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摘 要
With the cars in the ever-increasing, petrol, diesel and other non-renewable resources gradually reduced, in addition to the gradual strengthening of environmental awareness, it is more concerned about fuel consumption of vehicles, vehicle fuel consumption to limit the voices have become stronger and stronger. To develop rapid, accurate measurement of vehicle fuel consumption in various operating conditions of the new technologies, has become an important topic.
In this paper, analysis and summary of vehicle fuel consumption at home and abroad the issue of widespread detection technique based on the fuel consumption of detection technology and the technological level of existing development trends, the use of single-chip technology, the development of intelligent vehicle fuel consumption testing software. Include motor vehicle fuel consumption to build mathematical model of intelligent detection systems, detection systems based on vehicle fuel consumption and the mathematical model of the design of vehicle fuel consumption testing software and software unit testing and integration testing, the overall test hardware. At the same time, the system anti-jamming measures.
Intelligent vehicle fuel consumption testing of software delivered by calculating the fuel flow sensor flow pulse signal, can measure the fuel consumption of motor vehicles 100 kilometers.
Key words:Fuel consumption; Single chip; Assembly language; Design