摘 要
本設計題目為筒行件錐形壓邊圈拉深模具的動畫制作,體現(xiàn)了運用三維建模軟件Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire對拉深模具的設計、制作、裝配和動畫演示過程,極有一定的意義,通過對該零件模具的設計,進一步加強了設計者拉深模設計的基礎知識,為設計和演示更復雜的拉深模具的動作過程做好了鋪墊和吸取了更深刻的經(jīng)驗。
本設計運用沖壓工藝與模具設計的基礎知識,首先進行了拉深模的工藝分析,為動畫部分各零件先后運動的次序奠定了基礎,然后運用Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire對拉深模各零件經(jīng)行了實體生成,為裝配做好了準備,最后介紹了動畫的制作過程,使學習者對拉深模具的動作過程有了更進一步的理解。
本設計主要運用了三維建模軟件Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire,在設計過程中不僅鞏固了拉深模具的基礎知識,更進一步的學習和掌握了運用Pro/E進行動畫設計的方法和步驟,使軟件和書本結(jié)合起來,兩者相互映襯,意義重大。
關鍵詞:拉深模 裝配 動畫
The animation of the drawing die with
tube and conical of blankholder
The design of production, assembly and demonstration of the process of animation of drawing die are embodied on this injection mould design of the cylinder subject line blank holder cone pieces drawing die animation with Three-dimensional modeling software Pro / ENGINEER Wildfire through the design of the die, The designer’s foundation knowledge of drawing die design is reinforced and is able to design and demonstration of more complex movements drawing mould through the design.
Through the foundation knowledge, firstly, the technology of drawing die is analyzed to movement the order of the animation part of the various parts, Secondly,with the line of entities generated,it is readyed to assembly for the parts of drawing die through the line of entities generated by use of Pro / ENGINEER Wildfire. Lastly the character of the part is introduced about the production process of animation,though it, the students would have further understanding of the process of drawing die movements.
This design not only study the design process but also consolidate the basic knowledge by use of the design of three-dimensional modeling software Pro / ENGINEER Wildfire,t the background of the two each other against have a great significance.
Keywords: Drawing Die Assembly Animation