
系 部: 機械工程系
專 業(yè): 機械工程及自動化
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外文出處: Journal of Engieering Materials
and Technology
附 件: 1.外文資料翻譯譯文;2.外文原文。
年 月 日
曹健 Brad Kinsey
機械工程系,西北大學,埃文斯頓,IL 60208
Sara A. Solla
物理和天文學系,西北大學,埃文斯頓,IL 60208;
生理學系,西北大學醫(yī)學院,芝加哥,IL 60611
通過修改形成過程可減少回彈。一些研究人員提出了使用加強粘結(jié)劑力軌跡以實現(xiàn)這一目標(Ayres,1984;Hishida and Wagoner, 1993; Sunseri et al., 1996)。進一步加強粘結(jié)劑力軌跡是一個瞬時跳躍從低粘結(jié)力(LBF)到高粘合劑力(HBF),在指定的百分比總額的沖壓位移(PD%)(參閱圖1)。Sunseri et al. (1996),調(diào)查鋁通道形成過程的回彈,圖2所示。他們的工作是通過模擬實驗明確形成過程和材料參數(shù)用處。在生產(chǎn)環(huán)境中,可是,由于不同的進程回彈量將偏離所期望的水平。因此,控制系統(tǒng),可變化的工藝參數(shù)要求
近年來,許多研究小組調(diào)查了利用人工神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡系統(tǒng)來控制金屬板料成形過程。由于非線性效應和相互作用的過程參數(shù)金屬成型是an ideal candidate,神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡系統(tǒng)控制。(Cho et al. (1997)采用了神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡預測的力量在冷軋和,(Di and Thomson(1997)預測起皺限制正方米板材下角的緊拉應力。除此之外,(Elkins, 1994 and Yang et al., 1992), Forcellese et al. (1997)采用了神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡系統(tǒng)控制60度鋁V型沖壓空氣彎曲回彈的進程。他們的系統(tǒng)利用實驗獲得的例子組成的5個參數(shù)從力沖壓軌跡,離線測量板厚,神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡目標彎曲角度的投入和沖壓的移位的輸出。在另一項研究項目,Ruffini and Cao(1998)建議采用神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡控制回彈角的渠道的形成過程與軌跡沖壓力作為唯一的來源,確定工藝變化和調(diào)整的HBF,Sunseri et al. (1996)。初步結(jié)果表明這種方法是很有希望的。
本文中,鋁渠道的回彈是通過加強控制粘結(jié)劑力軌跡和神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡控制。神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡確定了HBF和PD%的粘結(jié)劑力軌跡。沖床力軌跡被確定為關(guān)鍵參數(shù)的變化,反映在材料性能,板的厚度,還有摩擦系數(shù)。因此,四個多項式系數(shù)從曲線擬合的沖壓力軌跡被用來作為投入的神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡系統(tǒng)。圖3顯示流程圖的控制系統(tǒng)提出這一點應用。盡管材料性能有著很大差異,板厚度(T),和摩擦系數(shù)(m),回彈角(θ)之間保持了0.2和0.6度,(e)項限于8%和10%。最后,由Sunseri et al.(1996)提出一個比較閉環(huán)控制方法,是為了顯示我們控制方法的好處。雖然模擬結(jié)果在這里只有數(shù)值,然而控制系統(tǒng)將在未來改進需求,以驗證實際執(zhí)行情況。
調(diào)查回彈在一個通道的形成過程是一個簡單的幾何學。因此,由受雇這里得Sunseri et al.(1996)提出使用鋁通道形成過程(參閱圖.2 ) 。
第一,連續(xù)的粘結(jié)劑力(CBF)對影響回彈進行了評價。由于CBF增加,我們的模擬在所有其他進程和材料參數(shù)進行了不斷實驗,回彈角(u)降低,圖形顯示圖4,物理圖5,然而,增加粘結(jié)劑力同時還將造成材料的最大的拉緊力增加,實線圖4,鋁通道的突出(Graf and Hosford, 1993)。通過利用粘結(jié)劑加強力軌跡,適度的增加側(cè)壁得到應變力水平,同時減少回彈的過程中體現(xiàn)在表中的圖1。
當面臨著偏差的摩擦系數(shù),只是為了產(chǎn)生一個健全的進程,Sunseri et al.(1996)實施閉環(huán)變量粘結(jié)劑力控制后續(xù)零件的沖壓力軌跡從局部加強粘結(jié)劑的情況制定工藝條件。當摩擦系數(shù)在不同的用途系數(shù)為0.1,甚至是到0.25,這種控制方法能產(chǎn)生回彈的水平一致。然而,這種方法是否可以承受其他參數(shù)的變化,如材料性能和板料厚還沒有確定的情況下。
在一個通道的形成過程,回彈一般是極為敏感的材料的變化和成形參數(shù)。在這項工作中,我們制訂一種方法控制回彈,同時材料通過結(jié)合加強粘結(jié)劑力軌跡和神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡控制產(chǎn)生一個可以接受的最大應變量。在加強局部粘結(jié)劑軌跡,兩個臨界值需要加以確定,巨大的HBF和總沖壓力的移位的PD%,這兩個參數(shù)的輸出從神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡系統(tǒng)。從我們以往的研究經(jīng)驗,在金屬板料成形過程控制(Ruffiniand Cao, 1998;Kinsey and Cao, 1997; and Sunseri et al.,1996) ,沖壓力的軌跡被選定為參數(shù),提供有關(guān)當前進程。因此,多項式系數(shù)從曲線擬合的沖壓力軌跡被用來作為輸入的神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡。
人工神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡已研究多年,希望能模仿人類大腦的能力,解決那些模糊的需要大量處理的問題。人類大腦為了實現(xiàn)這些數(shù)據(jù)的處理,利用大規(guī)模并行處理能力,數(shù)以百萬計的神經(jīng)元的共同努力,來解決這些復雜的問題。同樣,人工神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡模型包含許多計算單元,稱謂的“神經(jīng)元”,以符合其生物對位,并聯(lián)運行,并連接與變權(quán)重組合預測方法。這些重量都在適應訓練過程,最常見的通過反傳算法(Rumelhart and McClelland, 1986),提出了神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡,例如輸入產(chǎn)出對的關(guān)系網(wǎng)絡正在試圖了解。這個目標是神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡推論,或引用,模式給出了輸入輸出的例子。神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡進一步細節(jié),一般被發(fā)現(xiàn)(Widrow and Lehr (1990)。對于我們的特殊應用,神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡的結(jié)構(gòu)被確定為四個輸入?yún)?shù),5個隱藏的神經(jīng)元,和兩個輸出。一個S形是激活功能是用于隱藏神經(jīng)元,同時利用線性產(chǎn)出。Kinsey(1998)提出了,如何優(yōu)化結(jié)構(gòu)更詳細地結(jié)論。
神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡的能力,提供HBF和PD%的值使用,面臨著t和m很大的差異顯示在實際應用神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡的潛力。然而,過程中還有其他參數(shù)的變化,對于最后部分的形狀產(chǎn)生類似的效果。材料特性,例如,已被證明造成嚴重的三維變化的金屬薄板沖壓件(Kinsey and Cao, 1997)。當原先的實訓網(wǎng)絡用來預測不同的材料特性HBF和PD%值,會產(chǎn)生不符合的回彈水平和最大應力。這并不奇怪,因為網(wǎng)絡的實訓并未適應差異的材料性質(zhì)。因此,更多的實驗結(jié)果數(shù)據(jù)包含材料性質(zhì)是必要的。偏差的真實應力應變曲線的名義材料,材料1,創(chuàng)造了不同的強度系數(shù),K,由+10%(材料2和3)和+20%(材料第6和第7)和應變硬化部分,n,約+16%(材料4和5)。7個組合(t=0.9/u=0.04,t=1.1/u=0.06,=1.4t/=0.08,t=1.0/u=0.10,t=0.8/m=0.12t=1.0/u=0.16,與t=1.2/u=0.20)被選為該實驗的例子與新材料的創(chuàng)建。再次通過反復試驗,某一假定材料的36種實驗范例,t,與u組合產(chǎn)生了相同的變化范圍,比如以前使用的θ和ε,分別為0.4到0.5度和8%至10%。其中6個新型材料,每t和m的組合,將被用來作為檢查而被排除在實驗外,看看是否符合神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡預測準確的HBF和PD%值。這個網(wǎng)絡使用以前同樣的神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡結(jié)構(gòu)。,經(jīng)過這些額外的實驗與變化的例子,材料性能又增加了實訓集。
Sunseri et al. (1996)控制系統(tǒng)提出的,利用閉環(huán)控制的粘結(jié)劑局部按照沖壓力軌跡,在同一通道的形成過程以控制回彈。關(guān)于摩擦系數(shù)的可能是最重要的工藝參數(shù),不同的摩擦系數(shù)在控制系統(tǒng)在進行測試,與數(shù)據(jù)獲得。但是,他們的工作是調(diào)查不同的材料特性和板厚。因此,進一步閉環(huán)控制模擬與這些變化進行了這里,以形成一個比較神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡控制系統(tǒng)。
首先,從我們的軌跡案名義的沖壓局部力,已創(chuàng)建的材料1,1.0mm的t,和0.10的m,。加比例積分(PI)的控制器,用于調(diào)整粘結(jié)劑力,使下面的沖壓力軌跡,Sunseriet al. (1996)。最大位移之間的沖壓
本文提出了一種神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡系統(tǒng),同時加強局部粘結(jié)劑軌跡,在模擬通道鋁成形中提出了控制回彈和最大應變。神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡被選用,源于其有處理高度線性問題的能力,并能發(fā)現(xiàn)金屬成形過程中不同的材料和工藝參數(shù)發(fā)生的變化。沖壓力的軌跡被確定為工藝參數(shù),提供了各種材料和工藝的變數(shù)最大的可供參考的偏差值。因此,多項式系數(shù)從曲線擬合的沖壓力軌跡被用來作為輸入的神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡。結(jié)果表明,為加強局部粘結(jié)劑軌跡神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡成功的提供了高粘結(jié)力(HBF)和沖壓位置(PD%)值,產(chǎn)生可接受的值回彈(ü),0.2至0.6度,最大應變(e),8%至10%,得到最終產(chǎn)品時面臨著不同的材料應力(k)+20%,+16%的應變硬化指數(shù)(n),+25%的金屬片厚度(t),和+65%的摩擦系數(shù)(m)。又當Sunseri et al.(1996)提出的與閉環(huán)控制戰(zhàn)略在同一過程中,神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡系統(tǒng)被證明在變化材料特性優(yōu)于閉環(huán)系統(tǒng)而進一步減少回彈,,如果有適當?shù)膶嵱枖?shù)據(jù),將被作為一個更加要有效的制度來執(zhí)行。
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Consistent and Minimal Springback Using a Stepped Binder Force Trajectory and Neural Network Control
Jian Cao Brad Kinsey
Department of Mechanical Engineering,Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208
Sara A. Solla
Department of Physics and Astronomy,Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208;
Department of Physiology,Northwestern University Medical School,Chicago, IL 60611
One of the greatest challenges of manufacturing sheet metal parts is to obtain consistent part dimensions. Springback, the elastic material recovery when the tooling is removed,is the major cause of variations and inconsistencies in the final part geometry. Obtaining a consistent and desirable amount of springback is extremely difficult due to the nonlinear effects and interactions between process and material parameters. In this paper, the exceptional ability of a neural network along with a stepped binder force trajectory to control springback angle and maximum principal strain in a simulated channel forming process is demonstrated. When faced with even large variations in material properties,sheet thickness, and friction condition, our control system produces a robust final part shape.
Obtaining consistent and accurate part dimensions is crucial in today’s competitive manufacturing industry.Inconsistencies in part dimensions slow new product launches, increase changeover times, create difficulties in downstream processes,require extra quality assurance efforts,and decrease customer satisfaction and loyalty for the final product.In the sheet metal forming process,a major factor preventing accurate final part dimensions is springback in the material.Springback is the geometric difference between the part in its fully loaded condition,i.e., conforming to the tooling geometry,and when the part is in its unloaded, free state.For a complicated 3-D part,undesirable twist is another form of springback.The uneven distribution of stress through the sheet thickness direction and across the stamping in the loaded condition relaxes during unloading,thus producing springback.Factors that affect the amount of springback include variations in both process and material parameters,such as friction condition, tooling geometry,material properties,sheet thickness,and die temperature.Because controlling all of these variables in the manufacturing process is nearly impossible, springback,in turn,cannot be readily controlled.Adding to the difficulty is the fact that springback is a highly nonlinear effect; therefore, simulations and correcting methods are complicated. There has been a tremendous amount of research interest related to springback in recent years as is evident in proceedings of Society of Automotive Engineers,NUMIFORM,and NUMISHEET conferences.
Springback can be reduced through modifications to the forming process.Several researchers have proposed to use a stepped binder force trajectory to accomplish this objective (Ayres,1984;Hishida and Wagoner,1993;Sunseri et al.,1996).A stepped binder force trajectory is an instantaneous jump from a low binder force (LBF) value to a high binder force (HBF)at a specified percentage of the total punch displacement (PD%)(see Fig. 1).Sunseri et al.(1996)investigated springback in the Aluminum channel forming process shown in Fig. 2. Their work was conducted through experiments and simulations at specific val ues for process and material param-parameters.In a production environment, however, the amount of springback will deviate from the desired level due to variations in the process. Therefore, a control system that accommodates variations in process parameters is required.
In recent years, many research groups have investigated the use of artificial neural networks to control sheet metal forming processes. Metal forming is an ideal candidate for neural network control due to the nonlinear effects and interactions of the process parameters. Cho et al. (1997) used a neural network to predict the force in cold rolling, and Di and Thomson (1997) predicted the wrinkling limit in square metal sheets under diagonal tension. Among others (Elkins, 1994 and Yang et al., 1992), Forcellese et al. (1997) used a neural network to control springback in a 60 deg aluminum V-punch air bending process. Their system was trainedusing experimentally obtained examples consisting of five parameters from the punch force trajectory, an off-line measurement of sheet thickness, and the target bend angle as the inputs into the neural network and the punch displacement as the output. In another research project, Ruffini and Cao (1998) proposed to use a neural network to control springback angle in a channel forming process with punch force trajectory as the sole source for identifying the process variations and adjusting the HBF used in Sunseri et al. (1996). Preliminary results showed this approach to be promising
In this paper, the springback of an aluminum channel is controlled via a stepped binder force trajectory and neural network control. The neural network determines the HBF and PD% of the stepped binder force trajectory. Punch force trajectory was identified as the key parameter that reflects variations in material properties, sheet thickness, and friction coefficient. Therefore, four polynomial coefficients from curve fitting the punch force trajectory were used as inputs into the neural network. Figure 3 shows a flowchart of our proposed control system for this application. Despite large variations in material properties, sheet thickness (t), and friction coefficient (m), the springback angle (u) was maintained between 0.2 and 0.6 deg and the maximum strain (e) was limited to between 8% and 10%. Finally, a comparison with the closed-loop control method proposed by Sunseri et al. (1996) is included to show the benefits of our control method. While only numerical simulation results are presented here, the control system will be physically implementation in the future to verify improvement claims
A simple geometry to investigate spr ingback is a channel forming process. Therefore, the same aluminum channel forming process used by Sunseri et al. (1996) is employed here (see Fig. 2). First, the effect of constant binder force (CBF) on springback was evaluated. As the CBF was increased while all other process and material parameters were held constant in our simulations, the springback angle u, was reduced as shown graphically in Fig. 4 and physically in Fig. 5. However, the increased binder force caused a subsequent increase in the maximum strain1 in the material, solid line in Fig. 4, to levels that exceed the maximum stretchability of aluminum (Graf and Hosford, 1993). By utilizing a stepped binder force trajectory, moderate maximum strain levels in the sidewall were obtained while reducing springback in the process as demonstrated in the table of Fig. 1.
To produce a robust process when faced with deviations in the friction coefficient, Sunseri et al. (1996) implemented closed-loop variable binder force control to follow the punch force trajectory obtained from the stepped binder force case with nominal process conditions. This control method was able to produce consistent springback levels when the friction coefficient was varied from a value of 0.1, for the nominal case, to 0.25. However, whether this methodology could withstand variations of other parameters such as material properties and sheet thickness was not determined.
Finite Element Model.
A commercial Finite Element Analysis package (ABAQUS, 1997) was used for our numerical simulations of the channel forming process. Since the problem is close to a plane-strain condition and is symmetric, only one sixteenth of the width and half of the length of the entire blank (220 mm 3 46 mm) was modelled. The binder, the die, and the punch were modelled as three separate rigid surfaces. Each surface was modelled using four-node interface elements (ABAQUS type IRS4), and a Coulomb friction law was assumed. Our blank mesh had an uneven distribution of 40 four-node, reduced integration shell elements (ABAQUS type S4R) with a more dense concentration of elements where the blank contacted the punch and binder corner radii. Boundary conditions were specified to create a plane-strain condition. The material was modelled to be isotropic, elasto-plastic following the von Mises yield criterion and isotropic strain hardening. The elastic properties were the Young’s modulus, E, of 70 GPa and Poisson’s ratio, n, of 0.3. The plastic behavior of the sheet material was modelled using a power law relation (s 5 Ke n). Our nominal material, denoted Material 1, had a material strength coefficient, K, of 528 MPa and a strain hardening exponent, n, of 0.265.
Proposed Control System
In a channel forming process, spri