Manufacturing companies in the 21s' century will face unpredictable, high-frequency market changes driven by global competition. The continuous changes of market require a rapid change of product varieties in order to meet the market demands. Recent surveys have showed that fixture are the cornerstones of this new manufacturing paradigm. Fixture is also suitable to our country. After reconfiguration manufacturing system puts new requirements on fixture design, an important component of the traditional manufacturing system. Fixture is very important equipment in process of machine manufacturing because it can directly affect the quality of products and productivity and cost. So fixture designing is also a base portion in machine process.
This paper of graduation mainly presents a systematic approach for the design of Electrical Block hydraulic upholding tool rough noise of drums .this upholding tool are mainly used in the working procedure of Electrical Block hydraulic rough noise of drums . It can accomplished the purpose what this fixture can be satisfy after Electrical Block hydraulic upholding tool rough noise of drums produce demand and approach to improve production efficiency.
First ,we define the design of assignment and represent something about fixture. The next ,Accordingly to the processing of workpiece of motor cabinet ,we extract the method and way of boring lathe of fixture. And then ,we practice into design the fixture according to the method and way .After this design ,we take some canonical workpiece for example to check the strength.. The method of this fixture represent the process of canonical fixture. Of course ,the design of our fixture also can guide the design of fixture.
Keyword:fixture、motor cabinet、process
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