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高一英語必修四Module6教學(xué)目的1. 掌握本單元的重點短語和單詞用法。2. 掌握情態(tài)動詞+have done的用法。3. 學(xué)會用所學(xué)的句子做書面表達。重點難點1. 單詞意思和短語辨析。2. 語法知識點和句子組成。3. 如何將一些簡單的句子用于書面表達中。教學(xué)內(nèi)容課前回顧回顧Module5的重點詞匯、短語表達,回顧Module5的課文內(nèi)容,嘗試用英語說出課文主要信息。課本內(nèi)容 課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)要求掌握的項目話題:Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World詞匯:grey,creature,mysterious,claim,footprint,hairy,frightening,frightened,fright,exist,sharp,sighting,unlikely,disappear,extinct,evolve,destruction,destroy功能:Talking about possibility and improbability語法:情態(tài)動詞+have done的用法。重點知識 1. attack v. 襲擊;攻擊;(疾病)侵襲 n. 攻擊;抨擊;病情發(fā)作(可數(shù)名詞)【語境領(lǐng)悟】It often gets angry and will attack anyone who goes close to it. 它很容易發(fā)怒并會攻擊任何靠近它的人。The baby is in poor health, and it is often attacked with a disease. 嬰兒的身體狀況很差,經(jīng)常患病。The soldiers made a strong attack on the enemy. 戰(zhàn)士們向敵人發(fā)起猛烈進攻。 A deputy died of a heart attack during the meeting. 大會期間一名代表因心臟病去世?!練w納拓展】attack sb. with sth. 用某物攻擊某人be attacked with a disease 患病make an attack on 攻擊under attack 受到攻擊a heart attack 心臟病突發(fā)【即學(xué)活用】完成句子。她開始用一塊木頭猛打進屋行竊的小偷。She started _ the burglar with a piece of wood. 我們又一次遭到敵人戰(zhàn)斗機的襲擊。Once again we came _ _ from the enemys fighter planes. If you were _ in the street, would you be able to defend yourself?A. destroyed B. attackedC. advised D. killed2. claim vt. 聲稱;(根據(jù)權(quán)利)要求;認領(lǐng) vi. 要求;聲稱 n. (根據(jù)權(quán)利而提出的)要求;索賠;主張;斷言 【語境領(lǐng)悟】Xue Junlin,a local photographer, claimed that its head looked like a horse. 薛軍林,一位當(dāng)?shù)氐臄z影師,聲稱那個怪獸的頭看起來像馬。She claimed to have ever been met by the president. She claimed that she had ever been met by the president. 她宣稱曾被總統(tǒng)接見過。It is claimed that soap powders pollute the water we drink. 據(jù)說肥皂粉污染我們的飲用水。They made a claim for the stolen luggage from the insurance. 他們在行李被偷后向保險公司提出索賠要求。【歸納拓展】【即學(xué)活用】完成句子。他們聲稱已經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn)了治療此病的一種藥物,但此事尚未得到證實。They claimed _ a cure for the disease, but this had not yet been proved. 有人認領(lǐng)這個錢包嗎?Has anyone _ this purse?要求他賠償2 000美元的損失。_ for damage. 3calm adj. 平靜的;鎮(zhèn)靜的 v. (使)平靜;(使)鎮(zhèn)定【語境領(lǐng)悟】You should keep calm even in the face of danger. 即使面臨危險, 你也應(yīng)當(dāng)保持鎮(zhèn)靜。Her attempts to calm them down only made matters worse. 她設(shè)法使他們平靜下來, 不料卻適得其反。 【歸納拓展】keep calm 保持鎮(zhèn)靜calm down 平靜下來;鎮(zhèn)靜下來【易混辨析】calm主要指氣候、海洋等風(fēng)平浪靜的;也可指人“安靜的,鎮(zhèn)靜的”keep calm保持鎮(zhèn)靜;不慌張quiet指沒有吵鬧、嘈雜的聲音,也可指人性格安靜keep quiet保持安靜still指保持某種姿勢一動不動,也可以指環(huán)境的安靜keep still保持靜止silent強調(diào)“沒有聲音或默不作聲”keep silent保持沉默【即學(xué)活用】用calm/quiet/still/silent填空。When facing danger, we should keep _;when taken photos, we should keep _;when someone else is asleep, we should keep _;but in class, we shouldnt keep _ about the teachers questions. 我們面對危險時應(yīng)保持鎮(zhèn)靜;照相時要保持不動;當(dāng)其他人睡覺時應(yīng)保持安靜;但是在課堂上,對老師的問題不應(yīng)保持沉默。4. cover vt. 占地多大(面積) 【語境領(lǐng)悟】It is 2,189 metres high and covers an area of about ten square kilometres. 它大約有2 189米高,占地約10平方千米。She covered her face with her hands. 她雙手掩面。Ill send our best reporters to cover the 2016 Olympic Games. 我要派我們最優(yōu)秀的記者去采訪2016年奧運會。We covered about 30 miles a day. 我們每天大約走三十英里?!練w納拓展】【即學(xué)活用】Do you have enough money to _ all your daily expenses?Oh yes,enough and to spare. A. cover B. spend C. fill D. offer5. exist vi. 存在;在逆境中生活【語境領(lǐng)悟】Some people in some poor countries receive wages that allow them to exist but not to live. 有些貧困國家的人民的收入只能勉強維持生計。Uncertainty and confusion began to exist in the company. 不確定性和混亂在公司里開始產(chǎn)生。It was impossible for them to exist on such a small income. 他們要靠這一點收入生活是不可能的。【歸納拓展】exist in 存在于exist on 靠生存existence n. 存在; 生存come into existence 出現(xiàn);產(chǎn)生When did the world come into existence?世界是什么時候產(chǎn)生的?幻燈片28【即學(xué)活用】同義詞替換。I can hardly exist on the wage Im getting. _When did the earth come into existence?_There is nothing _ (存在的) that is unchanging. live oncome into beingexisting幻燈片296. dive vi. 潛水,跳水【語境領(lǐng)悟】After three or four hundred metres it dived into the water. 大約游了三四百米后它就扎進水里了。He who would search for pearls must dive below. 欲尋珍珠,須潛水下。You dive in first and test the temperature of the water. 你先跳下水試試水溫。The competitors will dive off the highest board. 參賽者將從最高的跳板上跳水?;脽羝?0The policeman made a dive for the dropped weapon. 警察撲向掉下的武器?!練w納拓展】dive into 跳入;鉆研,埋頭于dive in 頭朝下跳入水中;開始大吃dive for 潛水尋找;撲向dive off 從跳水/跳下make a dive for 向沖去幻燈片31【即學(xué)活用】She dived _ her bag and took out a couple of coins. A. for B. in C. into D. off【解析】選C??疾楣潭ù钆?。句意:她立即將手伸進包里拿出幾枚硬幣。 dive into ones bag(非正式)迅速將手伸入(包或口袋里)。幻燈片327. unlikely adj. 不可能的【語境領(lǐng)悟】They say that the low-temperature lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures. 他們說,水溫這樣低的湖泊不可能生存有體形如此巨大的動物。Its too late. He is unlikely to come. 太晚了。他不可能來了。It is unlikely that hell come to help us. 他不可能來幫助我們?;脽羝?3【歸納拓展】(sb. / sth. )be unlikely/likely to do sth. 不可能/可能做某事It is/was unlikely /likely that. . . 不可能/可能幻燈片34【即學(xué)活用】完成句子。史蒂芬霍金認為地球不可能是僅有的一個有生命逐漸發(fā)展的行星。Stephen Hawking believes that the earth _ the only planet where life has developed gradually. is unlikely to be幻燈片35(2010陜西高考)Studies show that people are more _ to suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours. A. likely B. possible C. probable D. sure8. stick out 伸出;醒目;堅持【語境領(lǐng)悟】When the Maoris of New Zealand stick out their tongue at someone, it is a sign of respect. 當(dāng)新西蘭的毛利人對某人伸舌頭時是尊敬的表示。What had Cutter done to make him stick out from the crowd?卡特做了些什么,讓他從眾人之中脫穎而出?【歸納拓展】stick out for 堅持要求,堅持索取幻燈片37【即學(xué)活用】根據(jù)語境填空。不要把頭伸到火車窗外面。Dont _ your head _ of the train window. 工人們堅決要求提高工資,決心不達到他們的要求決不罷休。The workers _ for higher wage, and they are determined to _ until they get their demands. stickoutstick outstick out幻燈片389. be back in the news 再次成為新聞【語境領(lǐng)悟】The “Monster of Lake Tianchi” in the Changbai Mountains in Jilin province, northeast China, is back in the news after several recent sightings. 最近幾次露面后,中國東北吉林省長白山的“天池怪物”再次成為新聞話題?;脽羝?9【歸納拓展】on the news 在廣播或電視新聞中in the news 成為新聞, 為報紙所報道break the news to sb. 委婉地把壞消息告訴(某人)It is news to sb. 某人還不知道Chinas Shenzhou-X manned spacecraft flight to space was on the news at the moment. 新聞上正報道著中國“神舟”十號飛天的事。You must break the news of his mothers death gently. 你一定要委婉地把他母親去世的消息告訴他。幻燈片40【即學(xué)活用】英譯漢。No news, good news. (=No news is good news. )諺 _Bad news has wings. 諺 _It is completely news to me that he has a wife. 他有太太?_。沒有消息,就是好消息。好事不出門,壞事傳千里。這對我來說可真是新聞幻燈片41If the journalist finds out the truth, the story will be _ the news immediately. A. in B. at C. on D. of【解析】選A??疾榻樵~。句意:如果記者發(fā)現(xiàn)了事實真相,這事馬上就成為新聞了。be in the news成為新聞,符合句意?;脽羝?210. close up 靠近;靠攏;(使)關(guān)店;(使)閉合;(使)堵??;<非正式>沉默【語境領(lǐng)悟】There have been reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi since the beginning of the last century, although no one has seen one close up. 自上世紀以來,一直就有關(guān)于天池怪物的報道,盡管還不曾有人近距離目睹過?;脽羝?3The teacher told the children to close up to each other. 老師讓學(xué)生們互相靠攏些。The summer house has been closed up all year. 這座消夏別墅關(guān)了整整一年。And make it short, because it is time to close up. 簡短地說,正是因為快到停業(yè)時間了。11. He claims to have seen a round black creature moving quickly through the water. 他聲稱看見一個黑黑的、圓圓的動物在水中快速游動?!揪涫椒治觥?句中的to have seen是不定式的完成式,表示該動作在句中謂語動詞claim前已經(jīng)發(fā)生并完成。A/The majority of people seem to prefer TV to radio. 大部分人似乎喜歡看電視而不喜歡聽收音機。幻燈片46Youd better tell your father the truth. He seemed to have known the matter. 你最好告訴你父親事情的真相。他好像知道這件事了。 My brain doesnt seem to be working well today. 我的腦筋今天好像不太靈活?;脽羝?7【易混辨析】不定式通常有一般式、進行式、完成式三種形式:to+動詞原形表示與謂語的動作同時發(fā)生或發(fā)生在謂語動作之后to be doing表示與謂語的動作在同一時間發(fā)生,并且正在進行的動作to have done表示該動作發(fā)生在謂語的動作之前幻燈片48【即學(xué)活用】用所給動詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。In the e-mail, I wrote, “I expect _ you, my old friend. ” (see)He seemed _ a novel when I came into the classroom. (read) Bob isnt performing. He is said _ the stage, as he has become an officer. (leave) to seeto be readingto have left幻燈片4912. The director of a local tourist office, Meng Fanying, said the monster, which seemed to be black in colour, was ten metres from the edge of the lake during the most recent sighting. 據(jù)當(dāng)?shù)氐穆糜无k公室主任孟凡迎介紹,最近有人看見怪獸就在離湖邊十米的地方,怪物的顏色似乎是黑色的?;脽羝?0【句式分析】幻燈片51(2)seem用法一覽表。 (to be)+形容詞/名詞 好像,似乎seem to do sth. 好像要做,似乎要做某事 like+名詞 像,似乎是It seems(to sb. )that. . . (在某人看來)好像, 仿佛It seems as if (as though). . . 看樣子似乎是There seems to be. . . 似乎有幻燈片52The green leaves seemed more beautiful after the rain. 綠葉在雨后顯得更美了。He seems to know everything. = It seems that he knows everything. 他似乎什么都知道。It seems like years since we last met. 我們似乎好幾年不見了。It seems (that) he is lying. = He seems to be lying. 看樣子他好像在撒謊?;脽羝?3【即學(xué)活用】The engine just wont start. Something seems _ wrong with it. A. to go B. to have goneC. going D. having gone語法與寫作 一、基礎(chǔ)點撥 情態(tài)動詞+have done的用法歸納: 1. may/might+have done。 表示對不太把握的過去情況的可能性推測,表示“可能/ 大概(已經(jīng))做了某事”的意思。 Tom may have gone to Shanghai,but Im still not sure about it. 湯姆可能已經(jīng)去了上海,但是我還不能肯定。2. can/could+have done。表示對過去的推測,用于否定句、疑問句中,還可以表示“本來可以做;可能已經(jīng)做”。She cant have been to your house. She doesnt know your address. 她不可能去過你家,她不知道你的地址。You could have done better,but you were too careless. 你本來能夠做得更好,但你太粗心了。3. must+have done。表示對過去發(fā)生的事情或行為的較有把握的推測,是一種“十有八九”的肯定的推斷,常譯為“想必一定;準(zhǔn)是”等。這一結(jié)構(gòu)一般不用作否定式。否定意義的表達可用cant/couldnt have done。The ground is rather wet, so it must have rained last night, didnt it? 地面很濕,所以昨晚一定下雨了,對不對? 4. should/ought to +have done。 表示過去該做某事而沒有做的情況,表示說話人后悔、遺憾或責(zé)備的語氣。 I really regret wasting the hours when I should have studied hard,but it is too late. 我真的很后悔該努力學(xué)習(xí)的時候浪費了太多時間,但現(xiàn)在太晚了。【名師點津】shouldnt /oughtnt to+have done表示過去不該做某事卻已經(jīng)做了,也表示說話人后悔或責(zé)備的語氣。You shouldnt have watched TV last night. 你們昨晚本不應(yīng)該看電視的。5. neednt+have done。表示過去做了其實不必去做的事,可譯為“本可不必”等。You neednt have visited my uncle,as he has been all right for a long time. 其實你不必去探望我叔叔的,因為他已經(jīng)痊愈了好長一段時間了。二、難點突破1. 情態(tài)動詞+have done有兩個主要用法:一是表示對過去發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài)的推測。二是表示對過去發(fā)生的動作的遺憾或責(zé)備。要關(guān)注兩種用法的差別。They left here early and should have arrived by now. (表示推測)他們一早就離開了這里,現(xiàn)在應(yīng)該到了。You should have finished the work yesterday. (表示責(zé)備)你應(yīng)該昨天就完成工作的。2. 注意neednt have done與didnt need結(jié)構(gòu)的不同。She neednt have come to see me yesterday. 昨天她本可不必來看我。(實際上來了)She didnt need to come to see me yesterday. 昨天她不需要來看我。(實際上沒來) 3. 含有must have done結(jié)構(gòu)句子的反意疑問句的構(gòu)成。 He must have studied English last night,didnt he? 昨晚他一定學(xué)英語了,是吧? She must have heard of this,hasnt she? 她肯定已經(jīng)聽說過這件事了,對吧? 【名師點津】當(dāng)含有must have done結(jié)構(gòu)的句子中有表示過去的時間狀語時,反意疑問句要用相應(yīng)表示過去的助動詞,反之就用have或has構(gòu)成反意疑問句。 【高考體驗】情態(tài)動詞解題技巧:1. 充分利用句子語境,弄清各個被考查情態(tài)動詞的意思。 2. 根據(jù)上下文信息確定時態(tài),尤其要分清情態(tài)動詞表推測時涉及的是現(xiàn)在情況還是過去情況。3. 注意分清適用句型,是用于肯定句型,還是用于疑問句型或否定句型。1. (2013大綱版全國卷)Since nobody gave him any help, he _ have done the research on his own. A. can B. must C. would D. need解題關(guān)鍵:弄清since從句的含義。思路分析:選B??疾榍閼B(tài)動詞表示推測。句意:因為沒有人幫助他,他一定獨自完成了這項研究。can表示推測時,常用于否定句和疑問句,用于肯定句時,表示理論上對客觀情況的推測;must表示有把握的推測時,只能用于肯定句,推測的可能性很大,譯為“一定”;would常用于虛擬,不用于推測;need表示推測時,常用于否定句。由此可知選B。2. (2013陜西高考)The children _ lost in the woods; otherwise, they would have been at the lakeside camp as scheduled. A. must have got B. must getC. should have got D. should get解題關(guān)鍵:理解第二分句的句意。思路分析:選A??疾榍閼B(tài)動詞。句意:孩子們一定在森林里迷路了;否則他們會按照預(yù)定時間來到湖邊營地的。根據(jù)后半句“would have been”可知是對過去事情的虛擬,must have done表示對過去發(fā)生的事情的肯定推測,根據(jù)句意,應(yīng)選A。3. (2013四川高考)Why are your eyes so red?You _ have slept well last night. Yeah,I stayed up late writing a report. A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. wont 思路分析:選A??疾榍閼B(tài)動詞的用法。句意:你的眼為什么那么紅?昨晚你肯定沒睡好。 是的,我熬夜寫一篇報道了。A項cant have done表示對過去的否定推測;B項表示“禁止,不允許”,不能用于對過去的推測;C項neednt have done表示過去不需要做某事(但卻做了);D項不能用于對過去的推測。4. (2013浙江高考)I _ myself moreit was a perfect day. A. shouldnt have enjoyed B. neednt have enjoyedC. wouldnt have enjoyed D. couldnt have enjoyed 思路分析:選D??疾榍閼B(tài)動詞的用法。句意:我玩得再開心不過了這是完美的一天。D項表示不可能做過,這里是用比較級的否定形式表示最高級的意思,故選D。A項表示本不該做卻做了;B項表示本不必做卻做了;C項將不會做,用于與過去事實相反的虛擬語氣。5. (2012江西高考)We _ have bought so much food now that Suzie wont be with us for dinner. Amay not BneedntCcant Dmustnt思路分析:選B。neednt have done表示過去本來沒有必要做某事但已經(jīng)做了,符合句意;may not have done 過去可能沒做過某事;cant have done過去不可能做過某事;must表示推測,不用于否定句,因此選B。may not可能不,neednt不需要,cant不可能。 6. (2012北京高考)We _ the difficulty together, but why didnt you tell me?A. should face B. might faceC. could have faced D. must have faced 單項填空1. Did Mary come to the party?I dont know. She _ while I was out. A. may have come B. must have comeC. might come D. could come【解析】選A。句意:瑪麗來參加聚會了嗎?我不知道。當(dāng)我出去的時候她可能已經(jīng)來過了。may have done猜測過去可能發(fā)生但不知是否真的發(fā)生的事情。符合題意,故選A。2. You _ yesterday if you were really serious about the job. A. ought to come B. ought to be comingC. ought to have come D. ought have come【解析】選C??疾榍閼B(tài)動詞。句意:如果你真認真對待這項工作的話,你昨天就該來。“should/ought to+現(xiàn)在完成時”可表示本該做而沒有做的事,有責(zé)備的含義。3. He _ have finished his work;otherwise, he wouldnt be enjoying music in his study. A. should B. must C. wouldnt D. cant【解析】選B。從題干的后半部分可知,“他正欣賞音樂”,所以一定是“做完了工作”才去欣賞音樂的。所以選must,表示肯定的推測。4. What do you mean, there are only ten tickets? There _ be twelve. A. should B. would C. will D. shall【解析】選A??疾榍閼B(tài)動詞。句意:你什么意思?只有10張票嗎?應(yīng)該是12張。should表示可能性推測,意為“應(yīng)該”,符合題意。would表過去將來;will表意愿;shall表示說話人的允許,許諾,命令,威脅等語氣,均不合題意。5. One of the few things you _ say about British people with certainty is that they talk a lot about the weather. A. need B. must C. should D. can【解析】選D??疾榍閼B(tài)動詞的用法。句意:你能夠確定地說的關(guān)于英國人的為數(shù)不多的事情之一就是他們對天氣討論很多。can表示“可以”。6. She _ have left school, for her bike is still here. A. cant B. wouldnt C. shouldnt D. neednt【解析】選A??疾椤扒閼B(tài)動詞have done”結(jié)構(gòu)。句意:她不可能離開了學(xué)校,因為她的自行車仍然在這兒。cant表示不可能;wouldnt have done表虛擬;shouldnt have done本不該做(卻已做了);neednt have done本沒必要做(但已做了)。根據(jù)句意應(yīng)選A。7. He _ have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldnt be enjoying himself by the seaside. Ashould Bmust Cwouldnt Dcant【解析】選B??疾榍閼B(tài)動詞對過去有把握的推測?!癿ust have動詞-ed形式”表示對過去發(fā)生的事情的肯定判斷,意思是“(過去)一定做過某事”。8. Do you know where David is? I couldnt find him anywhere. Well. He _ have gone farhis coats still here. Ashouldnt BmustntCcant Dwouldnt【解析】選C。考查情態(tài)動詞對過去的推測用法。根據(jù)“他的衣服還在這里”推測,前面一句意思是“他肯定沒有走遠”。must也可以表示推測,但只能用于肯定句,否定推測用cant。9. She is two hours late. What _ to her?Amay happen Bis happeningCcan have happened Dmust have happened【解析】選C。本題對時間的理解是關(guān)鍵。happen 一詞的時間應(yīng)理解為過去時,因為它指的是遲到的原因,而A、B兩項是指現(xiàn)在,故排除。表示“可能”的疑問句不可用 must, 所以D也是錯誤的,因此,只能選C。10. Did you listen to the speech?No, we _ it. But we had a lot of traffic on our way. Acould have attended Bmust have attendedCcould attend Dshouldnt have attended【解析】選A。考查的是虛擬語氣,表示“本來能做某事但實際上卻沒做”,即與過去事實相反,要用couldhave done形式。11. (2013唐山高一檢測)What do you think of the film Avatar?It _ be better. I even want to see it twice. Awont BcouldntCshouldnt Dmightnt【解析】選B。考查情態(tài)動詞。句意:你覺得電影阿凡達怎么樣?再好不過了,我甚至想看第二次。cant/couldnt與比較級連用,表示“再也沒有更的了”。類似的用法還有“I couldnt agree more. (我完全同意。)”。12. Mum,would you please buy me an MP5 player?If you can help do the dishes the whole vacation, you _ have one as a reward. Amust Bneed Cwould Dshall【解析】選D??疾榍閼B(tài)動詞。答句句意:如果你整個假期能夠幫忙洗盤子的話,就會得到一個MP5作為回報。shall用于第一、三人稱問句中表示征詢對方意見;shall用于第二、三人稱的肯定句中,表示“警告、許諾、命令、威脅”等語氣。本題中shall表示允諾。13(2013南昌高一檢測)The weather turned out to be fine yesterday. You _ the trouble to carry your raincoat with you. Ashould have taken Bcould have takenCneednt have taken Dmustnt have taken【解析】選C。句意:昨天天氣很好,你本來不必費力帶著雨衣的。should have done本應(yīng)做某事,但卻沒做;could have done可能做了某事;neednt have done沒有必要做某事,但卻做了。根據(jù)句意C項最佳。must表推測時不能用在否定句中。14(2013石家莊高一檢測)John looks a bit upset. Did you tell him the bad news?Yes, but I _ him after his birthday party. Ashould have told Bmust have toldCshouldnt have told Dneednt have told【解析】選A?!凹s翰看起來有點難過”,因此“我本應(yīng)該在他生日聚會之后再告訴他這個壞消息的”。should have done本該做某事(但是沒有做);shouldnt have done本不該做但卻做了。15(2013北京高一檢測)The traffic is heavy now, so Mike _ come late. Lets wait ten more minutes. Awill Bneed Cmay Dshall敘事性記敘文 【互動導(dǎo)學(xué)】 學(xué)生:老師,敘事性記敘文可以從哪幾個方面來寫呢? 老師:一要交代事情發(fā)生的時間、地點;二要交代推動事件情節(jié)發(fā)展的因素;最后要談一下個人對這件事的感想或想法等。 學(xué)生:這類作文要以寫什么為主呢? 老師:以敘事為主,而寫人為輔。 學(xué)生:也應(yīng)按照事情發(fā)展的時間順序展開描述嗎? 老師:對,但有時可以采用倒敘或插敘等?!镜漕}示例】 假設(shè)你是李華,請根據(jù)以下內(nèi)容給你在美國的朋友Richard寫一封120個詞左右的E-mail,向他描述你遇到外星人的經(jīng)歷。 1. 下晚自習(xí)后,在回家的路上看見三角形不明飛行物; 2. 從飛行物上走出外星人向你問路; 3. 你給他指明方向,他友好地向你告別。 參考詞匯:小巷alley;三角形triangle;外星人alien【審題謀篇】項 目結(jié) 論體 裁話 題時 態(tài)人 稱記敘文描述外星人一般過去時第三人稱為主,第一人稱為輔【詞句推敲】1. 詞匯:出現(xiàn) _確信 _ _向微笑 _向某人道別 _appear;turn up;show upbe sure;make sure;be convinced of/thatsmile atsay goodbye to sb. ;farewell sb.2. 句式:I was riding through a small dark alley after evening class, and suddenly at that time a strong light shone me. (用when 作并列連詞)_I was riding through a small dark alley after evening class when a strong light shone me.Perhaps, with the development of science it will become obvious whether aliens exist in the world. (用it is likely that. . . 句型)It is _ that whether aliens exist in the world will become obvious with the development of science. Then I found out that it was a triangle flying machine, and I was sure I had never seen it before. (用定語從句合并句子)Then I found out that it was a triangle flying machine _ I was sure I had never se


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