
1、最新國家開放大學(xué)電大??啤队⒄Z閱讀(2)》期末試題標(biāo)準(zhǔn)題庫及答案(試卷號:2156) 《英語閱讀(2)》題庫一 Part 1 Questions 1—10 are based on Passage 1. (30 pointst 3 points each) Passage 1 When Betty Burwood won the national lottery, she and her husband. Bill, moved into a beautiful big bungalow and she bought herself a very expensive pearl ne
2、cklace. The following summer, the Burwoods decided to throw a party. Early on the afternoon of the party, Betty took her new silk dress out of the wardrobe and put her expensive pearl necklace on her dressing-table ready to put on in the evening. Then, she went to see how the preparations for the p
3、arty were going. The catering company had just arrived - a cook, Mrs. Moore, and her two helpers, Nancy and Harriet. They were all in the kitchen unpacking the piles of boxes which they had brought with them. Soon, the fourth member of the team, Charlie Chivers, arrived on his bicycle. By six o'cl
4、ock,everything was ready. The garden looked magnificent - with small round tables and colorful chairs and sun shades. The food and drink was all laid out in the kitchen > ready to be brought out when the guests arrived. At ten past six, Betty went to her bedroom to get ready. She showered and put o
5、n her best silk dress. It was when she was brushing her hair that she realized that her pearls were not on the dressing-table. "Bill,” she said, "have you moved my pearls?" "No, dear,” answered Bill,uwhere were they?” “I put them on the dressing-table this afternoon and theyfre not here now. ” “Are
6、you sure?n asked Bill. "Maybe you put them down somewhere else, or maybe you've moved them." For a quarter of an hour they searched for the missing pearls, but couldn't find them anywhere. It was then that they decided they must call the police. Soon, Inspector Morgan arrived and started to questi
7、on all the suspects. Read Passage 1 and then try to give short answers to Questions 1—5. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. 1. Why could Betty afford an expensive necklace? 2. Why did she take her necklace out early in the day? 3. How many people were there in the catering company? 4. What
8、 do you think was in the boxes? 5. Did the Burwoods call the police after they couldn't find the pearls? Read Passage 1 again and then fill in the following blanks numbered 6—10 with the information from the passage. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. When Betty won the lottery The couple m
9、oved into a big (6) and Betty bought a pearl necklace. The following summer The Burwoods wanted to (7) . On the afternoon of the party The wife took her new dress out of the wardrobe and put the necklace on the dressing-table. By 6:00 Everything was prepared. The garden appeared to be(8)
10、with small round tables and colorful chairs and sun shades. At 6:10 Betty went to the bedroom to get ready. While she (9) , Betty realized that the necklace was missing. At (10) The couple failed to find out the pearls and then they made up their minds to call the police. After a while The
11、 police arrived and began to inquire all the suspects. Part U Questions 11—20 are based on Passage 2. (30 points, 3 points each) Passage 2 This is a short passage about Dave f the Disk Doctor. Call the Disk Doctor! 1 Desperate computer users who 'lose' the data from their disks can get in to
12、uch with experts who, for a fee, will recover the lost information. One of these experts is Dave Smith, who, some years ago, set up a company called Dave's Disk Doctor Service Ltd. Dave and a few of his friends work from home and give all the money they earn to charity. The fees are always the same,
13、 no matter how precious the data on the disk is. Some people, however, are so grateful that they send extra money to Dave or to the charities his company supports. One oil company offered him £1,000 for his help and a vet sent him a blank check. 2 It would be hard to put a value on the things rescu
14、ed by the Disk Doctor. There have been disks containing medical research, television scripts, manuscripts of whole books, a comedian's joke collection, a solicitor7 s papers for a court case, and even Margaret Thatcher's itinerary for a visit to eastern Europe. For this last case, Dave was asked if
15、he would go in person to Mrs. Thatcher's office 'for security reasons'! 3 Disks are usually sent to the Disk Doctor by post, but sometimes people are in such a hurry that they can't wait for the post. Radio scripts have had to be rushed by taxi to Dave's house because they were needed for broadcast
16、ing the next day, for example. When the material has been recovered, the disk is returned to the sender with a diagnosis and a prescription for avoiding the problem in future. One grateful client, an author, put a 'thank you' to Dave in the front of his book. 4 Dave saved me from a cardiac arresty,
17、he wrote. 'But', says Dave, 4most people don't take any notice of the doctor's advice!' Read Passage 2 and decide whether the following statements are True or False. Write T for True and F for False against the number of each of the statements on your Answer Sheet. 11- Computer users can get back
18、their lost data from their disks without any payment in Dave's company. 12. The company named Dave's Disk Doctor Service Ltd is set up by Dave Smith. 13. Dave and his friends earn a large amount of money, but they spend none. 14. According to the different value of the data on the disk, people ne
19、ed to pay different amount of money for saving them. 15. Most people will take notice of the disk doctor's advice after the disk is repaired- Read Passage 2 again and find a word/phrasef which is similar in meaning to each of the following. The paragraph in which the word/phrase appears is indicat
20、ed in brackets. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. 16. hopeless (paragraph 1) 17. thankful(paragraph 1) 18. to save (paragraph 2) 19. lawyer(paragraph 2) 20. to keep from happening(paragraph 3) Part [JI True or False Questions 21—30 are based on Passage 3. (20 points, 2 points each) Pas
21、sage 3 How does TV affect our lives? It can be very helpful to people who carefully choose the shows that they watch. Television can increase our knowledge of the outside world; there are high-quality programs that help us understand many fields of study: sciencet medicine, the arts, and so on. Mor
22、eover, TV benefits very old people who can't often leave the house, as well as patients in hospitals. It also offers non-native speakers the advantage of daily informal language practice; they can increase their vocabulary and practice listening. On the other hand, there are several serious disadva
23、ntages to TV. Of course? it provides us with a pleasant way to relax and spend our free time, but in some countries, people watch the TV for an average of six hours or more a day. Many children stare at a TV screen for more hours each day than they do anything else, including studying and sleeping.
24、It's clear that the TV has a powerful influence on their lives and that its influence is often negative. Recent studies show that after only thirty seconds of TV, a person' s brain “relaxes" the same way that it does just before the person falls asleep. Another effect of TV on the human brain is tha
25、t it seems to cause poor concentration. Children who view a lot of TV can often concentrate on a subject for only fifteen to twenty minutes? they can pay attention only for the amount of time between commercials. Another disadvantage is that TV often causes people to become dissatisfied with their
26、own lives. Real life does not seem as exciting to these people as the lives of actors on the screen. To many people, TV becomes more real than realityand their own lives seem boring. Also, many people get upset or depressed when they can't solve problems in real life as quickly as TV actors seem to.
27、 On the screen, actors solve serious problems in a half-hour program or a thirty-second commercial. Before a child is fourteen years old, he or she views eleven thousand murders on the TV. He or she begins to believe that there is nothing strange about fights, killings, and other kinds of violence.
28、 Many studies show that people become more violent after certain programs. They may even do the things that they saw in a violent show. The most negative effect of the TV might be people's addiction to it. People often feel a strange and powerful need to watch TV even when they don't enjoy it. Addi
29、ction to a TV screen is similar to drug or alcohol addiction: people almost never believe they are addicted. Read Passage 3 and decide whether the following statements are True or False. Write T for True and F for False against the number of each of the statements on your Answer Sheet. 21. TV pro
30、grams are definitely helpful to anyone. 22. There are positive as well as negative effects of TV on our lives. 23. TV can help improve one's foreign language. 24. Watching a lot of TV won't affect our concentration at all . 25. Some children spend more time watching TV than studying and sleeping
31、. 26. The lives of people in TV shows seem to be very exciting. 27. TV programs can help people solve problems as quickly as the actors. 28. TV violence makes some people, especially children, take violence in real life for granted. 29. One of the symptoms of addiction to television is a strong
32、desire to watch it even if the program is not interesting. 30. The passage mainly discusses the advantages of TV. Part N Short Answers Questions 31一35 are based on Passage 4. (20 points, 4 points each) Passage 4 A Dangerous Place Paula had always wanted to go to New York and now she had the ch
33、ance at last. She was a journalists and her newspaper was sending her there to do a series of articles on the city. But before she left her home in London, several friends warned her to be careful and not to go out alone at night in New York. "It's a dangerous place. People get robbed or even killed
34、 in broad daylight!" they told her. But once she got there, she was only afraid of exhaustion. It was so stimulating and exciting a city that she never got any sleep. It took her two weeks to do the articles and she had to interview a lot of people, but she enjoyed every minute. She completely forg
35、ot all her friends' warnings until the day before she went back to London. It all began in a bar. She was having lunch there when she suddenly felt someone was watching her. She looked up and noticed a man sitting at a table opposite her. He was staring at her, but looked away. She noticed that he
36、had a scar on his cheek. He was about 30, and had short, curly hair. Paula was not worried at all then. She had to go to an airline office to book her flight home. She wanted an afternoon flight instead of a morning one. On her way there, she stopped to look at something in a shop window. To her su
37、rpriset she saw the man following her; she could see his reflection in the glass. He had stopped just behind her. Suddenly she felt afraid. She walked on. Then she stopped and looked behind her again. But this time she could not see him. Just then she noticed she had come to the airline office. She
38、 went in. After she had finished her business, she decided to phone a friend from a telephone booth there. She was carrying a small, portable but very expensive tape recorder. It was in a black case. She kept her money and passport in the case as well. But the booth was so cramped that she had to le
39、ave the case outside. When she came out, it had disappeared. She was stunned. Then she saw the red-haired man hurrying out of the office. He had the case in his hand. She shouted, but it was too late. Read Passage 4 and answer the following questions. Make your answers as short and clear as possibl
40、e. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. 31. Why did Paula go to New York? 32. What did her friends tell her before she left London? 33. What did the man sitting opposite her look like? 34. What did she keep in her black case? 35. What happened at last? 試題答案及評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn) (僅供參考) Part I (30 points,
41、3 points each) 1. Because she had won the national lottery. 2. Because she wanted to have it ready to wear in the evening. 3. There were four people in the catering company. (They were Mrs. Moore, Nancy, Harriet and Charlie Chivers.) 4. Food, drink, plates, dishes and so on. 5. Yes, they did.
42、6. bungalow. 7. throw a party. 8. magnificent. 9. was brushing her hair. 10. 6:25. Part [I ( 30 points9 3 points each) 11. F 12. T 16. desperate 17. grateful 18. rescue 13- T 14. F 15. F 19. 20. solicitor avoid Part HI (20 pointsf 2 points each) 21. F 22. T 23. T 24. F
43、 25. T 26. T 27. F 28. T . 29. T 30. F Part IV ( 20 points, 4 points each) 31. She was sent there to do a series of articles on the city. 32. They warned her to be careful and not to go out alone at night in New York. 33. The man was about 30 with a scar on his cheek, and had short, c
44、urly hair. 34. The very expensive tape recorder, her money and passport. 35. Her case was stolen when she was calling her friend in the telephone booth. 《英語閱讀(2)》題庫二 Part I Questions 1 —10 arc based on Passage 1 and 2. Passage 1 This short passage presents us with a detailed report on Monica
45、Seles1 attack. Spectator stabs tennis star on court BY EDWARD BGSCALL AND OUR FOREIGN STAFF MONICA Seles, the top-ranked tennis player, was slabbed in the back by a spectator while playing in a tournament in Hamburg yesterday. The 19-year-old was sitting in her chair during a change-over when a
46、man lunged at her with a long-bladed knife. She received a 1 inch cut between her shoulders and was taken to a hospital . ncai by after being attended on court She would stay there overnight tbr observation. Read Passage 1 and then try to give short answers to Questions 1—5. Write your answers on
47、the Answer Sheet. 1. In which city was Monica stabbed? 2. How old was Monica when she was attacked? 3. Who stabbed Monica? 4. Which part of her body was affected? 5. How long would she have to stay in hospital? Passage 2 This short passage is the last part of the above report. Later reports
48、suggested that her attacker, an eastern German, was a fan of her German tennis rival, Steffi Graf, and had wanted to stop Seles from playing. The 38-year-old attacker leaned over a 3ft barrier and stabbed her as she took a break. She screamed and ran to mid-court, reaching for her upper back. She a
49、ppeared woozy as she stood at courtside and then collapsed. Her brother Zoltan and officials rushed to her, giving her first aid and taking her from the court on a stretcher. “We saw a man come from the left," said a woman sitting in the front row of the tournament. "He looked strange or drunk. He
50、just looked weird. I hen we saw him strike out at Monica." The attacker was pounced on by security men and members of the crowd, and carried away by four guards. Read Passage 2 and decide whether the following statements are True or False. Write T for I rue and F for False against the number of e
51、ach of the statements on your Answer Sheet. 6. The reports suggested that the attacker was a western German. 7. After the stab, Seles ran to back-court, reaching for her upper back. 8. It was her brother and officials that took her from the court on a stretcher. 9. A woman sitting in the mid row
52、 of the tournament saw the at lacker come 1 rom the right. 10. The attacker was beaten and carried away by four guards. Part II Questions 11—20 are based on Passage 3. Passage 3 China has 267 million families. About 10 million newlyweds establish new households every year. Many of these new hou
53、seholds differ significantly from traditional families. Today women play a major role in the family. The old patriarchal family is Ling replaced by a more or less equal spousal relationship. rfhis change was not simply a result of Chinese laws that stipulate men and women are equals. Chinese women
54、are receiving more education, are actively employed and are making significant contributions to family incomes. Their financial contribution has increased from 20 percent in the 1950s to 40 percent today. In some families it is even higher. Two national studies on the status of women reached simila
55、r conclusions: Women have more power in the family. In cities, more women make decisions on family matters, a change many Chinese men are happy with. The concept of marriage is changing so that people now marry for happiness rather than to carry on the family line. In choosing a spouse, many will m
56、arry someone they love; otherwise they may choose to remain single. Most people hope to find a spouse who is well-educated and considerate. While they value love in a marriage, most people also consider the material well-being of a potential spouse. In both rural and urban areas, people have more sa
57、y about who they marry. China is rapidly changing from the traditional belief that more children means more happiness to the modern concept of fewer and healthier births. In less than two decades, China s fertility rate has dropped by more than 50 percent. Increasingly9 young couples are postponing
58、 having a child to allow for their own personal growth and enjoyment. Some couples are declining to have children. In these cases, women generally play a pivotal role; this situation is most common in large cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Starting a new household is replacing the tr
59、adition of marrying into the man's family. In a traditional marriaget the wife became a member of the husband's family. It was even stipulated by law that a wife must make her husband's home her legal residence. This meant that a woman was transferred from her parents,home to her parents-in-law,s ho
60、me, where she assumed a subordinate position. After the new law was enacted in 1980, traditional marriages began disappearing in cities. Ioday, about half of all households are nuclear families; these households promote equality between men and women. In rural areas it is still common for a woman t
61、o move into the man's home when she marries. Chinese marriages are still relatively stable even though people's ideas and conduct have changed significantly since China,s reform and opening to the outside world. The average age at which Chinese people first marry is between 22 and 23, this age bein
62、g somewhat lower in rural areas and somewhat higher in the cities. China,s marriage rate is high; very few people remain single their entire lives. Most women marry between the ages of 20 to 24. In recent years the divorce rate has slowly climbed, but is still only one-third to one-fifth that of de
63、veloping countries such as India and Thailand. The divorce rate in European and American countries is 10 times that of China. This indicates relative stability even though Chinese marriages and families are changing. Read Passage 3 and then choose the best answer that may complete each of the state
64、ments according to the passage. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. IL Which one of the statements is True? A. China has 2,670,000,000 families. B. Every year about 10,000,000 newlyweds establish new households in China. C. Chinese laws stipulate that men and women are equals only in the rur
65、al areas. D? Women's financial contribution has increased from 20 percent in the 1950s to 30 percent today. 12. Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the phrase patriarchal family” in the second paragraph? A. Father controls the family. B. Mother controls the family. C. Grandmother
66、 controls the family. D. Everyone is equal in the family. 13. One key factor which enables women to gain equal status with men in the family is that■ A. more women can choose their own marriage partner than before B. many women are contributing more to the family income C. men are happy to share the family chores with their wives D. many women have received college education before they get married 14. In choosing their spouse, people usually consider? A. love B. material wealth C. educa
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