畢業(yè)設(shè)計說明書1機電一體化的思路和對策機電一體化技術(shù)發(fā)展歷程及其趨勢 自電子技術(shù)一問世,電子技術(shù)與機械技術(shù)的結(jié)合就開始了,只是出現(xiàn)了半導(dǎo)體集成電路,尤其是出現(xiàn)了以微處理器為代表的大規(guī)模集成電路以后, “機電一體化” 技術(shù)之后有了明顯進展,引起了人們的廣泛注意。 (一) “機電一體化” 的發(fā)展歷程 1.數(shù)控機床的問世,寫下了“機電一體化 ”歷史的第一頁; 2.微電子技術(shù)為 “機電一體化''帶來勃勃生機; 3.可編程序控制器、 “電力電子” 等的發(fā)展為 “機電一體化”提供了堅強基礎(chǔ); 4.激光技術(shù)、模糊技術(shù)、信息技術(shù)等新技術(shù)使“機電一體化” 躍上新臺階。 “機電一體化”發(fā)展趨勢 1.光機電一體化。一般的機電一體化系統(tǒng)是由傳感系統(tǒng)、能源系統(tǒng)、信息處理系統(tǒng)、機械結(jié)構(gòu)等部件組成的。因此,引進光學(xué)技術(shù),實現(xiàn)光學(xué)技術(shù)的先天優(yōu)點是能有效地改進機電一體化系統(tǒng)的傳感系統(tǒng)、能源(動力)系統(tǒng)和信息處理系統(tǒng)。光機電一體化是機電產(chǎn)品發(fā)展的重要趨勢。 2.自律分配系統(tǒng)化——柔性化。未來的機電一體化產(chǎn)品,控制和執(zhí)行系統(tǒng)有足夠的“ 冗余度”,有較強的“柔性”,能較好地應(yīng)付突發(fā)事件,被設(shè)計成“自律分配系統(tǒng) ”。在自律分配系統(tǒng)中,各個子系統(tǒng)是相互獨立工作的,子系統(tǒng)為總系統(tǒng)服務(wù),同時具有本身的“自律性” ,可根據(jù)不同的環(huán)境條件作出不同反應(yīng)。其特點是子系統(tǒng)可產(chǎn)生本身的信息并附加所給信息,在總的前提下,具體“行動”是可以改變的。這樣,既明顯地增加了系統(tǒng)的適應(yīng)能力(柔性) ,又不因某一子系統(tǒng)的故障而影響整個系統(tǒng)。 3.全息系統(tǒng)化——智能化。今后的機電一體化產(chǎn)品“ 全息” 特征越來越明顯,智能化水平越來越高。這主要收益于模糊技術(shù)、信息技術(shù)(尤其是軟件及芯片技術(shù))的發(fā)展。除此之外,其系統(tǒng)的層次結(jié)構(gòu),也變簡單的“ 從上到下 ”的形勢而為復(fù)雜的、有較多冗余度的雙向聯(lián)系。 4.“生物一軟件 ”化 —仿生物系統(tǒng)化。今后的機電一體化裝置對信息的依賴性很大,并且往往在結(jié)構(gòu)上是處于“靜態(tài)” 時不穩(wěn)定,但在動態(tài)(工作)時卻是穩(wěn)定的。這有點類似于活的生物:當(dāng)控制系統(tǒng)(大腦)停止工作時,生物便“死亡”,而當(dāng)控制系統(tǒng)(大腦)工作時,生物就很有活力。仿生學(xué)研究領(lǐng)域中已發(fā)現(xiàn)的一些生物體優(yōu)良的機構(gòu)可為機電一體化產(chǎn)品提供新型機體,但如何使這些新型機體具有活的“生命” 還有待于深入研究。這一研究領(lǐng)域稱為 “生物——軟件”或“生物系統(tǒng)”,而生物的特點是硬 件(肌體)——軟件(大腦)一體,不可分割??磥?,機電一體化產(chǎn)品雖然有向生物系統(tǒng)化發(fā)展趨,但有一段漫長畢業(yè)設(shè)計說明書2的道路要走。 5.微型機電化——微型化。目前,利用半導(dǎo)體器件制造過程中的蝕刻技術(shù),在實驗室中已制造出亞微米級的機械元件。當(dāng)將這一成果用于實際產(chǎn)品時,就沒有必要區(qū)分機械部分和控制器了。屆時機械和電子完全可以“融合”,機體、執(zhí)行機構(gòu)、傳感器、 CPU 等可集成在一起,體積很小,并組成一種自律元件。這種微型機械學(xué)是機電一體化的重要發(fā)展方向。 三、典型的機電一體化產(chǎn)品 機電一體化產(chǎn)品分系統(tǒng)(整機)和基礎(chǔ)元、部件兩大類。典型的機電一體化系統(tǒng)有:數(shù)控機床、機器人、汽車電子化產(chǎn)品、智能化儀器儀表、電子排版印刷系統(tǒng)、CAD/CAM 系統(tǒng)等。典型的機電一體化元、部件有:電力電子器件及裝置、可編程序控制器、模糊控制器、微型電機、傳感器、專用集成電路、伺服機構(gòu)等。這些典型的機電一體化產(chǎn)品的技術(shù)現(xiàn)狀、發(fā)展趨勢、市場前景分析從略。 四、北京發(fā)展“機電一體化”而臨的形勢和任務(wù) 機電一體化工作主要包括兩個層次:一是用微電子技術(shù)改造傳統(tǒng)產(chǎn)業(yè),其目的是節(jié)能、節(jié)材,提高工效,提高產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量,把傳統(tǒng)工業(yè)的技術(shù)進步提高一步;二是開發(fā)自動化、數(shù)字化、智能化機電產(chǎn)品,促進產(chǎn)品的更新?lián)Q代。 前者是面上的工作,普及工作;后者是提高工作,深層次工作。 (一)北京“機電一體化” 工作面臨的形勢 1.北京用微電子技術(shù)改造傳統(tǒng)工業(yè)的工作量大而廣 (1)在700余家北京市屬工業(yè)系統(tǒng)的企業(yè)中,有60%以上的企業(yè)用微電子技術(shù)改造機床設(shè)備、工業(yè)窯爐、風(fēng)機電泵、生產(chǎn)過程的任務(wù)還未完成需要量的一半。 (2)北京工業(yè)系統(tǒng)還有2000余臺機床設(shè)備亟需用微電子技術(shù)進行改造;在已改造的近6500臺機床設(shè)備中,大約有15%需進一步改造。 (3)北京工業(yè)系統(tǒng)尚有近250座工業(yè)爐窯亟需用電子信息技術(shù)進行改造;且610座已改造過的工業(yè)爐窯也很有進一步應(yīng)用模糊技術(shù)進行二次改造的必要。 (4)北京工業(yè)系統(tǒng) CAD應(yīng)用還有較大差距。目前,北京工業(yè)品設(shè)計,CAD 應(yīng)用率僅17%(而美、日等國已超過85%;國內(nèi)先進地區(qū)也超過了30%) ;CAD 的覆蓋率才達到11%(而全國 CAD 應(yīng)用工程領(lǐng)導(dǎo)小組指出, “八五”期間大中型企業(yè)要達到35%,中小型骨干企業(yè)要達到15%—20% ;到 “九五”時,按國務(wù)委員宋健的要求,基本上要甩掉繪圖板) 。 (5)北京工業(yè)系統(tǒng)共有改造價值的各種風(fēng)機電泵裝機容量50萬千瓦,尚49萬多千瓦用變調(diào)速技術(shù)進行改造的任務(wù),占總?cè)蝿?wù)量的99.5%左右。 (6)工業(yè)是全市能源消耗大戶。1992年,北京工業(yè)系統(tǒng)占全市能耗總量的59.5%.而北京是一個能源嚴重缺乏的城市,1992年北京工業(yè)系統(tǒng)萬元產(chǎn)值能耗折合標(biāo)畢業(yè)設(shè)計說明書3煤為2.47噸,比上海的1.57噸高57%,比天津的2.15噸高14%,比先進的工業(yè)化國家高近9倍。因此,北京工業(yè)系統(tǒng)節(jié)能降耗的任務(wù)非常重,而電力電子技術(shù)是節(jié)能降耗的王牌。 2.北京用機電一體化技術(shù)加速產(chǎn)品更新?lián)Q代,提高市場占有率的呼聲高,有壓力。北京市的工業(yè)產(chǎn)品大約有3萬種,每年約開發(fā)試制新產(chǎn)品3000種,更新周期很長。由于更新?lián)Q代速度跟不上市場變化的需要,影響了北京工業(yè)產(chǎn)品的競爭能力。 1993年,北京市工業(yè)系統(tǒng)生產(chǎn)的機電一體化產(chǎn)品約837種,在當(dāng)年生產(chǎn)的產(chǎn)品品種總數(shù)中僅占7.8%左右。其中:機械局系統(tǒng)主要產(chǎn)品約1200種,機電一體化產(chǎn)品不到150種機電一體化產(chǎn)品所占比例僅4%強;儀器儀表總公司系統(tǒng)主要產(chǎn)品350種,機電一體化產(chǎn)品210種,機電一體化產(chǎn)品所占比例為60%;輕工系統(tǒng)主要產(chǎn)品總數(shù)為649種,機電一體化、智能化產(chǎn)品15種,機電一體化、智能化產(chǎn)品所占比例約2.3%;汽車工業(yè)總公司系統(tǒng)平均每輛汽車的總成本為3.5萬元,每輛汽車平均裝用電子產(chǎn)品的費用約300元,不是總成本的1%;與國外約28%的先進水平相差甚遠;與國內(nèi)先進水平相差一半左右。 3.北京用機電一體化產(chǎn)品取代技術(shù)含量和附加值低,耗能、耗水、耗材高,污染、擾民產(chǎn)品的責(zé)任重,有意義。在北京工業(yè)系統(tǒng)中,能耗、耗水大戶,對環(huán)境污染嚴重的企業(yè)還占相當(dāng)大的比重,且不少地處城區(qū)和近郊區(qū)。近年來北京的工業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)、產(chǎn)品結(jié)構(gòu)雖然幾經(jīng)調(diào)整,但由于多種原因,成效一直不夠明顯。這里面固然有上級領(lǐng)導(dǎo)部門的政出多門問題,有企業(yè)的“故土難離”“死守故業(yè)”問題,但不可否認也有優(yōu)化不出理想的產(chǎn)業(yè),優(yōu)選不出中意的產(chǎn)品問題。上佳的答案早就擺在了這些企業(yè)的面前,這就是發(fā)展機電一體化,開發(fā)和生產(chǎn)有關(guān)的機電一體化產(chǎn)品。機電一體化產(chǎn)品功能強、性能好、質(zhì)量高、成本低,且具有柔性,可根據(jù)市場需要和用戶反映時產(chǎn)品結(jié)構(gòu)和生產(chǎn)過程做必要的調(diào)整、改革,而無須改換設(shè)備。這是解決機電產(chǎn)品多品種、少批量生產(chǎn)的重要出路。同時,可為傳統(tǒng)的機械工業(yè)注入新鮮血液,帶來新的活力,把機械生產(chǎn)從繁重的體力勞動中解脫出來,實現(xiàn)文明生產(chǎn)。 另外,從市場需求的角度看,由于我國研制、開發(fā)機電一體化產(chǎn)品的歷史不長,差距較大,許多產(chǎn)品的品種、數(shù)量、檔次、質(zhì)量都不能滿足需求,每年進口量都比較大,因此亟需發(fā)展。畢業(yè)設(shè)計說明書4Mechanical and electrical integration of the train of thought and countermeasureElectromechanical integration technology development history and tendency since the electron technology publication, electronic technology and mechanical technology integration started, just the emergence of semiconductor integrated circuit, particularly in a microprocessor as the representative of the large scale integrated circuit, “an integrated“ technology has made obvious progress, caused the wide attention of people.(a) “mechatronics“ development course 1 CNC machine tools come out, wrote “mechatronics“ the first page of history; the 2 microelectronic technology as “mechatronics“ vitality; 3 programmable controller, “power electronics“ for the development of “mechatronics“ provides a strong basis; 4 laser technology, fuzzy technology, information technology and other new technologies to “mechatronics“ up to a new stage.“Mechatronics“ trend of development 1 light mechanical and electrical integration.General mechanical and electrical integration system is composed of sensor systems, energy systems, information processing system, mechanical parts.Therefore, the introduction of optical technology, optical technology can effectively improve the innate advantages of mechatronics system sensing system, energy (power) system and information processing system.Light mechanical and electrical integration is an important trend in the development of mechanical and electrical products.The 2 Discipline Distribution System -- flexibility.Future integration of mechanical and electrical products, control and the implementation of the system has enough “redundant“, there is a strong “flexible“, better able to cope with unexpected events, are designed to be “self-discipline distribution system“.The discipline distribution system, each subsystem is independent of each other's work, a 畢業(yè)設(shè)計說明書5subsystem for the total system services, at the same time have their own “self-discipline“, according to different environmental conditions to make different responses.Its characteristic is the subsystem can generate its own information and additional information given, in the overall premise, specific “action“ can be changed.Thus, significantly increase the system's ability to adapt (flexible), and not because of the failure of a subsystem of the whole system.The 3 holographic system -- intelligent.Future integration of mechanical and electrical products “holographic“ feature is more and more apparent, more and more high-level intelligence.The main income in the fuzzy technology, information technology (especially software and chip technology) development.In addition, the system hierarchy, also become simple “from the top down“ situation is complex, there are many redundant bidirectional link.4 “software“ - a bionic system.Future integration of mechanical and electrical equipment on the dependence of great information, and often the structure is in a “static“ instability, but in a dynamic (work) when is stable.This is a bit like living organisms: when the control system (the brain) to stop working when the creature, “death“, and when the control system (the brain) work, the biological vitality.Bionics research in the field of number of organisms have been found good mechanism for the integration of mechanical and electrical products provide a new body, but how to live with these new body of “l(fā)ife“ has to be in-depth study.This field of research called “creature -- software“ or “systems biology“, and the biological features are hardware (the body) -- software (brain) one, indivisible.It seems, the integration of mechanical and electrical products although there are more systematic development, but there is a long way to go.5 miniature electrical -- miniature.At present, using the semiconductor device manufacturing process etching technology, in the laboratory have produced submicron mechanical components.When will the results for the actual product, there is no need to distinguish between a mechanical part and a controller.When the mechanical and electronic can “fusion“, body, actuators, sensors, CPU can be integrated together, the volume is small, and the composition of an autonomic components.Such a mechanism is the important development direction of mechanical and electrical integration.畢業(yè)設(shè)計說明書6In three, a typical mechatronic products mechatronics products system (machine) and basic element, element two kinds big.A typical mechatronics system are: CNC machine tools, robots, automotive electronic products, intelligent instrumentation, electronic typesetting printing system, CAD / CAM system.Typical electromechanical integration element, parts are: power electronic devices and device, programmable controller, fuzzy controller, micro motor, sensor, ASIC, servo mechanism.These typical mechatronics product technology current situation, development trend, market prospect analysis from.Four, the development of Beijing “mechatronics“ and face the situation and tasks of mechanical and electrical integration mainly includes two levels: one is using the microelectronic technology to transform traditional industries, its purpose is energy saving, material saving, improve work efficiency, improve product quality, the traditional industries of technological progress in improving step; two is the development of automation, digital, intelligent mechanical and electrical products, promote the upgrading of products.The former is the work surface, to popularize the job; the latter is to improve the work, in-depth work.(a) Beijing “mechatronics“ working situation 1 Beijing microelectronics technology to transform traditional industries workload is big and wide (1) in the 700 Beijing municipal industrial system in the enterprise, there are more than 60% enterprises with microelectronics technical reformation of machine equipment, industrial furnace, blower pump, production process task the unfinished requires half the amount.(2) the Beijing industrial system has more than 2000 Taiwan machine tool equipment to use microelectronics technology to transform; in the remodeled nearly 6500 sets of machine equipment, there are approximately 15% needs further improvement.(3) the Beijing industrial system still has nearly 250 industrial furnace to the use of electronic information technology to transform; and 610 have been remodeled industrial furnace are further applications of fuzzy technology are two necessary to transform.(4) the Beijing industrial system CAD application still has bigger difference.At present, Beijing industrial design, CAD application rate of only 17% (and the United States, Japan and 畢業(yè)設(shè)計說明書7other countries have more than 85%; domestic advanced area of more than 30%); CAD coverage to reach 11% (compared to the national CAD application project leading group points out, during “eight five“ the large and medium-sized enterprises to reach 35%, small and medium-sized enterprises to reach 15% - 20%; to “Nine Five“ when, according to a Chinese State Councilor Song Jian requirements, basically want to throw drawing board).(5) the Beijing industrial system has transformed the value of various electrical and mechanical wind pump installed capacity of 500000 kilowatts, is 49 Wanduoqian tile with variable speed control technology to transform the task, about 99.5% of the volume of total tasks.(6) industry is the city's energy consumption.In 1992, Beijing industry system representing the city's total energy consumption of the 59.5%. Beijing is a serious lack of energy city, 1992 Beijing industry system energy consumption yuan output value of 2.47 tons of standard coal equivalent, compared to Shanghai's 1.57 tons higher than 57%, Tianjin high of 2.15 tons in 14%, than the advanced industrialized country is nearly 9 times higher than.Therefore, Beijing industry system energy saving task very heavy, and the power electronic technology is energy-saving fall bad news.2 Beijing used electromechanical integration technology to accelerate the upgrading of products, improve the voice of the market share, there is pressure.Beijing city industrial products, there are about 30000 species, each year about development of trial production of new products 3000, update cycle is very long.The update could not keep pace with the changing needs of the market, affected Beijing industrial product competition ability.In 1993, Beijing city industrial production system integration of mechanical and electrical products of about 837, in the product breed of production accounted for only about 7.8% of the total.