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摘 要:氧化銻是重要的化工產(chǎn)品,屬無機(jī)類阻燃劑,一般與鹵系阻燃劑復(fù)配使用,是一種重要的阻燃協(xié)效劑,也可用作防火涂料和填充料、媒染劑等。本文綜述了阻燃型填料氧化銻的性質(zhì)、用途、主要生產(chǎn)方法、產(chǎn)品規(guī)格、市場前景及發(fā)展趨勢。設(shè)計(jì)中選用間歇生產(chǎn)方法(濕法.氨解法),將輝銻礦經(jīng)焙燒、冷凝后置于反應(yīng)釜加酸攪拌溶解,經(jīng)過濾、水解、中和、洗滌、干燥、粉碎等步驟后即的最終產(chǎn)品。本文主要承擔(dān)了反應(yīng)釜的設(shè)計(jì)和物料衡算,根據(jù)物料衡算和熱量衡算,對反應(yīng)釜工藝尺寸及其附屬設(shè)備的進(jìn)行了計(jì)算,進(jìn)行了合理的選型。
The process design of antimony oxide flame-retardant filler of 5,000 tons per year:The design of reactor
Abstract:Antimony oxide is an important chemical products, an inorganic flame retardants, halogen flame retardant is generally related to the use of compound, is an important synergism of flame-retardant agent, also can be used as a fire retardant coating and filler, such as mordant. In this paper, antimony oxide flame retardant filler nature, uses, the main production methods, product specifications, market prospects and development trends. Batch production in the selected design method (wet. Ammonia solution), will be roasted by stibnite, condensation reactor placed after the mixing acid dissolved by filtration, hydrolysis, and, washing, drying, grinding and other steps after the the final product. Assumed in this paper and autoclave design and material balance, based on material balance, and autoclave to determine the process parameters, type and size, a reasonable selection.
Key words : antimony oxide flame retardant filler; process design; and autoclave