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目 錄
1 課題提出的背景和意義..................................................................................1
1.1 課題的研究背景...............................................................................................1
1.2 UG的應用前景及UG軟件應用的意義..................................................1
2 零件的分析..........................................................................................................2
2.1 零件的作用 2
2.2 零件的工藝分析 .3
3 工藝規(guī)程設計 .4
3.1 毛坯的制造形式 .4
3.2 基準面的選擇 .4
3.3 制訂工藝路線 .4
3.4 機械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的確定 .6
3.5 確定切削用量及基本工時 .7
4 基于UG專用夾具設計 ..20
4.1 問題的指出 20
4.2 夾具設計 20
4.3 定位誤差的分析 21
4.4 利用UG對夾具的建模 21
4.5 基于UG的夾具建模過程概述..................................................................22
5 全文總結............................................................................................................30
參考文獻 31
致 謝 33
Oil leakage issue is a concern of the automotive industry, and fill covers the design has become the most crucial link. Covers how to solve the packing process in order to shorten the product design cycle is the urgent need to solve the problem, the graduation project is to use UG Covers to fill the order of the design and conduct of fixture design.
In the desire, Firstly i analysis the part , I ascertain the material of the part use according to uses and the batches processing request if the product , the dimension according to the part designs that the part processes procedure and then. I assume two processes first in design, by that many ways contrasts ascertain the treating route to the part finally. Follow in designing the good handicraft route, I ascertain the treating margin processing every working procedure's, calculating working hour of every step.
After i ascertain the process of the part ,i decide to design the grip of the 4th work setp ,Conciding the 2-M10 , 4-M10,6-φ13.5 holes scatter averagely to 12 holes,I will adopt pneumatic fastening motion , adopt a mandril to fix position in design, may remove drill form board and stop may load and unload together with workpiece in coordination with realizing allocation accuracy height in at 5 o'clock fixing position , designing that.
I will use the UG software into gratuate design that broadly used at present finally, the model function making use of whose building big and powerful carries out the part and the clamp building the model and picture carrying out assembling , generating explosion finally. In the final step, I will introduce model buliding proess of UG software , I will sqeeze the cover introducing the filling box detailedly building model process concretely.
In design, the application to UG will shorten the product design cycle effectively. Make the whole design seem image.
(1) 在工藝規(guī)程設計的方面,對基準面的選擇是十分重要的,正確合理的基準面對加工質量的保證,生產率的提高有很大的作用。最終經過多方面的比較最終確定零件的粗基準和精基準,在工藝路線的確定方面,我設計出了兩個不同的方案,兩個方案的不同之處在于對零件加工的順序不一樣,經過多方面的分析,我最張選擇了工藝路線方案二,并對其進行了改進。
(2) 在確定工藝路線后,對工件的加工余量以及工時的確定也是十分重要的,我查閱了《工藝手冊》及《切削手冊》,對切削力進行計算,對工件的強度進行校核,最終確定零件的切削用量以及各工序的工時。
(3) 在進行對工序4的加工12孔進行專業(yè)夾具設計,由于12孔中,