unit9 Can you come to my party Section Bppt課件
《unit9 Can you come to my party Section Bppt課件》由會(huì)員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《unit9 Can you come to my party Section Bppt課件(65頁珍藏版)》請?jiān)谘b配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。
Canyoucometomyparty SectionB 1 1 Writedownthesephrases Revision 1 為 做準(zhǔn)備 2 得了流感 3 去見朋友 4 當(dāng)然 我愿意去 5 太多作業(yè) preparefor havetheflu Sure I dloveto meetthefriends toomuchhomework 2 6 對不起 我沒空 7 直到 才 8 閑逛 9 明年見 Sorry I mnotavailable free hangout not until See Catchyounextyear 3 第1first第2second第3third第4fourth第5fifth第6sixth第7seventh第8eighth第9ninth第10tenth 第11eleventh第12twelfth第13thirteenth第14fourteenth第15fifteenth第16sixteenth第17seventeenth第18eighteenth第19nineteenth第20twentieth 第40fortieth第50fiftieth第60sixtieth第70seventieth第80eightieth第90ninetieth第100onehundredth 4 一月 January二月 February三月 March四月 April五月 May六月 June七月 July八月 August九月 September十月 October十一月 November十二月 December spring summer autumn winter 5 星期一 Mon Monday星期二 Tues Tuesday星期三 Wed Wednesday星期四 Thur Thursday星期五 Fri Friday星期六 Sat Saturday星期天 Sun Sunday 6 Wednesday十二月 31 What sthedatetoday It s11a m What sthetime It sWednesdaythe31st What stoday It sWednesday Whatdayisittoday It sDecember31st 7 單項(xiàng)填空 What stoday A It sTuesdayB It sJanuary1stC It ssunnytodayD It sWednesdaythesecond 8 It sSeptember10th A Howisittoday B What stoday C Whatdayisittoday D What sthedate 9 Writethesewordsbelowthecorrectdatesonthecalendarin1a 1b todaytomorrowyesterdaythedaybeforeyesterdaythedayaftertomorrowweekdayweekend 10 thedaybeforeyesterday weekday yesterday weekday today weekday thedayaftertomorrow weekday tomorrow weekday weekend weekend 11 周一至周五的任一天 周末 周一 周六 周二 周日 周三 昨天 周四 今天 周五 明天 前天 后天 weekend weekday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday thedayaftertomorrow thedaybeforeyesterday tomorrow yesterday today onweekdays在工作日 12 1d Listen CanVinceplaytenniswithAndy CircleYesorNo YesNo b 13 1e Listenagain MatchVince sactivitieswiththedaysin1d b a a b c 14 haveapianolesson上鋼琴課與have有關(guān)的短語 havealesson上課haveatry試一試havea good rest休息havealook看一看haveagoodtime玩得愉快havemeals吃飯havebreakfast lunch dinner supper吃早飯 午飯 晚飯 15 lookafter照顧 照料 相當(dāng)于 takecareof 他足夠大了 能照顧自己了 Heisoldenoughtolookafterhimself 與look有關(guān)的短語 lookat看lookfor尋找lookaround環(huán)視lookforwardto盼望 期待lookdown瞧不起lookup仰視 查閱 lookout當(dāng)心lookoutof 向外看 16 Pairwork A Hi Vince canyouplaytenniswithme B When A Today B Sorry Ican t I 1f 17 A Hi Vince V Yeah hi Andy A Vince canyouplaytenniswithme V Uh when A Today V Uh no sorry Ican t Ihavetogotothedoctorandstudyforatesttoday 18 A Howabouttomorrow V Sorry tomorrowI mplayingsoccerandIhaveapianolesson A Oh Well whatareyoudoingthedayaftertomorrow V Ihavetobabysitmysister A Oh Isee V I msorry Andy I mreallybusythisweek 19 2a Makealistofthekindsofpartiespeoplehave birthdayparty 20 Classmates Party 21 TeaParty 22 FarewellParty 歡送會(huì) 23 HousewarmingParty 喬遷聚會(huì) 24 graduationparty 25 christmasparty 26 weddingparty 27 e g Shedidn tacceptmyinvitation 她沒有接受我的邀請 Hedidn tdoanypreparationforthisexam sohefailed 他考試前沒做任何準(zhǔn)備 所以不及格 1 invitationn 邀請 請柬preparationn 準(zhǔn)備 準(zhǔn)備工作 Newwords 動(dòng)詞 ion 后綴 invitation動(dòng)詞 ion 后綴 preparation 2b 28 2 reply e g 1 Theyrepliedmyletterthreedaysago 第三人稱單數(shù)replies過去式replied現(xiàn)在分詞replying復(fù)數(shù)replies n 回答 答復(fù) vi 作答 以行動(dòng) 做出反應(yīng) 常和介詞to連用 vt 回應(yīng) 作出反應(yīng) 三天前他們回復(fù)了我的信 他直到星期一才答復(fù)我 2 Hedidn treplytomeuntilMonday 29 e g Canyouprintthisforme 你能給我打印一下這個(gè)嗎 3 printv 打印 印刷 30 4 deletev 刪除 e g Pleasedeletemynamefromyourlist 請把我的名字從你的名單中刪除 5 turndown拒絕 e g Whydidsheturndownyourinvitation 她為什么拒絕你的邀請 31 6 forwardv 轉(zhuǎn)寄 發(fā)送adv 向前 前進(jìn) e g Youcanforwarde mailtosomeoneelse 你可以將電子郵件轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)給別人 Shewalkedforwardinordertoseeclearly 她向前走了一步以便能看得更清楚 32 lookforwardto期待 盼望 其中to為介詞 其后可跟名詞 代詞 動(dòng)詞 ing形式做賓語 Yunanisbeautuful andI mlookingforwardto itwithmyfamily visiting hearfromsb 接到某人的信 電話等 相當(dāng)于receivealetter callfromsb Iheardfrommymotherlastweek 上周我收到了我母親的來信 hearof hearabout聽說 33 7 sadadj 令人 悲哀的 令人 難過的 e g Shewasverysadwhenhercatdied 她的貓死后 她很悲傷 e g Iamgladthatyoucancome 你能來我很高興 8 gladadj 高興 愿意 其名詞是sadness 悲傷 悲痛 begladtodosth 高興做某事 34 e g Shesaidgoodbyeandwalkedaway 她說了再見就走了 9 goodbyeinterj n 再見 和某人道別 saygoodbyetosb 和某人打招呼 sayhi hellotosb 向某人道歉 saysorrytosb 35 e g I dliketotakeatriptoEngland 我想去英國旅行 10 takeatrip去旅行 Attheendofthemonth wewillhaveanexam Hefoundhislostkidintheend 36 11 gluen 膠水 12 withoutprep 沒有 不 做某事 e g Thegluedoesn tworkwell 這膠水不粘了 e g Alifewithoutafriendisalifewithoutasun 人生沒有朋友 猶如生活中沒有太陽 37 sothat以便 為的是 此處用于引導(dǎo)目的狀語從句 e g IstudyhardsothatIcancatchupwithTom 我努力學(xué)習(xí) 為的是能趕上湯姆 拓展 1 sothat與inorderto同義 前者接句子 后者接動(dòng)詞原形 2 so that 如此 以至于 引導(dǎo)結(jié)果狀語從句 e g Hegotupsoearlythathecaughttheearlybus 他起的那么早 趕上了早班公交車 38 makeit是一個(gè)在口語中使用頻率較高的習(xí)語 1 意為 在約定時(shí)間內(nèi)趕到 相當(dāng)于arriveintime hurryup maybewecanmakeit 2 意為 辦成某事 相當(dāng)于succeed Afteryearsofhardwork hefinallymadeit 39 13 surprisedadj 驚奇的 感覺意外的Areyousurprisedtoseehimalive 你看到他還活著很驚奇嗎 與surprised有關(guān)的用法 I msurprisedatthesurprisingnews 我對這個(gè)令人驚訝的消息感到很吃驚 Tomysurprise heleftwithoutleavingaword 令我驚奇的是 他一聲不響地離開了 Helookedatmeinsurprise 他驚奇地看著我 40 surprised與surprising形容詞 surprised修飾人 surprising修飾物 besurprisedatsth 對 感到驚訝 surprise是名詞 toone ssurprise 令某人驚奇的是 insurprise意為 驚奇地 I msurprisedatthesurprisingnews 我對這個(gè)令人驚訝的消息感到很吃驚 Tomysurprise heleftwithoutleavingaword 令我驚奇的是 他一聲不響地離開了 Helookedatmeinsurprise 他驚奇地看著我 41 I msurprised whatyousaid A toB ofC forD at 42 2b Readthemessagequickly Whydidthepeoplewritethem Matchthereasonwitheachmessage 1 acceptaninvitation2 makeaninvitation3 turndownaninvitation Topmessage 1Middlemessage 3Bottommessage 2 43 MessageNewReplyForwardDeletePrintMoveto新信息回復(fù)發(fā)送刪除打印移動(dòng)到HiDavid Whatagreatidea IreallylikeMs Steenalot 非常 Shehelpedmetoimprove 提高 myEnglishsomuch I msad 傷心 toseehergo andthispartyisthebestwaytosay Thankyouandgoodbye Icanhelptobuysomeofthefoodanddrinks 飲料 IcanhelptobringMS Steentotheparty Ialready 已經(jīng) haveagreatideaabouthowtodothat HeWei 1 bring to 把 帶來 44 HiDavid Thankssomuchforplanning 計(jì)劃 this I dlovetocometotheparty butI mnotavailable Myfamilyistakingatrip 去旅游 toWuhanattheendofthismonthtovisitmyauntanduncle However I dstillbeglad 依然 tohelpoutwithanyofthepartypreparations 準(zhǔn)備工作 likeplanningthegames Letmeknowifyouneedmyhelp Jake 3 分擔(dān)工作 解決難題 45 Dearclassmates AsI msureyouknowbynow ourfavoriteteacher Ms Steen isleavingsoon 很快 togobackto 回到 theUS We reverysadthatshe sleavingbecausesheisafunteacher Toshowhowmuchwe regoingtomissher let shaveasurprisepartyforhernextFridaythe28th Canyoucometotheparty Ifso canyouhelpwithanyofthesethings PleasetellmebythisFriday 2 在這周五之前 46 Buyfoodanddrinks Thinkof 思考 gamestoplay Preparethingsweneedforthegames glue paper pen 4 BringMs Steentotheplaywithouttellingsothatshecanbesurprised Ilookforwardtohearingfromyouall David 47 2c Readthemessageandanswerthequestions 1 Whatkindofpartyisit 2 Whoisthepartyfor Itisasurpriseparty Ms Steen 48 3 Whenistheparty 4 WhodidDavidinvitetotheparty 5 Whatcanpeopledoattheparty NextFridaythe28th Hisclassmates Theycaneat drinkandplaygamesattheparty 49 2d CompletetheinvitationwithwordsandphrasesfromthemessagesonPage69 Weareplanningahousewarming atournewhousethisSaturday Canyou Ourhouseisat2LondonRoad Weareserving and from7 30p m Please yourfriendsandfamily Apartyismore withmorepeople Pleaseletus byWednesday youcancometotheparty Hopeyoucanmakeit party come fooddrinks bring surprising know if 50 bring to 把 帶來2 takeatrip去旅行3 thinkof認(rèn)為4 withoutdoingsth 沒有做某事5 sothat以便于 目的是6 lookforwardtodoingsth 期待做某事7 besurprisedatsth 對 感到驚奇8 hearfrom收到某人的來信 51 SectionB23a Selfcheck 52 1 后天 2 前天 3 照看 照顧 4 去旅行 thedayaftertomorrow thedaybeforeyesterday lookafter takeatrip 53 5 帶 去 6 樂意做某事 7 以便于 以至于 8 盼望 期待 begladtodosth sothat bring to lookforwardto 54 Newwords 1 openingn 開幕式 落成典禮 e g Myfatherhastogototheopeningofanewtheatertomorrow 我爸爸明天必須去參加一個(gè)劇院的落成典禮 動(dòng)詞open ing opening 55 2 concertn 音樂會(huì) 演奏會(huì) e g Petergavemetwoticketsfortheconcert 彼得給了我兩張音樂會(huì)的票 e g Batssleepinthedaytime 蝙蝠白天睡覺 3 daytimen 白天 日間 56 e g Hewenttoseetheheadmasteryesterday 他昨天去看望校長了 4 headmastern 校長 e g sportingevent體育賽事 5 eventn 大事 公開活動(dòng) 比賽項(xiàng)目 57 e g Wemustpreparearoomfortheguest 我們必須為客人準(zhǔn)備一個(gè)房間 6 guestn 客人 賓客 7 calendarn 日歷 日程表 e g Isthereacalendarhere 這里有日歷嗎 58 3a Readtheinvitationandanswerthequestions 1 Whoismakingtheinvitation 2 Whatistheinvitationfor 3 Whenwilltheeventhappen 4 Whatwillhappenafterthis LarrySmith Itisfortheopeningofthenewlibrary OnWednesday January8that9 00 Theycanenjoytheschoolconcertandhavelunch 59 5 Doparentshavetobringanything 6 Howshouldpeoplereplytothisinvitation andwhen Yes Theyshouldbringonebookasagiftforthenewlibrary TheyshouldreplytothisinvitationinwritingbyFriday December20th 60 3b Writeaninvitationtoapartyoranyotherevent Replytoyourpartner sinvitation Ifyouturndowntheinvitation giveagoodreason Includethefollowinginformation Kindofpartyorevent 事件 WhenandwhereitwillbeHowguestsshoulddressIfguests 客人 shouldbringanythingIftheguestsshouldreplytotheinvitationWhenandhowtheguestsshouldreply Usethefollowingwordsandphrases wouldliketowillbeafterthispleasereply 61 HiMike Thanksforaskingmetoyourhome butI msorryIcan tvisityounextSaturday I llbebusythatday Inthemorning Ihavetodomyhomework Intheafternoon Iamhavingpianolesson Intheevening I mgoingtothemovieswithmyfriends Thereisanewmovie Ican tmissit CanyouwatchitwithusnextSaturdayevening Writesoon Henry 范文賞析 62 SlefCheck 1 Fillintheblanksintheconversation A Hi Peter youcometomyparty theweekend B Sure loveto A Howabout Jenny C I mafraidI I tolookaftermylittlecousin A youcome Jeff D I beableto butI mnotsure letyouknowtomorrow Can on I d you can t have Can might I ll 63 Usefulphrases studyforatestcometothepartythewholedayanothertimesoccerpracticetrytodosth writesoonhaveapianolesson havetodosth ontheweekendabirthdaypartythedayaftertomorrowjoinsb gototheconcertthedaybeforeyesterday 64 Thankyou 65- 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