翻譯的條件,掌握必要的翻譯理論和技巧 加強兩種語言的修養(yǎng),拓寬知識面 譯精于勤,“三要”, “三不要”,“三要” 詞義 結構 文化背景 “三不要” 逐字死譯 邏輯連貫失調 炫耀文筆,漢英文化比較與翻譯 歷史背景,wife, deer, If that picture is genuine,I am a Dutchman.,漢英文化比較與翻譯 歷史背景,If that picture is genuine,I am a Dutchman. 如果那張畫是真跡,我就不是人。 一些詞語的產(chǎn)生,伴有特定的時代背景。英國人口語中經(jīng)常說I am a Dutchman, if…”,如果我們照字面譯為“如果……我是個荷蘭人”, 恐怕大多數(shù)中國讀者對此譯文都會困惑不解。其實在英國,這是 廣泛流傳的一句賭咒用語。為什么英國 人竟如此不把荷蘭人當人看待,以至詞語Dutchman在英語中成了 一切卑鄙事物的代名詞呢?兩國在17世紀有過一段不偷快的歷史:雙方因為商業(yè)競爭,你死我活地打了 20幾年的仗。戰(zhàn)爭雖以荷蘭失敗告終,但英國畢竟也損兵折將,傷了元氣。故而英國 普通民眾對荷蘭人頗有入骨之恨。,地理環(huán)境,carry coals to Newcastle Foggy Bottom Ode to the West Wind cast an anchor to windward as close as an oyster,地理環(huán)境,carry coals to Newcastle: 【誤譯】把煤運送到紐卡斯爾去了。 【原意】多此一舉。 【說明】carry coals to Newcastle是口語(動詞短語),意為“多此一舉”,“徒勞無功”。紐卡斯爾是英國的產(chǎn)煤中心和煤輸出港口,運煤去此地顯然是“徒勞無功”。,地理環(huán)境,Foggy Bottom: 【口】霧谷(美國國務院的謔稱,以諷刺該院發(fā)言人的發(fā)言經(jīng)常模糊不清)。 United States Department of State, which is housed in a building in a low-lying area of Washington near the Potomac River,地理環(huán)境,Ode to the West Wind:雪萊【西風頌】 If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind ?,,地理環(huán)境,cast an anchor to windward 未雨綢繆; 為安全采取預防措施 as close as an oyster 守口如瓶,宗教信仰,Black Friday 13 Love is blind.,宗教信仰,Love is blind: 愛是盲目的 奧林匹斯山的眾神中,最叫人無可奈何的,就是小愛神丘比特(古希臘名字厄洛斯,羅馬名丘比特)。丘比特一直被人們喻為愛情的象征,相傳他有頭非常美麗的金發(fā),雪白嬌嫩的臉蛋,還有一對可以自由自在飛翔的翅膀,丘比特和他母親愛神阿芙洛狄忒一起主管神、人的愛情和婚姻。不過他與母親阿芙洛狄忒不同,阿芙洛狄忒代表的是理性的愛,而丘比特代表的是瘋狂的愛。丘比特的圖片多為蒙眼,以寓意Love is blind。,風俗習慣,red white yellow blue green black,社會政治,working class peasant,文化藝術,dragon, dog, phoenix, magpie, owl, bat, crane,,比喻中的文化差異,as strong as a horse wet like a drowned rat as stupid as a goose birds of a feather as easy as winking like a hen on a hot girdle,比喻中的文化差異,black sheep to cast pearls before swine as stubborn as a mule as poor as a church mouse as sick as a dog as straight as an arrow,比喻中的文化差異,as thick as thieves as drunk as a fiddler as true as death as mad as a wet hen to look for a needle in a hay stack at a stone’s throw,比喻中的文化差異,dumb as an oyster as close as an oyster as timid as a hare as like as two peas like a rat in a hole sleep like a log,比喻中的文化差異,the apple of one’s eye have a mind crammed with knowledge as blind as a bat no smoke without fire cry up wine and sell vinegar as white as a sheet as deaf as a post,英漢十大差異 英語重形合,漢語重意合,漢語(流水句法) 以意思連接獨立的單句 彼此的邏輯關系以句序先后加以暗示 英語(竹節(jié)句法) 以連接詞連接單句,英語重形合,漢語重意合,1. Because it is late, I must leave. It is late, I must leave. 2. An Englishman who could not speak Chinese was once traveling in China. There was an Englishman. He could not speak Chinese. He was once traveling in China.,英語前重心,漢語后重心,Tragedies can be written in literature since there is tragedy in life.,英語前重心,漢語后重心,The people of a small country can certainly defeat aggression by a big country, if only they dare to rise in struggle, dare to take up arms and grasp in their own hands the destiny of their own country. 小國人民一定能夠戰(zhàn)勝大國的侵略,只要他們敢于起來斗爭,敢于拿起武器,掌握自己國家的命運。 小國人民敢于起來斗爭,敢于拿起武器,掌握自己國家的命運,就一定能戰(zhàn)勝大國的侵略。,英語靜態(tài)語言,漢語動態(tài)語言,英語——非謂語動詞 省略動詞 將動詞名詞化 使用動詞的同源名詞、同源形容詞等 漢語——動詞無形態(tài)變化 只能使用動詞本身表達動作,英語靜態(tài)語言,漢語動態(tài)語言,I fell madly in love with her, and she with me. I am afraid of you misunderstanding me. That would be the confirmation that it was in general use. The very sight of it makes me nervous.,英語重物稱,漢語重人稱,英語句子的主語 不能施行動作或無生命事物的詞語 漢語句子的主語 首選能施行動或有生命的物體,英語重物稱,漢語重人稱,A wave of cigar smoke accompanied him in. Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh.,英語多被動,漢語多主動,英語被動使用廣泛; 1、不知或不必知道行為者。 The book has been already translated into many languages. 這本書已譯成了好幾國語言。 2、 行為對象比行為者重要。 The work must be finished before Christmas. 這個工作必須在圣誕節(jié)前完成。,英語多被動,漢語多主動,3、 因故不愿說出行為者。 It is generally considered not advisable to act that way. 大家認為這樣做是不妥當?shù)摹?4. 保持前后一致。 They are going to build an apartment house here next year. It is going to be built beside the Office Building. 他們明年在這里要修建一座住宅樓,就修在辦公樓旁邊。,英語多被動,漢語多主動,漢語被動范圍相對狹窄,存在被動關系并不采用被動句常見。 The problem has been solved. 問題解決了。,英語多復合長句, 漢語多簡單短句,英語——“多枝共干”式長句 復合句 漢語——短句、簡單句,英語多復合長句 漢語多簡單短句,As we lived near the road, we often had the traveler or stranger visit us to taste our gooseberry wine, for which we had great reputation, and I confess, with the veracity of an historian, that I never knew one of them to find fault with it. 我們就住在路邊。過路人或外鄉(xiāng)人常到我們家,嘗嘗我們家釀的酸果酒。這種酒很有名氣。我敢說,嘗過的人,從沒有挑剔過。我這話像歷史學家的話一樣靠得住。,英語重后飾,漢語重前飾,英語的修飾語 既可放在被修飾成分前,也可放其后; 修飾語若為短語或分句,則往往置于 被修飾成分后 漢語的修飾語 無論是詞、短語或句子,總是處于被修 飾成分之前,英語重后飾,漢語重前飾,The diagnosis seems in every case to correspond exactly with all the sensations that I have ever felt. 每次看病的診斷似乎都和我所有的感覺完全相符。 It is a good plan to imagine an argument with a person having a different bias. 借助于想象與持不同偏見的人進行辯論是一個很好的計劃。,英語重短語,漢語輕短語,I have never met a person so difficult to understand as my husband. 我還從沒遇到過像我丈夫這么難以理解的人。 You must stand up for your friend. 你得支持你的朋友。 To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to the people. 對敵人的仁慈就是對人民的殘忍。 Mary is considering changing her job. 瑪麗正在考慮調換工作。,英語重時體,漢語輕時體,英語——多種時態(tài),通過固定的語法手段將動作的進行過程與狀況作更準確、更精細的描繪,有時這種描繪還能融入作者或說話人的一種感情色彩 漢語——“著”、“了”、“過”,英語重時體,漢語輕時體,1.He is always thinking of how he could do more for the people. 2.He is constantly leaving his things about. 3.You have always been making that mistake. 4.They were building a dam last winter. They built a dam last winter. 5.I forgot his name. I am forgetting how to speak French.,英語重形態(tài),漢語輕形態(tài),英語——形式化的語言 名詞、代詞——性、數(shù)、格 動詞——時、體、態(tài) 構詞——詞綴 漢語——構詞可采用合成法 “墨守”名詞,“慎用”代詞,英語重形態(tài),漢語輕形態(tài),The disaster of deinstitutionalization is part of this. institute-institution-institutional-institutionalize-institutionalization-deinstitutionalization 讓住院的精神病患者出院 讓住院的精神病患者出院而增加無家可歸的人所釀成的災難后果就是一例。,英語重形態(tài),漢語輕形態(tài),According to the group, most reconstructive surgeries resulting from dog bites are dog owners and their friends. 據(jù)該組織說,大多數(shù)做被狗咬后的修復手術的是狗的主人、家人和朋友。 據(jù)該組織說,大多數(shù)做被狗咬傷后的修復手術的是狗的主人以及他們的家人和朋友。,- 配套講稿:
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