2522 電風扇上蓋注塑模具設計
2522 電風扇上蓋注塑模具設計,電風扇,注塑,模具設計
The Injection Molding1、The injection moldingInjection molding is principally used for the production of the thermoplastic parts,although some progress has been made in developing a method for injection molding some thermosetting materials.The problem of injection a method plastic into a mold cavity from a reservoir of melted material has been extremely difficult to solve for thermosetting plastic which cure and harden under such conditions within a few minutes.The principle of injection molding is quite similar to that of die-casting.The process consists of feeding a plastic compound in powered or granular form from a hopper through metering and melting stages and then injecting it into a mold.After a brief cooling period,the mold is opened and the solidified part ejected.Injection-molding machine operation.The advantage of injection molding are:(?。゛ high molding speed adapter for mass production is possible;(ⅱ)there is a wide choice of thermoplastic materials providing a variety of useful properties;(ⅲ)it is possible to mold threads,undercuts,side holes,and large thin section.2、The injection-molding machineSeveral methods are used to force or inject the melted plastic into the mold.The most commonly used system in the larger machines is the in-line reciprocating screw,as shown in Figure 2-1.The screw acts as a combination injection and plasticizing unit.As the plastic is fed to the rotating screw,it passes through three zones as shown:feed,compression,and metering.After the feed zone,the screw-flight depth is gradually reduced,force the plastic to compress.The work is converted to heat by conduction from the barrel surface.As the chamber in front of the screw becomes filled,it forces the screw back,tripping a limit switch that activates a hydraulic cylinder that forces the screw forward and injects the fluid plastic into the closed mold.An antiflowback valve presents plastic under pressure from escaping back into the screw flight.The clamping force that a machine is capable of exerting is part of the size designation and is measured in tons.A rule-of-thumb can be used to determine the tonnage required for a particular job.It is based on two tons of clamp force per square inch of projected area.If the flow pattern is difficult and the parts are thin,this may have to go to three or four tons.Many reciprocating-screw machines are capable of handing thermosetting plastic materials.Previously these materials were handled by compression or transfer molding.Thermosetting materials cure or polymerize in the mold and are ejected hot in the range of 375°C~410°C.Thermosetting parts must be allowed to cool in the mold in order or remove them without distortion. Thus thermosetting cycles can be faster.Of course the mold must be heated rather than chilled,as with thermoplastics.3、Basic Underfeed MouldA simple mould of this type is shown in Figure3-1,and the description of the design and the opening sequence follows.The mould consists of three basic parts,namely:the moving half,the floating cavity plate and the feed plate respectively.The moving half consists of The moving mould plate assembly,support block,backing plate,ejector assembly and the pin ejection system.Thus the moving half in this design is identical with the moving half of basic moulds.The floating cavity plate,which may be of the integer or insert-bolster design,is located on substantial guide pillars(not shown)fitted in the feed plate.These guide pillars must be of sufficient length to support the floating cavity plate over its full movement and still project to perform the function of alignment between the cavity and core when the mould is being closed.Guide bushes are fitted into the moving mould plate and the floating cavity plate respectively.The maximum movement of the floating cavity plate is controlled by stop or similar device.The moving mould plate is suitably bored to provide a clearance for the stop bolt assembly.The stop bolts must be long enough to provide sufficient space between the feed plate and the floating cavity plate for easy removal of the feed system.The minimum space provide for should be 65mm just sufficient for an operator to remove the feed system by hand if necessary.The desire operating sequence is for the first daylight to occur between the floating cavity plate.This ensures the sprue is pulled from the sprue bush immediately the mould is opened.To achieve this sequence,springs may be incorporated between the feed plate and the floating cavity plate.The springs should be strong enough to give an initial impetus to the floating cavity plate to ensure it moves away with the moving half.It is normal practice to mount the springs on the guide pillars( Figure3-2)and accommodate them in suitable pocket in the cavity plate.The major part of the feed system(runner and sprue) is accommodated in the feed plate to facilitate automatic operation,the runner should be of a trapezoidal form so that once it is pulled from the feed plate is can easily be extracted.Note that if a round runner is used,half the runner is formed in the floating cavity plate,where it would remain,and be prevented from falling or being wiped clear when the mould is opened.Now that we have considered the mould assembly in the some detail,we look at the cycle of operation for this type of mould.The impressions are filled via the feed system(Figure3-1(a ) )and after a suitable dwell period,the machine platens commence to open.A force is immediately exerted by the compression springs,which cause the floating cavity plate to move away with the moving half as previously discussed.The sprue is pulled from the sprue bush by the sprue puller.After the floating cavity plate has moved a predetermined distance,it is arrested by the stop bolts.The moving half continues to move back and the moldings,having shrunk on to the cores,are withdrawn from the cavities.The pin gate breaks at its junction with the runner(Figure3-1(b) ).The sprue puller,being attached to the moving half,is pulled through the floating cavity plate and thereby release the feed system which is then free to fall between the floating cavity plate and the feed plate.The moving half continues to move back until the ejector system is operated and the moldings are ejected(Figure3-1(c) ).When the mould is closed,the respective plates are returned to their molding position and the cycle is repeated.(部份資料)
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2522 電風扇上蓋注塑模具設計,電風扇,注塑,模具設計
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