季八年級英語下冊 Unit1 What't the matter課件 (新版)人教新目標(biāo)版

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1、 Unit 1 Whats the matter?一、本單元的分析與拆解一、本單元的分析與拆解TopicTopic:HealthHealthFunctionsFunctions: (1)Talk about your health(1)Talk about your health (2)Give advice (2)Give adviceTarget language:Target language: Whats the matter?Whats the matter? I have a head I have a headacheache. . You You shouldshould sh
2、ouldntshouldnt drink some tea. drink some tea. That sounds like a good idea. That sounds like a good idea. I have a I have a soresore back. back. Thats too bad. Thats too bad. I hope you feel better soon. I hope you feel better soon.HealthTask One:for talking about health Have problemsTask Two:Modal
3、 shouldshouldnt主題思維圖及任務(wù)型活動:主題思維圖及任務(wù)型活動:Vocabulary:Vocabulary: head,nose,eye,ear,tooth,neck,stomach ,back,leg,arm,foot,throat thirsty,stressed out cold,fever,headache,toothache,stomachache,sore throat dentist,lie,rest,honey,water,illness,advice should,shouldntSection A: 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c,3a,3b,4Secti
4、on B: 1a,1b,2a,2b,2c,3a,3b,3c,4,Self checkPeriod 1: SectionA 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2cPeriod 2: SectionA3a,3b,4andSectionB1a,1b,2a,2b,2c Period 3: SectionB 3a,3b,3c,4Period 4: Self checkUNIT 1 WHATS THE MATTER?PERIOD 1SECTION A(1a-2c)Exercise SongExercise Song I wake up in the morning, I clean my teeth. I h
5、ave my breakfast, I go to school. I have my classes.I read English books. I play football and I do my homework. What do you do ?What do you do ? What do you often do ? Every day we do the same things, get up, go to work and go to bed. But we like everything.eararmhandlegfootheadeyenosemouthtooth(tee
6、th)facestomachbackWhere is his neck?1a Look at the picture.Write the correct letteram for eachpart of the body._arm _back _ear _eye _foot_hand_head _leg _mouth_neck _nose _stomach _toothKcgimalbfdjheTOUCH AND SAY Touch the parts of your body when you hear your partner say ar mh ndl gf th d yen sem t
7、h t th(teeth)f ce st m ch b ckeeaea oouaraaeoooooaWHATS THE MATTER?I have a cold.I have a fever.WHATS THE MATTER?I have a headache.I have a stomachache.WHATS THE MATTER?I have a toothache.I have a sore back.A: Whats the matter?B:I have a Work in pair請加上你個(gè)性化的動作請加上你個(gè)性化的動作1B LISTEN AND LOOK AT THE PICT
8、URE. THEN NUMBER THE NAMES 1-5. Nancy _ Sarah _ David _ Ben _ Judy _41253Miming the illnesses and guessing-Whats the matter?Do you have a sore throat?-Yes, I do./ No,I dont.1. toothache a. lie sown and rest2. sore throat b. hot tea with honey3. stomachache c. see a dentist2A LISTEN. MATCH THE PROBLE
9、MS WITH THE ADVICE.ADVICEA: I have a toothache.B: You should see a dentist.A: I have a stomachache.B: You should lie down and rest.2B LISTEN AGAIN. FILL IN THE BLANKS.You should drink some hot tea with honey.You should see a dentist.You should lie down and rest.You should drink lots of water.4. feve
10、r d. drink lots of water PairworkA: Whats the matter?B: I have a toothache.A: Maybe you should see a dentist.B: Thats a good idea.Giving adviceYao MingStevenMr ChenSusan-Whats the matter withYao Ming?-He has a fever. -Maybe he should drink lots of waterUsefulsentences:四個(gè)學(xué)生一組,兩個(gè)表演,兩個(gè)配音。以朋友或醫(yī)生的身份對別人表示
11、關(guān)心和提建議Whats the matter?Do you have a Im not feeling well.Maybe you should_.I hope youll feel better soon.Thats a good idea.Task 1Task 2神醫(yī)義診活動A: Good morning!B: Morning!A: Whats the matter? Who is ill?B: My granny has a headache.A: Maybe she shouldHOMEWORK1、Copyandreadeachnewwords&dialoguesofP7&8thre
12、etimes().2、Finishtherelatedexercisesinworkbook( ).3、Interviewyourfamilymembersandwrite2dialoguesontheirhealth.( ). UNIT 1WHATS THE MATTER?PERIOD 2SECTION A(3a-4)SECTION B(1a-2c)-What do you call this?-Its my ear /WHATS THE MATTER? tired thirstystressed out hungry1. b tired2. hungry3. thirsty4. stres
13、sed out1A MATCH THE WORDS WITHTHE PICTURES BELOW1. a eat an apple2. drink some water3. go to bed early4. listen to musicdcbcdaSECTION B(1a-1b)A:Whatsthematter?B:Imnotfeelingwell.Ihavea_.A:Whendiditstart?B:About_ago.A:Oh,thatstoobad.Youshould_.B:Yes,Ithinkso.A:Ihopeyoufeelbettersoon.coldtwodaysgetsom
15、ctoreatdryfoodsuchascookiesspeaktooloudlyA:Whatsthematter?B:Ihavea_.A:Youshould_.Youshouldnt_.stomachacheliedownandhavearesteatanythingfortwohoursWhatsthematter?You/He/Sheshould/shouldntPAIRWORKA: Whats the matter with Gina?B: Shes tired.A: Well, she should go to bed early. She shouldnt go to the pa
16、rty.ProblemShouldShouldntGinatiredTonyJulieAlanstressedoutthirstyhungrygotobedearlygotothepartytonightlistentosomemusicstudytonighthaveadrinkeatanymorepizzaeatanappleplaysoccerbeforedinnerListen and write the problems in the chart below.Task 1神醫(yī)診所Name:Age:Sex:Symptom(癥狀):Reason(原因):Medicine & Advice
17、(藥物以及建議): D-doctor P-patientD: Good morning!P: Good morning!D: Whats the matter with you?P: I feel sick.D: Do you have?P: Yes, I have/No, I dont have?D: Mm, I think maybe you haveP: What should I do?D: Dont worry, Take some aspirin(阿斯匹林) (medicine)and(advice建議). You will be better soon.Task 2評價(jià)醫(yī)生1.
18、A: I have a stomachache. B: You should eat that hamburger. ( )2. A: She has a backache. B: She should see a dentist. ( )3. A: Im thirsty. B: You should drink some cold water.( )4. A: He has a headache. B: He shouldnt go to bed.( )5. A: Hes stressed out. B: Maybe he should talk about his work. ( )Tas
19、k 3當(dāng)一回醫(yī)生Lilys illnessSuggestions / AdviceI have bad cold.I have a stomachache.I cant sleep at night.have a headache.I have a toothache.HOMEWORK1.CopyandreadnewwordsanddialoguesonP9&10threetimes.()2.DotherelatedexercisesinWorkbook( )3.Makeasurveyandwriteapassage()happysadtiredboredexciteStressed outM
20、omDadFriendTeacherUNIT 1 WHATS THE MATTER?PERIOD 3SECTION B(3a-4)*What food do you like to eat? I like to eat*Do you like to eat fruit and vegetables? No, I dont like them. Yes,theyre good for my health.Free talk.A Healthy DiettofuDont eat too much meat and junk food.* Its important to eat a balance
21、d diet.Do you know what a balanced diet is?制定合理的飲食規(guī)則a traditional Chinese doctor* a balanced dieta balance of yin and yanga Chinese way to stay healthy traditional Chinese medicine western medicineDangshenHuangqi (herbs)medicineproblemshouldyinyangRead and fill in the chartoften weak andtiredeat yan
22、g foods ,like beef,Dangshen and Huangqi herbstoo stressed out and angry eat yin foods , like tofuTrue or FalseTrue or False1.Alldoctorsbelieveweneedabalanceofyinandyang.()2. Ifyouareweakandoftentired,maybeyouhavetoomuchyin.()3.Ifyouhavetoomuchyang,youshouldeathotyangfoods,likebeef,DangshenandHuangqi
23、hurbs.()4. Ifyouarestressedoutandangry,maybeyouhavetoomuchyang.()5.Ifyouhavetoomuchyang,youshouldhavesomeyinfoodsliketofu.()FTTFTFill in the blanks in the article.Are you tired? Everybody gets tired sometimes. When you are tired, you shouldnt _. You should _ for a few nights and you should _ to stay
24、 healthy. You should also eat _ and other healthy foods. You shouldnt _ when you are tired.go out at nightgo to bed earlyexercisefruit study go to parties Survey: Your lifestyleDo you have a healthy lifestyle?What do you think is a healthy lifestyle? should shouldnt eat fruit and vegetables eat too
25、much junk food go to bed early watch too much TVGroup work:What is a healthy lifestyle?Report: We should We shouldnt.Eat right,sleep right,exercise to keep right!Groupwork: Who is Dr Know?Choose a problem from the list.Then ask your classmates for advice.The student who gives the best advice is “Dr
26、know”. ProblemsI have a toothache I have a sore throat Im hungry Im stressed out I have a sore back Im tired.I cant sleep I have a headache I have a coldHOMEWORK1. Copy and read new words and article on P11 twice times() 2. Do the exercises in work book () 3. Rewrite your article and hand in the nex
27、t day () 4. 收集健康格言或金點(diǎn)子 UNIT 1 WHATS THE MATTER?PERIOD 4Self-checkHOW CAN WE STAY HEALTHY? give get need believe stay1.I _ its important to sleep eight hours a night.2.A doctor can _ you medicine.3.Dont _ stressed out. Its not healthy.4.I have a toothache. I _ to see a dentist.5.Eat a balanced diet t
28、o _ healthy.believegivestayhavekeepRead the letter, then write back and give advice.Dear Sally, Im sorry to hear that youre not feeling well. I think you should _YOUR FRIEND DOESNT COME TO SCHOOL / PARTY / APPOINTMENT, PLEASE CALL AND ASKHave a fever ; doctor told me ; stay in bed for two days; Cant
29、 go to school today ; tomorrow; hope ; Get well; very soon; thank you DearMissDing:ImsorrytotellyouthatImnotfeelingwelltoday.Ihaveafever.ThedoctortoldmeIshouldstayinbedfortwodays.SoIcantgotoschooltodayandtomorrow.IhopeIcangetwellverysoon.Thankyou!Yours,Tony生活小常識:生活小常識: Now your friend has an asthma
30、attack(哮喘病哮喘病) ,but she doesnt have her medication. What should you do then? 1. Dial 120. 2. Take her outside for fresh air. 3. Open the window. Get her a cup of coffee. Can you find the good ways?Can you find the good ways?HOMEWORK1.Read the sentences in Grammar focus twice. ()2. Recite all the new words in Unit 2. ( )3. Write a sick leave. ( )VocabVocab-builder-builderUnit2 Whats the matter ? I need more time. Im great!在在vocabvocab-builder-builder表格的左欄里填寫表格的左欄里填寫還未完全掌握的還未完全掌握的單詞單詞,在另一欄超前詞匯表(右欄)里填寫,在另一欄超前詞匯表(右欄)里填寫已記住的已記住的非課文內(nèi)的單詞非課文內(nèi)的單詞。
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