2137 MG132320-W型采煤機左牽引部機殼的加工工藝規(guī)程及數(shù)控編程
2137 MG132320-W型采煤機左牽引部機殼的加工工藝規(guī)程及數(shù)控編程,mg132320,采煤,牽引,機殼,加工,工藝,規(guī)程,數(shù)控,編程
1附錄 1淬硬齒輪的加工【摘要】用于動力傳動的齒輪和齒輪箱,其尺寸要求更小,齒輪傳動的噪音更低,從而導致對淬硬齒輪的需求,也給齒輪制造廠家提出了探索齒輪加工新方法的要求.概述 用于動力傳動的齒輪和齒輪箱,其尺寸要求更小,齒輪傳動的噪音更低,從而導致對淬硬齒輪的需求,也給齒輪制造廠家提出了探索齒輪加工新方法的要求。 齒輪在淬硬熱處理過程中,其材料組織及應力的改變,通常會使齒輪產(chǎn)生變形,即齒形、齒向及齒距誤差。這此誤差將引起齒廓在傳動時的不正確嚙合,從而加大了載荷,產(chǎn)生齒輪噪音。因此,淬硬齒輪在熱處理后,一般應添加一道精加工工序。 淬硬齒輪精加工工藝可分為兩類:一類是采用非成形的切削刃,如齒輪磨削加工;另一類則是具有成形的切削刃如淬硬齒輪(HRC48 ~53) 滾削加工。 本文將集中討論用于硬滾齒加工的硬質合金刀具成形切削刃的精加工過程。當今的硬質合金材料、刀具涂層和滾齒機技術的發(fā)展,已使淬硬齒輪滾切加工技術有了顯著的提高,特別是在加工小于或等于 12DP 的中小模數(shù)齒輪時,可承受硬切削過程中所產(chǎn)生的極大的切削力。 硬質合金滾刀的選取 硬質合金滾刀在材料的品種規(guī)格上有很大進展。超細、細、中等或大顆粒的硬質合金現(xiàn)在都有產(chǎn)品。此外,硬質合金滾刀毛坯的成形工藝技術也有了顯著提高,如采用熱等靜壓(HIP)工藝,該工藝在高壓高溫下,增加了硬質合金毛坯的內(nèi)在結合力,提高了硬質合金的抗彎強度。按照 ISO 的規(guī)定,實體硬質合金材料可按應用場合的不同分為若干類:齒輪切削刀具分為 K 類和 P 類,K 類硬質合金有更高的耐磨性,P 類則有更好的高溫紅硬性。在 K 牌號和 P牌號硬質合金中,每種牌號硬質合金的顆粒結構是不同的,從中等顆粒到超細顆粒。每種牌號都有其應用場合,這是和顆粒結構相關聯(lián)的。一般來說,對于2軟滾削,K 類比 P 類的性能要好,K 類硬質合金能得到微米級的顆粒結構 (粒度小于 0.5μm),而 P 類則不行。在磨耗方面,K 類韌性更好,壽命更長。 滾刀的重新刃磨和翻新 滾刀加工一定數(shù)量的工件后,其切削刃變鈍,此時必須重新刃磨。刃磨后的滾刀必須保持原有的幾何形狀;切削刃必須鋒利;刀具的金相結構絕不可因磨削過熱而受破壞。因而在刃磨硬質合金滾刀時應采用一種油基冷卻液,它對氯和硫不起反應。對于刮削滾刀,刃磨后的重新涂層并不象用于實體毛坯硬滾的滾刀那樣重要。硬質合金滾刀刃磨后涂層前,建議對其刃口進行預處理。 滾刀的重新刃磨將會除去切削表面的原有涂層,這會減少刀具壽命。刀具是可以重涂的。通常對于 TiN 涂層,可涂 3~4 次;對于 TiCN 和 TiALN 涂層而言,由于涂層本身有很大的內(nèi)應力,所以在切削刃上難以再重新涂層。通過幾次涂覆 TiN 涂層后,會產(chǎn)生高低不均勻的狀況,并有分層脫落的傾向,所以原有涂層必須去除。 目前有兩種方法可去除刀具涂層:化學退涂和物理退涂。用化學退涂去除硬質合金刀具上的涂層是一種精細工藝,要求操作者有相當?shù)氖炀毘潭?。過度的化學退涂不僅將涂層去掉,而且還將溶洗鈷結合劑,損壞硬質合金材料的微觀結構。切削刃的微觀損壞將產(chǎn)生鋸齒狀表面。此外,在退涂時必須對滾刀軸臺、內(nèi)孔及標志進行保護,以免損壞。而物理去涂,則必須由原刀具制造廠來進行,它涉及到整把滾刀齒形的重新磨削。雖然比化學退涂要貴得多,但得到的是一把新滾刀,質量和壽命都能得到保證。 對滾齒機的要求 為了充分發(fā)揮硬質合金和涂層工藝的優(yōu)點,滾齒機應作相應地改進。目前所有先進的滾齒機都按高速滾齒進行設計,其滾齒機的滾刀轉速超過3000r/min,通常為 5000r/min,工件主軸轉速與滾刀轉速相匹配。此外,機床具有很高的動剛度和熱剛度。先進滾齒機的一些主要設計特點為:采用復合環(huán)氧樹脂床身,以改進機床的動態(tài)和靜態(tài)特性;帶有恒溫裝置的高速滾刀主軸箱;高速工件主軸;可采用干、濕二種滾削工藝;帶光電傳感器的數(shù)字驅動系統(tǒng);直線滾動導軌系統(tǒng);高速自動上料(2~3 秒);占地緊湊;按人機工程學設計;維修方便。 采用刮削工藝 無論是機械式的還是 CNC 的滾齒機都能進行刮削,但條件是機床必須裝3備有工件到刀具的自動同步傳動系統(tǒng)。這可使刮削工藝更為經(jīng)濟,對帶有自動上下料系統(tǒng)的機床也很重要。電子非接觸系統(tǒng)靠一個模擬量傳感器發(fā)出脈沖來測量刀具主軸、工件主軸和齒輪的位置。機床 CNC 控制器對這些脈沖進行處理,然后對工件主軸相對于刀具的位置進行調整,使工件輪齒和滾刀刀齒的相對位置關系正確。 在刮削工藝中用冷卻液有很多優(yōu)點:在刮削過程中,冷卻液提供了潤滑性;由于刮削產(chǎn)生的不是正常的切屑,溫度控制極其重要。刮下的切屑較小較薄,不象正常刀屑那樣可帶走許多熱量,所以刮削時采用冷卻液可控制刀具、工件及機床系統(tǒng)的溫度;冷卻液可將切屑從刀具和工件上沖走;改善了工件表面精糙度;提高了刀具壽命。 在“綠色滾削”工藝中,正確選擇齒厚余量是很重要的。推薦選擇順銑滾齒,因為它可得到最厚的切屑,這有助于控制切削過程的動態(tài)狀況,提高刀具壽命。經(jīng)驗證明,切削速度可以超過 200m/min,進給量的選擇取決于所要達到的表面光潔度。典型進給范圍為 0.5~1.25mm/r。刀具移位(竄刀)的方法也很重要,因為刮削時只有粗加工截面的部分切削刃才經(jīng)受磨損。相反,在“綠色切削”過程中,刀具的精加工部分承擔了主要加工量。這意味著在刮削時竄刀量應更大,如齒輪為 12~48DP 時,每次竄刀量為 0.3~0.4mm。 刮削滾刀的選取 刮削硬質合金滾刀分為兩大類:用于 10DP 或更大模數(shù)的滾刀,通常都設計有一個負前角的切削前面,當切削刃接觸到淬硬齒面時,減小了對硬質合金材料的沖擊;對于較小模數(shù)的齒輪,就不需要有負前角。負前角的滾刀的缺點是刃磨困難。滾刀刃磨后外徑減小,為了得到正確的負前角就應改變砂輪的偏置量。 當刮削中、大模數(shù)齒輪時,其齒頂、外圓直徑和齒根部位通常都不被滾削,并要求輪齒到齒根有一個平滑的過渡。為得到沉切和完整的過渡圓弧半徑,提高齒根的抗彎強度,用于大模數(shù)齒輪的理想刮削滾刀應帶有凸緣。 對于小模數(shù)齒輪的加工,應采用標準滾刀。采用標準的徑向前角硬質合金滾刀加工稱為“硬質合金滾刀的再滾切” ,而不是“刮削” ,后者指的是采用了一個負前角滾刀。 硬滾削的技術要求和硬刮削、或硬質合金滾刀再滾削的技術要求幾乎相同,不同之處是采用的竄刀移位的策略不同。在硬滾時,切屑的切除需花費大量能量。該能量最終變?yōu)闊崃俊TO法把這些熱量散發(fā)帶走至關重要。建議每加工一4個工件后,滾刀竄位一個全齒距。當滾刀從頭到尾竄位過后,應將滾刀移到離原始位置有一個偏置量的部位。該偏置量取決于滾刀的設計和應用,其目的是為了有助于滾刀的均勻磨損。另一不同之處是所采用的裝夾系統(tǒng)。由于極大的切削力,夾具必須安全夾緊工件。加工結果表明,同一斜齒輪用硬質合金滾刀再硬滾時,其齒輪質量很高,齒形接近 AGMA10 級,齒向和齒距超過AGMA12 級;全淬硬毛坯硬滾切加工的斜齒輪,其齒輪精度也非常高,齒形精度可達 AGMA10 級,齒向和齒距可達到 AGMA12 級。 結論 已探索出許多經(jīng)濟的方法來加工淬硬齒輪,包括材料的選擇、軟加工方法、熱處理工藝和硬精加工,使淬硬齒輪得到普及,滿足了高質量傳動裝置對淬硬齒輪的要求。 個實體全淬硬工件毛坯進行淬硬滾切加工是一種新的加工工藝。由于有剛性更好的機床和優(yōu)質的硬質合金刀具材料并加以涂層處理,使淬硬滾切成為一種行之有效的加工方法。從工廠的實際應用結果表明,淬硬齒輪滾切(硬滾)工藝具有廣闊的應用前景。英文原文Hard gear processing5[abstract ]uses in the power drive gear and the gear box, its size request smaller, the gear drive noise is lower, thus causes to the hard gear demand, also gave the gear manufacturer to propose explored the gear to process the new method the requestOutline Uses in the power drive gear and the gear box, its size request smaller, the gear drive noise is lower, thus causes to the hard gear demand, also gave the gear manufacturer to propose explored the gear to process the new method the request. The gear in the hard heat treatment process, its material organization and the stress change, usually can cause the gear to have the distortion, namely tooth profile, tooth to and tooth pitch error. This this error will cause the tooth profile not correctly to mesh in the transmission time, thus has enlarged the load, will have the gear noise. Therefore, the hard gear after the heat treatment, should increase together the precision work working procedure generally. The hard gear precision work craft may divide into two kinds: A kind is uses non- formed the cutting edge, like the gear rubs truncates the processing; Another kind then is has formed the cutting edge like hard gear (HRC48 ~ 53) to roll truncates the processing. This article strongly will discuss will use in hardly rolling the hard alloy tools forming cutting edge precision work process which the tooth will process. The now hard alloy material, the cutting tool coating and the gear-hobbing machine technology development, has caused the hard gear to roll cuts the processing technology to have the remarkable enhancement, specially is smaller than in the processing or was equal to when 12DP center small modulus gear, may withstand the enormous cutting force which in the hard cutting process produces. Hard alloy hob selection The hard alloy hob has the very big progress in the material variety specification. Superfine, is thin, medium or the big pellet hard alloy now all has the product. In addition, the hard alloy hob semifinished materials formed craft technology also had the remarkable enhancement, like uses static pressure and so on heat (HIP) the craft, this craft under the high-pressured high temperature, increased the hard alloy 6semifinished materials intrinsic binding force, enhanced the hard alloy anti- curved intensity. According to the ISO stipulation, the entity hard alloy material may differently divide into certain kinds according to the application situation: The gear cutting tool divides into K kind and P kind, K kind of hard alloy has a higher resistance to wear, P kind then has the better high temperature red hardness. In the K trademark and in the P trademark hard alloy, each kind of trademark hard alloy granular structure is different, from medium pellet to superfine pellet. Each kind of trademark all has its application situation, this is and the granular structure is connected. Generally speaking, regarding softly rolls truncates, the K analogy P kind of performance is friends with, K kind of hard alloy can obtain a micron level the granular structure (granularity to be smaller than 0.5 mu m), but P kind then is not good. In abrasion aspect, K kind of toughness better, the life is longer. The hob resharpens and renovates After the hob processing certain quantity work piece, its cutting edge failure, this time must resharpen. Sharpens the after hob to have to maintain the original geometry shape; The cutting edge must be sharp; The cutting tool golden phase structure cannot because rub truncates the heat but to destroy. Thus when sharpens the hard alloy hob should use one kind of oil base refrigerant, it does not get up to the chlorine and the sulfur the response. Regarding scrapes the hob, sharpens after the coating not likely to use in hob such which the entity semifinished materials hardly rolls being important again. After the hard alloy hob sharpens in front of the coating, suggested carries on the pretreatment to its cutting edge. The hob rewill sharpen can except the cutting surface original coating, this will be able to reduce the cutting tool life. The cutting tool is may again spread. Usually regarding the TiN coating, may spread 3 ~ 4; Says regarding TiCN and the TiALN coating, because coating itself has the very big internal stress, therefore on cutting edge with difficulty again again coating. After several spreading TiN coating, can have the height non-uniformity condition, and influentials the tendency which the level falls off, therefore the original coating must remove. At present has two methods to be possible to remove the cutting tool coating: Chemistry draws back spreads draws back with physics spreads. Draws back with chemistry spreads removes on the hard alloy tools the coating is one kind of fine 7craft, requests the operator to have the suitable level of expertise. The excessively chemistry draws back spreads not only removes the coating, moreover also will dissolve washes the cobalt cement, the damage hard alloy material microscopic structure. The cutting edge microscopic damage will produce the zigzag surface. In addition, when draws back spreads must to the hob pillow block, in the hole and the sign carries on the protection, in order to avoid damages. But physics spreads, then must carry on by the original cutting tool factory, it involves to puts in order rerubs the hob tooth profile truncates. Although draws back chemistry spreads must be much more expensive than, but obtains is a new hob, the quality and the life all can obtain the guarantee. To gear-hobbing machine request In order to fully displays the hard alloy and the coating craft merit, the gear-hobbing machine should do correspondingly improves. At present all advanced gear-hobbing machines all press high speed roll the tooth to carry on the design, its gear-hobbing machine hob rotational speed surpasses 3000r/Min, usually is 5000r/Min, the work piece main axle rotational speed and the hob rotational speed match. In addition, the engine bed has very high moves the rigidity and the hot rigidity. The advanced gear-hobbing machine some main design characteristics are: Uses the compound epoxy resin lathe bed, by improves the engine bed the tendency and the static characteristic; Has the constant temperature installment the high speed hob headstock; High speed work piece main axle; May use does, the wet two kinds rolls truncates the craft; Belt electro-optical sensor digital actuation system; The straight line rolls the guide rail system; High speed automatic high-quality goods (2 ~ 3 seconds); The occupying a land area of is compact; According to man-machine engineering design; Services conveniently. Uses scrapes the craft Regardless of is the mechanical type the CNC gear-hobbing machine all can carry on scrapes, but the condition is the engine bed must equip has the work piece to the cutting tool selsyn train system. This may cause to scrape the craft economically, to has on the automatic yummy treats system the engine bed very to be also important. The electronic non- contact system depends on a simulation quantity sensor to send 8out the pulse to survey the cutting tool main axle, the work piece main axle and the gear position. The engine bed CNC controller carries on processing to these pulses, then is opposite to the work piece main axle in the cutting tool position carries on the adjustment, causes a work piece turn of tooth and the hob knife tooth relative position relations is correct. In scrapes in the craft to have very many merits with the refrigerant: In scrapes in the process, the refrigerant has provided the lubricating ability; Because scrapes produces is not the normal scrap, the temperature control is extremely important. Blows the scrap small is thin, does not look like normal knife filings such to be possible to carry off many quantity of heats, therefore scrapes time uses the refrigerant to be possible to control the cutting tool, the work piece and the engine bed system temperature; The refrigerant may washes away the scrap from the cutting tool and the work piece; Improved the work piece surface fine roughness; Enhanced the cutting tool life. "Rolls in the green truncates" in the craft, correctly chooses the tooth thick remainder is very important. The recommendation choice down milling rolls the tooth, because it may obtain the thickest scrap, this is helpful to the control cutting process dynamic condition, enhances the cutting tool life. The experience proved that, the cutting speed may surpass 200m/Min, enters for the quantity choice is decided by the superficially attractive fineness which must achieve. The model enters for the scope is 0.5 ~ 1.25mm/R. The cutting tool shifts (flees knife) the method very to be also important, because scrapes time only then the rough machining section partial cutting edges only then undergo the attrition. On the contrary, in "the green cutting" in the process, the cutting tool precision work has partially undertaken the main process load. This meant when scraping flees the knife quantity to be supposed to be bigger, when like the gear is 12 ~ 48DP, each time flees the knife quantity is 0.3 ~ 0.4mm. Scrapes the hob the selection Scrapes the hard alloy hob to divide into two big kinds: Uses in 10DP or the bigger modulus hob, usually all designs has a negative rake front the cutting, when the cutting edge contacts to the hard tooth face, reduced to the hard alloy material impact; Regarding the small modulus gear, does not need to have the negative rake. 9The negative rake hob shortcoming is sharpens the difficulty. After the hob sharpens the outer diameter to reduce, in order to obtain the correct negative rake to be supposed to change the grinding wheel the bias quantity. When scrapes, the big modulus gear, its addendum, the outer annulus diameter and the tooth root spot all are usually not rolled truncates, and has a smooth transition a request turn of tooth to the tooth root. In order to obtain sinks cuts with the integrity transition circular arc radius, enhances the tooth root the anti- curved intensity, uses in the big modulus gear ideal scraping the hob to be supposed to have the flange. Regarding the small modulus gear processing, should use the standard hob. Uses the standard in front of the radial direction the angle hard alloy hob processing to be called "the hard alloy hob to roll again cuts", but is not "scrapes", latter referred has used a negative rake hob. Hardly rolls the specification which truncates and hardly scrapes the specification which, or the hard alloy hob rolls again truncates nearly same, similarity is uses the strategy which flees the knife to shift to be different. When hardly rolls, the scrap excision must spend the massive energies. This energy finally becomes the quantity of heat. Tries to carry off very important these thermal sending out. After the suggestion processes a work piece every time, the hob flees a position entire tooth pitch. When the hob will flee from beginning to end the position from now on, will be supposed to transfer to the hob to the initial position has a bias quantity the spot. This bias quantity is decided by the hob design and the application, its goal is for be helpful to the hob uniform wear. Another one similarity is the attire which uses clamps the system. As a result of the enormous cutting force, the jig must safely clamp the work piece. The processing result indicated that, the identical helical gear when hardly rolls again with the hard alloy hob, its gear quality is very high, the tooth profile approaches the AGMA10 level, the tooth to surpasses the AGMA12 level with the tooth pitch; The entire hard semifinished materials hardly roll cut the processing the helical gear, its gear precision extremely is also high, the tooth profile precision may reach the AGMA10 level, the tooth to may achieve the AGMA12 level with the tooth pitch. Conclusion 10At present has explored many economies the method to process the hard gear, including the material choice, the soft processing method, the heat treatment craft and the hard precision work, enable the hard gear to obtain the popularization, has satisfied the high grade transmission device to the hard gear request.Carries on from entity entire hard work piece semifinished materials hardly rolls cuts the processing is one kind of new processing craft. Because has a rigid better engine bed and the high quality hard alloy tools material and performs coating processing, causes hardly to roll slivers is one effective processing method. Indicated from the factory practical application result that, the hard gear rolls cuts (hardly rolls) the craft to have the broad application prospect.