2007 China (Huainan) International Symposium on Coal Gas Control Technology
Gas Drainage in High Efficiency Workings
in German Coal Mines
Dr. Joachim Brandt, DMT GmbH, Germany
In the course of increasing production in the workings of German hard coal mining, the part of ventilation techniques as a factor of production has also increasing importance. In view of still increasing production the cooling of the air is critical for the attainable production on the one hand. On the other hand, the increasing gas emissions have to be controlled as well.
This is achieved by fans of high capacity as well as by cross-sections in the underground workings, which are as big as possible, especially in the gateways. Furthermore, increasing cooling power is installed.
The air volumes cannot be enlarged unlimited, yet, and rapidly reach their limit due to national statutory regulations concerning the maximal allowed air velocities.
Besides that, a methane concentration of 1?Vol.-% in the maximum must be maintained in general, which is allowed to be exceeded only with the agreement of the mining authority in defined parts of workings up to a limit of 1,5?Vol.%.
Due to a dense sequence of coal seams in the German hard coal deposits, the firedamp is released during the exploitation not only from the worked seam, but essentially from the seams in the roof and in the floor behind the passage of the longwall. A gas drainage on the base of an efficient technique is necessary, firstly in order to fulfil the safety regulations and secondly to achieve a maximal production in the working.
An investigation, recently finished and executed concerning the improvement of the gas drainage indicated that, by means of rock mechanical calculations and interpretations, an increase in the efficiency of gas drainage boreholes is still possible.
The methane emissions in mining operation depend principally on geologic conditions. In rock sequences with a small portion of coal in the roof and the floor, only the released gas quantity from the exploited seam – also defined as basic gas emission?– has to be diluted with the air flow. This methane flow can reduce the exploitation relevantly by an increasing desorbable gas content in the coal. In particular, the coal mass flow quickly exploited with high-capacity production can release very high methane quantities from the accompanying seams. This high methane flow generates an exceeding of the threshold values and leads to switch off of the electrical equipment and to the interruption of production.
In a rock sequence with a high portion of coal in the roof and the floor additional gas from the accompanying seams in the area of gas emissions is released into the air flow behind the passage of the longwall. In the Ruhr Basin this gas flow, also defined as additional gas emission, is normally many times higher than the basic gas emission.
Figure?1 illustrates the loosening of layers caused by longwall mining operation in flat layers. These loosenings can be – according to their degree - flow ways for the released gas from the accompanying seams. The coloured areas mark the degree of loosening with red for intensive, dark blue for light and grey for no loosening.
Figure 1: Example for the loosening of the rocks in the roof and the floor of a longwall operation (view of the left side only; the right side is symmetric)
There can be a high rate of additional gas emissions according to the seam thickness in the area of gas emissions and according to their gas content. Figure 2 shows that the production can decrease dramatically already at low gas contents if there is no gas drainage for the suction of the additional gas emission.
This extreme reduction of saleable output and advance of production requires extreme increasing of the air flow and – furthermore – gas drainage is necessary. Thereby the legal regulations for the German hard coal mining have to be observed, which are the following:
maximum air velocity 6?m/s
maximum methane concentration 1?Vol.-%
exceptional methane concentration 1,5?Vol.-%
minimum negative pressure in the gas drainage 100?hPa
Figure 2: Example for the decline of production in case of (increasing) additional gas emission
Improvement of the gas drainage for maximising the output
After increasing the air flow following the legal regulations, and with the permission by the authorities for maximum methane concentrations of 1,5 Vol.-%, and after commissioning a gas drainage system, the output can be increased to a quantity, which is again profitable (see figure 3).
Normally, the efficiency of the gas drainage system is up to 50% of the total methane flow occurring during exploitation. An additional optimising of the gas drainage above that also increases the face output.
A longwall in seam H of the mine Prosper Haniel serves as an example for optimising gas drainage results (figure?4).
The length of the panel of approx. 960 m was mined with a daily advance of production of approx. 7 m/d in 140 work days although the desorbable gas contents were at approx. 8 m3/t and the gas make from the additional gas emission was 30 m3 on the average per exploited ton. The drained methane quantities were up to approx. 650.000 m3 per week (approx. 65 m3/ min). The gas drainage efficiency reached up to 72%.
The gas drainage boreholes were drilled from both gate ways into the roof and the floor. The distance from one another was 10 m.
Figure?3: Example of increased output by doubling of air flow and installation of a gas drainage system with 50% efficiency.
A gas pipe of 500 mm diameter was available in the loader gate. In the tail gate, a gas pipe of 300 mm width was installed behind the face and extended according to the advance of the exploitation.
The total air flow for the panel was up to 85 m3/s. In the working area methane concentrations of up to 1,5 Vol.-% were locally allowed. Outside the working area towards the air return shaft the limit of 1?%-methane concentration had to be observed.
Principles for gas drainage
A basic draft (figure?5) shows the function of a gas drainage: Gas boreholes are drilled along the goaf shortly behind the longwall. In general, the roof emits the most gas. However, from the floor a considerably additional gas flow can be expected in the case of high gas contents. According to the rock properties, the gas boreholes are tubed at their beginning at a length of 7.5?m to 20 m and the annular space between tube and fractured rocks near to the roadway is sealed with plastic material (adhesive or foam plastic). This technology reduces unwanted leakages. The diameters of these boreholes are 75?mm to 115 mm. Their length depends on the distance of gassy layers (accompanying seams), which have to be drained from the exploited seam. The length varies normally between 30m and 60 m. In particular cases the length can be 100?m and more if there are special rock mechanical conditions.
The incline of the borehole to the roadway axis is between 75 gon and 90 gon. According to the occurring gas volume, the distance between the boreholes can be 10 m to 50 m. The boreholes are connected to the gas pipes by plastic tubes with adequate adapters.
For planning and dimensioning of gas drainage systems, it is necessary to calculate the occurring quantities of gas mixtures in the planned mining operations at an early stage (prediction of gas emissions)
Most important factors concerning the technology of gas drainage
Dimensioning of pipes
Pipes are the most important part of a functional and high-capacity gas drainage system. If they are not dimensioned according to the flow characteristic of the gas quantities to be expected, the success of the gas drainage is put into question. Even high-capacity pumping stations cannot compensate the pressure loss due to pipe cross sections, which are too small. In the range of negative pressure there is only a very small margin of 300 hPa to 400 hPa available for the compensation of pressure consumption (pipe friction, water accumulation, installations, bends of the pipeline).
The normal operating range of the pumps is in general at a negative pressure of 400 hPa to 450 hPa. At the end of the gas collection pipe in the mining area there should be a negative pressure of at least 100 hPa according to the German rules. That means that only approx. 300 hPa to 350 hPa are available for all pressure losses in the gas piping net.
Figure?4: Arrangement of gas boreholes and air supply of a longwall in seam?H, mine Prosper-Haniel.
The context between quantities of gas mixtures, which have to be drained, and pressure losses due to small-dimensioned pipes is illustrated in the following diagram (figure?6):
Figure?5: Basic draft for gas drainage boreholes (schematic diagrams)
A pipe diameter of less than 400 mm is unfavourable. A tolerable pressure loss in the system normally occurs, when there are flow velocities of between 10 m/s and 15 m/s. However, the length of the pipeline has to be taken into consideration (in fig.?6 for 1000?m).
Even at diameters of 300 mm the pressure loss is four times higher compared to a pipe width of 400 mm. The pressure consumption graph rises steeply, when there is a diameter below 300 mm.
The false gas pipe cross section has quickly negative effects on the accessible output of a mining operation due to reduced efficiency of the gas drainage.
High capacity pumps
The pumps to be used should produce negative pressure of up to 500 hPa. Water ring pumps or rotary pumps are suitable here, which are available on the market for any capacity. When planning a pumping station a certain tolerance for capacity modification has to be kept in mind in case the gas quantities increase during the life of the mine.
Figure?6: Pressure consumption depending on pipe diameter
The single capacities of the pumps should be dimensioned according to the minimum and maximum of the gas quantities to be expected (pumps with graduated capacities). A reserve pump is prescribed by law. Water ring pumps have certain advantages compared to rotary pumps if higher negative pressures have to be reached. In case of a pipe system sufficiently dimensioned, the construction types are equivalent.
The drive capacities installed in the gas drainage stations of the German hard coal mines for high gas quantities are 1.5 MW and more, if required. This can cope with volume flows of up to 175 m3/min pure methane, which corresponds to gas mixture quantities of 21000 m3/h at a methane concentration of 50%.
Rock mechanical aspects for the optimisation of the gas drainage
Considering rock mechanical aspects helps to optimise the gas drainage. A preferably precise reproduction of the rock sequence in a rock mechanical computer model offers conclusions for the ideal arrangement and length of gas boreholes. A visual implementation of rock mechanical calculations of the processes of loosening allows insights into the rocks and therefore an idea about the area of gas emissions in the area of loosening of mining operations.
The following figure?7 of a working at the mine Walsum, shows as an example of a single case plastifications – and consequently the occurring flow ways - reaching far into the roof (visible by the light red areas). The dip angle of the rock sequence amounts 20?gon.
Figure?7: Plastifications in the roof and the floor of a working at Walsum mine
By use of this model of rock mechanical reactions, the existing drilling schema was modified (figure?8):
Figure?8: Increase of gas emissions in the case of incline and length modification of the gas boreholes (Walsum mine)
After modifying the bore angle from approx. 80 gon to 90 gon and the bore length from 55 m to 110 m, there was a significantly higher efficiency of the single boreholes (see top graph). As a result, at this working and also in the following working the efficiency of gas drainage could be increased up to more than 70%.
Due to a study of the years 2004 and 2005 led by support of the DMT?GmbH, rock mechanical calculations were made for a high number of workings with various rock sequences of the Carboniferous in the Ruhr Basin. Thereby, processes of rock loosening, which can influence the gas emission, were analysed.
At the same time, occurring rock tensions behind passage of the longwall in the rocks were analysed, which might influence the height and the time of the gas release. This study offers an extensive collection of experiences in this regard, which allow to evaluate future methane flows better and to plan gas drainage systems more reliable.
The following illustration (figure?9) serves as a last example of the complexity of the relations between rock mechanics and gas release.
Here, the processes of loosening (on the left) are compared to the occurring rock tensions (on the right). A sandstone layer of 25 m to 30 m thickness near above the worked seam is remarkable in this example. Compared to the softer kinds of rocks this layer shows only minor plastifications. This fact corresponds to the present mining experiences.
Concerning the rock mechanical comparison to rocks with less solidness, an essentially higher and longer lasting pressure relief of the layers lying above this sandstone occurs.
This means with respect to the gas emissions that the seams lying above the sandstone also underly to a higher and longer lasting pressure relief than it is normally the case for less solid accompanying rocks. For this reason, they emit in total much more methane than one has to expect according to a conventional gas emission.
Figure 9: Plastification and relief of mechanical pressure in the area of looseningof a longwall operation with a thick, hard sandstone layer in the roof
In a single case up to three times higher methane inflows occurred in a seam in a working at the mine Ost than calculated before.
In the meantime the gas drainage system was extended to a capacity of 15.000?m3 gas mixture per hour. Furthermore, a special piping method was developed for the safe suction of the additional gas emission above the sandstone layer. This method guarantees a lifetime of the gas boreholes of more than 12 months.
Additionally, the underground piping net, which has to bridge a length of approx. 12 km from the drainage station at the surface to the exploitation, was extended in a way that two thirds of the pipelines consist of parallel strings with 500 to 600?mm diameter.
Completing Comments
On the whole, increasing gas contents and consequently higher additional gas emissions limit the increase of production.
According to the national laws there must be a high expense for ventilation as well as gas sucking technology to achieve a maximum output. Safety, which is an important factor of production, as well as economical aspects will be maintained.
Additionally, the utilisation of the methane emissions can compensate financial expenses at least partially. However, the gas drainage systems have to be dimensioned optimal. Here, it is important to coordinate the underground gas pipe nets and the above ground gas drainage stations for the gas flows to be expected in the mining operations.
Essen, 04.05.2007
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Joachim Brandt博士
DMT GmbH公司,艾森,德國Essen,2007年4月5日
最大風(fēng)速: 6m/s
通過遵循法定的條例來增加風(fēng)量,經(jīng)過官方允許的最大瓦斯含量(1,5 Vol.-%),并且經(jīng)過調(diào)試瓦斯抽放系統(tǒng),產(chǎn)量又可以重新達(dá)到一個(gè)可觀值。(見圖3)
Prosper Haniel煤礦的一個(gè)位于H煤層的長壁工作面作為優(yōu)化瓦斯抽采系統(tǒng)的結(jié)果的示例(圖4)
該區(qū)段推進(jìn)長度約960m,在140個(gè)工作日內(nèi)日進(jìn)7m,盡管瓦斯解析量約為8 m3/t且加上額外瓦斯釋放得到的總瓦斯含量為平均每噸30 m3。每周的瓦斯抽放量達(dá)到650.000 m3左右(排放速度65 m3/ min左右)。瓦斯抽放時(shí)間利用率達(dá)到72%。
一個(gè)直徑500mm的瓦斯抽放管可以布置在運(yùn)輸巷,在軌道巷,在工作面后面布置一個(gè)直徑300mm的管子,并依據(jù)開采適時(shí)延長。區(qū)段總風(fēng)流可達(dá)85米3/ s。在工作區(qū)域的局部可以允許甲烷濃度達(dá)到1、5 Vol. - %。工作面以外的濃度不得高于1%。
一個(gè)基本的草案(圖5)表明瓦斯抽放的機(jī)理:緊隨工作面,沿著采空區(qū)打抽放鉆孔。一般來說,頂板釋放大部分瓦斯。然而,若地板含有大量瓦斯,就有可能出現(xiàn)大量的額外瓦斯氣流。根據(jù)巖石特性、氣體鉆井是布置在他們開頭長度為7.5米到20米長。另外,抽放管和鉆空間的環(huán)狀空間由塑料材料(膠或泡沫塑料)充填。該技術(shù)減少不必要的泄漏。這些鉆孔直徑為75毫米到115毫米。它們的長度取決于含瓦斯層(臨近層)的距離,這些瓦斯必須從已經(jīng)形成的縫隙加以抽放。不同的長度通常在30米,60米之間。在特定的情況下, 如果有特殊的巖石力學(xué)狀況,長度可以達(dá)到100米或更多。
管道直徑小于400毫米是不利的。當(dāng)流速介于10 m/s和15m/s,一些在允許范圍內(nèi)的壓力損失會(huì)經(jīng)常發(fā)生。然而,管道的長度必須被考慮(圖6為1000m)。
在德國的硬煤煤礦的瓦斯抽采站,如果需要的話,用以抽采大量瓦斯的驅(qū)動(dòng)功率可以達(dá)到1.5MW或更多。這足以匹配達(dá)到175 m3/m