附錄A液壓系統(tǒng)的綠色設計前言綠色設計思想的前奏與認識基礎與“可持續(xù)發(fā)展” 的經(jīng)濟思想和社會發(fā)展理論有著密切的關聯(lián)。近幾十年來,隨著科學技術的發(fā)展,工業(yè)設計為人類 創(chuàng)造了前所未有的現(xiàn)代生活方式和舒適的生活環(huán)境。與此同時,人類憑借著自身的智慧和先進的技術,肆意開采資源,加速了能源的消耗,對地球的生態(tài)平衡造成了巨大的破壞,能源危機、環(huán)境污染、物種滅 絕、人口劇增等種種問題闖入人們的視野。1987年,挪威首相布倫特蘭夫人在《我們共同的未來》報告 中第一次提出了地球“可持續(xù)發(fā)展 ” 的概念,尤其是 1992年在巴西里約熱內(nèi)盧舉行 “世界環(huán)境與發(fā)展大會” 以來, “可持續(xù)發(fā)展 ”觀念受到各國政府、企業(yè)與知識界的高度重視。各國政府先后制定了自己國家的可持續(xù)發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略,綠色設計的思想也迅速傳播開來。綠色設計的基本思想是將防止污染,保護環(huán)境的戰(zhàn)略自覺集成到產(chǎn)品開發(fā)中,使產(chǎn)品在生產(chǎn)與流通 過程中能夠同時實現(xiàn)其宜人價值、生態(tài)價值與經(jīng)濟價 值。 “少量化、再利用、資源再生 ” 的三“RE” (Reduce,Reuse,Recycling)原則是綠色設計的基本 原則。如果把綠色設計運用到液壓系統(tǒng)的設計中,那么Reduce是指降低系統(tǒng)的能耗,減少對環(huán)境的污染,提高液壓元件的可靠性。Reuse、Recycle 指液壓介質(zhì) 的循環(huán)利用,元部件的可裝拆性、易修理性等。 1 降低消耗 1.1 資源的最佳利用1.1.1 優(yōu)化液壓元件的連接與拆卸性液壓系統(tǒng)是由動力、執(zhí)行、控制與輔助元件連接件組成的。設計時要盡量提高液壓系統(tǒng)的集成度,以優(yōu)化裝配、節(jié)省材料為目標來簡化設計方案,減少用于裝配的零件數(shù)目。采用的原則是對多個元件的功能進 行優(yōu)化組合,實現(xiàn)系統(tǒng)的模塊化,并考慮工藝性來實現(xiàn)基本液壓回路的緊湊。如減小液壓元件的體積,簡 化液壓元件間的連接,設計易于拆卸的元件等。在滿足功能、性能的基礎上,重點放在元件的連接、嵌入咬合式等。焊接連接的裝配和拆卸的復雜程度最高,導致零部件破壞性拆卸;螺釘連接的裝配容易而可拆卸程度要受環(huán)境的影響,如果生銹則會導致拆卸復 雜;鉚釘連接的機械裝配性較好但拆卸復雜;嵌入咬合是裝配性和拆卸性均較好的一種連接方式,但在連接強度要求高的情況下,連接的安全性可能出現(xiàn)問題。例如在齒輪泵中,齒輪與軸的聯(lián)接可采用多面軸,這樣可減少高速旋轉(zhuǎn)中產(chǎn)生的噪聲和振動,而且因取消了鍵聯(lián)接,結(jié)構(gòu)簡單,易于裝配和拆卸。為了使液壓系統(tǒng)結(jié)構(gòu)更緊湊,根據(jù)安裝形式的不同,閥類元件可制成各種結(jié)構(gòu)形式。管式連接和法蘭式連接的閥,占用的空間較大,裝拆和維修保養(yǎng)都不太方便,因此盡量采用板式和插裝式連接的閥。板式連接的普通液壓閥可安裝到集成塊上,利用集成塊上的孔道實現(xiàn)油路間的連接,或可直接將閥做成疊加是1992年在巴西里約熱內(nèi)盧舉行“世界環(huán)境與發(fā)展口及執(zhí)行元件的接口,其接頭可做成快速雙向接頭,提高裝配性和可拆卸性;插裝閥便于將幾個插裝式元件組合成復合閥。1.1.2 液壓介質(zhì)的回收再利用液壓介質(zhì)的回收再利用也是實現(xiàn)液壓系統(tǒng)資源最佳利用的重要環(huán)節(jié)。液壓油的回收再利用的關鍵是做好油的過濾工作和油溫控制,只有清潔不變質(zhì)的油才是可以再利用的。安裝過濾器是保證油清潔的關鍵對過濾精度要求高的系統(tǒng)元件要用精過濾器。及時清 洗濾芯和油箱也是保證油液清潔的一個環(huán)節(jié)。 油溫控制主要是防止油液變質(zhì),溫度的升高引起油液的氧化,使油液變質(zhì)。另外,油溫的升高,導致油液粘度下降,使元件系統(tǒng)的內(nèi)外泄漏增加,系統(tǒng)的效率可以降也可以通過安裝冷卻器來降溫,冷卻器的合理選用能有效地降低溫升,防止油液變質(zhì)。1.2 能量的最小損耗1.2.1 合理選取元件要減少能量的損耗就要提高液壓系統(tǒng)的效率。選擇性能良好,效率高的液壓元件是提高液壓系統(tǒng)效率裝配的零件數(shù)目。采用的原則是對多個元件的功能進行優(yōu)化組合,實現(xiàn)系統(tǒng)的模塊化。 1)動力元件的選取。應根據(jù)具體場合合理選取,如果可能,可以優(yōu)先選用效率高的變量泵。這類泵可以根據(jù)實際工況的需要自動調(diào)節(jié)排量大小,減少流量過剩,也就減少了功率損失。另外,在選取泵時,最好不要將大容量的泵降低規(guī)格使用,因為當工作壓力和流量小于泵的額定值時,泵的總效率將下降,不能物盡其用,也就造成了功率損失。2)執(zhí)行元件的選取。選取液壓馬達時,一方面要注意不要將馬達降低規(guī)格使用,另一方面也要注意提高馬達的容積效率。而對于液壓缸來說,應盡量改善其密封條件,減少泄漏,減少功率損失。3)控制元件及管路的選取。控制元件雖然不屬于能量轉(zhuǎn)換裝置,但是如果能夠根據(jù)實際液壓系統(tǒng)功能的要求,合理選擇控制元件和系統(tǒng)管路的規(guī)格,可以減少液壓系統(tǒng)的壓力損失,提高回路的效率。對于一般的液壓設備通常選用開關式控制元件,而對一些自動化程度較高,動作復雜的液壓設備可選用能對輸出油液的壓力、流量進行連續(xù)控制和遠程控制的電液比例閥和電液伺服閥。在確定系統(tǒng)管路時,應注意優(yōu)化管路系統(tǒng),力求在滿足功能要求的情況下,系統(tǒng)簡單可靠不出現(xiàn)多余的管路,盡可能減少彎頭,從而做到在降低成本的同時,有效節(jié)省能源。1.2.2 優(yōu)化系統(tǒng)的設計要想使一個液壓系統(tǒng)達到節(jié)能效果,應對系統(tǒng)的功率損失、復雜程度、成本及可靠性等因素進行綜合考慮,在滿足系統(tǒng)工作性能的基礎上,有效降低能耗。在設計液壓系統(tǒng)時除合理地選取元件外,還要系統(tǒng)地考慮提高元件的可靠性問題。在設計時可以采用提高元件的平均強度、降低元件的平均應力、減少元件的應力變化、減少元件的強度變化等方法和手段來提高元件的可靠性。系統(tǒng)中應用蓄能器作為輔助能源可以作為一種節(jié)能措施。也可采用液壓和其它傳動類型相結(jié)合的方法來達到節(jié)能的目的。例如,利用機一液傳動能克服純液壓傳動的體積和重量大、傳動效率低等缺點。采用氣一液傳動具有速度快、泄漏少、能耗低、經(jīng)濟性好等優(yōu)點。也可采用高水基傳動介質(zhì),此種介質(zhì)用水代替油,因此節(jié)約能源。在我國隨著液壓技術的不斷發(fā)展,高水基液壓元件,也在逐漸增多。提高液壓元件的可靠性,就可以減少元件的消耗,提高系統(tǒng)的工作效率、工作性能,也就降低了成本。2 減少污染2.1 減少油液的泄漏對于液壓系統(tǒng)而言,最主要的污染源是液壓油的泄漏。液壓油的泄漏不僅對環(huán)境造成污染,同時又降低了系統(tǒng)的效率,增加了能耗。因此降低油的泄漏是非常關鍵的。液壓油的泄漏一般分內(nèi)泄漏和外泄漏,內(nèi)泄漏是指元件內(nèi)部高壓腔的油泄漏到低壓腔,它對環(huán)境雖不造成污染,但是降低了元件的性能,應加以控制。而外泄漏是主要污染源,要降低系統(tǒng)的泄漏,關鍵是解決好液壓油的密封問題。液壓油的密封一般采用密封囤密封,0形圈以其使用簡單而廣泛用于液壓系統(tǒng)中。在使用0形圈時,其零件的配合精度往往比使用V 形圈、Y 形圈要高,這是由0形圈的密封特性決定的。正確選擇零件的配合間隙,即密封間隙,對密封的可靠性有很大的影響;同時要合理選擇預壓縮量和密封結(jié)構(gòu)。在速度梯度大、換向頻繁、壓力沖擊大、使用可靠性要求比較高、更換密封困難或不允許經(jīng)常更換的地方,均采用V形密封圈,最好是純合成橡膠與夾布合成橡膠配合使用。Y形圈不管從密封性能或抗扭擰能力,都比 V形圈要好。一般來講,為了增加密封效果、提高液壓缸往復運動伸縮軸的壽命,在活塞桿、伸縮軸的端部安裝防塵圈,也可使用帶密封的防塵圈。另外,應盡量使用高粘度的工作油,以減少泄漏。最終應實現(xiàn)機械傳動裝置的工作介質(zhì)綠色化,采用無毒液壓油。2.2 減少噪聲污染液壓系統(tǒng)噪聲是對工作環(huán)境的嚴重污染。液壓系統(tǒng)噪聲分機械噪聲和流體噪聲。在液壓系統(tǒng)中,電動機、液壓泵和液壓馬達等都以高速回轉(zhuǎn),如果它們的轉(zhuǎn)動部件不平衡,就會產(chǎn)生周期性的不平衡力,引起轉(zhuǎn)軸的彎曲振動,因而產(chǎn)生噪聲。這種振動傳到油箱和管路時,會因共振產(chǎn)生很大的聲響。為了控制這些噪聲,應對轉(zhuǎn)子進行動平衡試驗,設計時注意避開共振區(qū)。機械噪聲還包括機械零件缺陷和裝配不合格而引起的高頻噪聲。因此必須嚴格保證制造和安裝的質(zhì)量。在液壓系統(tǒng)噪聲中流體噪聲占相當大的比例,這種噪聲是由于油液的流速、壓力的突變、流量的周期性變化、以及泵的困油、氣穴等原因引起的。以液壓泵為例,在液壓泵的吸油和壓油循環(huán)中,產(chǎn)生周期性的壓力和流量變化,形成壓力脈動,從而引起液壓振動,并經(jīng)出口傳播至整個液壓系統(tǒng);同時液壓回路的管道和閥類元件將液壓泵的壓力變化反射,在回路中產(chǎn)生波動,與泵發(fā)生共振,產(chǎn)生噪聲。另一方面,開式液壓系統(tǒng)中溶解了大約5% 的空氣,當系統(tǒng)中的壓力低于空氣分離壓時,油中的氣體就迅速地大量分離出來,形成氣泡,這些氣泡遇到高壓便被壓破,產(chǎn)生較強的液壓沖擊。因此在設計液壓泵時,齒輪泵的齒輪模數(shù)盡量取小,齒數(shù)盡量取多,卸荷槽的形狀和尺寸要合理,盡量減小沖擊;柱塞泵的柱塞數(shù)應為奇數(shù),最好為7個,并在吸、壓油配流盤上對稱開上三角槽,以防柱塞泵的困油;為防止空氣混入,泵的吸油口應足夠大,而且應沒人油箱液面以下一定深度,以防吸油后液面下降吸人空氣;為減少液壓沖擊,可以延長閥門關閉時間,并在易產(chǎn)生液壓沖擊的部位附近設置蓄能器,以吸收壓力波;增大管徑和使用軟管,對減少和吸收振動都頗為有利。附錄BThe liquid presses the green design of the systemThe prelude and the understanding foundation of the green design thought and the economy of“can keep on a development“ thought to develop theories to have a close connection and society.In the last several decades, along with science technical development, the industrial design is mankindcreate the unprecedented modern life style and comfortable life environment.At the same time, mankind with lend the intelligence of the oneself and the technique of the forerunner, mine a resources without restraint, accelerate the depletion of the energy, bring huge breakage to the permafrost ecosystem balance, the energcrisis,pollution of the environment,species puts out to cut off,the population play increase etc. various problems intrude into people's visual field.In 1987, prime minister NWEBLUN in Norway especially madam BRUTEF put forward the concept of the Earth“can keep on a development“ for the first time in 《 we the common future 》 the report, was in 1992 particularly at Brazil Rio de Janeiro held since“the world environment and the development conference“, “can keep on a development“ idea was high value by all countries government,business enterprise and the knowledge field.All countries government drew up an oneself a nation successively of can keep on a development strategy, the thought of[with] green design also spreads to open quickly. The basic thought of[with] green design will prevent°from a pollution, the strategy of the environmental protection awares of self to integrate to the product development, can make during the period of producing and circulating the product carry out a worth and economic price value of its pleasant value,ecosystem in the meantime. Three“RE“(Reduce, Reuse,Recycling) principles of“the jot turn,make use of again, the resources rebirth“ are the basic principles of[with] green designs.If make use of the green design to the liquid to press the design of the system in, so the Reduce mean lowering system can consume, reducing the pollution to the environment, raising the credibility that the liquid presses a component.The Reuse,Recycle points the circulating exploitation that the liquid presses to lie quality, dollar the parts can pack to dismantle sex and fix sex etc. easily. 1 Lower depletion1.1 One resources of the best make use of1.1.1 excellent turn the conjunction that the liquid presses a component with dismantle to unload The liquid presses system from the motive,performance,control and assistance component conjunction the piece constitute.Design to raise the integration degree that the liquid presses system as far as possible, with the excellent disguise go together with,economical material for target to simplify the design project, reduce spare parts number of used for the assemble.The adoptive principle is the function to several components to enter to go excellent turn a combination, the mold piece that carries out system turn, and consider a craft to carry out the tightly packed that the basic liquid presses back track.If let up the physical volume that the liquid presses a component, JIAN3 HUA4 YI4 presses a conjunction between components, the design is easy to dismantle component etc. for unload.In satisfying the foundation of the function,function, the point puts in the conjunction of the component and imbeds to bite match type etcWeld the assemble of the conjunction with dismantle the complicated degree for unload tallest, cause zero parts destructivenesses dismantle to unload;The assemble of the bolt conjunction is easy but can dismantle to unload degree to want under the influence of environment, if become rusty and then will cause to dismantle to unload to reply miscellaneous;Rivet the machine assemble oftheconjunction compare good but dismantle to unload complications;Imbeding to bite to match is to assemble sex and dismantle to unload sex all and more good of a kind of conjunction method, but link under the sistuation that link strength to have high request of the safety may appear a problem.For example in the wheel gear the pump, the tie of the wheel gear and stalk's connect can adopt many noodles stalks, can reduce high speed to revolve so in the output noise and the vibration, and connect because of canceling the key tie, the structure is simple, being easy to assemble and dismantling to unload.Tightly packed for making the liquid press the system structure more, according to install the dissimilarity of the form, the valve component can make into various structure form.The valve of the tube type conjunction and the method lan type conjunction, take up of the space compare greatly, packing to dismantle and maintaining to maintain all not that convenient, so adopt the plank type and put the valve of the pack type conjunction as far as possible.The common liquid of the plank type conjunction's pressing valve can install to the integration a piece up, make use of an integrated piece up of the teaching of Confucius carry out a conjunction between oil roads, or can make the valve in to fold to add directly is in 1992 at Brazil Rio de Janeiro hold“the world environment and the development and the performance component connected, its deal with contact can make into a fast double to deal with contact, the exaltation assemble with can dismantle to unload sex;Put to pack valve easy to put several the pack type component constitute compound valve.1.1.2 liquids press to lie quality to be recycledThe liquid presses to lie quality to be recycled is also the important link that carries out a liquid to press the best exploitation of the system resources.Liquid's pressing the key of the be recycled of oil is to work well oil of the percolation work and oil temperature control, only sweep the oil of the constant quality and just can make use of again.Install the filter is the key that promises the oil sweep to request a high system component to use a extractive filter towards filtering accuracy.In time pure wash the filter and fuel tank is also a links that promises the oil liquid sweep. The oil temperature control mainly is keep the oil liquid from change in character, the temperature goes up to cause the oil liquid to oxidize, making the oil liquid change in character.Moreover, the oil temperature go up, causing the oil liquid glue a degree to descend, make the component system of inside leak to leak increment, the efficiency of the system's can decline can also pass to install water cooler to reduce the heat, the reasonable of the water cooler's choosing to use can lower WEN SHENG availably, keeping the oil liquid from change in character.1.2 least of the energies exhaust1.2.1 reasonable selection componentWanting to reduce energy to exhaust the efficiency that will raise a liquid to press system.Choose function good, efficiency the high liquid press a component is the spare parts number that raises a liquid to press the system efficiency to assemble.The adoptive principle is the function to several components to carry on excellent turn a combination, the mold piece that carries out system turn, andtest(1)theselectionofthemotivecomponent.According to concrete situation reasonable selection, if possibility, can have the initiative to choose to use an efficiency to change quantity a pump highly.This pump can regulate a row to have great capacity automatically according to the demand of[with] actual work condition small, reduce the discharge excess, also reduce powerloss.Moreover,whileselectbyexaminations pump, best don't lower the pump of the big capacity the specification usage, because of being the work pressure and discharge small in pump of when the sum settle value, pump of the total efficiency will descend, can't thing exhausted it use, also resulting in the power lose.(2)Carry out the selection of the component.Wanting to notice and do not lower motor on the other hand when select by examinations the liquid press motor the specification usage, also want to notice the capacity efficiency of the exaltation motor on the other hand.But press an urn to the liquid to say, should improve it to seal completely a condition as far as possible, reducing leakiness, reducing the power loss.(3)Control the selection of the component and the tube road.Control although the component don't belong to the energy conversion to equip, if can press system according to the actual liquid.The request of the function, the reasonable choice control component and system take care of the specification of the road, can reduce the pressure loss that the liquid presses system, the efficiency of the exaltationbacktrack.Pressanequipments to the general liquid to usually choose to use the switch type control component, but is higher to some automation degree, act a complicated liquid to press the equipments can choose to use an ability carry on the electricity liquid comparison valve and the electricity liquid servovalve of continuous control and the long range control towards outputting the oil liquid of pressure,discharge.Under the circumstance that the certain system tube road, should notice excellent turn the tube road system, try hard for at satisfy function a request, the system is in brief dependable and appear surplus of tube road, reduce a curved head possibly, attain thus at decline low cost of in the meantime, save energy effectively.1.2.2 excellent turn the design of the systemWanting to want make a liquid press system to attain the economy energy result, the factors such as power loss,complicated degree,cost and credibility etc.s that reply system carry on comprehensive consideration, lowering in satisfying the foundation of the system work function and effectively can consume.While designing a liquid to press system in addition to selecting by examinations a component reasonably, also wantsystematically a dependable problem of consider the exaltation component.While design can adopt the average strength of the exaltation component,lower the mean stress of the component and reduce a component of should dint variety,reduce the strength of the component variety etc. the method and means to raise the credibility of the component.Applied in the system the ability machine is to lend support to energy and can be a kind of economy energy measure.Can also adopt a liquid to press to spread to move the method that the type combine together with other to attain the purpose of[with] economy energy.For example, make use of machine a liquid to spread the physical volume and weight that the kinetic energy overcomes a pure liquid to press to spread tmovebig,spread to move low etc. weakness of efficiency.The adoption annoys a liquid to spread to move to have speed quick,leak little,can consume low,economy good etc. advantage.Can also adopt high water group to spread to move to lie quality, this kind lie quality to replace oil with the water, therefore economize energy.Press along with the liquid at the our country technical of develop continuously, high liquid of water group presses a component, also Be increasing gradually.Raise the credibility that the liquid presses a component, can reduce the depletion of the component, raise the work efficiency of the system and work function, also lower cost.2 Reduce a pollution2.1 reduce the leakiness of the oil liquidPress the system but speech to the liquid, the pollution source of the most is the leakiness that the liquid presses oil.The liquid presses the leakiness of the oil to not only bring pollution to environment, lowering the efficiency of the system again in the meantime, increase can consume.The leakiness that therefore lowers oil is very decisive.The liquid presses the leakiness of the oil general the part of duty leak and leak to leak, inside the leakiness mean internal high pressure gap of component of the oil leak to the low-pressure gap , it to although the environment result in pollution, but lower the function of the component, should take in to control.But leak to leak is a main pollution source, lower the leakiness of the system, the key is to resolve a good liquid to press oil of seal completely a problem.The liquid presses oil of seal completely a general adoption to seal completely to store to seal completely, 0 the form turn it is used for a liquid to press system in brief but extensively by usage in.At use 0 the form turn, the match accuracy of its spare parts usually compares an usage a V form turn,Y form turn to want high, this from 0 the form turn seal completely thecharacteristic decision.The match cleft of the right choice spare parts, then sealcompletely cleft, to seal completely of the credibility have very great influence;Want a reasonable choice to prepare compression quantity and seal completelystructureinthemeantime.Biginthespeedstepsdegree,changetomultifarious,the pressure pound at greatly and use credibility to have higher request and replace to seal completely a difficulty or disallow to usually replace of place, all adopt a V form to seal completely a turn, had better synthesize rubber and clip cloth to synthesize the rubber match usage purely.The Y form turn ignore from seal completely the function or anti- to twist of the ability, all compare a V form turn to be good friends with.Speak generally, seals completely result,the exaltation liquid to press for the sake of the increment an urn of back and forth exercise flexible stalk of life span, can also use to take to seal completely at the carry of piston pole,flexible stalk a gearing dust palliative turn of dust palliative turn.Should use as far as possible moreover high glue the work oil of the degree, is leak with decrease.End should carry out a machine to spread a work of move the device to lie the quality green to turn, adopt a not poisonous liquid to press oil.2.2 reduce the noise a pollutionLiquid's pressing the system noise is the serious pollution to the work environment.The liquid presses the system noise the machine noise and fluid noise for cent.In the liquid press the system, the electric motor,liquid presses the pump and liquid to press motor etc.s all turn round at a high speed, if they turn to move the parts unbalance, will produce the unbalance dint of the periodic, cause the bent vibration of the shaft, as a result produce a noise.This kind of vibration spreads to fuel tankWith the tube road, meeting because the resonance produces a very big voice ring.For controling these the noise, reply to turn son to carry on moving balance to experiment, design notice to avert from resonance area.The machine noise still includes the machine spare parts blemish and assembles an unqualified and causable high voice of noise .Therefore have to promise the quality of the manufacturing and install strictly.Press the system noise the midstream body noise voice to share a very great comparison in the liquid, thisgrow the noise is because the periodicvarietyof[with]mutation,discharge of the current velocity,pressure of the oil liquid,and pump of trap reasons, such as oil and the spirit cave.etc. to cause.With the liquid press a pump for example, produce periodic in the liquid press the pump of absorb the oil and press the oil circulation of the pressure and discharge variety, become the pressure pulsation, cause a liquid to press a vibration thus, and was spread by exit to the whole liquid to press system;The liquid presses back track in the meantime,The piping and valve component press liquid the pressure variety glint of the pump, produce motion in the back track, take place a resonance with pump, creation noise.On the other hand, the open type liquid pressed to fuse about 5% airs in the system, being the pressure in the system low in When the air separation press, the air in the oil comes out for quickly a great deal of separation, formation spirit bubble, these spirit bubbles meet high pressure is break then, produce a stronger liquid to press impact.Therefore while designing a liquid to press a pump, the wheel gear mold of the wheel gear pump the number takes as far as possible small, 齒 the number takes to have another as far as possible, the shape and size that unload the lotus slot want to be reasonable, letting up impact as far as possible;Pillar's filling the pillar of the pump to fill a number should be an odd n