本科畢業(yè)論文撰寫規(guī)范及要求,,,論文選題及開題報告要求 畢業(yè)論文內容要求 英語畢業(yè)論文引文及參考文獻目錄格式要求,首先選擇一個大致研究方向、確定初步題目,然后逐漸縮小范圍,最后以問題或假設的形式擬出一個針對性強的題目。題目忌籠統(tǒng),抓好切入點。,1.選題定義:,以下為過于籠統(tǒng)的題目,1) The Body Language in Nonverbal Communication 2) The Intercultural Communication 3) The Western Culture 4) The Culture of America 5) English - Chinese Translation Theories 6) English Teaching in Middle School 7) On Non-Intelligence Factors to Foreign Language Learning,2.選題原則:,題目應具有創(chuàng)新性、重要性和趣味性,也要注意可操作性,最后要考慮是否有足夠的參考資料。 創(chuàng)新性包括新的結論、對已有結論的補充或完善(如,新論據)、對某種問題提出的新的或補充性的解決方案、親自調查獲得的新數據以及個案研究或分析獲得的結果等。總之,論文必須有自己的觀點。掌握前沿,在某一點上創(chuàng)新。 重要性是指選題力求實用或具有實際意義,能解決某個或某種現(xiàn)實問題;也可針對某一有爭議的問題表達自己的立場,然后搜尋材料以支持自己的觀點。同時論文要講究科學性,避免鉆牛角尖。 可操作性涉及時間的限制和論文長度要求的限制。,3. 選題范圍,1) British and American literature 2) Translation Theories and/or Practice 3) English Language and Linguistics 4) Language and Culture 5) English Teaching Methodology (Approach to middle school teaching),1) British and American literature,a) Jane Austin’s Marriage Conception in Pride and Prejudice b) The Analysis of the Relationship between Love and Money in Pride and Prejudice c) Analysis of the Characterization of Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice,,d) On the Ending and Features of O. Henry Short Stories e) Love Tragedy Caused by Puritanism in Scarlet Letter f) Feminist Ideas in Scarlet Letter g) An Analysis of the Image of Scarlet in Gone with the Wind,,h) A Brief Analysis of Hemingway's Life Philosophy in The Old Man and the Sea i) On Ernest Hemingway’s Attitude of the Lost Generation by His Work The Sun Also Rises j) A Research about Bronte Sisters and the Female Consciousness Demonstrated in Their Novels,2) Translation Theories and/or Practice,a) The Research of the Culture Factors in Advertisement Translation b) The Translation of Metaphors from the View of Cognitive Linguistics c) The Language Characteristics and Translation Skills of Business Contract d) Puns and Their Translation in English Advertisement,,e) The Use and Translation of Words in Business Correspondence f) On Chinese-English Translation in the Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Advertising Languages g) A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Idioms and Their Translation,,h) The Influence of Cultural Differences between China and the West on Translation i) An Analysis of English Metaphor Translation j) Application of Literal and Free Translation in English-Chinese Translation k) On the Effect of Context in Translation l) Translation of Investment-Inviting Texts,3)English Language and Linguistics,a) Affective Factors Influencing Foreign Language Learning b) On Motivation in Second Language Acquisition c) Impact of Language Anxiety on English Learners of High School d) Analysis of Rhetoric Use in English Literary Works e) The Symbolic Meaning of Color Terms in Chinese and Western Cultures,,f) A Study of Gender Difference in English Language g) The Influence of Body Language on the Effect of Speech身勢語對演講效果的影響 h) The Comparison of the Cultural Connotations about the English and Chinese Idioms英漢成語的文化內涵對比 i) Semantic Fuzziness of Numbers in English and Chinese Idioms and the Translation j) Error Analysis in English Advertising Translation,,k) The Exploration into Chinese and English Verbal Humor from Cultural and Pragmatic Perspective l) A Study on the Cultural Differences in Chinese and English Euphemisms m) On the Development of Euphemism and its Social Value in Intercultural Communication,,n) A Study on Linguistic Features of English Advertisement o) On the Application of Metaphor in Advertising English p) Principles of Politeness in English Teacher’s Talk q) On Positive Transfer of the Native Language in Foreign Language Teaching,,r) On Fostering Autonomous Learning Ability in English Teaching論英語教學中自主學習能力的培養(yǎng) s) A Brief Study on Frequently-Used Figures of Speech in News Headlines t) A Comparative Study on English and Chinese Idioms with Numbers u) On the Application of Puns in Advertising English,4) Language and Culture,a) An Analysis of the Obstacles in Intercultural Communication b) A Comparative Study of the Factors Influencing Divorce in Chinese and Western Countries c) Comparison of Food Culture between China and the West d) A Contrastive Study of Traditional Wedding Customs between China and England,,e) Comparison of Chinese Spring Festival and Christmas f) Family Education Differences Between China and Western Countries g) Cultural Collision in Non-verbal Business Communication非言語商務交際中的文化沖突 h) Differences of Politeness Principles Between English and Chinese Cultures 中英兩種文化中禮貌原則的區(qū)別,5) English Teaching Methodology (Approach to middle school teaching),a) Psychological Analysis of Inferior Students and Corresponding Teaching Tactics in English Learning b) The Role of the Classroom Activities in Oral English Teaching in Junior School c) A Study of Improving Junior Students’ Oral English through Interactive Teaching Approach (利用互動式教學提高初中生口語能力),,d) The Application of Cooperation Learning in Oral English Teaching of Middle School e) On Writing Skills of Disaster News in English News Publications f) A Brief Discussion on Effects of Seeing Films on Improvement of Oral English g) The Change of English Teacher's Role in Writing Class in Middle School,,h) An Investigation on the Negative Transfer in Non-English Major's English Writing i) The Relationship between Vocabulary Learning and Reading Comprehensive Ability Promotion j) Survey of English Reading Strategy among Senior High School Students k) The Development of Intercultural Communicative Competence through Intensive Reading,,l) An Investigation into Vocabulary Learning Strategies for English Majors m) The Application of Task-based Approach in English Listening Teaching n) Multimedia Network English Teaching and Autonomous Learning o) On Cohesion Principle and the Application in English Writing p) The Application of Role-play in the English Dialogic Teaching,4.開題報告的組成部分,1) A brief introduction to your (pre-) research; 2) The significance of your thesis (or project), especially your own contribution to the field of your study; 3) The plan of your thesis; 4) A formal outline of your thesis.,二、 畢業(yè)論文內容要求,(一) 論文題目(Title) 論文題目應該簡短、明確、有概括性,能反映論文特點、專業(yè)特點和學科范疇,字數要適當,一般不宜超過20字,必要時可加副標題。所有實詞首字母大寫。,,(二) 摘要及關鍵詞 (Abstract and Key words) 論文摘要是論文內容不加注釋和評論的簡短陳述,應以第三人稱陳述。摘要應具有獨立性和自含性,即不閱讀論文全文,就能獲得必要信息。論文摘要應概括地反映出畢業(yè)論文的目的、內容、方法、成果和結論。一般應從以下三個方面著手:研究背景、本文主要內容及本研究的重要意義或價值。摘要中不宜使用公式、圖表,不標注引用文獻標號。摘要字數為200—300字,中、英文摘要和關鍵詞應相同。,,關鍵詞是為了文獻標引工作從論文中選取出來用以表示全文主題內容的單詞或術語。一般每篇論文應選取3-5個詞作為關鍵詞,關鍵詞間用分號,并按2個空格鍵分隔。最后一個詞后不打標點符號。,,(三) 目錄(Contents) 目錄頁由論文的章、節(jié)、條、附錄、題錄等的序號、名稱和頁碼組成,另起一頁排在摘要頁之后。章、節(jié)、小節(jié)分別按相應要求標出。目錄頁最多包括4級標題。,(四)論文主體 (Main Body),1. 引言(或緒論) (Introduction) 引言(或緒論)簡要說明研究工作的目的、范圍、相關領域的前人工作和知識空白、理論基礎和分析、研究設想、研究方法和實驗設計、預期結果和意義等。緒論應言簡意賅,不要與摘要雷同,不要成為摘要的注釋。(What, Why, How, Structure),,2、文獻回顧(Literature Review) 對于前人在相關領域內的研究的回顧、評述、介紹與總結。,,3. 正文 (Body) 論文的正文是核心部分,占主要篇幅,可以包括:調查對象、實驗和觀測方法、數據資料、經過加工整理的圖表、形成的論點、導出的結論等。論文必須實事求是,客觀真切,準確完備,合乎邏輯,層次分明,簡練可讀。論文中引用別人的觀點、結果及圖表與數據必須注明出處,在參考文獻中一并列出。,,4. 圖 (Diagrams) 圖應具有“自明性”,即只看圖例,不閱讀正文,就可理解圖意。圖應編排序號。每一圖應有簡短確切的題名,連同圖號置于圖下。圖題采用五號字。必要時,應將圖上的符號、標記、代碼等,用最簡練的文字,橫排于圖題下方,作為圖例說明。圖如系引用其它文獻或對其它文獻資料加工所得,則應在圖題下或圖例說明下注明資料來源。,,5. 表 (Tables) 表的編排,一般是內容和測試項目由左至右橫讀,數據依序豎排,表應有自明性。表應編排序號。 每一表應有簡短確切的題名,采用五號字,連同表號置于表上。必要時,可用表注。表注應編排序號,并將附注文字置于表下。,,6. 注(Notes) 如有必要加注,統(tǒng)一用腳注,不用尾注,標碼按先后順序編排,全文一致。,,7. 結論或結果 (Conclusion) 論文的結論或結果是最終的、總體的結論,結論應該準確、完整、明確、精練。,,8. 參考文獻 (References) 參考文獻是作者為寫作論文而參考的書籍、期刊等,必須是直接使用過的,應與正文夾注列出的書目一致。英文參考文獻和中文參考文獻分別歸類排列,英文在前,中文在后。英文參考文獻按作者姓名(姓在前,名在后)的英文字母順序排列。無明顯作者的(如字典、辭書百科全書)按書名的英文字母順序排列。中文參考文獻按作者姓名的拼音字母順序排列,無明顯作者的(如字典、辭書百科全書)按書名的拼音字母順序排列。參考文獻應具有權威性,要注意引用最新的文獻。參考文獻須另頁打印,置于正文之后。,,9.附錄 (Appendix) 附錄與正文連續(xù)編頁碼。附錄中包括:與正文緊密相關的非作者自己的分析,證明及工具用表格等;在正文中無法列出的實驗數據、問卷等。,英語畢業(yè)論文引文及參考文獻 目錄格式要求,一、 論文中的引用格式 (用“夾注”的格式) 1.1 間接引用 (citations) A. 如果引用只涉及一個作家的某本專著或文章,而作家的名字在自己的行文中沒有出現(xiàn), 將該作家的姓氏和出版的時間用括弧括起來,放在句子結尾,注意該括弧算作句子的一部分,標點符號應放在括弧之后。,,例: It has been argued that teachers’ role is to provide the students with optimal conditions which can facilitate learning so that students can achieve similar results (Bloom, 1976).,,B. 如果引用所涉及到的作家的名字已經出現(xiàn)在行文中, 只需要在名字后面加上括弧, 填入出版時間即可。 例:Gould (1988) attributes Darwin’s success to his gift for making the appropriate metaphor.,,C. 如果引用涉及到的作家和著作的出版時間在行文中已出現(xiàn),那就不再需要單獨的夾注了。 例:In a 1988 article, Gould explores some of Darwin’s most effective metaphors.,,D. 如果引用涉及到的著作是由兩位作者合著,則每次引用時都需把兩位作者的姓氏注出來,在夾注中用“&”,在行文中則用“and”連接兩個作者。 例:The disadvantages of the multiple regression analysis are that it cannot show the complex interrelations between independent variable (Bryman & Cramer, 1990). Bryman and Cramer also pointed out that…,,E. 如涉及到的作者超過兩人,第一次加夾注時,寫出所有作者的姓氏,以后每次引用,只需寫出第一作者的姓氏,其后加上“et al ”即可。 例:Scientists have isolated a gene connected to circadian rhythms in plants (Millar, Straum, Chory, Chua, & Kay, 1995) . . . . They identified the mutations that activated light-dependent pathways (Millar, et al., 1995),,F. 如果引用涉及到的著作由多位作者合著,加注時只需寫出第一作者的姓氏,其后加上“et al.” 即可。 例:Naiman et al.(1978)found a similar relationship, although this case effort on the part of the learners was also associated with instrumental motivation (subsequent citations).,,G. 如果涉及到同一作者的不同著作,在括弧中按出版時間分開;如果是同一作者在同一年的不同著作,在出版時間后用小寫英文字母區(qū)別。 例:(Halliday, 1978, 1992);(Halliday, 1967a, 1967b),,1.2 直接引用(quotations) A. 如果原著作者的姓氏在自己的行文中沒有提到,需要把作者的姓氏,出版時間和引文出自的頁碼用括弧括起,放在引文的后面, 引文用雙引號。如果引文中原來就有引號,將有引號的部分改為單引號。,,例:Conceptually, motivation is seen as “the combination of effort plus desire to achieve the goal of learning the language plus favorable attitude toward learning language” (Gardner, 1985: 10).,,B. 如果直接引用所涉及到的作者有兩位,就用&連接. Based on different findings, it is proposed that “the type of motivation and its strength are likely to be determined less by some generalized principle and more by ‘who learns what in what milieu’” (Laser-Freeman & Long, 1993: 174).,,C. 如果直接引用所涉及到的作者有多位,除遵守以上A,B兩條外,其他規(guī)則與間接引用相同。,,D. 直接引文的字數如少于40英文單詞或4行,引文直接放到段落中。否則引文單獨成段,段落用“齊頭式”,整個段落縮行5個空格,字號縮小為5號。引文不需引號,如引文中已有引號,保留原來的引號。,,…Raymond William explains that the word career has all but lost its original meaning. Career is now so regularly used to describe a person’s progress in life, or, by derivation from this, his profession or vocation that it is difficult to remember, in the same context, its original meaning of a recourse and a gallop— though in some contexts, as in the phrase “Careering about,” these survive… (1986: 10).,,1.3 轉引 (the quotation from a source other than the original) 如果你的引用不是從原著中獲得,而是來自二手資料,你就需要在引用完后用圓括弧注明來源,在來源前加上“qtd in” 的字樣。在參考文獻目錄部分,你就按引用的實際出處撰寫條目。 例:Gothe wrote that “it takes more culture to perceive the virtues of The Magic Flute than to point out its defects” (qtd in Newman, 1958: 104).,,References/Bibliography/Works cited 在英漢參考文獻中,必須包含作者、作品名稱、出版地、出版社、出版年代,缺其中的任何一項均不合規(guī)范。,英文參考文獻的處理,一、書籍 一個作者 姓在前,名在后,中間用逗號隔開, 如Noam Chomsky這個人寫成Chomsky, Noam 或 Chomsky, N. 下面兩者均可: Chomsky, Noam. Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975. Chomsky, N. Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975.,,兩個作者 第一個作者同上;而第二個作者名在前,姓在后,如John Smith寫成 John Smith或J. Smith 兩個作者之間用&隔開 如Noam Chomsky與John Smith兩個作者合著,寫成 Chomsky, Noam & John Smith 或Chomsky, N. & J. Smith 下面兩者均可: Chomsky, Noam & John Smith. Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975. Chomsky, N. & J. Smith. Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975.,,3. 三個作者 第一個作者姓在前,名在后;后兩個作者名在前,姓在后, 如:Chomsky, Noam, John Smith & Jane Eyre 或Chomsky, N., J. Smith & J. Eyre 下面兩者均可: Chomsky, Noam, John Smith & Jane Eyre. Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975. Chomsky, N., J. Smith & J. Eyre. Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975.,,二、雜志 作者的寫法與書籍一樣。但是文章名不用斜體不加引號,只有第一單詞的首字母大寫,雜志名用斜體。如: Chomsky, Noam. My view on language. Linguistics, 1978, (7): 12.,中文參考文獻的處理,一、書籍 張三. 語言學[M]. 北京: 外語教學與研究出版社, 2007. 張三, 王強. 語言學[M]. 北京: 外語教學與研究出版社, 2007. 二、雜志 張三. 語言的本質[J]. 外國語, 2003, (5). 張三, 王強. 語言的本質[J]. 外國語, 2003, (5). 胡壯麟. 功能主義縱橫談. 北京:外語教學與研究出版社,2000. 胡壯麟,方琰.功能語言學在中國的進展.北京:清華大學出版社,1997. 胡壯麟,朱永生 & 張德祿.系統(tǒng)功能語法概論.長沙:湖南教育出版社,1989. 黃國文.遞歸、級轉移與功能句法分析.外語教學與研究,1998,(4): 47-51.,- 配套講稿:
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