中考英語 語法精講精練 第17節(jié) 中考仿真模擬課件 人教新目標(biāo)版.ppt
《中考英語 語法精講精練 第17節(jié) 中考仿真模擬課件 人教新目標(biāo)版.ppt》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《中考英語 語法精講精練 第17節(jié) 中考仿真模擬課件 人教新目標(biāo)版.ppt(27頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。
英語 第17節(jié)中考仿真模擬 中考仿真模擬 二 中考仿真模擬 一 中考仿真模擬 三 中考仿真模擬 四 首頁 末頁 中考仿真模擬 五 中考仿真模擬 一 首頁 末頁 1 Thereis u and h intheword hour A a aB a anC an anD an a 2 Timmy youmustreadthe beforeyoutakethemedicine A situationsB instructionsC expresstionD advertisements 3 Thisis backpack isonthedesk A her YourB my HisC his YourD her My 4 Iamgettingfatterandfatter WhatshouldIdo moreexercise youwillloseweight A Do andB Doing andC Do orD Doing or B B B A 中考仿真模擬 一 首頁 末頁 5 WhoseT shirtisthis It beJohn s It s smallforhim A mustn t muchtooB can t toomuchC can t muchtooD mustn t toomuch 6 Theforeigner visitedourschoolisfromAustralia A whichB C whoD whom 7 Thereisnothingbetterthaneatingicecream suchahotday Yeah suchahotday April A on inB on onC in atD at in 8 Theydon tknowifthey thematchthisafternoon Ifthey theywillhaveapartytocelebrateit A willwin winB win willwinC willwin winsD willwin willwin C C A A 中考仿真模擬 一 首頁 末頁 9 Theteacheraskedthestudents A iftheywereinterestedinmanateesB whenwasAlbertEinsteinborn C whattheywilldowiththecomputersD howmanystampstheyhavecollecte 10 Inourcity onethirdofthearea coveredwithgreentrees Yes Butonlyfortypercentofthem welllookedafter A are isB is areC are areD is is 11 movieitis Yes Ihaveseenittwice A WhatainterestingB WhatinterestinganC HowinterestingaD Howaninteresting 12 Jessica whyareyoustillhere Theyareallreadytostart I msorry butI whentostart A don ttellB didn ttellC haven ttoldD wasn ttold A B C D 中考仿真模擬 一 首頁 末頁 13 Mypenpalsaidhewouldwritetome butI anylettersfromhimsofar A won treceiveB don treceiveC haven treceivedD didn treceive 14 Thereare booksintheschoollibrary aren tthere Yes and ofthemareopentothestudents A thousandsof twothirdsB thousandof fourfifths C sixthousands twothirdD fivethousand fourfifth 15 Assoonashe there hecouldn twait thecomputer A got turningonB reached turningonC arrived toturnonD gotto toturnon 16 Mary aswellasherparents toHongKongmanytimes A havegoneB hasgoneC havebeenD hasbeen C A C D 中考仿真模擬 一 首頁 末頁 17 Whatifyou achancetogotoEngland Oh IwouldpracticespeakingEnglishasmuchaspossible A haveB havingC willhaveD had 18 Wewereswimmingintheriver suddenlythestormstarted A whileB untilC whenD before 19 Tomisthesecond studentinhisclass A youngerB youngC theyoungestD youngest 20 I mgoingtotakemydrivingtesttomorrow A ComeonB GoodluckC CongratulationsD Goodidea D C D B 中考仿真模擬 二 首頁 末頁 1 Didyouhave breakfastthismorning Yes Igotuplateandhad quickbreakfast A B aC the aD a the 2 Dad what sthesealike Well it slargeandfullofwater Itcoversabout oftheearth A onethirdsB threequarterC three fourthD threequarters 3 Morethan36millionChinesechildrenarereceivingpianotraining butquiteafewhavelittle inthepianoandsomeevenhateit A surpriseB attentionC interestD success 4 IseverythingOK Lucy No mymathisnotas asEnglish A goodB betterC bestD thebest B D C A 中考仿真模擬 二 首頁 末頁 5 Themovie wesawlastnightwasfantastic A whoseB whatC thatD who 6 The youread the themeaningofthesentenceswillbe Iagreewithyou A morecareful moreclearlyB morecarefully moreclearly C morecareful clearerD morecarefully clearer 7 Couldyoutellme tohavethepicnic OnZhongshanRoad A whatB whyC whenD where 8 IwanttogiveupEnglish It stoodifficult Comeon Weknowwewon tmakeit hardwork A withB withoutC byD from C B D B 中考仿真模擬 二 首頁 末頁 9 We talkloudlywhenweseethesign Bequiet onthewall A mustB mustn tC needD needn t 10 Thegreatwriterandprofesser who verystrictwithhisstudents A arebotholdmen areB isanoldmanandayoungman is C isanoldman isD aretwoChinese are 11 Somefamouspaintings inthehallnextweek A willshowB wereshownC isshownD willbeshown 12 niceweatheritis Let sgoforawalk Thatsoundsgreat A HowaB WhataC HowD What B C D D 中考仿真模擬 二 首頁 末頁 13 Whatsubjectsdoyoulearnatschool Chinese wealsolearnEnglish mathandhistory A BesidesB ExceptC BesideD But 14 Wouldyoulike cupoftea No thanks A otherB anotherC anyD some 15 Whatdoesyoursisterwanttobewhenshe up Shewantstobeareporter A growsB willgrowC hasgrownD grew 16 LiuXiangsaidgoodbyetohiscareerthroughmico blogonApril7th2015 hemaygoforfurthereducation A ToimprovehimselfB Improvinghimself C ImprovehimselfD Improveshimself A B A A 中考仿真模擬 二 首頁 末頁 17 MayI thisT shirt Sure thedressingroomisoverthere A giveupB findoutC putoffD tryon 18 Haveyouseenthenotice Nosmokinghere Sorry I it A don tseeB haven tseenC didn tseeD hadn tseen 19 I llgototheriversidetoflykites Doyouwanttogo A Sure Whattime B Seeyoulater C Don tworry D Itdoesn tmatter 20 Couldyoutellme Iwanttopostaletter A whereisthepostofficeB wherethepostofficeis C howcanIgettothecinemaD howIcangettothecinema D C A B 中考仿真模擬 三 首頁 末頁 1 Children sHospitalisfarfromhere You dbettergothereby taxi A A aB A C The D The a 2 Thelovestoryisabouttwo TheyworkedinGermanyandfellinlove A GermenB JapaneseC EnglishD Australian 3 Thoughhisgrandmotherlives shedoesn tfeel A alone aloneB lonely lonelyC alone lonelyD lonely alone 4 WhatwillBilldoifhe inthetest Hewilltryagain A failsB failC willfailD isfailing C B C A 中考仿真模擬 三 首頁 末頁 5 MyparentswillgotoMountEmeifor holiday Thatmeansyouwillhavetobeathomeby A their themB our yourselfC their yourselfD our you 6 you thework No weneedtwomorehours A Have finishedB Do finishC Did finishD Will finish 7 Mygrandpaisinhisseventies He s totakethebusforfree A oldenoughB enougholdC youngenoughD enoughyoung 8 Didyouhaveagoodweekend Weenjoyedourselvesverymuchintheamusementpark A OfcourseB NotbadC I mnotsureD Ihopeso C A A A 中考仿真模擬 三 首頁 末頁 9 Whatdoesyourgrandmaoftendoaftersupper She forawalk A goB goesC wentD isgoing 10 beautifulmusicitis Yes it sverypopularamongyoungpeople A Whata butB What soC Howa orD How and 11 Whatdoyoudowithyourdaughterwhileyouareaway Oh she byhergrandparents A takescareB takescareofC istakencareD istakencareof 12 Thelightsintheclassroomarestillon Sorry I llgoand A turnthemoffB turnthemonC turnthemdownD turnthemup B B D A 中考仿真模擬 三 首頁 末頁 13 Everyoneofus it simportant aseatbeltinthecar A knows wearsB know towearC knows towearD know wearing 14 Itakesomephotosinthehall No you A May mustn tB Can needn tC Must mustn tD Could won t 15 Moststudentsprefertests haveeasyquestions A thoseB thatC D who 16 Hurryup Thereisonlytenminutesleft You aboutit Thestationisnotfarfromhere A don tneedworryB needn ttoworry C don tneedtoworryD neednottoworry C A B C 中考仿真模擬 三 首頁 末頁 17 Jimisa boy andtodayishis birthday A twelve years old twelveB twelve years old twelfth C twelve year old twelveD twelve year old twelfth 18 What sthepriceofiPhone6Sthesedays Itismuch Youmaygoandbuyone A CheapB cheaperC lowD lower 19 DidMrs Kingleaveamessage Yes shewondered A thatyouwouldgoshoppingB whowouldyougoshoppingwith C ifyouwouldgoshoppingD whenyouwillgoshopping 20 Don tloseyourconfidence Things finesoon Yes Weshouldlearntobebravewhenwe indifficulties A are areB are willbeC willbe areD willbe willbe D D C C 中考仿真模擬 四 首頁 末頁 1 boywithglasseshas badcoldtoday A The B The aC A theD the 2 I mgoingtobuysomebooks Willyoucomewithme Whynotshop theInternet It smuchcheaperandmoreconvenient A onB inC atD with 3 Thepriceofahotelroom cheap About80 yuan anight enough A is isB are isC is areD are are 4 Maybethedisaster 災(zāi)難 candestroy 毀壞 ourhomes but candestroytheloveinourhearts A somethingB everythingC anythingD nothing B A A D 中考仿真模擬 四 首頁 末頁 5 It sthethirdtimeI himthismonth A hadseenB seeC sawD haveseen 6 MustIstayherewithyou No you Youmaygohome butyou gotothenetbar A mustn t needn tB must needC need mustD needn t mustn t 7 Truefriendissomeone giveshishandandtouchesyourheart A whoseB whichC whenD who 8 Learningaforeignlanguageneedsacertain nomatterhoweasyitis A effortB luckC excuseD chance D D D A 中考仿真模擬 四 首頁 末頁 9 Doyouknowwhenhewillcomebacktomorrow Sorry Idon tknow Whenhe back I lltellyou A willcomeB comesC comeD maycome 10 Earthquakesalwayshappen soitisdifficulttoknowwhentheycome A hopefullyB suddenlyC usuallyD luckily 11 Youhaven tbeentoBeijing haveyou HowIwishtogothere A Yes IhaveB No IhaveC No Ihaven tD Yes Ihaven t 12 Doyouhaveanyplansfortonight Yes I atthenewItalianrestaurantintown A eatB haveeatenC watchedD amgoingtoeat B B C D 中考仿真模擬 四 首頁 末頁 13 Eachofushastowritea reporteverytwoweeks A two hundred wordB two hundreds word C two hundreds wordsD two hundred words 14 Dear whattimeistheflighttoBeijingonSaturday Waitaminute Letme intheschedule 時刻表 A lookatitB lookforitC lookafteritD lookitup 15 Doyouknow Areporter Ithink A whatthemaninblueisB whatisthemaninblue C whoisthemaninblueD wherethemaninblueis 16 Weallfeelverygladthatourschooluniforms nextmonth A makeB weremadeC aremakingD willbemade A D A D 中考仿真模擬 四 首頁 末頁 17 Itbecomemuch toprovideenoughenergyforabigcitywithlargepopulation A difficultB moredifficultC mostdifficultD easy 18 I dliketogetsomeflowersforLinda sbirthday Flowersaretoocommon yougetsomethingspecial A WhataboutB WhynotC Whydon tD Whatif 19 You dbetter sendmeanemailwhenyougettoLondon A nottoforgetB don tforgetC tonotforgetD notforgetto 20 Whatwillyoudoifyou totheoldfolk shomevisit A wentB goingC goesD go B C D D 中考仿真模擬 五 首頁 末頁 1 Tomlikesplaying basketballverymuch buthedoesn tlike basketballIboughthimyesterday A theB the theC the aD the 2 Therearetwo inthestreets Inthefirstshop therearetwo A chipshop womansellerB chipshops womensellers C chipshops womansellersD chipsshops womensellers 3 willyourbrotherbeback I mnotsure maybein A Howlong oneandahalfhoursB Howsoon onehourandhalf C Howlong oneandhalfhoursD Howsoon onehourandahalf 4 Wouldyoulikesomecoffee Yes andpleasegetmesomemilk too Iprefercoffee milk A toB withC thenD of A B D B 中考仿真模擬 五 首頁 末頁 5 Thereis sugarinthebottle Wouldyoupleasegotobuy now A alittle anyB little someC alittle someD little any 6 I thenewspaperwhilemymother TVplaysyesterdayevening A wasreading watchedB read waswatching C wasreading waswatchingD wasreading watched 7 Whatareyoudoing Sam Ihavefinishedmyhomework andnowI thepiano A playedB wasplayingC amplayingD play 8 What stheweatherlikethere Itisterrible It srainingso thatwecan goout A hardly hardB hard hardlyC hard hardD hardly hardly B C C B 中考仿真模擬 五 首頁 末頁 9 Mr Li IamsorryI myexercise booksathome That sallright Don tforgetto themtoschooltomorrow A forgot takeB forgot bringC left bringD left take 10 Thelittlegirlcan tdecide thoughtherearesomanykindsofMP5inthemall A whattochooseB tochoosewhichC whichtochooseD tochoosewhat 11 ThepopulationofChinais than ofJapan A more thatB larger itC more itD larger that 12 Whynot themusicclub Elise I msorry Ican tsing dance A join andB join orC takepartin andD takepartin or C C D B 中考仿真模擬 五 首頁 末頁 13 Theskirtlooksdifferentfromothersanditisnice Thanks It bymymotherlastmonth A madeB ismadeC hasbeenmadeD wasmade 14 Itakethemagazineawayfromthereadingroom No youmustn t You readitonlyhere A Must mustB Must canC Need mustD May can 15 Theoldmanneedsourhelp A needn theB needheC doesn theD doeshe 16 Couldyoupleasehelpme themapontheblackboard A putoffB putupC putoutD puton D D C B 中考仿真模擬 五 首頁 末頁 17 Excuseme Couldyoupleasetellme Sorry I mafraidIcan t Youcanturntoourteacherforhelp A whenwillIgettoschoolB whereIwilltravel C howIcansolvetheproblemD whethercanIleave 18 Myfamily goingtoGuangzhouinSeptemberthisyear Doyoumeanthecity heldthe16thAsianGames That sattractive A is whichB are thatC is whereD are where 19 Hi doyouthinkhisuncle thisevening Ithinkhe ifitdoesn train A willcome comesB willcome willcomeC comes comesD comes willcome 20 Mike IamgoingtoAustraliawithmyparentstomorrow A HavefunB BestwishesC NevermindD Cheerup C B B A 英語 首頁 末頁 謝謝- 1.請仔細(xì)閱讀文檔,確保文檔完整性,對于不預(yù)覽、不比對內(nèi)容而直接下載帶來的問題本站不予受理。
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- 中考英語 語法精講精練 第17節(jié) 中考仿真模擬課件 人教新目標(biāo)版 中考 英語 語法 精練 17 仿真 模擬 課件 新目標(biāo)
