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息縣二高2014屆高三高考一輪復(fù)習(xí)英語情態(tài)動詞學(xué)案高考考點(diǎn)一、情態(tài)動詞的基本用法,二、情態(tài)動詞表示允許,推測,判斷的用法辨析,1、否定的推測:語氣不很肯定時(shí),常用may not,might not或could not,譯為“可能不”“也許不”;否定語氣較強(qiáng)時(shí),則用cant,譯為“根本不可能”、“想必不會”,表示驚異、懷疑的感情色彩2、疑問句中推測往往用can或could3.考查情態(tài)動詞+動詞不定式的完成式表推測的用法三、.考查情態(tài)動詞+動詞不定式完成式的其他用法should(ought to)+不定式的完成式:本來應(yīng)該做而實(shí)際上又沒有做。其否定形式表示某中行為不該發(fā)生卻發(fā)生了。neednt+不定式的完成式:本來不必要做的而實(shí)際上又做了could+不定式的完成式:本可以做而實(shí)際上未能做,含有遺憾的意味四、情態(tài)動詞在虛擬語氣中的運(yùn)用。高考例題【2012江西卷】22We_ have bought so much food now that Suzie wont be with us for dinner.Amay notBneedntCcantDmustnt 【答案】B【考點(diǎn)】考察情態(tài)動詞的用法【解析】may not不可以,neednt不需要,cant不可能, mustnt絕不可能本句句意為:既然Suzie不和我們一起吃晚飯,所以我們就不需要買這么多食物?!?9. Sorry, I am too busy now. If I _ time, I would certainly go for an outing with you. A. have hadB. had hadC. haveD. had【答案】D【考點(diǎn)】此題考查條件狀語從句中的虛擬語氣?!窘馕觥繌木渲杏靡话氵^去時(shí)表現(xiàn)在的假設(shè)。動詞的時(shí)態(tài) 條件狀語從句中的虛擬語氣 一般過去式表對現(xiàn)在的假設(shè) 【2012重慶卷】25.-_you interrupt now? Cant you see Im on the phone? -Sorry Sir, but its urgent. A. Can B. Should C. Must D. Would【考點(diǎn)】情態(tài)動詞用法【答案】 C【解析】句意:“你現(xiàn)在一定要打斷我嗎?難道你不能看到我在打電話嗎?對不起,先生,事情很急?!备鶕?jù)語境結(jié)合選項(xiàng)的詞義,C選項(xiàng)符合題意。因此,正確答案為C選項(xiàng)。【2012遼寧卷】24. One of our rules is that every student wear school uniform while at school. A. might B. could C. shall D. will【考點(diǎn)】情態(tài)動詞【答案】C【解析】Shall用于第二、第三人稱,表示說話人給對方命令、警告、允諾或威脅。這兒是說根據(jù)學(xué)校規(guī)定學(xué)生在校時(shí)都必須要穿校服?!?012四川卷】19. I got close enough to hear them speaking Chinese, and I said “Ni Hao ” just as I _ do in China.A. must B. might C. can D. should 【答案】 B 【考點(diǎn)】本題考查情態(tài)動詞?!窘馕觥烤湟鉃椋何铱克麄冏銐虻慕月犚娝麄冋f漢語,而且我會像我在中國可能做的那樣說“你好”。might表示“可能”。故選B?!?012陜西卷】23.I_ thank you too much for all your help to my son while we were away from home. A. wont B. cant C. can D. will 【答】B【考點(diǎn)】考查情態(tài)動詞?!窘馕觥克钋閼B(tài)動詞與too 構(gòu)成固定句型cant/couldnt too,意思是:再都不為過,選B?!?012全國II】17. Im going to Europe on vacation together with John if I _ find the money.A. can B. might C. would D. need【答案】A【解析】此處考查了can的本意“能”,表示“能力”。句意:我要和John一起去歐洲度假,如果我能找到錢?!究键c(diǎn)】考查情態(tài)動詞的用法?!?012天津卷】 We wouldnt have called a taxi yesterday if Harold _us a ride home.【D】A. didnt offer B. wouldnt offer C. hasnt offeredD. hadnt offered【2012天津卷】 Its quite warm here; we _turn the heating on【C】A.couldnt B. mustnt C. neednt D. wouldnt【2012全國新課程】30. I use a clock to wake me up because at six oclock each morning the train comes by my house.A. couldnt B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. neednt【答案】D【考點(diǎn)】考查情態(tài)動詞的用法?!窘馕觥看颂幙疾榍閼B(tài)動詞,neednt+動詞原形表示:沒有必要做某事。句意:我沒有必要用鬧鐘喚醒我,因?yàn)槊刻煸缟?點(diǎn)火車都經(jīng)過我的房子。【2012山東卷】30. If we _ adequate preparations, the conference wouldnt have been so successful. A. havent madeB. wouldnt makeC. didnt make D. hadnt made【答案】D【考點(diǎn)】考查虛擬語氣的用法【解析】在虛擬條件句中,表示與過去事實(shí)相反的情況,從句用過去完成時(shí),主句用would have done的形式。句意:如果我們沒有做好充分的準(zhǔn)備,會議就不會這樣成功?!?012福建卷】31. We lost our way in that small village, otherwise we_more places of interest yesterday.A. visitedB. had visitedC. would visit D. would have visited【考點(diǎn)】本題考查虛擬語氣的用法【答案】D一:can和could1. can的主要用法是: A. 表示體力或腦力的能力: eg. The girl can dance very well. B. 表示說話者的推測事物的可能性: eg. Can the news be true? C. 在口語中, can可以表示請求或允許:eg. Can I sit here? 2. could的主要用法是: A. could 是 can 的過去式, 表示與過去有關(guān)的能力和推測 eg. We all knew that the young man couldnt be a doctor.B. could可以代替can表示請求, 但語氣較can客氣、委婉:eg. Could you lend me your dictionary? Could I use your bike? 3. can和could接動詞的完成形式,表示可能已經(jīng)做某事。can用在否定和疑問句中, 表示不相信、懷疑等態(tài)度。 eg. They cant have gone out because the light is still on.二:may和mightmay常用來表示:A. 表示請求、允許:比can較為正式: eg. May I come in? You may go now.B. 表示說話人的猜測: “也許” “可能”: 通常只用于肯定句和否定句中。 eg. I believe the man is from England but I may be wrong. The guest may arrive this afternoon. 在肯定句中,may的可能性比can高, may表示現(xiàn)實(shí)的可能性,can表示理論上的可能性。 The road may be blocked. 這條路可能不通了。 The road can be blocked. 這條路可能會是不通的。 在疑問句中,表示可能性用can。 Where can he be? 他會在哪呢?C. 表示祝愿; 但語氣較正式: eg. May you succeed! May you have a good journey! might的用法有: 多在間接引語中表示過去的可能和允許。 She said that he might take her bike. 她說他可以拿她的自行車去用。 除了在間接引語中以外,might一般不表示過去的可能或者許可。如要表示過去的可能可以用could,表示現(xiàn)在的可能,其可能性要比may 小。He might go home tomorrow.說不定他明天會回家。表示現(xiàn)在的許可,語氣比may較委婉,一般用于疑問句(包括間接疑問句),不可用于肯定句或者否定句。 Might I have a word with you? 我可以和你說句話嗎?三:will和would1. will是助動詞還是情態(tài)動詞? will用于構(gòu)成將來時(shí)是助動詞。 用于表示“意志”“決心”“請求”是情態(tài)動詞。would亦同理。 I will tell you something important. 我要告訴你一些重要的事. (助動詞) Will you tell her that Im here?請您告訴她說我在這兒,好嗎?(情態(tài)動詞) 2. 在疑問句中用于第二人稱,提出請求或詢問。 Will you type this, please? 請把這個(gè)打一下,好嗎? 3. would 比 will客氣委婉 。Would you help us, please? (表請求)請您幫助我們 ,好嗎?Id go there with you. (表意愿) 我要和你一塊到那兒去。 Your teacher wouldnt allow it. (表許可)老師不會允許這件事。四:shall和should1. 在疑問句中,用于第一、第三人稱,用來征詢對方意見、請求指示或提出建議。1) Mr. Smith wants to see you, manager.Shall he wait outside or in the office? 2) It is a nice day. Shall we go out for a picnic? 2. 用在第二、第三人稱陳述句中,表示說話人的“允諾、警告、命令、威脅、決心”等語氣。1) If you dare do that, you shall be punished.2) If you pass the college entrance examination, you shall get a computer.3) Nothing shall stop us from carrying out this plan.3. 表示說話人對某事不能理解,可翻譯成“居然”,“竟然”,“竟會”,表示意外和出乎意料。It is surprising that he should have made such a foolish mistake.五:must的主要用法1. 表示必然性。We must all die. 人總要死的。2. 表示強(qiáng)制或者義務(wù)。You must get up early. 你必須早起來。注意: must not的意思是不許可,不應(yīng)該或者禁止 如:We mustnt waste our time. - May I take this magazine out? - No, you mustnt. 3. must用于一般疑問句的時(shí)候,肯定回答應(yīng)該用yes, please或者Im afraid so, 其否定回答應(yīng)該用neednt或者dont have to。4.表示推測,語氣非常肯定,近乎確定的意味,一般用在肯定句。It must be eleven oclock now.在表示推測的否定或者疑問句中必須用can/could, 不可以用must。If Mary didnt leave here until five oclock, she cant be home yet.如果瑪麗五點(diǎn)才離開這兒,她此時(shí)一定還未到家。5指主觀上的偏執(zhí)或固執(zhí),??勺g為“偏”“偏要Must you make so much noise? 你就非得弄出這么大的聲音嗎?After I gave her my advice,she must go and do the opposite. 在我給她出主意之后她偏要反著干。6表示“偏偏”,可表示某事發(fā)生得不早不遲,就在某個(gè)當(dāng)緊的時(shí)候,多指某些不受歡迎的事情的發(fā)生。如: The car must break down just we were starting our holidays. 我們剛剛開始休假,汽車偏偏壞了。should和ought to后面跟動詞的完成式, 其肯定句表示“過去應(yīng)該做而未做”, 其否定句則表示“過去不該做但做了”。You should/ought to have made the decision a week ago.I shouldnt have made such a foolish mistake. 六:haveto的用法 1. must表示一種主觀的需要,而haveto表示一種客觀的需要,意思是“不得不”??谡Z中常翻譯成“得”Mother is out, so I have to look after the shop.媽媽不在家,因此我得照看商店。2. haveto的否定形式是dont have to, 相當(dāng)于neednt。They dont have to buy a computer at present. 他們目前沒有必要買電腦。注意對need問句的回答:-Need I finish the work today?-Yes, you must. -No, you neednt. / -No, you dont have to.七:表示推測情態(tài)動詞的重要用法一、 “must+have+done”表示對過去事情的肯定推測,譯成“一定做過某事”,該結(jié)構(gòu)只用于肯定句。 1. The river is rising. It must have rained last night.2. She looks very happy. She must have passed the exam.二、 “cant+have+done”表示對過去事情的否定推測,譯成“不可能做過某事”。1. I saw Mary in the library yesterday. You cant have seen her. Shes been abroad.2. Do you know where David is? I couldnt find him anywhere. Well, he cant have gone far. His coat is still there.三、 “can+have+done”表示對過去行為的懷疑,用于疑問句,譯成“可能做過嗎?”。1. There is no light in the room. Can they have gone out? 屋里沒有燈,他們可能出去了嗎?2. There is nowhere to find them. Where can they have gone? 到處找不到他們,他們可能到什么地方去呢?四、 “could+have+done”是虛擬語氣,表示對過去事情的假設(shè),意思是本來能夠做某事而沒有做。1. Thank you for all your hard work last week. We dont think we could have managed it without you.2. Given more attention, the trees could have grown better.五、 “may+have+done”表示對發(fā)生過的事情的推測,意思是“可能已經(jīng)”或“也許已經(jīng)”,用于肯定句中。 What has happened to George? I dont know. He may have got lost.六、 “might+have+done”表示對過去事情的推測,might與may意思相同,但可能性更小。多用于虛擬語氣結(jié)構(gòu)中。 1. He might have given you more help, even though he was busy. (MET90) 他或許會多給你一些幫助,即使他很忙。2. Mary might have learned some Chinese before.七、 “would+have+done”虛擬語氣,表示對過去事情的假設(shè),意思是“本來會做”。1. I would have told you all about the boys story, but you didnt ask me. 我本來會告訴你這個(gè)小男孩的故事,但是你沒有問我。2. Without your help, I wouldnt have achieved so much. 沒有你的幫助,我是不會取得如此大的成績。八 “should+have+done”意思是“本來應(yīng)該做某事,而實(shí)際沒做?!?“shouldnt+have+done”表示本來不應(yīng)該做某事,而實(shí)際做了。含有指責(zé)對方或自責(zé)的含意。1. You should have told her the truth earlier.2. With so much work at hand, you shouldnt have gone to the film last night.手頭有這么多工作要做,昨晚你本不該去看電影。九、 “ought to+have+done”表示過去應(yīng)該做而實(shí)際并沒有做,譯成“理應(yīng)做”,往往表示遺憾。與“should+have+done”用法基本一樣。 1. I ought to have gone home last Sunday. 我理應(yīng)上星期日回家。2. You ought not to have given him more help. 你不應(yīng)該幫助他那么多。十. “neednt+have+done”則表示“本來不需要做某事而做了”。1.There was plenty of time. She neednt have worried.有充足的時(shí)間,她沒必要那么著急。2. He need have hurried to the station. In that case, be wouldnt have missed the train. 他本來需要快點(diǎn)去車站,那樣的話,他就不會誤了火車。十一:情態(tài)動詞的其它用法1 cannot but + do sth. 表示“不得不,只好做某事”I cannot but choose to go.2 may well +v 意為“完全能,很可能”Her appearance has changed so much that you may well not recognize her.3 may as well +v意為“最好,滿可以,倒不如”You may as well do it at once.4. cannot(never) 與enough/ too表示“再。也不為過”You can never be careful enough in the street.鞏固練習(xí)1. They _ have arrived at lunchtime but their flight was delayed. (2011全國)A.will B.can C.must D.should2. If you _ smoke, please go outside. (2011 全國)A. can B. should C. must D. may3. I dont really like James. Why did you invite him?Dont worry. He _ come. He said he wasnt certain what his plans were. (2011 北京) A. must not B. need not C. would not D. might not4. I _worry about my weekend- I always have my plans ready before it comes. (2011 上海)Acant B. neednt C. mustnt D. darent 5. Shall I inform him of the change of the schedule right now?I am afraid you _, in case he comes late for the meeting. (2011福建) A.will B. must C.may D.can6. Hows your new babysitter?We _ask for a better one. All our kids love her so much. (2011 浙江) A. should B. might C. mustnt D. couldnt7. What do you think of store shopping in the future?Personally, I think it will exist along with home shopping but _. (2011 安徽) A. will never replace B. would never replace C. will never be replaced D. would never be replaced8. The police still havent found the lost child, but theyre doing all they_. (2011 四川) A.can B.may C.must D.should9. Why didnt you come to Simons party last night? I wanted to ,but my mom simply _ not let me out so late at night. (2011重慶) A. could B. might C. would D. should10. Will you read me a story ,Mummy? OK. You_ have one if you go to bed as soon as possible. (2011 陜西) A. might B. must C. could D. shall11. No one _ be compared with Yao Ming in playing basketball. (2011湖南) A. can B. need C. must D. might12. If you _ go, at least wait until the storm is over. (2011 遼寧)A. can B. may C. must D. will13. Jack described his father, who _a brave boy many years ago, as a strong willed man. (2010 安徽)A. would be B. would have been C. must beD. must have been14.Just be patient. You _ expect the world to change so soon. A. cant B. neednt C. may not D. will not15. I _have watched that movie itll give me horrible dreams. A.shouldnt B.neednt C.couldnt D. mustnt 16. Mark _have hurried. After driving at top speed, he arrived half an hour early. A. neednt B. wouldnt C. mustnt D. couldnt 17. -Good morning. Ive got an appointment with Miss Smith in the Personnel Department. -Ah, good morning. you _be Mrs. Peters. A. might B. must C. would D. can 18. - I havent got the reference book yet, but Ill have a test on the subject next month. -Dont worry. You _have it by Friday. A. could B. shall C. must D. may.19.-May I take this book out of the reading room? -No, you _. You read it in here. A. mightnt B. wont C. neednt D. mustnt 20. I have told you the truth. _ I keep repeating it? A. Must B. Can D. May D. Will21. You _buy a gift, but you can if you want to. A. must B. mustnt D. have to D. dont have to 22. You _park here! Its an emergency exit. A. wouldnt B. neednt C. couldnt D. mustnt 23. I was really anxious about you You _ home without a word A. mustnt leave B. shouldnt have left C. couldnt have left D. neednt leave24. I told Sally how to get here, but perhaps I _ for her A. had to write it out B. must have written it out C. should have written it out D. ought to write it out25. He _ have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldnt be enjoying himself by seaside. A. should B. must C. wouldnt D. cant 26. My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday afternoon, so he_ your lecture.A. couldnt have attended B. neednt have attended C. mustnt have attended D. shouldnt have attended27. -Do you know where David is? I couldnt find him anywhere. -Well. He _ have gone far-his coats still here. A. shouldnt B. mustnt C. cant D. wouldnt28. Mary _my letter; otherwise she would have replied before now. A couldnt have received B ought to have received C has received D shouldnt have received 29. It _around nine oclock when I drove back home because it was already dark. A. must be B. must have been C. cant be D. should have been 30. Johns score on the test is the highest in the class; _ A. he should study hard last night B. he should have studied hard last night C. he must have studied hard last night D. he must had to study hard last night 31. You_yesterday if you were really serious about your work. A. ought to come B. ought to be coming C. ought to have come D. ought have come 32. We didnt see him at the lecture yesterday. He_it.” A. mustnt attended B. couldnt have attended C. would have not attendedD. neednt have attended 33. You _all these parcels yourself. The shop would have delivered them if you had asked a shop assistant. A. didnt need to carry B. neednt have carried C. neednt carryD. didnt need carry 34. Mr. White _ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didnt show up. A. should have arrived B. should arrive C. should have had arrived D. should be arriving


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