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高中英語 必修 重點單詞、短語和句型Unit 1 Cultural relics重點單詞和短語 1. in search of 尋找、搜尋 in the/ones search for 尋找,搜尋 search for= look for 搜尋 search . for 為了找而搜查 2. could never have imagined 絕不可能想到 “情態(tài)動詞+have done” may/might have done過去可能做過 表推測 must have done 過去一定做過 表后悔、 needt have done過去本沒有必要做(實際上做了) 責備、遺 should/ought to have done過去本應該做(實際上未做) 憾等語氣 shouldnt/oughtnt to have done過去本不該做(實際上做了) 3. select vt.挑選,選擇;選擇 select sb. to do sth. 選擇某人做某事 select . as挑選作為 select . from從中選出 4. design n. & vt. 設計,圖案,構思;計劃 make designs for 為設計 to do 目的是做 in design在設計上 be designed for專為而設計的 by design=on purpose故意地 as打算當做 5. fancy adj. 奇異的,異樣的;時髦的 vt. 想象,設想;愛好,喜歡 fancy (ones) doing sth. 想象(某人)做某事 Fancy meeting so many television actiors! 居然能見到那么多電視演員! n. 喜愛,想要 take a fancy to喜歡上;愛上 6. decorate vt. 裝飾;裝修,裝潢 decorate . with .用裝飾 7. in return (for) (1)作為(對的)回報/報答(=in reward for) If you give me your photo, Ill give you mine in return. 你若送我一張照片,我便回贈一張給你。 He didnt expect anything in return for his help. 他幫助人并不期待任何回報。 (2)作為回應 I asked his opinion, but he just asked me a question in return. 我征求他的意見,他卻只是反問了我一個問題。 【辨析】in return和in turn易混詞組辨析例句in return表示“作為回報(報答)”;作為回應He has given me so much help that I really want to do something for him in return. 他給了我許多幫助,所以真的想為他做些什么作為報答。in turn表示“相應地;轉而,反之,反過來”表示“依次,逐個輪流”Interest rates were cut and, in turn, share prices rose.利率下調,股價就相應地上漲了。The kids came out of the room in turn.孩子們依次走出房間。 8. have/get sth. done本結構可表示兩種意義 (1)使某事被做(主語有意識的行為,可能是主語自己做的,也可能是讓別人做) I must have my homework done before going to bed. 上床睡覺前我必須做完作業(yè)。(由自己完成) He had/got his hair cut yesterday. 他昨天理發(fā)了。(由別人完成) (2)遭遇/經歷某種不幸的事(此事違背主語的意愿) She had all her jewellery stolen.她所有的珠寶都被偷了。 【拓展】 have/let/make sb. do sth. 讓某人做某事 get sb. to do sth. 讓某人做某事 have/get sb. Doing 讓某人一直做某事 9. at war處于交戰(zhàn)狀態(tài) “at + n.”表示一種狀態(tài)或持續(xù)的活動:at peace處于和平狀態(tài) at church在做禮拜at rest在休息 at breakfast/lunch/supper在吃早/午/晚飯at table在吃飯 at sea在航海at work在上班at school在上學【鏈接】介詞in,under和on都可以與名詞連用,表示一種狀態(tài)或持續(xù)的活動,此時名詞前一般不加冠詞。in trouble處于困境(困難)中 on sale上市,出售in danger在危險中 on holiday在度假,在休假中under discussion在討論中 on fire著火,失火under repairz在維修中 on duty值班10. remove vt. (1) 移走;移開;移動;搬開 from從搬走某物 remove sth. to把某物搬到 into/out把某物搬入/搬出 (2) 除掉;清除(=get rid of) Youd better perform well to remove his doubt. 你最好好好表現(xiàn)來打消他的疑慮。 (3) 脫下(衣服等)(=take off);摘下 I recognized him after he removed his dark glasses. (4) 把免職;開除 remove sb. from某人被免職11. less than少于,小于(某一數目或數量)短語符號意義less than少于not less than不少于,至于no less than和一樣,多達(強調多)more than多于;不僅僅not more than不多于,不超過,至多no more than僅僅(強調少) 【辨析】no less than與not less than易混詞組辨析例句no less than“多達”(強調數量之多,相當于as much as)He has no less than 1 million dollars. 他的錢多達100萬美元。not less than“至少”(強調下限,相當于at least)He has not less than 1,000 dollars. 他至少有1000美元。12. doubt n. & v. (1) n. 懷疑,疑惑 There is no doubt that . 毫無疑問 There is no doubt about/of . There is (some) doubt whether . 對持有疑問 【拓展】in doubt不肯定;沒把握 without/no/beyond doubt無疑地;確實 (2) v. 懷疑;不相信 doubt whether/if . 懷疑是否 I dont doubt that . 我確信13. worth prep. & n. 值得的;相當于的價值的 be worth doing 值得做 be worth +錢數 值錢 be worth + n. 值得 【辨析】worth, worthy與worthwhile易混詞搭配例句worthbe worth + n. /doing cosideration.The matter is worth cosidering.worthy of being donebe worthy to be done of sth. consideration. of being considered.The matter is worthy to be considered.worthwhileIts worthwhile to do/doing sth. to consider It is worthwhile the matter. considering 【注意】worth后接動名詞時,用主動形式表示被動含義。 worth不能用very修飾,但可以用well修飾。 除作表語外,worth還可作后置定語。 West Lake is a place worth seeing. 西湖是個值得一看的地方。14. evidence n. 證據,根據;證明 There is evidence that . 有證據表明15. rather than (1) 而不是 I decided to write rather than telephone. 我決定寫信而不是打電話。 (2) 與其倒不如;寧愿而不愿 He is an explorer rather than a sailor. 與其說他是一個海員,倒不如說他是一個探險者。 Rather than cause trouble, he left. 他不愿意惹麻煩,寧可離去。 【拓展】 prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.寧愿做某事也不愿做某事would rather do sth. than do sth. /would do sth. rather than do sth. 寧愿做某事也不愿做某事 or rather更確切地說【注意】rather than有時相當于介詞,有時起連詞作用,其連接的兩個成分的詞性應該一致。rather than連接兩個不定式時,后一個常省略to,但rather than位于句首時,常跟不 帶to的不定式。rather than連接兩個主語時,謂語動詞應與rather than前面的主語在人稱和數上保持 一致,相同用法的還有:as well as,together with,with,besides等。16. think highly of高度評價,認為不錯;器重;看重 【拓展】 think much/well of器重/看重/贊賞think ill/poorly/badly/little of認為不好think nothing of輕視;認為無所謂 speak highly of高度評價/贊揚speak well/ill of說的好/壞話17. debate n. & v. (1) n. 辯論;爭論;討論 under debate在辯論/討論中 a heated/lively debate一場激烈的爭論 beyond/without debate無可爭論(2) v. (尤指正式)討論,辯論 sth. with sb. 同某人辯論/討論某事 debate wh- to do sth. 討論做某事 on sth. 討論某事【辨析】debate與argue debate側重“雙方各抒己見”,內含“交鋒”的意思。 argue側重“說理”、“論證”和“企圖說服”。常用結構:argue sb. into/out of doing sth. 說服某人做/不做某事。重點句子 1. Frederick William, the king of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history. 普魯士國王腓特烈威廉一世絕不 可能想到他送給俄羅斯人民的厚禮會有這樣一段令人驚訝的歷史。 2. However, the next King of Prussia, Frederick William , to whom the amber room belonged, decided not to keep it. 然而,下一位普魯士國王,腓特烈威廉一世,這個琥珀屋的主人卻決定不要它了。 3. In return, the Czar sent him a troop of his best soldiers. 作為回贈,沙皇則送給他一隊自己最好的士兵。 4. Later, Catherine had the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers. 后來,葉卡捷琳娜二世派人把琥珀屋搬到圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的宮殿中。 5. In 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted. 1770年,這間琥珀屋按照她的要求完成了。 6. In less than two days 100,000 pieces were put inside twenty-seven wooden boxes. 在不到兩天的時間里,10萬個部件被裝進了27個木箱。 7. There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Knigsberg, which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea. 毫無疑問,這些箱子后來被裝上火車運往哥尼斯堡, 當時德國在波羅的海海邊的一個城市。 8. In groups discuss: Is it worth rebuilding lost cultural relics such as the Amber Room or Yuanmingyuan in Beijing? 分組討論:重建遺失的文化遺產,如琥珀屋或北京的圓明園是值得的嗎? 9. An opinion is what someone believes is true but has not been proved. 看法是人們相信是真實的,但是未經證實。10. I think highly of those who are searching for the Amber Room. 我很欣賞那些尋找琥珀屋的人。11. Nor do I think they should give it to any government. 我也認為他們不應該把它交給任何政府。Unit 2 The Olympic Games重點單詞和短語 1. compete vi. 比賽;競爭 compete in參加比賽 compete with/against與競爭 compete for為而競爭 2. stand for (1)代表;象征;(指縮寫或符號)是的意思;表示 (2)容忍,忍受(用于否定句中) (3)支持,主張 【鏈接】 stand (doing) sth. 忍受(做)某事stand by袖手旁觀,站在一邊stand out顯眼,引人注目stand up for為而站起來,支持,維護stand on ones own feet自立 3. volunteer (1) n. 志愿者;志愿兵 (2) vt. & vi. 自愿(做) volunteer to do sth. 自愿做某事 volunteer for sth. 4. on a regular basis有規(guī)律地;定期地 【辨析】regular, normal與ordinary易混詞辨析例句regular“定期的,規(guī)則的”,指已有模式有定律的或定期的Youd better take regular exercise. 你最好定期做運動。normal“正常,標準的”,指不超過某種限度、符合某種標準或常規(guī)。return to normal恢復正常The doctor said the childs temperature was normal.醫(yī)生說孩子的體溫正常。ordinary“普通的,平常的”,強調一般性和普通性,含不突出的意味。ordinary people普通人He preferred to be treated as an ordinary worker. 他寧愿被當成普通工人看待。 on the basis of 以為基礎 5. admit (1) 允許進入;讓進入 admit sb. To/into允許某人進入;吸引某人為的成員 be admitted as作為被接受(后接表示成員的名詞) (2) 容納(相當于hold, seat) (3) 承認;供認 admit (to) sth. 承認某事 admit (to) doing sth. 承認做過某事 admit +that-clause承認 admit . To be + adj./n.承認是 6. responsibility n. 責任,職責 a sense of responsibility責任感 take responsibility for對負責任 take on the responsibility承擔責任 claim responsibility for聲稱對負責 7. as much +不可數名詞+as和(程度上)是一樣的 It is as much your responsibily as mine. 這件事你和我一樣都有責任。 【拓展】 (1) as much +不可數名詞/a(n) +可數名詞單數+as . “和(程度上)是一樣的(much 表程度)” It is generally believed that teaching is as much an art as a science. 一般認為,教學既是一門藝術,也是一門科學。 (2) 否定式:not as/so much . as與其說是不如說是 He is not as much an actor as a TV host. 與其說他是演員,不如說他是電視節(jié)目主持人。 8. replace vt. 代替,取代;替換 replace . with/by以代替/替換 take the place of=take ones place替代,取代【注意】 take the place of, in place of, instead of均可表示“代替”,但take the place of為動詞短語, 而in place of與instead of為介詞短語。 9. charge(1) n. 主管;費用 take charge of 負責,接管 in charge of 主管,掌管 in the charge of=in ones charge被掌管,由負責 charge for 的收費 free of charge免費(2) vt.收費,要價;指控,控告;起訴;指責,譴責 charge sb. some money for sth. 因某事而向某人收錢 charge sb. with (doing) sth. 指控(控告、指責)某人(做了)某事 10. advertise v. 為做廣告;登廣告 advertise for為征求登廣告 advertisement n. 廣告 11. gargain n. & vi.(1) n. 協(xié)議;交易 make a bargain with sb. About sth. 與某人就某事達成協(xié)議(2) n. 便宜貨 a good/bad bargain交易合算/不合算 a real bargain真便宜;便宜貨(3) vi. (與某人就某事)討價還價,講條件 Bargain with sb. Over/about/for sth.就某物與某人討價還價 12. pick up(1) 撿起;拾起 He picked up his hat and went away. 他拾起帽子,走開了。(2) 學會,獲得(尤指偶然或無意中) She picked up French when she was in Paris. 在巴黎時,她學會了法語。(3) (用車)去接 The bus stopped to pick up the passengers. 公共汽車停下來搭載乘客。(4) 恢復(健康、精神);好轉 A bite of something might pick you up. 吃一點東西也許能使你振作起來。 Business will pick up before summer. 夏天來到之前,生意將會好轉。(5) 接收 I picked up Radip Beijing last night. 昨晚我收聽到了北京廣播電臺。(6) 使增加;加快 The car is picking up speed. 汽車加速了。 13. one after another一個接一個地;陸續(xù)地【辨析】one after another與one by one易混詞組辨析例句one after another一個接一個地(強調連續(xù)性)The guests came out one after another. 客人們一個接一個地來了。one by one一個一個地(強調一次一個)Do these exercises one by one.一道一道地做這些練習題。 14. deserve v.(不用于進行時態(tài))值得;應得;應受(報答或懲罰) to do 值得做,應該做 deserv doing/to be done值得被做重點句子 1. Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors. 只有達到他們各自項目統(tǒng)一標準的運動員才會被接受參加奧運會。 2. Theres as much competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals. 國與國之間爭取奧運會承辦權的競爭就跟爭奪奧運會獎牌一樣激烈。 3. Its in the Summer Olympics that you have the running races, together with swimming, sailing and all the team sports. 跑步、游泳、劃船和所有團體項目是在夏季奧運會上進行的。Unit 3 Computers重點單詞和短語 1. It took + 一段時間 + before +從句 過了一段時間后才 【拓展】 It will (not) be + 時間段 + before + 從句(現(xiàn)在時) 要過一段時間后才(用不了一段時間就) It was (not) be + 時間段 + before + 從句(過去時) 過了一段時間后才(每過一段時間就) It will be half a year before you graduate from the school. 還有半年你才從這所學校畢業(yè)。 It was a long time before I understood what he did. 很長一段時間后我才理解他所做的事情。 2. solve vt. 解決;解答 【辨析】solve與settle易混詞辨析例子solve“解決”,側重給出問題的答案 a mystery/puzzle/problemsolve 解決謎團/字謎/問題 difficulties解決困難settle“解決”,其對象通常是某種爭端 a matter/quarrel解決事情/爭吵settle an argument/issue解決爭論/問題 【單詞積累】 solution n. 解決,解答 solution to the problem 3. reality n. U 現(xiàn)實;真實;C 事實;實際經歷;見過的事物 face/accept reality 面對/接受現(xiàn)實 out of touch with reality 脫離現(xiàn)實 with reality 真實地;逼真地 in reality 實際上 bring . Back to reality 使面對現(xiàn)實,不再抱有幻想 become a reality 變成現(xiàn)實 4. go by(時間)逝去,過去;走過,經過;(機會等)輕易錯過 5. as a result 因此,結果 result from 由引起;起因于 result in 導致,造成 6. application n. 應用;用途;申請;請求 make an application (to sb.) for (向某人)申請 an application form 申請表 【拓展】 apply v. 應用;申請 apply . to . 把應用到 apply oneself to 致力于;集中精力于 apply for 申請 apply to . for . 向申請 7. anyhow adv. (1)(轉換話題、結束談話或回到原話題時說)無論如何,反正 Anyhow I dont like it. 反正我喜歡它。 (2)而且,加之,反正 I dont want to go out and anyhow it is raining. 我不想出去,而且天又在下雨。 (3)盡管,即使這樣 I am afraid we cant come, but thanks for the invitation anyhow. 恐怕我們來不了,不過還是感謝邀請。 【注意】anyhow作“無論如何;而且;即使如此”講時,可與anyway互換;somehow表示“以某種方式;不知怎么地” 7. goal n. (1)目標;目的 set a goal 設定目標 achieve/realize/attain/reach a goal實現(xiàn)目標 (2)進球;得分;球門 score a goal 得分(踢進一球) keep goal守球門 8. of high quality 高質量的 “of + 修飾詞(如high, great, little, some, no等)+抽象名詞”結構除了用作定語,還常 用作表語,相當于形容詞的作用。如: be of great value = be very valuable be of great use = be very useful be of great interest = be very interesting 9 give away捐贈,贈送;分發(fā),頒發(fā);泄露,暴露10. in a way = in one/some way在某種程度上 【鏈接】 in the way/in ones way擋道,礙事 in this/that way以這種/那種方式 in any way在任何方面 by way of經由 in no way絕不,一點兒也不(置于句首時,句子要用部分倒裝)11. arise vi. (arose, arisen) 出現(xiàn);發(fā)生,產生;引起;產生 arise from = result from因產生 【辨析】arise, rise與raise易混詞詞性過去式、過去分詞詞義例句arisevi.arose, arisen產生,發(fā)生;出現(xiàn)Most accidents arose from carelessness. 大部分事故是由疏忽大意引起的。risevi.rose, risen升起來,上升The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太陽東升西落。raisevt.raised,raised舉起,使上升She raised her head and stared at them. 她抬起頭盯著他們看。12. make up (1) 組成,構成(常與of連用,并用被動形式) Eleven players make up a football team. (= A football team is made up of eleven players.) 11名運動員組成一個足球隊。 (2) 編造,虛構 I think theyre making up the whole thing. 我認為整件事情是他們編出來的。 (3) 化妝,打扮 She spent two hours making herself up before the party. 她在參加聚會前用了兩個小時化妝。 (4) 彌補(常與for連用) Hard work can make up for the lack of intelligence. 勤能補拙。13. after all (1) 終究;歸根結底(表示結果與預想的不同;常置于句尾) Im so sorry and I cant go with you after all. 對不起,我終究還是不能和你一起去。 (2) 畢竟,別忘了(解釋或說明理由,常置于句首) Its not surprising the boy has got a stomachache. After all, he has eaten too much. 那個男孩胃痛并不令人驚訝,別忘了,他吃得太多了。14. watch over 看管,照顧;看守,監(jiān)視,守衛(wèi),保護 【鏈接】 “照顧”的多種表達 take care of look after care for attend to see to重點句子 1. I developed very slowly and it took nearly two hundred years before I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage. 我發(fā)育緩慢,差不多到了兩百年之后,查爾斯巴比奇才將我制成了一臺分析機。 2. As time went by, I was made smaller. 隨著時間的推移,我被弄得越來越小。 3. Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me. 從20世紀70年代起,我又被開發(fā)出了很多新的用途。 4. Anyhow, my goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality. 不管怎樣,我的目標是給人類提供高質量的生活。 5. The company has given its computers away to a local school. 該公司向當地一所學校捐贈了電腦。 6. She programs us with all the possible moves she has seen while watching human games. 她把觀看人類比賽時所看到的一切可能動作編入我們的程序。 7. In this way I can make up new moves using my “artificial intelligence”. 這樣,我就可以用我的“人工智能”編制出新的動作。 8. It should also watch over my naughty niece, who comes to my house very often. 它也應該看護我那淘氣的外甥女,她經常到我家來。Unit 4 Wildlife protection重點單詞和短語 1. decrease v. & n. (1) v. 降低,減少,(使)變小/少 in 在方面減少 from . to . 從減少到 搭配:decrease to 減少到 by 減少了 (2) n. 減少,減少的數量 (a/the) decrease in sth. 某物的減少 on the decrease在減少 【單詞積累】 increase 增加 2. die out (1)滅亡,滅絕 This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed. 因棲息地正受到破壞,這一物種已瀕臨滅絕。 (2)(風俗、習慣)逐漸消失 Many old customs have died out because they are out of date. 因為已經過時,許多舊的風俗已經消失。 【辨析】die out, die away, die off與die down易混詞組辨析例句die out(家族、物種等)死亡,滅絕;(風俗、習慣)逐漸消失Many old customs are gradually dying out. 許多舊習俗正逐漸消失。die away(聲音、光線、風等)逐漸平息、漸弱The wind had died away by dusk. 黃昏時風正逐漸減弱了。die off(家族、種族等)相繼滅亡;(草木)先后枯死The leaves of the tree are dying off. 樹葉正相繼枯死。die down(火、興奮程度)漸弱,漸息;(=die away)(聲音、光線等)變弱、消失The noise has died down. 喧鬧聲逐漸消失了。 3. long to do sth. 渴望做某事 4. respond to sth. 對某事做出反應/答復/回復,回答/應答=reply to/answer respond to . (with) (對)報以,回報 【拓展】 reponse n. 回答,答復;反應 in response to 為回答,響應 make (a) response to回答,對做出回應 5. loss n. 損失;遺失;喪失 suffer a loss (of) 蒙受(的)損失 make up for the loss彌補損失 at a loss不知所措,不知如何是好 (be) lost in thought 陷入沉思 6. hunt v. & n. (1) 打獵;獵取 go hunting 去打獵 (2) 搜尋 hunt for 搜索,追尋,尋找 hunt sp. for 為尋找搜索某地 be on the hunt for正在尋找,在尋求中 【鏈接】“找,尋找”的多種表達法:hunt for, look for, search for, (be) in search of。 7. in peace = peacefully和平地;和睦地;安靜地 【鏈接】 at peace 和平地;安靜地(與at war相對) at peace/war with 與處于和平/交戰(zhàn)狀態(tài) make peace with 與講和/和解 8. in danger of在危險中;垂危 in danger處于危險中,垂危 out of danger 脫離危險 9. in relief如釋重負;松了口氣 【拓展】 relief n.(痛苦或憂慮的)減輕或解除;減輕痛苦的事物 to ones relief令某人感到欣慰的是 with relief寬慰地 give sb. (some) relief(稍微)減輕某人的痛苦10. burst into + n. 突然(進入某種狀態(tài));闖入 burst in 闖入;突然出現(xiàn);插嘴 burst out 突然起來,突然發(fā)生 【注意】 burst into后跟名詞,而burst out后應跟doing。 burst into tears/laughter突然哭/笑起來 burst out crying/laughing突然哭/笑起來11. mercy n. 仁慈,寬容,憐憫 show mercy to sb. = show sb. mercy同情、憐憫某人 have/take mercy on sb. 憐憫某人 beg for mercy乞求寬恕 without mercy毫不留情地;殘忍地 at the mercy of 任處置;任由擺布 Its a mercy (that) . 幸運的是12. certain (1) 某個;某些(作前置定語) She left him for a certain reason. 因為某種理由她離開了他。 【注意】a certain表示“某一”,some也可表示“某一” (2) 確定的,一定(作表語,相當于sure) to do sth. 一定會做某事 be certain of/about (doing) sth. 對(做)某事有把握 【拓展】 make certain of/that . 搞清楚,弄明白=make sure of/that for certain/sure確定;無疑 【注意】certain可以用人作主語,也可用物作主語,還可以用it作形式主語。 sure通常用人作主語,不能用在以it作形式主語的句子中。be sure to do sth. 祈使句中,一般不用certain。13. protect . from/against 保護免受;使免受14. contain vt. (1) 包含;容納;裝有;含有 (2) 抑制;控制;克制(強烈的情感) 【辨析】contain與include contain指某物裝在比其更大的物體內。 include指某物為整體的一部分或要素。 The bottle contains olives. 瓶子里裝著橄欖。 The meal includes steak. 這頓飯包括牛排。15. affect (1) 影響 The global warming affected the amount of rainfall here. 全球變暖影響了這里的降雨量。 (2) 使感動;激起(悲傷、憤怒、愛等情緒) The students were deeply affected by the story. 學生們被那個故事深深地感動了。 (3)(疾?。┣忠u,感染 The disease is beginning to affect her eyesight. 疾病開始侵襲她的視力。 【辨析】affect, effect與influence易混詞詞性辨析例句affectvt.指產生的影響之大足以引起反應,著重“影響”的動作。有時含有“對產生不利影響”的意思The drought seriously affected the harvest. 干旱嚴重地影響了收成。effectn.& v.作名詞時指“效果,作用”;作動詞時指“產生,引起”This book effected a change in my opinion. 這本書使我的看法發(fā)生了變化。influencen.& v.指通過說服、舉例等對行動、思想、性格等產生不易覺察到的、潛移默化的影響His writings have influenced the lives of millions of people. 他的作品影響了千百萬人的生活。16. pay attention to 注意,關注 pay much attention to 非常注意 pay more attention to 更多關注 pay little/no attention to 很少/不注意 【拓展】 draw/attract/catch/get/ones attention to 吸引某人對的注意 fix/focus ones attention on 將注意力集中于,專心于 devote ones attention to 專心致志于17. appreciate v. (1) 理解;意識到;領會 (2) 欣賞,賞識;重視;鑒賞 (


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