中考英語 重點難點梳理 九下 Unit 3-4課件.ppt
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教材重點難點梳理 九年級 下 Unit3 Unit4 廣州中考高分突破 重難點梳理 一 重點單詞 下面為???常用的單詞 請同學們認真復習 擴大詞匯量 Unit31 擔心 憂慮 2 大氣層 3 溫度 氣溫 4 猜測 5 環(huán)境保護的 贊成環(huán)境保護的 6 無生命的 無生物生長的 7 燃料 8 煤 9 結(jié)果 concern atmosphere temperature guess green lifeless fuel coal result 10 使 增長 增多 增加 11 摧毀 毀滅 12 自然界 大自然 13 表面 表層 14 土壤 15 洪水 水災 16 習慣 17 正確的 恰當?shù)?18 無害的 19 回收利用 20 目的 用途 21 解決辦法 處理手段 increase destroy nature surface soil flood habit proper friendly recycle purpose solution 22 政府 Unit41 地震 2 使 灌滿水 淹沒 3 嚴重地 厲害地 4 活著的 在世的 5 水坑 水塘 6 物體 物品 7 長途汽車 8 通過 9 電話路線 10 因為缺點 不運行的 不轉(zhuǎn)動的 government earthquake flood badly alive pool object coach pass line dead 11 老板 12 聾的 13 盯著看 凝視 注視 14 屏幕 熒光屏 15 看 聽 到 注意到 意識到 16 使 醒來 17 立即 馬上 即刻 18 失蹤的 19 同類的 同伴的 immediately boss deaf stare screen notice awake missing fellow 二 重點短語 請同學們重點掌握下面的短語 做到活學活用 完形填空 完成句子等題型經(jīng)常會考查大家對短語的掌握 Unit31 溫室效應 2 在危險中 3 由于 4 導致 造成 5 許多 大量 6 采取行動 7 有作用 有影響 8 充當 asaresultof greenhouseeffect indanger resultin mountainsof takeaction makeadifference actas 9 海平面 10 楷模 行為榜樣 Unit41 自然災害 2 通過 經(jīng)過 3 持續(xù) 堅持 4 閑坐 5 不愿為 花時間 6 不被理睬 7 盯著看 8 驚訝地 9 暫時 10 救生包 havenotimetodo sealevel rolemodel naturaldisaster passby stickwith sitaround fallondeafears stareat insurprise fornow survivalbag 三 重點句型 熟練掌握并運用句型是學好英語的基本要素之一 要做到熟能生巧就必須大量地練習 請同學們熟練掌握下面的句型 1 Thismeansthatweshouldonlybuyanduseproductsfriendlytotheenvironment 這意味著我們應該只購買并且只使用對環(huán)境有益的產(chǎn)品 句型 This That It means meant that 表示 意味著 它的否定句式是 This That It doesn t didn t mean that 表示 并不意味著 翻譯 Shewasnotathome but 這并不意味著 shewenttoShanghai 2 1 Itwasnineo clockinthemorning 是在早上的九點鐘 it didn tmeanthat 2 Itissummernow 現(xiàn)在是夏天 3 Itrainedallday 雨下了一整天 4 Itisonlyafive minutewalkfrommyhometotheschool 從我家到學校步行只有5分鐘的路程 句型 It用作形式主語 以上四句分別是 1 it指代時間 2 it指代季節(jié) 3 it指代天氣 4 it指代距離 翻譯 1 現(xiàn)在是早上10點 2 今天刮風了 3 去到最近的車站要走10分鐘 3 It simportanttostickwithit 堅持很重要 句型 我們也能用it作一個句子的形式主語來替換動詞 It s10inthemorning Itiswindytoday Itis10minites walktothenearestbusstop 不定式 這句話可以替換成Tostickwithitisimportant 另外 以下兩句也是用it作形式主語 1 Itseemedthattheydidnotwanttoleave 似乎他們都不想離開 2 Insurprise peoplefinallystartedtonoticetheflood butitwastoolate 最后 人們很吃驚地注意到洪水 但是太晚了 4 其他好用的常用的句型 1 Jerryusesthesameamountofelectricityashisneighbourdoes 杰瑞的用電量和他的鄰居一樣 2 Everyonehopesthattherewillneverbeanothericestormliketheonein1998 每個人都希望不會再有像1998年那樣的冰暴 鞏固練習一 語法選擇Pollutionmeans1dirtyorharmfulthingstoland air waterandsoon Pollutionisbadforanimalsandplants anditevenmakespeople s2indanger Inourdailylife wecan3differentkindsofpollutioninmanyplaces There4threemainformsofpollution landpollution airpollutionandwaterpollution Landpollutioniscaused5solidwaste suchascans bottlesandsomeplasticthingswhicharen tbrokendownquickly Itmakestheenvironment6verybad However airpollutionismoreseriousthanlandpollution Itismuch7incitiesandtownsbecauseofthefumes 廢氣 fromtrafficandthewastefromhuman activities Afterthegases8intotheair theymaymixwithclouds Thentheywillbecomesomeharmfulchemicalsfallingonthegroundwithrain Itisoneofthereasonsforsoilerosion 土壤侵蝕 which9oneexampleofwaterpollution Variouskindsofpollutionwillcausemanyhealthproblems People10theymustchangethisserioussituation Herearemanywaystocontrolpollution 11alternativeenergy 替代能源 isverypopularinmanycountries China forexample hasmadeup12mindtobealeaderinthisfield Itistrying13tomakefulluseofenergyfromthesunandwind It14plentyofmoneytomakeelectriccarsandtrainsinsteadoftraditionaltraffic Weshouldalsotakeactiontomakeourenvironment 15 Takeclothbagswhilegoingshoppinganddrivecarsless Wehaveonlyoneearth Wemusttakesmallstepsnowtohelpprotectourenvironmentforthefuturewhereverweare 1 A addB toaddC addingD adds 2 A healthB healthyC healthierD healthiest 3 A seeB toseeC seeingD sees 4 A isB areC wasD were 5 A byB withC ofD for 6 A lookB lookingC lookedD tolook 7 A badB badlyC worseD worst C A A A A B C 8 A getB getsC gotD getting 9 A wasB wereC isD are 10 A realizeB realizedC realizesD haverealized 11 A DevelopB DevelopsC DevelopingDeveloped 12 A itB itsC it sD itis 13 A hardlyB hardC harderD almost 14 A payB paysC paidD haspaid 15 A cleanerandcleanerB cleanandcleanC moreandmorecleanD morecleanerandmorecleaner C D A C B B D A 二 完形填空WhenJulycomes childrenknowthey llhavetheirexaminationsandtheschoolyearwillendsoon Boysandgirlswill1anearlytwomonths holiday Andthey ll2schoolbytrainorbycarto3toseetheirfathersandmothers Thesummerholidaysarethe4timeoftheyearformostchildren Theweatherisusuallygood soonecan5mostofhistimeplayingoutside Ifonelivesinthecountry hecan6intothewoodsandinthefields Ifonelivesinabigtown hecanusuallygotoaparktoplay Thebestplaceforasummerholidayisthe7 Somechildrenare8enoughtolivenearthesea Butforthe otherswhodonot iftheyhavethechancetostayatoneofthebigseasidetownsforaweekortwo theywilltalkaboutitallthefollowingschoolyear Now whatmakeschildrenliketheseasidesomuch Ithinkitisthe9 theseaandthesun notanythingelse Ofcourse therearelotsofnewthingstosee nicethingstoeat andinterestingthingstodo Butthefeelingofsandundertheirfeet ofsaltwaterontheirskin andthefeelingofthewarmsunontheirbacksmakethem10 1 A holdB haveC goonD make 2 A gettoB leaveC leaveforD travelto 3 A gototownB gototheparksC leavehomeD returnhome B B D 4 A bestB betterC worstD worse 5 A takeB useC spendD waste 6 A gooutB goonC gobackD goaway 7 A villageB seasideC cityD park 8 A luckyB sadC worriedD quiet 9 A treeB moonC seashellD sand 10 A happierB angrierC sadderD healthier A C A B A D A 三 閱讀理解Endangered 瀕臨滅絕的 mountaingorillas 大猩猩 areclosetohumans Overthepastyears peoplehavemadeagreatefforttohelpthem Andnow theresultsaregood AccordingtothenewinformationreleasedbytheWorldWildlifeFund thenumberofmountaingorillashasrisenfrom786to880inthelasttwoyears However theyarestillendangered thisincreaseislargelybecauseoftheactionsofconservationists 保護主義者 In2000 thenumberofmountaingorillaswasonly320 Thelownumberwasaresultofillegalhunting habitatlossanddisease Sincethen thenumberhasrisen butslowly MountaingorillasliveinRwanda Uganda and DemocraticRepublicofCongo allcountriesincentralAfrica Toprovidethemwithmoreprotectionandcare nearlyhalfofthegorillasliveinanationalpark BwindiImpenetrableNationalPark inthenorthernpartofRwanda ishometo400mountaingorillas Mountaingorillasliveingroups Thereareabout30gorillasineachgroup Theleaderisanoldermale Thismalecanweighupto500poundsandbenearly6feettall Oftenhewillhavesilverhaironhisback markinghisoldageanddominance 權(quán)勢 withinthegroup Likeothers gorillasdependononeanother Butnow theyaredependingonhumanstohelpkeepthemalive 1 Theunderlinedword release means inChinese A 隱藏B 收到C 發(fā)現(xiàn)D 發(fā)布 2 Whichofthefollowingisn tthereasonwhytherearesofewmountaingorillas A Lessfood B Disease C Illegalhunting D Lossoflivingplaces 3 Nearlyhalfofthemountaingorillaslive A inaforestB inthemountainsC inaparkD inariver D A C 4 Whatcanweinferfromthepassage A Wehumanscanbegorillas leaders B Inagroup thetallestgorillamustbetheleader C Therewillbeabout1 400mountaingorillasin2025 D Maybemanygorillaswon tbeusedtothewildlifeinthefuture 5 What sthemainideaofthepassage A Weneedtolearnmoreaboutmountaingorillas B Conservationistsaregoodfriendsofmountaingorillas C Thenumberofmountaingorillasisrisingwiththehelpofhumans D Weshouldtryourbesttoprotectmountaingorillasthatareinthewild C D 四 閱讀填空閱讀下列短文 從短文后的五個選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項 Zhalongisanaturereserve 自然保護區(qū) inHeilongjianginnortheastChina Itisoneoftheworld smostimportantwetlands Itisagoodhomefordifferentkindsofplants fishandbirds ManybirdslivecomfortablyinZhalongNatureReserveallyearround 1 Therearemanyfishinthewetlands andthebirdscaneasilycatchthemforfood Somepeoplewanttochangethewetlandstomakemorespaceforfarmsandbuildings 2 Moreandmorebirdsareindangerbecausetheydonothaveenoughlivingspace 3 Weshoulddosomethingtoprotectbirdsnow B E D ThisyearmembersofourBirdWatchingClubaregoingtostudythedifferentkindsofbirdsinZhalongandthechangesintheirnumbers Thestudybeginsnextmonth Wedoabirdcountonceayear Wearenowinvitingsecondaryschoolstudentstohelp 4 Manypeopledonotunderstandtheimportanceofthewetlands somepeopledon tknowhowtoprotectthebirds 5 Thentheywillactively 積極地 takeactiontoprotectwildlife C A A Weneedmorepeopletohelpuscountanddosomethingtohelpthebirds B Somebirdsonlystayforashorttime C Wehopethisinformationwillhelpthemunderstandbetter D Manyofthemdied E Thismeansthattherewillbelessandlessspaceforwildlife 五 單詞拼寫1 Thepopulationhasi from1 000 000to3 000 000 2 Althoughthebridgewasmadeofstone itwasbadlydamagedbythef 3 IamsorrytohearthatJim sfatherisd Hecan thearanythinganymore 4 Mygrandparentshaveah ofgoingforawalkafterdinner 5 Theearthquaked thewholecityinonenight 6 Hebeggedtheb togivehimthejobbecauseitisveryimportanttohim ncreased lood eaf abit estroyed oss 7 Thet hasstayedlowthisweek 8 Idon tg itwillraintomorrow 9 Thepolicearesearchingthewholemountainforthem climbers 10 Hewassurprisedthathisdaughterwasstilla 六 完成句子1 這個女孩凝視著鏡子里的自己 Thegirl herselfinthemirror 2 讓我們行動起來戰(zhàn)勝這場災難 Let s torecoverfromthedisaster emperature uess issing live staredat takeaction 3 一旦我們決定了 就一定要堅持下去 Oncewemadeadecision weshould it 4 孩子們見到那只怪物都驚呆了 Thechildrensawthemonster 5 我和他做的是相同的工作 但是報酬卻不一樣 Ido job he butwearepaiddifferently 6 我的生活方式跟你的有點不同 Mylifestyleis yours 7 我希望我能像鳥一樣飛翔 I Icanfly abird stickwith insuprise thesame as alittledifferentfrom hope like 8 我的年齡和Tom一樣 Iam age Tom 9 我買了這個跟我上周丟失的那個一樣的包 Ibought bag Ilostlastweek 10 這是多么美妙的音樂啊 musicitis thesame as thesame as Whatwonderful- 1.請仔細閱讀文檔,確保文檔完整性,對于不預覽、不比對內(nèi)容而直接下載帶來的問題本站不予受理。
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