
Mechanical Technology in the rubber industry outlined in the application
In the development of human society in the modem process. Rubber Industries isan indispensable Economy, Trade and Industry. In the rubber industry in thedevelopment ofrubber technology and rubber machinery (or electromechanical) to theprogress and development of technology played an important role in promoting this丁he development of robber industry rubber and rubber machinery industrytechnology constitutes a technical rubber products all the technical process andindustrial technology system. Made in 1820 by the British human-driven single-rollerrubber mixing machine. 1826 twin-roll Drum open rubber mixing machine intoproduction beginning of the human rubber machinery production prelude. So far,human society has been the application of rubber machinery 180 years of history.
1839 since. A series of rubber machinery and equipment will come out, inaddition to the application of vulcanized rubber vulcanization facilities, and otherrubber machinery, such as plunger hose extrusion machine (1858), screw extruder(1879), rubber calendering Machine (1843一1900), Closed rubber mixing machine(1916). Rubber machinery and equipment. At that time, has spent the rubber industryproduction process, the promotion of the development of rubber industry has played afacilitating role.
1904, lead oxide, magnesium oxide, such as the discovery of inorganic curingagent, in particular 1919 organic Thiofide D, the discovery and use of M, and furtherpromote the improvement of production efficiency has greatly improved theperformance of the use of rubber products, expanded use. 1920 accession to thecarbon black rubber, makes rubber products would be an overall improvement inperformance and improvement. Therefore, the application of carbon black rubberindustry and promoting the progress and all-round development. In the early 20thcentury and the middle of the Soviet Union, the United States, Britain, Germany,France and other countries, has invented a synthetic rubber industrial technologies.And the establishment of a series of synthetic rubber production equipment andfactories. Coupled with the region's natural rubber production of large-scale resourcesfor the mankind modem rubber industry opened up the comprehensive developmentof the material resource base.
Is a highly flexible rubber typical materials, its physical properties are verycomplicated. Most of the processing of rubber molding process are similar to the meltflow and deformation process, but also in the processing of rubber products, theHealth and plastic to go through plastic necklace, mixing, pressure-type, shape, curingprocess procedures, in order to become products. In the modem chemical products,such as rubber, plastics, paints, fibers, lubricants, ceramics, and other similar materialproduction and engineering applications, the complexity of its mechanical propertiesPurely based on the elasticity, viscosity or plasticity theory theory can not meet thesematerials processing requirements of the deformation process. So based on the natureof the complex mechanics of the research topic一theological theory will be referred tothe new human research subjects on the agenda. 1928, the United States set up the"Evolution Society", 1940, the British set up the theological Club (later renamed theInstitute of Evolution). In addition, the Netherlands, West Germany, France, Japan and other countries have also set up a corresponding flow Institute. 1948 convening of the International Society of Rheology. In 1953 the establishment of the InternationalAssociation of theology. Since then one involving applied mathematics, physics,elasticity, the material mechanics, fluid mechanics, geology, engineering and othersubjects on the verge of disciplines一have emerged theology, and gradually has beenextensively applied. Rheological not only in the rubber, plastics, coatings, printing,Portland, foodstuffs, and other industrial production has been extensively applied, butalso to infrastructure, machinery, transport, irrigation, chemical industry and manyother industrial sectors: involves many substances from solid to liquid processes.Rheology in the rubber industry. Widely used in the processing of rubber moldingproducts research and application. Such as rubber mixing, rolling, extrusion, injectionmolding and other processes. Because of its macromolecular polymer chain structureand movement characteristics of the physical state gathered on showing a four kindsof physical state: a crystalline and non-crystalline 3 (glass state, high-elastic state,viscous flow state) . Rubber in normal circumstances is the use of high-elastic state. Inthe course of processing molding viscous flow state, in the vulcanized only basictreatment before losing mobility, and a high flexibility based elastomer material.
Because of the late 19th century and early 20th century, the theory of rubberexploration and the principles of the invention. Especially rheology and application ofthe theoretical study of the development of rubber industry makes, whether in thefiller, vulcanization accelerator, or m the process principle aspects have undergoneprofound changes. On the development of the rubber industry in a qualitative change.At the same time, all kinds of rubber machinery also made great progress anddevelopment. At that time, not only the names many rubber machinery, and itsstructure, specifications, varieties, and so had been reached a certain level of the scale,fine, and the degree of automation and linkage. If rubber mechanical transmissionpower to hundreds of thousands of kilowatts stem watts, weight machines to a fevhundred tons. Rubber products in the process of production plastic necklace, mixing,rolling, extrusion, molding, in the process of curing six have a complete matching ofmechanical devices.
Compound rubber machinery industry is one of the basic equipment. At presentproduction machinery to open dozens of rubber mixing. Health glue used plasticnecklace, plastic material mixing; pressed for the compression machine for plastic,heat-Lian compound mainly used for preheating and plastic; crusher for crushing suchas natural rubber, remove plastic washing machine for Health and plastic wastecompound impurities; mill mainly used for waste plastic block grinding; refiningmachine used to remove the hard plastic renewable impurities; reclaimed rubbermixing machine, mainly for the reclaimed rubber pinch Lian; breathing machine forplastic pressure breathing Film compression; crepe-pressure machine, mainly forcrepe-compression; experimental rubber mixing machine, the main compound used ina small number of experiments, etc.. calendered rubber, rubber products processing is in the process of one of thebasic equipment. Since 1843 three-roll calendar application, we have 160 years ofdevelopment history. From the modem to modem specifications and various newcalendar will continue to emerge, its specifications, speed, Banzhipin high accuracy, ahigh degree of automation machinery, the machinery has become the modern calendarof the main structural features. At present production largest calendar has reachedmore than T1055 x 3000 mm, roller line speed of up to 120 m/min above, thesemi-finished calendar has reached its thickness error within士0.0025 mm. Andachieve full electronic control of the computer and automation level.
Closed Compound (mixer), rubber and plastic mixing refining one of the mainequipment. The development of modem mixer, a high-speed, high-pressure andhigh-performance characteristics, and is divided into low-speed (20 to the rotor speed/ min), the velocity (speed of 30 to 40一/min) and high-speed (60 to speed / min) 3.In recent years also appear to speed in the 80 / mixer at high speed over armed
Rubber extruder (screw extruder), the world's first since 1879-screw extruderSince the birth of all kinds of screw extruder machinery in a large number of differentvarieties have been supporting complete specification has been adapted to differentproduct performance characteristics of the request. If pressure extrusion machine,mainly for the shape of the semi-finished production; filter plastic extrusion machinefor removing plastic mix and the Health and the impurity; Lian plastic extrusionmachine for the continuous plastic glue Health Lian: granulation extruders for plasticcompound and the Health and the granulation; compression extruder. To compoundthe pressure plate; dexulfurization renewable plastic extruder for the desulfurization:extrusion dehydration Gechengjiao extruder for dehydration and regeneration plasticdry: Cable extruder for the cable coated molding; row Gas extruder. For mixingcompound from the air and water and volatile compounds, such aslow-molecular-weight. These specifications complete extrusion machinery, thedevelopment of the rubber industry and was credited. It has become the driving forceof the rubber products processing and optimization of the equipment. InjectionMolding Machine, also known as the Note Press, mainly for the production of rubbermolded products. Note pressure machinery, its structure, is divided into horizontalinjection press, vertical injection press, Kok injection machine and the Multi-PositionPress Note 4. Press each note is divided into many different sizes of the specifications.
Tire rubber industry is the largest number one product. Whether raw materialsfrom the use of rubber and rubber products, output of rubber products which occupiesthe lion's share of the market, consume about 80% of the volume of rubber resources.Therefore, the tire molding machinery is also important. Since the invention ofpneumatic tire in 1888, with the development of the automobile industry, variousspecifications, the various properties of a large number of rubber tyres. Ahigh-performance, high-quality car, if there is no corresponding performance andquality of the tire support is equivalent to scrap general. And the development of tireindustry tire molding machinery participation is crucial. Tubeless tire or whether theywould have to be certain to die molding machinery stereotypes. Forming particulartire, tire production is in the process of core processes, tire various "parts" of theassembly process, will soon cord, bead, wrapper, tread, and other components ofprocessed into paste composition tire embryo .Therefore tire molding machinerydetermines to a large extent the performance and quality of tyres. As humansocio-economic and cultural progress and development, a wide range of a largenumber of vehicles. Therefore various types and specifications of the tire also endlessSuch as cars, buses, trucks, construction vehicles and other special vehicles andaircraft, which have their own dedicated tyre varieties and specifications. In recentyears there has high strength and high wear resistance of the steel skeleton radial tire,making automobile tires, performance and the structure and quality to a new level.This constant tire molding machinery to put a higher demand.
Tire molding machine many of the types, according to the method of forming:sleeve-law and two kinds of stickers; by shaping the contours of the drum: drum,semi-drum, and the core-wheeled four-wheel-core. In addition, all other uses ofdifferent shapes and rubber products, there is a basic molding process. Therefore avariety of rubber molding machines and even offers a dazzling. Only a wide variety ofring tens of thousands of species on the number. This shows that the rubber mo Idingmachinery industry is also very complicated and very important.
Vulcanization machinery, a variety of rubber products of the final steps in theprocessing machinery, mainly for the various rubber products, plastic, rubber products,such as sulfide processing. The main structure of three kinds of forms: one is flatvulcanizer, and the autoclave (including pressure autoclave) and the drum machinesulfide. Flat-curing the use of broader, more variety. In addition to direct use ofvulcanized rubber products processing, can also be used in the plastics industrythermoplastic or thermosetting plastic plastics processing repression. Because of theirbody structure and working principle is basically the same. Many of the types andforms. According to the purpose, has the vulcanized rubber model of flat products,with flat-curing machine, V-belt plate curing machine, sheet plate curing machineVulcanized rubber products tank is the first production application of curingequipment, mainly for the vulcanization of rubber products work. Can also be used toautoclave curing soles, adhesive tape and model products. Therefore, "omnipotent"said curing machine. Drum curing machine, "belt" and the "V-belt" two categoriesMainly used for curing surface shape and surface quality of the special requirementsof thin strip of rubber products, such as tread rubber and plastic sheet printing anddyeing, such as the conduction band. If accompanied by the necessary accessoriesdevice can be used to transport sulfide zone, belts and other similar productsvulcanized rubber processing. Drum Machine continuous vulcanization sulfide, easyassembly and the formation of automated production lines. Substantially reduce laborintensity and improve efficiency and product quality.
For the development of rubber industry, mechanical and process technologyresearch determines its speed and level of development determines the performanceand quality of products. Generally speaking, industrial technology research andproduct cycle faster some frequency. Changes in technology and machinery cycle isslow, it decided to change the cycle of the life of the equipment, work efficiency andproduct quality. It is precisely because of machinery and equipment have a clear life,it makes a certain inertia of the operation. Thus to create a difficult change or do notneed rapid changes in the direct experience. This is a reality for many people, the
community and even some scientific research departments only attaches greatimportance to technology innovation and ignore changes in mechanical andtechnological advances and the development of one of the main reasons. The mindsetof the people is to determine awareness of changes and developments. Any materialproduction originated in the first production practice on the real social needs of theobjective.
For the rubber industry development, not only the normal process of productionof rubber products. Mechanical technology and the increasing need in-depth study oftechnology and joint development of modem commodity market competitive situationalso not tolerate such people Zaizuo wait-and-see or delay time, and in addition to thesustenance of mankind growing material and cultural wealth, the need for rapiddevelopment of the rubber industry,,large piles of scrap rubber, people also need toface the urgent and effective treatment. This is not only a rubber resourcesconservation needs, but also the living environment of human security requirements.To solve the normal development of rubber industry and scrap rubber recycling use ofresources, only mechanical technology and the joint development of technology toachieve their goals.Contemporary rubber industry development so that the wasterubber recycling of resources must take machines improvement and progress in thejoint development of the road is the only correct way. And the improvement ofmachinery technology is the essence of mechanical work of the progress of chemicalprocess technology is the core content of their joint development of the modemrubber industry is able to quickly and efficiently optimize and promote thedevelopment of intrinsic motivation. Of course also includes scientific managementtechnology decision-making body elements.
Machinery, physics, chemistry (or chemical), the four basic skills of a development ofthe human society science technology system, and science and technology systemknown as compulsory, and social management technology is soft science andtechnology system. Taken Flex become a more complete scientific and technologicalsystem. Rubber industry in the development of rubber industry and technology andscientific management technology industries with the economic structure of theindustry is related to the development of rubber industry "carrot and stick" scientificmeasures. Mechanical Technology is a hard attribute technology, technology is a softattributes, it is a "carrot and stick" form of the technology.
Are in the mechanical technology of the technical attributes of both tangible andintangible. All of investigation and study, the work of design techniques are softattributes that in the manufacturing of construction involves the technical attributes ofhardware technology, the results of pre-main soft technology embodied in the designand construction drawings and manuals; after a hard stage technical achievements onvarious material on the output of products. This is a hard and soft technologies intothe outcome of the objective process. Rubber industrial development, we must attachimportance mechanical technology and the joint development of technology.Strengthening the role of rubber machinery technology, mechanical technology to thedevelopment and application, the whole social development is not only the productionof the material and cultural needs, but also the harmonious development of theecological environment of human needs, but also to be cherished rubber, Using andfrugal behavior needs.