There are two major types of hardware used in a CAD system. Computer and input/output (I/O) devices. In the early days of CAD. Some commercial CAD systems used proprietary computers. Today, nearly all CAD software runs on a general-purpose computer.
Depending on the complexity of the CAD package, it may require a mainframe computer, a minicomputer, or simply a microcomputer. In general, the more functionalities a CAD system provides, the more powerful the computer needed. Three dimensional solid modelers require much more computing than do two-dimensional drafting systems; thus, they need more powerful computers. Systems that integrate engineering analysis or simulation packages generally are more computation-intensive. A powerful computer not only speeds up the response of a CAD system, but also can support multiple users without significant performance degradation.
Several other parameters and components concerning the computer also have to be considered.
random-access memory (RAM)capacity
permanent disk-storage capacity
special graphics accelerator
tape backups
RAM is the actual physical memory (vs. virtual memory)of a computer. A small memory capacity means slow processing due to frequent swapping between the physical memory and the virtual memory on disk. Because CAD is extremely storage demanding, disk capacity is important. Small disk capacity limits the system to the storage of only a few drawings. CAD is graphics-based and requires tremendous data processing. A graphics accelerator can drastically increase the performance of the system. Another component, the hard disk, is typically the major cost of a computer system. Therefore, it is not cost-justifiable to store all drawings on line on disk. Magnetic tape is still the most economical medium to use for off-line data storage. It is necessary for a CAD system to have a tape backup subsystem.
Currently, all levels of computers are used in CAD systems. Personal computers are used in low-cost,2-D drafting applications, and with the new power of these computers, hey are also being used for some 3-D solid modeling applications. Engineering workstations have been the mainstay in CAD, and are usually a single-user CAD workstation in a network. Minicomputers are used in multiuser CAD systems. Mainframes are used for large multiuser CAD systems to support real time simulation and engineering analysis. Sometimes, in a large corporation, all levels of CAD systems are implemented. All these systems are linked together through a hierarchical computer network.
3.4.2 Input. Output (I/O)Devices
Figure 3.7 shows the typical I/O devices used in a CAD system. Input devices are generally used to transfer information from a human or storage medium to a computer where ”CAD functions” are carried out. A keyboard is the standard input device used to transmit alphanumeric data to the system. Function keypads are also used to make input easier. Joysticks, track balls, and mousse are also used to manipulate a cursor. They can be used to position the graphic cursor(e.g. cross hair)on a monitor and feed back the location of an object on the monitor to the computer. Using these devices allows an operator to address terminal locations to interactively in reaching an accurate position. Mouses have been used extensively with windows and pull-down menus. They are easy to use for pointing; However, using a mouse to trace a curve is not an easy task.
There are three basic approaches to input an existing drawing;(1)model the object on a drawing,(2)digitize the drawing, or (3)scan the object. Digitizing is usually much easier than modeling. A digitizer is a device that translates the X-Y locations on a drawing than modeling. A digitizer is a device that translates the X-Y locations on a drawing into a digital and feeds that signal to a computer. Graphics scanners scan a drawing and convert it to a CAD-system-readable format. Some scanners have built-in character-recognition software that can convert characters on paper into ASCII codes. Another input device is a sketch pad called a graphics tablet. A graphics tablet is a special flat surface on which a user draws with a stylus. The location of the stylus is sent to the computer. The tablet is an absolute coordinate device. It is easy to implement overlay menus on the tablet and pull down menus on the screen to improve the operation. Currently. the tablet is the most popular input device used in CAD other than the keyboard.
The standard output device for CAD is a monitor display. Modern monitor displays are raster-scan display monitors. Similar to a TV monitor, an electron gun(Sony Trinitron uses three guns for three basic colors)sends an electronic beam to the front of the monitor. Easy display dot is called a pixel(picture element).For color displays, each pixel is represented by three closely located dots with red, green , and blue colors. The electronic beam selects the color elements and the intensity of each color element. The resolution of the monitor is determined by the number of different colors or gray scales displayable at each pixel, usually measured in bits, A 1-bit display can turn each pixel either ON or OFF.A gray scale has at least v2 bits. A 1-bit display can turn each pixel either ON or OFF.A gray scale has at least 2 bits which allow three light intensities plus an OFF (2*2).Usually, displays are 4 bits(16 colors),8 bits(256 colors),16 bits(thousands of colors),and 24bits (millions of colors).The electronic beam sweeps the screen from the top to the bottom line by line. Because the dot is lit for only a very short period of time, the sweep must be done very quickly in order not to have a flickering image. The refresh rate is a measure of how many times the monitor is redrawn in one second.
The computer does not draw directly on the monitor. Connecting the computer to the monitor is u-
sually a RGB(red, green, blue)cable. Three separate signal lines are connected. On the graphics b-
oard in the computer are circuits to generate the analog signals required to drive the monitor. Ther-
e is also a frame buffer that serves as memory to store the image. Each pixel on the screen has a c
-orresponding address in the frame buffer. The data in the frame buffer are converted into the appropriate analog signal and sent to the monitor at the refresh rate. Separately, the computer w-
rites directly to the frame buffer the image it intends to draw. The greater the display size and nu-
mber of colors, the more frame buffer is needed. The frame buffer on the graphics board is made of random-access memory(RAM).
The calculator lend support toes to paint the software AutoCAD to make us can be with the sketch that the astonishing speed draw the engineering sketch or machine sketch and other with accuracy to sophisticate. The calculator paints to paint the different place, one of them with han-
dicraft the paintings with out the diagram divide a step proceed of, because of but would somet-
imes appear the traditional handicraft the painting hour the problem of the impossible emergence. General circumstance bottom, usage the AutoCAD proceeds painting, control the precision pain-
ting and not that difficult, but want accurate then need the certain technique out the diagram. Us-
ually paint or outsing diagram to have no to need to change to measure to AutoCAD system worth make the modification with establish, take its the province worth can normal work, but have the special request, must modify the related system to change measure; Too sometimes the request o-
f the diagram paper with make the diagram's way of doing the antinomy, and be to adopt the to m-
ake the diagram method to can't attain the request of the diagram paper, will adopt some technique
iques to modify the related system to change to measure, and can make the calculator draw to atta-
in the request of the diagram paper with output's sketch.
AutoCAD line type establishing of comparison At teaching of process inside would usually run into what this kind of circumstance, while establishing diagram layer, clearly established the point lin eationed, and consequently output to however investigate its reason for the solid lined, and is usually because of the line typed the establishing of comparison is not appropriate and cau-
sable. Should you so establish the comparison of what kind of line type? How to use the line type the comparison in the painting?
Usage AutoCAD painting, besides continuous line type( Continuous), the other line type is all from the solid line segment, blank segment, point series for or text this constituting. On-line type definition document the inside have already defined these line types the segment's standard length, and show on held the act or at print the machine\ painting output, each length and ex-
portation comparison with line type comparison direct proportion. When show or print, the pain-
ting boundary that customer that request, this hour establish is out of accordance with the painting boundary of the province difference big, on held the act show or paint output's line type would match the engineering graphics to will pass the changes line type comparison the system the method that change the deal, enlarge or contract all line types each a small segment of length, make the sketch made meet the request. In the Auto CAD, imply the adjustment line type the com-
parison's order: Overall situation line type comparison factor tie department exportation ratio for line type ratio factor, used foring the control not continuous line type. The Ltscale is right to have the object validity, Celtscale the province for to new object validating, twoly changing the deal w-
orth all for 1.
For use the line type that Auto CAD2002 painting, big part contain three kinds of forms,( su-
ch as: Comparison that Center, Center2, Center*2, Dashed, Dashed2, Dashed*2) the first is a half, the third line type for the standard form, the second line type that comparison that the first line ty-
pe is the first line type of two times, if line type the comparison establish to is not suitable for, and would then make some exportation diagrams the line( such as the point lineation, dotted line...etc.) change into a solid line.
Two, line breadth the count of establish
Pass by what handicraft painting, its painting with outs the diagram is a synchronous procee-
ding of, now calculator painting, its painting with outs the diagram divide a step proceeds. Wether draw the construction engineering diagram or machine spare parts diagram, at print control that a work that exportation engineering drawing, the most is a line to print the drawing the breadth, line the type, color, seal a line breadth for, and eachly growing to line type all contain its cowgirl, in t-
he AutoCAD painting process of the old edition, even defined the line type the width, its at see the diagram area can't also display the line type the width's differentiation.( not contain many righteo-
usness lines the Pline)Width for color for can passing the diagram layer or set upping the line co-
ming distinguish analysing the line.What research of current painting tries a, adopt of is this kind of method.But in the AutoCAD2002, add entity that" Lweight"( line type the width establish) or-
der, provided the new function for customer, then make use of the entity characteristic to proceed the control, and establish the line breadth for the sketch, and make use of it can at hold the act to up show with print to output, control the entity's line breadth.2002 versions inside print to establis-
h and can is divided into three part, and for printing machine belong to the sex to establish, print t-
he style to establish respectively and the page establish.
Because of the model of breadth line the space is different from diagram manifestation of sp-
ace paper result, in the model space therefore the elephant vegetable show, but in the diagram pap-
er the space is then then to print the width to proceed to show, because of but we while drawing s-
ke tch should know at the diagram line that true width established by line breadth of model space, and is not equal with object. When the line breadth is worth to establish to"0", it show with the mi-
nimum width( plain breadth of an elephant) on held the act, and the line breadth settle to other wo-
rth, then come showing with the worth specific value of plain width and true unit of elephant.
Three, the sketch output the establishing of comparison When we draw sketch that comparis-
on that comparison output the sketch with us hour use different, can make originally text in the sk-
etch that draw word exportation comparison for marking noting waiting in the output's sketch take placing changing, therefore at drawing the sketch before returning the beard make suring the sketch.For guaranteeing the sketch to output our want the literalness size, should when the text word establish usage following formula: The text word draws the high degree the = the text word output high degree* the sketch to output the comparison; The sketch outputs the comparison= ou-
tput the diagram the length for of length( width)/ diagram.( width)
draw the width of the diagram line to also should consider this point, its to settle the width same as output the width to multiply by with its comparison worth.
From above practice with analyze to can see out, calculator painting and incompletelyres-
emble handicraft painting so synchronously paint with out diagram, therefore sometimes make with the diagram method can't attain the request of the diagram paper. Some in common use sy-
stem that this demand we are deep into control the calculator to paint the theories, and can expe-
rtly control the operation method to change the deal with establish the technique, and can make the work of our painting more convenient, smooth, consumedly increase to paint the level with paint the efficiency.