摘要隨著我國經濟的飛速發(fā)展,城市人口日益增多,特別是隨著改革開放以來,我國進入了汽車擁有率迅速上升時候。以往那種單層平面停車場也越來越不能滿足市場的需求。對多停車位、少占空間、使用操作簡單、安全可靠的“立體停車庫”的建設,是解決目前寸土寸金的大都市內停車難的有效辦法。 立體車庫是一種以單層平面停車場為核心、多平面的空間停車車庫,通過可編程控制器控制車位空間位置的變動,使車位能夠實現空間到平面的轉化,實現多重單層平面停車的功能。升降橫移式立體車庫利用托盤移位產生垂直通道,實現多層車位的升降來存取車輛。關鍵詞:立體車庫、可編程控制器、升降橫移式立體車庫立體車庫1.1 立體車庫概述車輛無處停放的問題是城市的社會、經濟、交通發(fā)展到一定程度產生的結果,立體停車設備的發(fā)展在國外,尤其在日本已有近 30~40 年的歷史,無論在技術上還是在經驗上均已獲得了成功。我國也于 90 年代初開始研究開發(fā)機械立體停車設備,距今已有十年的歷程。由于很多新建小區(qū)內住戶與車位的配比為 1:1,為了解決停車位占地面積與住戶商用面積的矛盾,立體機械停車設備以其平均單車占地面積小的獨特特性,已被廣大用戶接受。機械車庫與傳統(tǒng)的自然地下車庫相比,在許多方面都顯示出優(yōu)越性。首先,機械車庫具有突出的節(jié)地優(yōu)勢。以往的地下車庫由于要留出足夠的行車通道,平均一輛車就要占據 40 平方米的面積,而如果采用雙層機械車庫,可使地面的使用率提高 80—90,如果采用地上多層 21層,立體式車庫的話50 平方米的土地面積上便可存放 40 輛車,這可以大大地節(jié)省有限的土地資源并節(jié)省土建開發(fā)成本。 機械車庫與地下車庫相比可更加有效地保證人身和車輛的安全,人在車庫內或車不停準位置,由電子控制的整個設備便不會運轉。應該說,機械車庫從管理上可以做到徹底的人車分流。在地下車庫中采用機械存車,還可以免除采暖通風設施,因此運行中的耗電量比工人管理的地下車庫低得多。機械車庫一般不做成套系統(tǒng)而是以單臺集裝而成。這樣可以充分發(fā)揮其用地少、可化整為零的優(yōu)勢在住宅區(qū)的每個組團中或每棟樓下都可以隨機設立機械停車樓。這對眼下車庫短缺的小區(qū)解決停車難的問題提供了方便條件。目前,立體車庫主要有以下幾種形式:升降橫移式、巷道堆垛式、垂直提升式、垂直循環(huán)式、箱型水平循環(huán)式、圓形水平循環(huán)式。1.1.1 升降橫移式 升降橫移式立體車庫采用模塊化設計,每單元可設計成兩層、三層、四層、五層、半地下等多種形式,車位數從幾個到上百個。此立體車庫適用于地面及地下停車場配置靈活,造價較低。 1. 產品特點1) 節(jié)省占地、配置靈活、建設周期短。 2) 價格低、消防、外裝修、土建地基等投資少。3) 可采用自動控制、構造簡單、安全可靠。4) 存取車迅速、等候時間短。 5) 運行平穩(wěn)、工作噪聲低。 6) 適用于商業(yè)、機關、住宅小區(qū)配套停車場的使用。2. 安全裝置防墜裝置光電傳感器、限位保護器、急停開關等。 1.1.2 巷道堆垛式巷道堆垛式立體車庫采用堆垛機作為存取車輛的工具所有車輛均由堆垛機進行存取因此對堆垛機的技術要求較高單臺堆垛機成本較高所以巷道堆垛式立體車庫適用于車位數需要較多的客戶使用。 1.1.3 垂直提升式立體車庫 垂直提升式立體車庫類似于電梯的工作原理在提升機的兩側布置車位一般地面需一個汽車旋轉臺可省去司機調頭。垂直提升式立體車庫一般高度較高,幾十米對設備的安全性加工安裝精度等要求都很高,因此造價較高,但占地卻最小。 1.1.4 垂直循環(huán)式 產品特點 1) 占地少兩個泊位面積可停 6~10 輛車。 2) 外裝修可只加頂棚消防可利用消防栓。 3) 價格低地基、外裝修、消防等投資少 建設周期短。 4) 可采用自動控制運行安全可靠。2.1 立體車庫自動控制系統(tǒng) 現代大型建筑的主流是智能化大廈和小區(qū),因此自動化立體停車設備或車庫的自動控制系統(tǒng)將成為智能化大廈和小區(qū)的一個重要組成部分。操作簡單、迅速,使用方便,安全可靠維護量小,為用戶提供一個安全、簡易的使用環(huán)境,這是自動化立體停車設備的基本特點。停車設備的一切運行狀況,車輛停放的時間,車輛存放交費情況,車庫庫容量,車輛存放高、低峰情況,等信息均可通過網絡傳送到智能化控制中心,通過智能化控制中心運算處理,與廣播系統(tǒng)和各分部管理辦公室相連,達到提前發(fā)布相關控制、管理信息,從而全部實現智能化管理。通過大廈和小區(qū)的智能化控制中心還可與社會相關職能部門聯(lián)網,將有關信息發(fā)布出去或收集進來,擴大車庫的社會利用率和經濟效益。這將是自動化車庫的發(fā)展方向。 立體車庫自動化控制系統(tǒng)主要包含以下五個子系統(tǒng),自動收費管理系統(tǒng),自動存取車系統(tǒng),遠程診斷系統(tǒng)自動道閘,監(jiān)控安保系統(tǒng)。 以上子系統(tǒng)均由中央控制室統(tǒng)一控制,可為客戶規(guī)劃停車庫管理形式,發(fā)布車庫庫存容量,控制車流方案。2.1.1 自動收費管理系統(tǒng) 自動收費采用非接觸式IC卡。IC卡分長期卡與儲值卡兩種。對固定用戶,發(fā)行長期卡,費用可在固定用戶交納管理費用時一并交納,對臨時用戶,發(fā)行儲值卡,即用戶交納的費用存在卡內每次停車讀卡自動從卡中扣除費用。 2.1.2 自動存取車系統(tǒng) 自動存取車系統(tǒng)一般由小型可編程控制器PLC控制,包括卡號識別與移動載車板兩個過程。用戶進入車庫時,在門口刷卡進入,讀卡機自動把數據傳送到PLC控制系統(tǒng),PLC系統(tǒng)通過判斷卡號,自動把對應的載車盤移動到人車交接的位置,開啟車庫門,縮短存取車的時間。存車時,司機按照指示燈信號指引入庫,只有當車輛停放在安全位置后,停車正常指示燈才會亮啟。存取車完成后,車庫門自動關閉。移動載車盤時,系統(tǒng)嚴格按照各種檢測信號的狀態(tài)進行移動,檢測信號包括超長檢測、到位檢測、極限位置檢測、人員誤入檢測、急停信號檢測等。若有載車板運行不到位或車輛長度超出車庫允許的長度,所有載車盤將不進行動作若檢測到急停信號,將停止一切動作,直至急停信號消失。以上信號均為硬件信號,除此之外,還可從控制軟件中設置保護信號,比如時間保護,以保證因硬件損壞而導致信號失靈時保證主體設備及車輛的安全。 2.1.3 遠程診斷系統(tǒng)現場控制器可以通過網卡、Hub等網絡設備與控制中心的局域網相連接,可以通過MODEN實現遠程管理,監(jiān)測現場運行情況,當現場出現故障時,在控制中心即可進行解決,方便管理人員、安保人員異地辦公。2.1.4 自動道閘 在車庫出入口處各設非接觸式讀卡器、感應線圈及道閘,用戶在車庫出入口處刷卡后系統(tǒng)自動判別該卡是否有效,若有效,則道閘自動開啟,通過感應線圈后,自動柵欄自動關閉,若無效,則道閘不開啟,同時聲光報警。 2.1.5 監(jiān)控安保系統(tǒng) 監(jiān)控安保系統(tǒng)是指在中央控制室進行監(jiān)視控制車庫現場的運行狀況。它具有運動檢測、車牌識別、網絡連接、各種類型的報警系統(tǒng)實現連動等功能,可以實現無人看守。 系統(tǒng)簡介, 視頻監(jiān)控功能,在車庫各出入口,值班室和車庫內主要區(qū)段安裝定焦攝像機,在大范圍車位區(qū)安裝球形云臺,以便實現對車庫全方位的實時監(jiān)控。如果在車庫光照條件不好的情況下,可選用黑白攝像機。運動檢測功能可以在夜間設置車庫的運動檢測區(qū)域,當檢測區(qū)有移動目標時,運動檢測功能發(fā)出報警信號,提醒值班人員。 車牌識別功能 它能夠設置車庫參照車輛的車牌、車型。當參照車輛進入車庫監(jiān)視區(qū)域系統(tǒng)自動對比參照車輛圖像,有異常情況,發(fā)出報警信號,并自動切換和記錄相關圖像。報警連動功能可以連動各類報警主機,如啟動繼電器發(fā)出聲光報警通知安保人員自動放下道閘攔截車輛出入。 數字錄像功能可以連續(xù)記錄一個同在車庫所發(fā)生事件,可以同步回放多個圖像,可選擇任意圖像進行整體放大和局部放大,記錄、回放、備份可同步進行各種信息。 據介紹已經開始有越來越多的居住小區(qū)開始采用機械停車庫了??紤]到成本及維修,目前多數小區(qū)采用的是多層升降橫移式立體停車設備,大規(guī)模的倉儲式機械停車庫還很少。升降橫移式立體停車設備的泊車流程示意如下 1、紅綠黃指示燈指示車庫運行狀態(tài),紅色指示燈指示有人正在進行操,請稍候,綠色指示燈指示目前無人操作可進行操作黃色指示燈指示有故障發(fā)生車庫不能工作。2、存車操作司機駕駛車輛從車庫入口進入。在入口處的非接觸式讀卡機前感應區(qū)域晃以下自己的IC卡,感應過程完畢。柵欄自動升起司機開車進入車庫。車輛進入后,柵欄自動關閉。劃卡的同時,控制器讀取車位號,車庫內對應的載車盤自動移動到人車交接的位置車庫單元門自動打開。司機開車進入,停車到位,拉手剎,下車走出車庫,用IC卡在車庫出口處晃一下IC卡,車庫單元門自動關閉。完成存車操作。3、取車操作 司機進入車庫時,在入口處的非接觸式讀卡機前感應區(qū)域晃以下自己的IC卡,控制器自動讀取車位號,車庫內對應的載車盤自動移動到人車交接的位置,車庫單元門自動打開,司機進入車庫,開車出來,在車庫出口處的自動讀卡機前感應區(qū)域晃一下自己的IC卡,感應完畢,讀卡機接受信息,上位控制機自動記錄、扣費,柵欄自動升起,司機開車出場,出場后,柵欄自動關閉,同時,控制器自動讀取車位號,對應的車庫單元門自動關閉。取車操作完畢。 車庫在運行過程中,有完備的自我保護裝置。一系列光電開關、接近開關、行程開關等對載車板準確運行到位起著決定性的作用,獨特的防墜落裝置、斷繩報警裝置、超速保護裝置對車輛的安全起到保護作用。 車輛超長檢測、車輛停車不到位檢測、以及 12 人員誤入檢測等信號對車輛及人員的安全起著決定性的作用。AbstractAlong with the our country economy rapid development, the urban populationincreases day by day, specially since along with the Reform and open policy, theautomobile total quantity is more and more. Formerly that kind of Single-Layer planeparking lot could not satisfy the demand of the market. To the multi- parking spots, little occupies of the space, the use operation is simple. “Three-Dimensional Garage“,which is the effective solution of stops difficult in the present big city.The Three-Dimensional Garage, which takes the single-layer plane parking lot asthe core, is the multi-dimensional space parking garage. It uses the programmablecontroller (Programming Logic Controller, also called PLC) to realize multiplemonolayer plane stops by controlling the berth space position the change. Vertical-horizontal moving underground car parks, which realize multilayer berthfluctuation deposits and withdraws the vehicles by shifting the tray to produce thevertical channel. The article researches the theory of the Three-Dimensional Garage, introduce the realizationsituationof three-dimensional garage. The system simulation uses controls configuration software MCGS, which is based onthe WINDOWS platform. Through establishing the database of configurationsoftware constructs, connecting the animation, preparing the control flow anddebugging the procedures, it has realized the three-dimensional garage monitoringsystem.Keyword:Three-Dimensional Garage, Programmable Controller, Lifting and moving type stereo garage The Stereo Garage1.1 An overview of the stereo garageVehicles parked nowhere is the problem of the urban social, economic and transport development to a certain extent the result, Garage Equipment development in foreign countries, especially in Japan nearly 30-40 years. Whether technically or in terms of experience had been a success. China is also in the beginning of the 1990s developed mechanical parking equipment, which was 10 years in the past. Because a lot of new residents in the district with the ratio of 1:1. To address the size of parking spaces for tenants and business areas contradictions 3D mechanical parking equipment with an average size of a small motorcycle's unique characteristics, the majority of users have been accepted. Compared with the traditional natural underground garage, Machinery garage demonstrates its superiority in many respects. First, the mechanical garage has a prominent section of superiority. Past due to the underground garage must elapse enough lanes, the average car will occupy an area of 40 square meters, If the use of double-mechanical garage, which would enable ground to improve the utilization rateof around 80% to 90%, If using ground multi-storey (21 storey), three-dimensional garage, 50 square meters of land area will be placed on the 40 cars, which can greatly save the limited land resources, Civil and save development costs. To underground garage, Mechanical garage can be more effective to ensure personal and vehicle safety in the garage or car kept prospective location, the entire electronic control equipment would not operate. It should be said that the mechanical garage from the management can do a thorough separation of people and vehicles. In the underground garage using mechanical parking, it also can remove the heating ventilation; therefore, Operation of the power consumption than workers in the management of underground garage is much lower. Mechanical garage don't usually do complete system, but as a single machine containers. This will give full play to its small space, the advantages of decentralized, Each of the residential areas or groups downstairs to make a complete circuit can be set up random mechanical parking building. This garage of the district can solve the shortage of parking difficulty in providing convenient conditions right now.Currently, three-dimensional garage mainly in the following forms: lifting and transferring, aisle stacking garage, vertical garage, vertical cycle, box-level cycle, the level of circulating round. 1.1.1 Lifting and transferring Lifting and transferring Garage modular design, each module can be designed into two, three, four levels, the five-story, semi-submerged in various forms, such as the number of parking spaces from a few to hundreds. Three-dimensional garage applies to the ground and underground car parks, configuration flexibility and cost is low. 1. Product features: 1) Save land, the configuration flexibility, and shorter construction period. 2) Low prices, firefighting and exterior decoration, with a total investment on small foundations. 3) Use automatic control, simple structure, safe and reliable. 4) Access to a quick, short waiting time. 5) Run a smooth, low noise. 6) Applies to commercial, offices, and residential quarters supporting the use of car parks. 2. Safety devices: anti-dropping device, a photoelectr sensor, spacing protectors, emergency stop switch.1.1.2 Aisle stacking garage Aisle stacking garage used as a stacking machine tool access vehicles. All vehicles are stacking machine access, so the technical requirements for stacker higher, a single stacker cost is higher. So aisle stacking apply to the parking garage needs a few more customers. 1.1.3 Vertical Garage Vertical Garage Elevator similar to the principle that both sides of the hoist layout spaces. Generally need a ground vehicle rotary tables can be saved by the driver away. Vertical Garage generally higher high (tens of meters), safety equipment, Installation precision machining requirements are very high, high cost, but has the smallest area. 1.1.4 Vertical cycle Productfeatures: 1) covers an area of small; two berths area can stop 6-10 vehicles.2) The decoration can be added only roof, fire hydrants available. 3) Low prices, foundation, external decoration, fire and other small investment, short construction periods. 4) Use automatic control, safe and reliable operation. 2.1 The stereo garage automatic control system The modern large-scale building mainstream is intelligent mansion and community. So, automated parking equipment or garage automatic control system will become intelligent mansion and an important part of community. Simple, fast, easy to use, safe, reliable, and less maintenance, to provide users with a safe, easy to use environment, This is auto-parking feature of the basic equipment. All parking equipment operating conditions, vehicles parked in time, vehicle storage Malaysia, garage storage capacity. Vehicles kept high and low peaks, and other information can be transmitted through the network of intelligent control center through intelligent control center operator, and the broadcasting system and the management office of the Division linked related to early release control, management information, thus achieving all the intelligent management. Building and the Community through the intelligent control of the center could also associate with social networking functions. Information released to the collection coming out or expands utilization of the garage social and economic benefits. This will be the automation of the development direction of the garage. Solid Garage automation control system include the following five major subsystems: automatic toll collection management system automatic access systems for remote diagnosis system, automatic Gate, control security system. Subsystems are more unified control of the central control room, for customers planning Garage form of management, Published garage inventory capacity, traffic control program. 2.1.1 Automatic Toll Management SystemAutomatic charge adopts contactless IC card. IC card points long-term card and the stored-card. For fixed users, the issue of long-term cards, the cost of fixed users pays management fees paid together; on the temporary users, issue stored-value cards, namely: the user fees paid cards exist within each parking card reader automatically deducted from the cost. 2.1.2 Automatic vehicle access systemAutomatic vehicle access system is generally controlled by small PLC. Including the identification card number and mobile disc contains two cars process. Users enter the garage at the entrance to Swiping cards, reader data automatically transmitted to the PLC control system, PLC system through the judgment card number and automatically set the corresponding site mobile trucks and vehicles to the handover location, the garage door opened, shorten the time access to cars. Truck drivers light signals in accordance with the guidelines created only when vehicles parked in a safe location, Parking will be normal light-Kai. Access car after the completion of the garage doors shut down automatically. Mobile site contains car, the system in strict accordance with the various signal detection mobile state, including long signal detection, Detection in place, the position detection limit, officers hit detection, emergency stop signal detection. If cars are running plate is not in place or vehicle length in excess of the permitted length of the garage, all vehicles disc will contain no action, If detected emergency stop signal to stop all action until the emergency stop signal disappeared. Above signals are hardware signals, in addition, the software can also be installed to control signal protection, such as the protection of the time, to ensure that the damage due to hardware failure to signal equipment and the main guarantee for the safety of vehicles. 2.1.3 Remote diagnosis system Controllers can spot card, hubs and other network equipment and control center connected to the LAN, MODEN through remote management, monitoring the operation of the scene, when the scene failure, in the control center can be addressed to facilitate the management, e-office security personnel. 2.1.4 Automatic Gate In the garage entrance of the no-contact reader, and the Gate of coil users in the garage entrances Swiping cards, the system automatically discriminates validity of the card, if valid, the Gate open automatically, through induction coils, Automatic self-closing fence; If invalid, the Gate is not open, and sound and light alarm. 2.1.5 Monitoring security systemMonitoring security system is in the central control room for monitoring and controlling the operation of the garage scene conditions. It has motion detection, license plate recognition, network connections, different types of alarm systems linkage, and other functions, can be achieved unguarded. System catalog: Video monitoring function : the garage entrances, and the duty, the main segments within the garage installation focusing cameras, On the larger spaces installation spherical platforms, in order to achieve all-round garage on real-time monitoring. If the garage light conditions of the poor would use black-and-white cameras. Motion Detection functions: setting up the night in the garage of motion detection region, detecting when there are a moving target, Motion Detection and Alarm function remind staffs. LPR functions: it can set up the garage light vehicle license plates, vehicle. When the light vehicles entering the garage regional surveillance, the system automatically cross-referenced with images of a very odd situation, issued a warning signal and automatic switching and record their images. Alarm linkage functions: all can move even the police mainframe, if activatedRelay acousto-optic warning issued notice of security personnel to voluntarily disarm Gate interception of vehicular access. Digital video functions : it with a continuous record of what happened in the garage, can be synchronized intervals over images arbitrary choice of the overall image to enlarge and local amplification, recording, playback, backup can be conducted all kinds of information. Reportedly, has begun an increasing number of residential quarters began to use a mechanical garage. Taking into account the cost and maintenance, the majority of the district is a multi-storey lifting and transferring parking equipment, mass storage mechanical garage also rarely. Lifting and transferring Garage Equipmentparking.flow indicate the following: 1、 The sense of light yellow instructions garage operation Red lamp was ongoing operating instructions, please wait; Green light is currently no operating instructions, can operate; yellow light instructions were to fail, the garage can not work.2、 The operation Drivers of vehicles enter from the garage entrance. At the entrance of non-contact sensors Reader former regional shaken following their IC cards, induction process completed, the fence automatically rises driver drove into the garage. The fence shut down automatically after vehicles entering. Card is the controller to read spaces, corresponding to the parking garage containing cars moved to the site automatically transfer vehicle location, Automatic garage door open units. Car drivers entering and parking in place, Latin hand brake, alighted out of the garage, using IC cards in the garage exit Huang about IC cards Garage door modules to shut down automatically. Completed deposit truck operators. 3、 Collect the car operation Drivers entering the garage at the entrance to the non-contact sensors Reader former regional shaken following their IC cards Controller automatically read spaces, corresponding to the parking garage containing cars moved to the site automatically transfer vehicle location, Automatic garage door open modules, drivers entering the garage and drive out, in the garage exit of the automatic reader before induction regional dazzle your own IC cards, sensors finished, the reader receive information, Host controller automatically recorded, prepaid, automatically raising the fence, the driver drove the playing field, appeared after fencing to shut down automatically. Meanwhile, Controller automatically read spaces, corresponding to the garage door unit shut down automatically. Vehicle operation finished. The garage has a complete self-protection device in the course of operation. A series of photoelectric switches, proximity switches, trip switches and other vehicles on site contains accurate operation in place to play a decisive role; falling unique defense installations, broken rope warning device, speeding vehicle protection device to protect the security role played. Detection of long vehicles, vehicle parking is not in place detection, and personnel into a detection signal of vehicles and the safety play a decisive role.畢業(yè)設計12參考文獻[1]童林旭.地下汽車庫建筑設計[M].北京:中國建筑工業(yè) 出版社 ,1996. [2]王文卿.城市汽車庫停車場(庫)設計手冊[M].北京:中國建筑工業(yè)出版社.2002. [3]束昱.地下空間資源的開發(fā)與利用[M].上海:同濟大學出版社 .2002. [4]陳立道,等.城市地下空間規(guī)劃理論與實踐[M].上海:同濟大學出版社,1997. 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