中考英語沖刺復習 話題專題訓練 情感與情緒課件.ppt
《中考英語沖刺復習 話題專題訓練 情感與情緒課件.ppt》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《中考英語沖刺復習 話題專題訓練 情感與情緒課件.ppt(21頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。
高頻單詞 情感與情緒 常用句子 完形填空 閱讀理解 短文填空 讀寫結合 高頻單詞 1 IwassoexcitedtoseeLiYuchuninGuangzhouyesterday 昨天我很興奮能在廣州見到李宇春 2 Don tbeangrywithme Iwon tmakethesamemistakeagain 不要再生我的氣了 我不會再犯同樣的錯誤 3 Heisnervousbecausehewilltakeanimportantexamtomorrow 他感到緊張因為他明天有個重要的考試 4 Agoodfriendmakesmehappy 好朋友讓我開心 5 Ican tgetonwellwithmyfriends 我與朋友相處不好 常用句子 完形填空 1 A cutdownB cutoffC cutinD cutup 2 A withoutB byC onD with 3 A spareB devoteC influenceD waste 4 A happyB sadC excitedD nervous 5 A worriedB guiltyC interestedD curious 6 A struggledB supportedC lostD completed B A D B A C 7 A howB whyC whenD whether 8 A lifeB workC studyD wish 9 A comedownB comeoutC cometrueD comeup 10 A noneB littleC muchD more B C A A A 閱讀理解 1 Ifyouwanttobealittlebitbraver thefirstthingyoushoulddoisto A tellpeopleyou reshyB smiletoeveryoneC saysomethingniceaboutpeoplearoundyouD getyourattentionelsewhere 2 Whenyousmiletothepeople theywillthinkyouare A outgoingB shyC friendlyD happy 3 Whenyoucan tstarttalkswithothers youmaytoleadin A tellpeopleyou reshyB smiletoeveryoneC saysomethingniceaboutpeoplearoundyouD getyourattentionelsewhere A C C 4 Thepurposeofthepassageisto A askyoutogetattentionelsewhereB askyoutosmiletoeveryoneC helptheshypersontobebraveD helpthebravepeopletobeshy 5 Fromthepassageweknowthat A it snecessarytohideyourshynessB peoplestayawayfromtheugly lookingpeopleC youshouldworryaboutwhetherpeoplelikeyouD fourwayscanhelpyouovercomeshyness C D B 6 Thosewhohavebighousesmayoftenfeel A happyB lonelyC freeD excited 7 WhenyoufalldowninaPEclass bothyourteacherandyourclassmateswill A laughatyouB beproudofyouC quarrelwithyouD helpyouup 8 What sthemeaningof revolving A 兩面的B 旋轉(zhuǎn)的C 玻璃的D 不動的 B D A 9 WhichofthefollowingisNOTtrueaccordingtothepassage A Peoplewhohavecarswouldneverliketowalkintheopenair B Youcangethelpfromotherswhenyoumakemistakes C Youcanstillbeahappypersonevenifyouhavelittlemoney D Happinessisalwaysaroundyouthoughdifficultiescometowardsyou 10 Thebesttitleofthispassageis A BadluckB GoodluckC HappinessD Life A C C 配對閱讀 B E A G F 短文填空 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 hard worried failed patient angry avoid zero reading afraid himself A 信息歸納 讀寫結合 InformationCard Thepressurefromeducation joborfamilywillbeheavierandheavier Keepasmileonyourface Softandgentlemusic Three 3 Howtokeepyourselfagoodmood B 書面表達假如你是John 你的朋友Mike寫信告訴你他經(jīng)常心情不好 與同事家人相處也較差 又容易生病 閱讀上文后 請你寫一封80詞左右的信 告訴他如何才能保持好的心情 內(nèi)容包括 1 描述Mike的實況 2 向Mike提出三條建議 DearMike Howareyou FromyourletterIknowyouareofteninabadmood Youcan tgetonwellwithyourfamilyorworkmates Youalsogetilleasily That stoobad NowIwillgiveyousomeadvice First youcangototheplaygroundandplaybasketballhard It sagoodwayforyoutorelaxyoursadness Second whenyouareveryangry youcantelephonemeandtalkwithme Iwillbeyourgoodlistener Atlast trytoforgettheunhappinessyoucan tdealwith Yours John 謝謝- 配套講稿:
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- 中考英語沖刺復習 話題專題訓練 情感與情緒課件 中考 英語 沖刺 復習 話題 專題 訓練 情感 情緒 課件
