.4.2 鏟斗數(shù)目 的確定 .13Z2.4.3 斗距 的確定 13a2.4.4 鏟斗容量 q 的確定 .132.4.5 斗輪切割速度 的確定 14Vc3 部件設計 .153.1 懸臂式斗輪取料機構(gòu)設計 153.1.1 斗輪取料機構(gòu)構(gòu)成 .153.1.2 斗輪驅(qū)動電機選用 .173.1.3 液力偶合器選用 .183.1.4 銷齒傳動設計 .193.1.5 斗輪軸的設計及校核 .243.2 上車回轉(zhuǎn)機構(gòu)設計 283.2.1 回轉(zhuǎn)機構(gòu)選型 .283.2.2 回轉(zhuǎn)機構(gòu)設計 313.2.3 齒輪軸設計及校核 .343.2.4 小齒輪校核 .373.2.5 回轉(zhuǎn)支承的日常維修 .393.3 帶式輸送機選型設計 403.3.1 帶式輸送機特點 .403.3.2 帶式輸送機的驅(qū)動裝置 .413.3.3 帶速的確定 .443.3.4 滾筒直徑的確定 .453.3.5 托輥的選型 .463.3.6 張緊裝置的選用 .473.3.7 制動裝置 .473.4 變幅機構(gòu) 473.5 配重的安裝 473.6 行走機構(gòu) 484 懸臂式斗輪取料機的控制系統(tǒng)設計 .524.1 取料機的工藝流程 524.2 控制流程圖 554.3 控制工作原理 .564.3.1 控制過程簡介 564.3.2 傳感器選用 56總 結(jié) .58參考文獻 .59附 錄 .60翻 譯 .63致 謝 .76翻 譯原文Motorized Pulleys Solve Harsh Environmental Problemsat North American Ship Loading TerminalsKeywords: Motorized Pulleys, Ship Loaders, Bucket Wheel Stacker Reclaimers, Conveyor Belts1 AbstractThis paper presents design and operational challenges faced by three different ship loading facility operators, one handling export coal on the Gulf of Alaska and two handling taconite iron ore pellets on the North American Great Lakes. Extreme temperatures and abrasive materials, coupled with a need for compactness, made internally-powered and hermetically-sealed Motorized Pulleys the optimal design choice for driving ship loader and bucket wheel reclaimer conveyor belts.Originally a European idea, the Motorized Pulley was slow in gaining acceptance in North America in the twentieth century.However, the internally-powered conveyor belt drive has recently become more popular,especially where ambient conditions, material handled, or compact equipment design make exposed drives difficult to integrate and operate.2 IntroductionWhat do Seward, Alaska; Superior, Wisconsin; and Escanaba, Michigan have in common? Each is the location of a major rail-to-ship bulk storage and transfer facility, owned and operated by a railroad company. Each is located on water north of 45oN latitude, where winter temperatures can drop to –40o F (-40oC) and humidity reach nearly 100%. And each handles abrasive and/or corrosive material. One other important feature is common to these facilities.the Rulmeca Motorized Pulley. Rulmeca’s internally-powered and hermetically-sealed Motorized Pulley was selected to upgrade key drives on shiploader and bucket wheel reclaimer conveyor belts.This paper will review each facility’s layout, throughput, and particular challenges and it will explain why designers selected Motorized Pulley technology. These successful applications will help explain the growth in acceptance of Motorized Pulley technology in North America, especially in harsh environments.3 Motorized Pulley TechnologyThe Motorized Pulley concept was developed in the 1950’s to provide a reliable means of driving belt conveyors. Equipment designers quickly discovered that enclosing the drive’s motor and gearbox within a hermetically-sealed and oil-filled pulley shell not only made the drive compact, it also greatly improved the drive’s reliability and service life.Fig. 1: Rulmeca Motorized Pulley encloses motor and gearbox within hermetically-sealed oil-filled shell to protect moving components from harsh environment while saving space.Compactness, reliability, long service life, and limited maintenance requirements made the Motorized Pulley a popular conveyor drive for bulk handling equipment designers in Europe. Large machinery such as bucket wheel reclaimers, ship loaders, and tunnel boring equipment soon had Motorized Pulleys installed as original equipment. And plant operators began replacing worn exposed conveyor drives with Motorized Pulleys at facilities handling materials such as fertilizer, sand & gravel, steel, ore, and wood products.Each Motorized Pulley consists of an AC squirrel-cage induction motor, directly coupled to a helical/spur gearbox,mounted on a fixed(non-rotating) shaft, and hermeticallysealed within the cylindrical pulley shell.Today’s Motorized Pulley incorporates a wide array of powers and speeds as well as optional features ,such as built-in mechanical backstops, anti-condensation heaters, and electro-mechanical brakes.4 Allouez Dock #54.1 Synopsis of UpgradeBurlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad(BNSF) recently completed the overhaul of two of three 40 year old crawler-mounted bucket wheel reclaimers at the company’s rail-toship transfer terminal for taconite pellets located near Superior, Wisconsin.4.2 Objective of UpgradeThe objective of the upgrade was to reduce high maintenance expense while improving system reliability in the stockpile area. The upgrade included structural changes, replacement of on-board diesel engines, and the installation of RulmecaMotorized Pulleys. The challenge for BNSF operations was to keep the 40 year old machines working efficiently in spite of the fact that the machines’ manufacturerhad gone out of business more than 20 years ago. The original conveyor drives were a unique combination of components including AC motors, planetary gearboxes and pulleys mounted between the carrying and return strands of belt. Since original equipment manufacturer’s parts were no longer available and since the conveyor drives were non-standard, BNSF was forced to custom-build parts, an expensiveand time-consuming process. Engineering Design Services recommended Rulmeca Motorized Pulleys because: (1) they are compact and would fit within the reclaimers’ structure, (2) Rulmeca Motorized Pulleys and replacement parts are readily available, and (3) Rulmeca has a long successful track record of supplying conveyor drives for bucket wheel reclaimers.4.3 Operating DataAs summarized in Table 2, Allouez Dock #5 consists of an 87 acre (0,3 km2) facility providing 5.5 million tons of storage capacity in a stockpile area 3.5 miles (5,6 km) from the dock and 72,000 tons of storage in the dock silos. A conveyor system, 5.7 miles (9,2 km) in length, links the 2 rail car unloaders, the 3 stacker reclaimers, and the ship loader. Taconite pellets usually arrive in BNSF trains of 150 cars [each 35 feet (10,7 m) long “H-1” type at 1,800 ft3 (51 ) capacity] and are loaded into special lake 3mvessels. Up to 185 car trains can haul 20,000 tons of taconite pellets, at a gross train weight of 27,000 tons. Winter temperatures can reach –30o F (-34oC). Typically, ice does not cover all of Lake Superior, but near-complete sheets of ice, from a few inches to several feet thick, do form in the harbor area of Superior and St. Louis Bays. As early as mid-November and persisting as late as early May, ice in the Soot Locks or the harbor ends the shipping season. Frozen blocks of pellets can be found in the stockpiles as late as August and September. The 75 BNSF employees at Allouez Dock #5 unloaded 537 trains or 79,201 cars in 2003.4.4 Motorized Pulley ExperienceEngineering Design Services and Rulmeca engineers first presented the Motorized Pulley upgrade concept for the bucket wheel reclaimers to BNSF personnel in 1995, suggesting a “Dual Drive” arrangement for the tail conveyor due to its requirement of 200 HP (150 kW). Allouez Dock had been maintaining the bucket wheel machines without the assistance of the original equipment manufacturer for more than 10 years in 1995. However, the dual drive concept was relatively new at that time and eight years would elapse before the first bucket wheel reclaimer was upgraded. By 2003 original gearbox rebuilds had gotten very expensive. That year three Model 800H Motorized Pulleys, with 31.5 inch (800 mm) diameter and 57 inch (1400 mm) face width were purchased. BNSF operations personnel installed them in 2004. Each Motorized Pulley provided 120 HP (90 kW) at a belt speed of 768 fpm (4 m/s) on a power supply of 460V/3ph/60Hz, generated by the newly-installed on-board diesel generator. The compact design minimized structural modifications and greatly simplified the “Nested Dual Drive” configuration beneath the tail conveyor. The successful upgrade of the first machine encouraged BNSF to upgrade a second Bucket Wheel Reclaimer, completed in 2005, using three 100 HP (75kW) Rulmeca Motorized Pulleys. The third and final set of Motorized Pulleys was delivered July 2006. Engineering Design Services not only assisted BNSF personnel with initial design to insure a smooth retrofit, Roger Meittunen also traveled to the Rulmeca Motorized Pulley factory in Germany to observe final assembly of the first three Motorized Pulleys and obtain aftermarket service training on the Model 800H units to insure long-term success of the Motorized Pulleys at Allouez Dock.Fig. 2: 4,000 TPH Bucket Wheel Reclaimer in its second season after the 2004 Motorized Pulley upgrade. Note one Motorized Pulley beneath the boom conveyor and two under the tail conveyor.5 Escanaba, Michigan5.1 Synopsis of UpgradeThe Escanaba Ore Dock transfers 8 MTPY of taconite pellets from rail to lake vessels at the Lake Michigan terminal. The Chicago and Northwest Railroad replaced two worn-out Motorized Pulleys on the their bucket wheel reclaimer in 1985, after approximately 15 years of service, when the original Motorized pulley manufacturer went out of business. John Kirkegaard Maskinfabrik A/S supplied the replacement known as “JOKI Motorized Pulleys,” now called Rulmeca Motorized Pulleys. The two 40 inch (1 m) diameter 200 HP (150 kW) Motorized Pulleys are still in service after more than 20 years.5.2 Objective of UpgradeThe objective of the upgrade was to secure reliable drives for the 4000 TPH reclaimer boom and tail conveyors from an established Motorized Pulley manufacturer with readily available replacement parts. JOKI had been an established brand for 30 years at that time.Fig. 3: Traveling ship loader loads pellets into 64,000 DWT lake vessel at 4,000 TPH, filling it injust 16 hours.Fig. 4: Bucket Wheel boom is hydraulically luffed and transfers 4,000 TPH of taconite pellets on a 60 inch (1,5 m) wide belt at 715 FPM (3,6 m/s).5.3 Motorized Pulley ExperienceThe Rulmeca Motorized Pulleys installed on the bucket wheel reclaimer in 1985 are still in service and have now outlasted the original 16 year old pulleys by five shipping seasons. They have enabled the Escanaba Ore Dock to transload more than 150 million tons of taconite pellets during their service life.Fig. 5: Drawing shows unique double end housing arrangement on “drive side” of 200 HP (150 KW) Motorized Pulley. Development of different designs and more powerful Motorized Pulleys is in progress at Rulmeca FAA GmbH6 ConclusionThe long service lives promised by large Rulmeca Motorized Pulleys at three major transloading facilities with harsh operating conditions demonstrate the value of Motorized Pulley technology. There are now more than 130,000 Motorized Pulleys, 1 HP (0,75 kW) and larger, in service in North America. Including fractional HP Motorized Pulleys, there are nearly 1 million units in service. A proven design, which hermetically seals its drive system within a compact and oil-filled pulley shell, and a reliable source of supply and after market service will enable conveyor operators and system designers to take advantage of Motorized Pulley technology in North America and the rest of the world for many years to come.中文譯文電動滾筒克服北美船運裝載終端的惡劣環(huán)境問題關(guān)鍵字: 電動滾筒, 船運裝載機, 斗輪堆取料機, 傳送帶1 概要這篇論文介紹了三個不同船運裝載操作工所面臨的設計和操作上的挑戰(zhàn),一個在阿拉斯加海灣裝載用于出口的煤,另兩個在北美五大湖裝載鐵礦石。極端的溫度、具有腐蝕性的原料, 再加上需要良好的密封性,這些都使得具有內(nèi)在動力而且密封性良好的電動滾筒成為驅(qū)動船運裝載機和斗輪堆取料機傳送帶的最佳選擇。最初,電動滾筒是一個歐洲人的想法,在二十世紀的北美已經(jīng)慢慢接受了它。然而,具有內(nèi)在動力的傳送帶驅(qū)動器近來變得很流行,特別是在那些因為外在環(huán)境、原料性質(zhì)或者設備需要緊湊的設計使得暴露在外面的驅(qū)動機無法融入設備而且會運轉(zhuǎn)困難的地方。2 緒論西華德、阿拉斯加州,瑟譜雷爾、威斯康星州,埃斯科拿巴、密歇根州有什么共同點呢?每一個地方都是主要的鐵路-船運的中轉(zhuǎn)貯料場所,而且都有由鐵路公司擁有和操作的中轉(zhuǎn)設備;每一個地方都坐落在北緯45o的水平線上,那里冬天的溫度能降到零下40oC而且濕度接近100% ;每個地方都處理那些有腐蝕性的原料。另一個重要特征是它們都擁有陸美嘉電動滾筒,陸美嘉的電動滾筒因具有內(nèi)在動力而且密封性良好被選用來升級驅(qū)動貨運船與斗輪堆取料機傳送帶的驅(qū)動機。這篇論文介紹每個設備的設計、生產(chǎn)量還有一些特殊的挑戰(zhàn),它將解釋為什么設計人員選擇電動滾筒技術(shù),這些成功的應用將幫助我們解釋北美地區(qū)特別是有惡劣環(huán)境的地區(qū)為何越來越多的應用電動滾筒技術(shù)。3 電動滾筒技術(shù)電動滾筒技術(shù)這一概念是在十九世紀五十年代為了給驅(qū)動帶式輸送機定義而發(fā)展起來的。裝置設計者很快發(fā)現(xiàn)將驅(qū)動器的馬達和變速箱嵌入一個具有良好密封性并且充滿油的皮帶輪罩里不僅可以使驅(qū)動器緊湊,而且它能大幅提高驅(qū)動器的可靠性和工作壽命。圖 1: 陸美嘉電動滾筒將馬達和變速箱嵌入嵌入一個具有良好密封性并且充滿油 皮帶輪罩里為了在惡劣環(huán)境中保護移動部件同時節(jié)省空間。緊湊、可靠、長時間服務壽命和有限的維護要求使電動滾筒成為歐洲散裝運輸設備設計者喜歡的輸送機驅(qū)動器。大型機械設備像斗輪堆取料機、船用裝載機和隧道挖掘設備使電動滾筒能像原先設備一樣被安裝,而且設備操作者開始在運輸散料諸如化肥、沙石、鐵礦石和木材制品時用電動滾筒替換舊的且暴露在外的輸送機驅(qū)動器。每個電動滾筒把一個鼠籠式交流感應電動機,直接連接在一個螺旋式齒輪變速箱,安裝在一根固定的軸上并將柱形皮帶輪罩密封好?,F(xiàn)在的電動滾筒包括一組動力和速度設備還有其它附加設備諸如機械支持物、加熱器、電動機械剎車等。4 Allouez 5號碼頭4.1 升級計劃圣達菲北部布林頓鐵路公司最近大修兩臺近40年歷史的斗輪堆取料機,它們放在離瑟譜雷爾、威斯康星州不遠的地方,平時用來將鐵路運輸?shù)蔫F礦石轉(zhuǎn)至船上。4.2 升級目的這次升級目的是為了減少高額的維護費用同時提高在散料場地工作時的系統(tǒng)可靠性,這次升級包括對結(jié)構(gòu)的改進、船上柴油機的替換和陸美嘉電動滾筒的安裝。這次BNSF公司的改進計劃所面臨的問題是使這些有40年歷史的機器能有效的運轉(zhuǎn)起來,盡管這些機器的生產(chǎn)商在20多年前就已經(jīng)倒閉。原先的傳動機驅(qū)動器是一個由好幾個部件組成的獨特設備,它包括交流電動機、變速箱和安裝在運輸與回程帶之間的滑輪。由于原先的設備制造廠商的一些部件不能用了,而且輸送機的驅(qū)動器不是標準的,BNSF公司不得不定制這些部件,這是個即費時又費錢的過程。工程設計維護公司建議使用陸美嘉電動滾筒有以下理由: (1)它們簡潔緊湊適合于取料機的結(jié)構(gòu);(2)陸美嘉電動滾筒和取代部分很好用;(3)陸美嘉公司早已成功推出各種用于斗輪堆取料機的輸送機驅(qū)動器,技術(shù)較成熟。4.3 運行數(shù)據(jù)Allouez 5號碼頭包括87英畝擁有五百五十萬噸儲存能力的場地,它離碼頭大概3.5英里的路程,還有擁有七萬兩千噸儲存量的碼頭筒倉,輸送系統(tǒng)有5.7英里長,包括兩輛軌道卸載車,三臺堆取料機,還有貨船裝載設備。150輛車容量的鐵礦石通常先裝在BNSF公司火車里,然后再裝進貨船里,能達到185輛車容量的火車可以拖動兩萬噸的鐵礦石,在加上火車自身重量總重量可以達到兩萬七千頓。那里冬天的溫度能達到零下34度,雖然冰沒有覆蓋整個湖,但是有相當一部分已覆蓋,厚度從幾英寸到幾英尺。最早從十一月中旬一直可以到五月初,湖上的冰使得船運無法進行,可能到了八九月份還能在堆料場里找到冰塊,BNSF公司的75個員工在2003年卸了537次火車和79201次汽車。4.4 關(guān)于電動滾筒的經(jīng)驗1995年,工程設計維護公司和陸美嘉的工程師首次向BNSF公司提出電動滾筒升級概念,提出為了達到150KW的動力要求而且在尾部輸送機處采用雙電動機排列。Allouez 碼頭 在沒有原來設備制造廠商的幫助下自己維護斗輪堆取料機已經(jīng)有十年多的時間了,然而,在那時作為新的概念的雙電動機到2003年把第一臺斗輪堆取料機升級完已經(jīng)花了八年的時間,原先的變速箱改造已經(jīng)變得很昂貴了,那時購買了三個直徑800㎜寬1400㎜的800H型電動滾筒, BNSF公司的實施人員在2004年才安裝上它們,每個電動滾筒提供90 kW的動力,此動力由安裝在船上的柴油機產(chǎn)生,可以使皮帶以4 m/s的速度運行。這緊湊的設計減小了結(jié)構(gòu)修改量,大大簡化了尾部輸送機底下雙電動機的結(jié)構(gòu)。第一臺機器的成功升級促使BNSF去升級第二臺斗輪堆取料機,第二臺也已經(jīng)在2005年完成,用了三個75kW的陸美嘉電動滾筒,第三臺電動滾筒于2006年7月交貨。工程設計維護公司不僅幫助BNSF設計人員進行初始設計,而且Roger Meittunen親自拜訪了位于德國的陸美嘉電動滾筒工廠,觀察第一批三個電動滾筒的最后裝配,得到了800H型的售后服務訓練,使得在 Allouez 碼頭的電動滾筒能長期成功的工作。圖 2: 在 2004 年電動滾筒的升級后, 4000 噸每小時的斗輪取料機已工作兩個季度,注意輸送機下面的一個電動滾筒還有尾車輸送機下面的兩個電動滾筒。5 埃斯科拿巴, 密歇根5.1 升級計劃密歇根湖的埃斯科拿巴礦石碼頭每年將八百萬頓鐵礦石從鐵路轉(zhuǎn)運至湖運船,芝加哥和西北鐵路公司在1985年替換了它們斗輪堆取料機上兩個過時的機械化輪,在15年的工作后,原先的制造廠商倒閉了,John Kirkegaard Maskinfabrik 將著名的“JOKI Motorized Pulleys”座位了替代品,也就是現(xiàn)在的陸美嘉電動滾筒,這兩個直徑1米功率150KW 的電動滾筒已經(jīng)工作了近二十多年。 5.2 升級目的升級的目的是為了給工作量4000頓每小時的取料機和尾部的輸送機提供穩(wěn)定的動力,而這替換部件得從一家有經(jīng)驗的廠商提供,JOKI 是一個有了近30年的老品牌了。圖 3: 裝船設備以 4000 噸每小時的速度裝運礦石,可以在 16 小時內(nèi)裝滿圖 4: 斗輪的發(fā)動機是個水壓轉(zhuǎn)舵,能以 4000 噸每小時的速度將鐵礦石轉(zhuǎn)移到 1.5 米寬的輸送帶上。5.3 感受陸美嘉電動滾筒自從1985年安裝在斗輪取料機上起直到現(xiàn)在還在工作,已經(jīng)超過了原先的16年壽命預期,從而使得埃斯科拿巴礦石碼頭在它們的壽命內(nèi)多運輸了150多萬噸的鐵礦石。圖 5: 圖中所示為 150 kW 電動滾筒的驅(qū)動器兩邊兩個端蓋排列設計,馬力更為強大的電動滾筒正在研制。 6 結(jié)論在惡劣環(huán)境下三臺設備上所裝的陸美嘉電動滾筒做到了曾經(jīng)的承諾-長壽命,這也體現(xiàn)了電動滾筒的價值,現(xiàn)在有130,000多臺0,75 kW 甚至更大功率的電動滾筒在北美地區(qū)使用,包括HP型,有接近一百萬個單元在服務。這是一個經(jīng)過考驗的設計,它因把驅(qū)動系統(tǒng)安裝在一個緊湊并充滿油的皮帶輪罩里而且又能穩(wěn)定的提供能量,再加上售后服務使得在北美和世界其它地方的輸送機系統(tǒng)設計者越來越多使用電動滾筒技術(shù)。