壓縮包內(nèi)含有CAD圖紙和說(shuō)明書(shū),均可直接下載獲得文件,所見(jiàn)所得,電腦查看更方便。咨詢Q 197216396 或 11970985
摘 要
關(guān)鍵字:填料箱蓋; 工藝; 夾具
This design in view of the automobile CA10B padding box lid production technology characteristic, summarized the manufacture technology and its the equipment main question, the key analysis introduction technical process, the craft datum key function, distorts to processes the precision the influence, the examination technology necessary and padding key question the and so on box lid working conditions and stress situation design explanation.
And its padding box lid machining technical process and in processing process unit clamp design. Caused us through the design further to be familiar with the product processing design entire process. In formulation processing plan time, fully considers its efficiency and the feasibility.
Key words Gland ; craft; jig