電影阿甘正傳臺詞中英文對照完整版 Forrest: Hello. My name's Forrest - Forrest Gump. Forrest Gump: 人名 你好。我叫Forrest - Forrest Gump。 Do you want a chocolate? I could eat about a million and a half of these. chocolate: 巧克力 a million and a half: 150萬 要吃巧克力嗎?我能吃掉上百萬塊巧克力。 My mama [‘mɑm?] always said Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get. 我媽媽常說人生就像一盒各式各樣的巧克力。你永遠(yuǎn)不知道下一塊將會是哪種。 Those must be comfortable shoes. I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that and not feel a thing. I wish I had shoes like that. comfortable: 舒適的 bet: 有把握說 not feel a thing: 什么感覺都沒有 wish: 希望 那雙鞋子一定很舒適。穿這樣的鞋子你可以走上一整天腳都不會痛。我希望能有一雙這樣的鞋子。 -Black Woman: My feet hurt. hurt: 感到疼痛 其實(shí)我的腳很痛。 -Forrest: Mama always said there's an awful [‘?:fl] lot you can tell about a person by their shoes. awful: [口語] 非常的 tell about: 講訴(告訴關(guān)于...信息) 媽媽常說要想知道一個人的很多事情只要看看他穿的鞋就能知道。 Where they're going? Where they've been? I've worn lots of shoes. 他會往哪里走他住在哪里。我穿過很多雙鞋子。 I bet if I think about it real hard, I could remember my first pair of shoes. remember: 記得 如果我仔細(xì)想的話我能記得我第一雙鞋子的模樣。 Mama said they'd take me anywhere. She said they were my magic shoes. anywhere: 任何地方 magic: 有魔力的 媽媽說它會帶我到任何地方。她說它是雙魔鞋。 -Doctor: All right, Forrest, Open your eyes now. Let's take a little walk around. How do those feel? 好的Forrest張開雙眼。你走幾步看看。感覺如何?`````````` His legs are strong, Mrs. Gump, as strong as I've ever seen. 他的雙腿很強(qiáng)壯甘太太是我見過最強(qiáng)壯的。 But his back's as crooked [‘kr?k?d] as a politician. But we're going to straighten him right up, aren't we, Forrest? Crooked: 彎曲的 straighten up: 直起腰來 但是他的背像政客一樣彎。但我們會讓他再直起來對吧 -Mrs. Gump: Forrest! Forrest -Forrest: Now, when I was a baby, Mama named me after the great Civil War hero. name after: 以?命名 Civil War: 美國內(nèi)戰(zhàn)(南北戰(zhàn)爭) hero: 英雄 我剛出世時媽媽用了一位內(nèi)戰(zhàn)英雄的名字為我取名。 General Nathan [‘ne?θ?n] Bedford [‘bedf?d] Forrest. She said we was related to him in some way. related: 有親屬關(guān)系的 in some way: 有一點(diǎn)有些 Nathan Bedford Forrest將軍。她說我們有點(diǎn)親戚關(guān)系。 What he did was, he tarted up this club called the Ku Klux Klan. tart up: [英國俚語]打扮得花哨 club: 俱樂部 他做過的事情是建立了一個俱樂部叫三黨。 They'd all dress up in their robes and their bed sheets and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something. dress up: 裝扮 robe: 長袍 bed sheet: 床單 act like: 舉止像? a bunch of: 一群人 ghost: 鬼 spook: 幽靈 他們?nèi)L袍和床單看來像一群鬼。 They'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around. ride: 騎 他們還在馬上也披了床單四處跑。 And, anyway, that's how I got my name... Forrest Gump. show: 顯示 不管怎樣這就是我名字的由來Forrest·甘。 Mama said the Forrest part was to remind met hat sometimes we all do things that, well, that just don't make no sense. remind: 提醒 make no sense: 沒有意義(講不通) sense: 意義 媽媽說這名字是提醒我我們會經(jīng)常做一些并沒有意義的事情。 -Mrs. Gump: This way. Hold on. Ugh! All right. What are y'all staring at? hold on: 停一下 stare: 盯著看 向這邊好了。你們在看什么 Haven't you ever seen a little boy with braces on his legs before? brace: 矯形支架 從來沒有見過小孩子戴腳撐的嗎 Don't ever let anybody tell you they're better than you, Forrest. 不要管其它人說他們比你強(qiáng)Forrest。 If God intended everybody to be the same, he'd have given us all braces on our legs. intend: 想要 same: 同樣的 如果上帝要讓人人都一樣的話他會給每人一雙腳撐 -Forrest: Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them. explain: 解釋 媽媽總有辦法讓我明白她的意思。 We lived about a quarter mile off Route 17,about a half mile from the town of Greenbow, Alabama. route: 道路(尤指公路) Greenbow: 鎮(zhèn)名 Alabama州名 我們住在17號公路附近距離亞拉巴馬州綠茵鎮(zhèn)約半哩。 That's in the county of Greenbow. Our house had been in Mama's family since her grandpa's grandpa's grandpa had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago. 這個地方屬于綠茵縣。我們的房子來自媽媽的家族,從她爺爺?shù)臓敔數(shù)臓敔攤飨聛淼?他大概在一千年前飄洋過海來這里。 Since it was just me and Mama and we had all these empty rooms, empty: (房屋等)無人的無人住的 房子只有我和媽媽住我們有好多空房間 Mama decided to let those rooms out,mostly to people passing through, let: 出租 mostly: 主要地 pass through: 經(jīng)過市鎮(zhèn)等(但逗留時間不長) 媽媽將這些空房出租給路過的人住 Like from, oh, Mobile, Montgomery, places like that. 比如從莫比鎮(zhèn)、或蒙哥馬利鎮(zhèn)來的人。 That's how me and Mama got money. Mama was a real smart lady. smart: 聰明的 我和媽媽靠這個掙到錢。媽媽是個很聰明的女士。 -Mrs. Gump: Remember what I told you, Forrest. You're no different than anybody else is. remember: 記住 different: 不相同的 記住我說的話,Forrest。你和其它任何人是一樣的。 Did you hear what I said, Forrest? You're the same as everybody else. You are no different. 聽清楚了沒有Forrest你和其它人是一樣的。你并沒有什么不一樣。 -Hancock: Your boy's... different, Mrs. Gump. His I. Q is 75. I. Q = intelligence quotient 智商 你的孩子有點(diǎn)不一樣甘太太。他的智商只有75。 -Mrs. Gump: Well, we're all different, Mr. Hancock. 我們都是不一樣的Hancock先生。 -Forrest: She wanted me to have the finest education, so she took me to the Greenbow County Central School. I met the principal and all. education: 教育 principal: 校長 and all: [口語]之類等等 她希望我得到最好的教育所以她帶我去綠茵縣中心學(xué)校。我見到了 校長什么的。 -Hancock: I want to show you something, Mrs. Gump. Now, this is normal. Forrest is right here. show: 把?拿給?看 normal: 正常的 請你看看這個甘太太。這是正常水平。Forrest則是在這兒。 The state requires a minimum I. Q of 80 to attend public school. Mrs. Gump, require: 要求 minimum: 最低限度 attend: 上大學(xué)等 州政府要求智商起碼要80才能上公立學(xué)校。甘太太 he's going to have to go to a special school. Now, he'll be just fine. special: 特殊的 他應(yīng)該上特殊學(xué)校。在那里他會很好的。 -Mrs. Gump: What does normal mean anyway? He might be... a bit on the slow side, mean: 意味著 a bit: 有點(diǎn)兒 slow: 遲鈍的 side: 方面 正常水平是什么意思?他可能?反應(yīng)不太靈敏 but my boy Forrest is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else. opportunity: 機(jī)會 但我兒子Forrest應(yīng)該和其它人一樣得到機(jī)會。 He's not going to some special school to learn how to retread tires. learn: 學(xué)習(xí) retread: 再補(bǔ)胎面 tire: 輪胎 他不該去特殊學(xué)校學(xué)怎么翻修輪胎。 We're talking about five little points here. There must be something can be done. 這不過是區(qū)區(qū)5分的問題。一定會有辦法解決的。 -Hancock: We're a progressive school system. We don't want to see anybody left behind. Is there a Mr. Gump, Mrs. Gump? progressive: 進(jìn)步的循序漸進(jìn)的 left behind: 留下 我們的學(xué)校是要排名次的。我們不想有人拉后腿。甘先生在哪兒甘太太 -Mrs. Gump: He's on vacation. vacation: 休假 他去度假了。 -Hancock: Well, your mama sure does care about your schooling, son. You don't say much, do you? sure: 確實(shí)地 care about: 關(guān)心 schooling: 學(xué)校教育 你媽媽真是很關(guān)心你的教育孩子。你不太會說話是嗎 -Mrs. Gump: "Finally, he had to try." It looked easy, but... oh, what happened. First they..." 最后他必須去試一試??雌饋砣菀转暗?發(fā)生了怪事首先他們? -Forrest: Mama, what's vacation mean? 媽媽度假是什么意思 -Mrs. Gump: Vacation? 度假 -Forrest : Where Daddy went? 爸爸去哪兒了 -Mrs. Gump: Vacation's when you go somewhere... and you don't ever come back. 度假就是你去一個地方?然后就不再回來。 -Forrest: Anyway, I guess you could say me and Mama was on our own. guess: [口語]認(rèn)為 on our own: 獨(dú)立地 總之我想你可以說我和媽媽無依無靠。 But we didn't mind. Our house was never empty. There was always folks coming and going. mind: 介意 folk: 人們 但我們不介意。我們的房子總住滿了人。經(jīng)常是人來人往的。 -Mrs. Gump: Supper! It's supper, everyone! 開飯了大家來吃晚飯啦 -Tenant A: That sure looks special. 這看起來很特別。 -Forrest: Sometimes, we had so many people staying with us that every room was filled, with travelers, you know, filled: 填滿的 traveler: 旅行者 有時有這么多人和我們一起住每個房間都住滿了旅客, folks living out of their suitcases and hat cases and sample cases. suitcase: 手提箱 sample case: 樣品箱 這些人帶著行李箱子還有帽子箱子還有樣品箱子。 -Mrs. Gump: Forrest Gump, it's suppertime! Forrest? Forrest Gump吃晚飯了Forrest -Forrest: One time, a young man was staying with us, and he had him a guitar case. guitar: 吉他 有一次又有位年青人和我們住一起他帶著一個吉它箱子。 -Tenant B: “ Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit “ ain’t = are not 不否定 你從來逮不到兔子 “And you ain't no “ 你也不是? “ Friend of mine “ 我的朋友 -Mrs. Gump: Forrest, I told you not to bother this nice young man. bother: 打擾 Forrest叫你不要打擾這位叔叔。 -Tenant B: No, that's all right, ma'am. I was showing him a thing or two on the guitar. a thing or two: 值得知道的事情【一點(diǎn)東西】 不沒關(guān)系太太。我在彈吉它給他聽。 -Mrs. Gump: All right. Supper's ready if y'all want to eat. 好吧你可以來吃晚飯了。 -Tenant B: Yeah, that sounds good. Thank you, ma'am. ma’am: 夫人 行好極了。謝謝你太太。 Say, man, show me that crazy little walk you did there. Slow it down some. crazy: 搖搖晃晃的 slow down: 放慢速度 some: [口語]稍微 喂兄弟請你再表演一遍剛才那步法。稍微慢一點(diǎn)。 “ You ain't nothing but... “ 你只不過是? -Forrest: I liked that guitar. It sounded good. I started moving around to the music, swinging my hips. move around: 走來走去 swing: 搖擺 hip: 臀部 我喜歡那吉它。它很好聽。我伴著音樂移動著腳步扭著我的臀部。 -Tenant B: “ Cryin' all the time “ 哭喊不停 -Forrest: This one night, me and Mama was out shopping, and we walked by Vincy's Furniture and Appliance Store, and guess what? 那天晚上我和媽媽出去購物我們路過文斯家私商店你猜怎么著 -Elvis:“ You ain't nothin' but a hound dog “ 你只不過是一條獵犬 “ Cryin' all the time “ all the time: 一直 哭喊不停 “ You ain't nothin' but a hound dog “ 你只不過是一條獵犬 -Mrs. Gump: This is not for children's eyes. 小孩子不能看這個。 -Elvis: “ Cryin' all the time “ 哭喊不停 -Forrest: Some years later,that handsome young man who they called the King, handsome: 英俊的 幾年以后聽說那位帥哥被人稱為"貓王" well, he sung too many songs. Had him self a heart attack or something. It must be hard being a king. heart attack: 心臟病發(fā)作 嗯他唱的歌實(shí)在太多。結(jié)果他得了心臟病什么的??磥?王"確實(shí)是不好當(dāng)啊。 You know, it's funny how you remember some things, but some things you can't. funny: [口語]難以理解的 你知道你的記憶有時清楚得不得了有時卻什么也不記得。 -Mrs. Gump: You do your very best now, Forrest. 你要開始努力學(xué)習(xí)了Forrest。 -Forrest: I sure will, Mama. I remember the bus ride on the first day of school very well. 我一定會的媽媽。我記得第一次乘校車去上學(xué)非常清楚。 -Dorothy: Are you coming along? come along: 一道走 你上不上車 -Forrest: Mama said not to be taking rides from strangers. stranger: 陌生人 媽媽說不要上陌生人的車子。 -Dorothy: This is the bus to school. 這是校車。 -Forrest: I'm Forrest... Forrest Gump. 我是Forrest?Forrest Gump。 -Dorothy: I'm Dorothy Harris. 我是多Dorothy Harris。 -Forrest: Well, now we ain't strangers anymore. 嗯現(xiàn)在我們不是陌生人了。 -Boy A: This seat's taken. 這位子有人了。 -Boy B: It's taken. 有人了。 -Boy C: You can't sit here. 你不準(zhǔn)坐這兒。 -Forrest: You know, it's funny what a young man recollects, 'cause I don 't remember being born. recollect: 回憶回想 ‘cause: [口語]=because 因?yàn)? 你知道孩子記事實(shí)在奇怪我不記得我的出生。 I don't recall what I got for my first Christmas, and I don't know when I went on my first outdoor picnic, recall: 回想起 outdoor: 戶外的 picnic: 野餐 我不記得我的第一份圣誕禮物我也不記得我第一次去野餐 but I do remember the first time I heard the sweetest voice in the wide world. 但我卻記得我第一次聽到最甜的聲音在整個世界上。 -Jenny: You can sit here if you want. 你愿意的話可以坐這兒。 -Forrest: I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life. She was like an angel. angel: 天使 我一生再沒見過如此美麗的人。她就象一位天使。 -Jenny: Well, are you going to sit down or aren't you? What's wrong with your legs? 你想坐還是不想坐你的腿怎么啦 -Forrest: Um, nothing at all, thank you. My legs are just fine and dandy. dandy: [口語]極好的 沒什么謝謝你。我的腿好得很。 I just sat next to her on that bus and had a conversation all the way to school. conversation: 談話 我和她在并排坐在校車?yán)铼叭W(xué)校途中我們一直在說話。 My back's crooked like a question mark. Next to Mama, no one ever talked to me or asked me questions. question mark: 問號 next to: 次于居于?之后 當(dāng)時我的背象個問號那么彎。除了媽媽沒有人和我說話或問我問題。 -Jenny: Are you stupid or something? stupid: 笨的 你是不是有點(diǎn)傻 -Forrest: Mama says, Stupid is as stupid does. 媽媽說"做傻事的才是傻瓜"。 -Jenny: I'm Jenny. 我叫Jenny。 -Forrest: I'm Forrest... Forrest Gump. From that day on, we was always together. 我叫Forrest?Forrest·甘。由那天開始我們經(jīng)常在一起。 Jenny and me was like peas and carrots. She taught me how to climb. peas and carrots: 形影不離【豌豆和胡蘿卜丁一個圓的一個方的一個紅的一個綠的。它們的共同點(diǎn)雖然沒有太大的味道但營養(yǎng)非常高。故在美國烹飪時作為主食的點(diǎn)綴而且它倆都是同時出現(xiàn)故引申為形影不離。在這里形容阿甘和Jenny在小時候一直在一起學(xué)習(xí)和玩?!? Jenny和我形影不離。她教我怎么爬樹。 -Jenny: Come on, Forrest, you can do it. 快Forrest你能做到。 -Forrest: I showed her how to dangle. A good little...She helped me learn how to read, and I showed her how to swing. dangle: 搖晃地懸掛著 swing: 懸掛 我教她怎么搖擺。一個好小?她幫我學(xué)怎么認(rèn)字我教她怎么倒掛。 Sometimes, we'd just sit out and wait for the stars. Mama's going to worry about me. sit out: 坐在一起 有時我們就那么坐著等星星出來。媽媽會擔(dān)心我的。 -Jenny: Just stay a little longer. 再呆一會兒。 -Forrest: For some reason, Jenny didn 't never want to go home. O.K., Jenny, I'll stay. 不知為什么Jenny從來不愛回家。好吧Jenny我再呆一會兒。 She was my most special friend. My only friend. 她是我最好的朋友。我唯一的朋友。 Now, my mama always told me that miracles happen every day. Some people don't think so, but they do. miracle: 奇跡 媽媽總是對我說每天都會有奇跡。有些人并不同意但這是真的。 -Boy A: Hey, dummy! dummy: 笨蛋 嗨傻瓜 -Boy B: Are you dumb, or just plain stupid? plain: 完全地 你是啞巴還是真的是傻瓜 -Boy C: Look, I'm Forrest Gimp. 喂我是Forrest·甘。 -Jenny: Just run away, Forrest. Run, Forrest! Run away! Hurry! 快跑Forrest。跑Forrest快跑快 -Boy B: Get the bikes! get: 搭上(車船等) 騎上自行車 -Boy C: Let's get him! Come on! get: 抓住 我們?nèi)プ剿禳c(diǎn) -Boy B: Look out, Gump! We're going to get you! 小心點(diǎn)Gump我們來捉你了 -Jenny: Run, Forrest, run! Run, Forrest! 跑Forrest跑跑Forrest -Boy A: Come back here, you! 你給我回來 -Jenny: Run, Forrest! Run! 跑Forrest跑 -Forrest: Now, you wouldn't believe if I told you...but I could run like the wind blows. wind blow: 刮風(fēng) 你現(xiàn)在大概不會相信我的話?但我跑起來像風(fēng)一樣。 From that day on, if I was going somewhere, I was running. 從那天開始如果我要去哪里我就跑著去。 -Old Man: That boy sure is a running fool. 那孩子真是個能跑的傻瓜 -Forrest: Now, remember how I told you that Jenny never seemed to want to go home? 記不記得我告訴過你Jenny總是不愛回家 She lived in a house that was as old as Alabama. 她家的房子和亞拉巴馬州一樣老。 Her mama had gone to heaven when she was 5, and her daddy was some kind of a farmer. heaven: 天堂 她五歲時她媽媽就去天堂了她的爸爸好象是個農(nóng)夫。 Jenny? He was a very loving man. He was always kissing and touching her and her sisters. loving: 充滿深情的 Jenny他是個非常有愛心的人。他經(jīng)常親吻撫摸她和她姐妹。 And then this one time, Jenny wasn't on the bus to go to school. 后來有一次Jenny沒有來乘車去學(xué)校。 Jenny, why didn't you come to school today? Jenny你今天怎么不來學(xué)校 -Jenny: Shh. Daddy's taking a nap. nap: 小睡打盹 噓。爸爸正在午睡。 -Jenny’s father: Jenny! Jenny -Jenny: Come on! 快點(diǎn) -Jenny’s father: Jenny, where'd you run to? You better get back here, girl! Jenny你往哪兒跑你最好馬上回來丫頭 Where you at? Jenny! Jenny, where you at? Jenny! 你在哪兒JennyJenny你在哪兒Jenny -Jenny: Pray with me, Forrest. Pray with me. pray: 祈禱 和我一起祈禱Forrest。和我一起祈禱。 -Jenny’s father: Jenny! Jenny -Jenny: Dear God, make me a bird so I can fly far, far, far away from here. 親愛的上帝把我變成一只會飛的鳥吧飛得越遠(yuǎn)越好。 Dear God, make me a bird so I can fly far. 親愛的上帝把我變成一只會飛的鳥吧 -Forrest: Mama always said God is mysterious. mysterious: 神秘的 媽媽常說上帝是神秘的。 -Jenny’s father: Jenny! Jenny -Forrest: He didn 't turn Jenny in to a bird that day. Instead, he had the police say turn into: 變成 那天他沒有把Jenny變成一只鳥。而是?他叫來了警察 Jenny didn't have to stay in that house no more. 說Jenny再也不必住在那間房子里了。 She was to live with her grandma, just over on Creekmore Avenue, which made me happy, 'cause she was so close. 后來她和她祖母住在一起就是克里克大街那里我很高興因?yàn)樗抢镫x我家很近。 Some nights, Jenny'd sneak out and come on over to my house, just 'cause she said she was scared. sneak: 溜走 ‘cause = because 因?yàn)?scared: 害怕的 20- 1.請仔細(xì)閱讀文檔,確保文檔完整性,對于不預(yù)覽、不比對內(nèi)容而直接下載帶來的問題本站不予受理。
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