中考英語沖刺復(fù)習(xí) 語法 情景交際課件.ppt
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考點精講精練 情景交際 綜合測練 中考鏈接 考點精講精練 常見日常交際用語及情景反應(yīng)主要有 問候 介紹 告別 打電話 感謝 祝愿 道歉 邀請和約會 提供幫助 請求允許 談?wù)撎鞖?購物 問路 看病 勸告和建議 就餐等 以上的情景交際在漢語中也是很常見的 但中英文在思維及表達(dá)方式上有較大差距 1 常見的問候有 Goodmorning afternoon evening Hello Hi Howdoyoudo Nicetosee meet you Howareyou等 答語可以是別人怎么打招呼 你也怎么回答 如Goodmorning afternoon evening Hello Hi Howdoyoudo Nicetosee meet you等 Howareyou的回答一般是Fine thankyou Andyou 或者Verywell thankyou 如 Howareyouthesedays Mary Fine Thankyou Andyou Tom 2 常見的介紹用語有 Thisis My His Her nameis 常見的告別用語有 Goodbye Byebye Bye Seeyoulater tomorrow Goodnight等 1 Nicetomeetyou Alice A Howareyou B Whatdoyoudo C Nicetomeetyou too D Goodmorning 2 Howdoyoudo ThisisJane MynameisAnna A HowdoyoudoB HiC HelloD Goodafternoon C A 考點1專練 3 Goodmorning Mr Li Ihavesomethingimportanttotellyou Mark What sit A HowdoyoudoB GoodnoonC GoodmorningD Goodafternoon 4 WhenyouwanttointroduceMarytoothers youshouldsay A ThisisMaryB SheisMaryC MaryisherD It sMary 5 It slateatnight Youneedtogotobed A GoodmorningB GoodnightC GoodafternoonD Goodnoon C A B 1 當(dāng)別人幫了你或贊揚你時 你應(yīng)該說感謝的話 常用的感謝用語有 Thankyouverymuch Thanksalot Manythanks Thanksfor 答語有 Mypleasure That sallright Youarewelcome Notatall Don tmentionit等 Thankyouforsendingmehometonight Mypleasure 2 當(dāng)別人要去做一件事或者有喜事時 你應(yīng)該說祝愿的話 常用的祝愿用語有 Goodluck Bestwishestoyou Haveanicetime Congratulations Happybirthdaytoyou等 答語有 Thankyou Thesametoyou等 IwilltakeatriptoAmericanextweek Haveanicetime Thankyou 3 當(dāng)別人發(fā)生了不幸的事情時 你應(yīng)該說同情與遺憾的話 這方面的常用語有 Whatapity Iamsorrytohearthat等 IlostmyiPadonmywaytomyoffice Iamsorrytohearthat 1 ThankyouverymuchfortheniceT shirt Itsuitsmefine A Don tbesilly B That sright C I mgladyoulikeit D It sonlyalittlething 2 I mterriblysorrythatIsteponyourfoot A WithpleasureB That srightC Itdoesn tmatterD Notatall C 考點2專練 C 3 LiuMeiandSunMingwilltakepartinthe100 meterraceinourschoolsportsmeeting A GoodlucktothemB Theycan tdoitC GoodjourneyD HappyNewYear 4 Whatyouhavedoneisveryhelpfultome A GoodideaB GoodluckC ThankyouD I msorry 5 MybrotherwontheschooloralEnglishcontest A I msorrytohearthatB GoodlucktohimC CongratulationsD Bestwishes A C C 6 LiMingbrokehislegwhenheplayedfootballwithhisfriendsyesterday Ihopehewillbeallrightsoon A I mhappytohearthatB I msorrytohearthatC WhatashameD Nicetoseeyou 7 Yougiveussomuchhelp Thanksalot A ThankyouB YouarewelcomeC Yes IthinksoD Dosayitagain B B 8 HappyNewYear A HappybirthdaytoyouB ThesametoyouC GoodlucktoyouD Haveagoodtime 9 Sorrytohearthat Butkeeppracticingandyou llsucceedinthefuture A IwonNo 1inthecitystorytellingcontestB IlostthecitystorytellingcontestlastnightC ItookpartinthecitystorytellingcontestD Isawthecitystorytellingcontestlastnight B B 1 打電話時的常用語有 Hello MayIspeakto please Isthat speaking 2 接電話者的常用語有 Holdon please He Sheisn tin CanItakeamessage Speaking等 3 電話中介紹自己用 Thisis 問對方是誰用 Who sthat 不能用Whoareyou Hello MayIspeaktoMr Smith please Hello ThisisMr Smithspeaking Who sthat ThisisMissWhitefromCNTV IcallyoutomakesurethedayIcaninterviewyou Howaboutat9amtomorrow OK seeyoutomorrow 1 Sorry heisout CanItakeamessageforhim A WhatcanIdoforyou sirB What sthematterwithyou JackC MayIspeaktoJohn pleaseD IwanttospeaktoJohn 2 MayIspeaktoMr Lin please please Hewillbehererightnow A Yes youmayB HoldonC No you dbetternotD Speaking C B 考點3專練 3 ThisisMeiMeispeaking A WhoareyouB WhoisthatC WhoamID Whoishe 4 IsthatJackiespeaking No CanItakeamessage A speakingB heisinC heisoutD heiscoming 5 Hello Waitamoment Heishavingameeting A CanIhelphimB WhatdoeshewantC MayIspeaktoJohnD IsthatAlicespeaking B C C 1 就醫(yī)時 醫(yī)生常說的話 What swrongwithyou What sthematterwithyou Howlonghaveyoubeenlikethis Takethesemedicinethreetimesaday nothingserious等 病人常說的話 Ihavegotaheadache Idon tfellwell Thereissomethingwrongwith For days 等 如 What sthematterwithyou youngman Ihavegotabackache Howlonghaveyoubeenlikethis Fortwodays Nothingserious Takethismedicinethreetimesaday You llbeallrightsoon Thankyou 2 就餐時 服務(wù)員常說的話 CanIhelpyou WhatcanIdoforyou Whatwouldyoulikeforsupper Wouldyoulikesomethingtodrink Whatelsewouldyoulike 等 顧客常說的話 I dlikesome Givemesome please等 如 CanIhelpyou sir I dlikesomedumplingsforlunch Whatkindofdumplingsdoyouwant Beefdumplings Whatelsewouldyoulike Aglassofmilk please 3 購物時 導(dǎo)購員常說的話 CanIhelpyou WhatcanIdoforyou Whatcolordoyoulike Whatsizedoyouwant Whatelsewouldyoulike等 顧客常說的話 I dlikesome Givemesome please Howmuchisit I lltakeit等 如 WhatcanIdoforyou sir Iwanttobuyablouseformywife Whatcolordoesshelike Red Whatsizedoesshewant Mediumsize Howaboutthisone Good Howmuchisit 280yuan That sgood I lltakeit 1 youngman IhaveaheadacheandIthinkImusthaveabadcold A What swrongwithyouB What syournameC HowoldareyouD WhatcanIdoforyou 2 CanIhelpyou madam Yes I dliketobuyapairofnewshoesB Idon tfellwellC I dliketogotoHongKongforamealD Iwanttoeatsomethinghere A A 考點4專練 3 What swrongwithyou Rose IthinkIwilldiesoon A Ican tstopcoughingB MybikeisbrokenC IfailedmytestD Ipassedmytest 4 Goodevening No Justgivemesomethingtodrink please A WhatwouldyoulikefordinnerB WouldyoulikesomethingtoeatC CanIhelpyouD WhatcanIdoforyou A B 5 Thesearetheredshoes Size37 A WhatcolordoyouwantB WhatsizedoyouwantC WhatelsedoyouwantD WhatcanIdoforyou 6 Goodmorning IhaveafeverandIdon tfeellikeeatinganything A What sthematterwithyouB What swrongwithyoureyesC HowlonghaveyoubeenlikethisD Whatmedicinedoyouwanttotake B A 7 You veorderedbeef chickenandcarrot I dlikesomefishandsomethingtodrink A WhatwouldyoulikeforsupperB WhatcanIdoforyouC WhatelsewouldyoulikeD What sthematterwithyou 8 That senough Blouseis50yuan Hatis68yuan Alltogetheris118yuan A HowmanyareallthesethingsB HowmuchareallthesethingsC HowlongareallthesethingsD Howfarareallthesethings C B 1 談?wù)撎鞖鈺r 問天氣的常用語 What stheweatherlike Howistheweather 等 回答的常用語 It ssunny rainy windy cloudy Theradiosaysit sgoingtorain等 如 What stheweatherlikeinChongqingnow It ssunnyandhot Buttheradiosaysit sgoingtorainsoon 2 當(dāng)你有困難要請求別人幫助時 常用語有 Excuseme Wouldyoumind Wouldyouplease Couldyou 等 而提建議的常用語有 Let s Shallwe Howabout Whatabout You dbetter Youshould 等 如 Excuseme couldyoupleasepassmemyEnglishbook Iwanttogooverthelessons OK Hereyouare Iwanttogooverthem too Shallwestudytogether Sure Then let sgooverthenotesfirst 1 HowistheweatherinChangchunnow Lily Wecanmakesnowmenifyouareherenow A It srainyB It sNovember15thC It ssnowyD It s11o clock 2 WhatabouttakingavisittoJiuzhaigounextSaturday Ican twaittogothere A GreatideaB YouknowmyideaC You dbetternotD No it saboringplace C A 考點5專練 3 It ssunnyinSanyatoday Buttomorrow Theradiosaysit sgoingtorain You dbettertakeanumbrellawhenyougotoHainan A what stheweatherlikethereB howistheweatherinTibetC whatdayisitD what sthedate 4 Wouldyoumindmyclosingthewindow It sveryhothere A OfcourseB GoaheadC You dbetternotD Yes doitrightnow A B 5 Excuseme MayIuseyoureraser please Sure A Watchout B Welldone C Hereyouare D Followme 6 Let sgooutforapicniconSunday A NicetomeetyouB GoaheadC ThesametoyouD Goodidea C D 7 WouldyouliketogofishingwithmethisSaturday A No Idon tlikeitB I dlovetoC Yes IthinksoD Iagreewithyou 8 It ssunnynow buttheradiosaysit sgoingtorainintheafternoon A What sthetroubleB HowdoyoulikeitC HowistheweatherD Whatdoyoudo B C 1 問路時的常用語 Excuseme couldyoupleasetellmethewayto whichisthewayto ifthereisa nearhere等 常用的答語有 Goalongthisroad Takethesecondturningontheright Godownthisroadtotheend youwon tmissit等 如 Excuseme sir CouldyoupleasetellmethewaytothePeople sHospital Yes Goalongthisroadandtakethesecondcrossingontheleft Walkonuntilyouseeitontheright Thankyouverymuch Notatall 2 當(dāng)你要禁止或警告別人做某事時 常用語有 Youcan tdo Youmustn t Youarenotallowedto Ifyou you ll takecare becareful lookout等 如 Thefloorissmooth Youcan trunsofast Youmustbecareful OK Iwilltakecareofmyself Takeiteasy 3 常見的標(biāo)志和說明有 ENTRANCE 入口 EXIT 出口 NOSMOKING 禁止吸煙 NOPARKING 禁止停車 NOPHOTOS 禁止照相 DANGER 危險 BUSINESSHOURS 營業(yè)時間 等 1 Excuseme Sure Goalongthisroadtotheendandyouwillseeitontheright A tellmethewaytothepark youngman B couldyoupleasetellmethewaytothepark C whereisthepark D howcanIgettothepark B 考點6專練 2 Excuseme CouldyoupleasetellmehowIcangettothesportscenter Sure but You dbettertakethesubway It sfastandconvenient A goalongthisroadtotheendB thereistoomuchtrafficontheroadnowC takethesecondturningontherightD turnleftatthethirdcrossing B 3 Can tyouseethesign Youcan tstopyourcarandparkhere Sorry Ididn tseeit A NOSMOKINGB NOPARKINGC ENTRANCED DANGER 4 Thewaterinthislakeisverydeep OK Iwillswiminasafeplace A Youmustn tswimhereB YouareallowedtoswimhereC It ssafetoswimhereD It sdangeroustoplayhere B A 5 Excuseme Couldyoupleasetellme Godownthisstreetandtakethefirstturningontheleft You llseeitontheright A whereisthezooB howcanIgettothezooC thewaytothezooD whichwaytothezoo 6 Whenyouseethesign youknowthisisthewayforyououtofthecinema A NOPHOTOINGB ENTRANCEC EXITD BUSINESSHOURS C C 7 Thereisaholeonthestreet OK Thankyouforyourwarning A YoucangopastthestreetB LookoutC Youmustn tgothroughtheroadD Becarefulofthedog B 1 Hello CouldIspeaktoJames please Speaking A WhoareyouB Who sthatC What sthatD What sthis 2 WhatisthematterwithMary doyouknow A Sheisastudent B Sheisreading C Shehasabadcold D Shelikesit 3 Howwonderfulyourpaintingsare A Thankyou B Ofcourse C Justsoso D Really B C A 綜合測練 4 WouldyoumindifIsmokehere Weneedfreshair A NotatallB Yes ofcourseC You dbetternotD That sallright 5 Thankyouforyourcoffeeandtastysnacks I mafraidIhavetogonow OK A GoslowlyB AllrightC SoundsgreatD Seeyou 6 Happybirthdaytoyou Rose A HappyNewYearB ThankyouC NotatallD Thatsoundsfun C D B 7 Excuseme mayItakeaseathere Themanontheseathasleft A You dbetternotB No thanksC Yes pleaseD I mafraidnot 8 MayIspeaktoMr Brown I llgoandgethim A SpeakingB WrongnumberC Holdon pleaseD Speak 9 Excuseme sir Istheswimmingpoolopenallday Onlyfrom6 30p m to9 30p m A Yes ofcourseB That srightC Sorry I mnotsureD Sorry I mafraidnot C C D 10 Icouldn tgetanyticketsforthebasketballgame A Goodidea B Whatapity C Allright D That sallright 11 I msorryIcan thelpyou A Notatall B Itdoesn tmatterC ThankyouallthesameD I msorrytohearthat 12 Shallwegotoplayfootball Let sgo A SoundsboringB That sagoodideaC I mafraidnotD Thankyou B C B 13 It srainingharder Let sstandunderthatbigtree It sverydangeroustodosoinsuchweather A Let sgoB Wedon thavetoC BetternotD Allright 14 Wehaveanexcellentsupper Thankyousomuch A No thankyouB Youshouldn tsaythatC IamafraidnotD Itwasmypleasure 15 TheseflowersareforyouandhappyTeachers Day MissYuan Theflowersarebeautiful A Whoareyou B I mspeaking C Youaresokind D Ofcourse don tsayso C D C 16 OurnationalfootballteambeatJapaneseteamlastnight Really A WelldoneB Idon tbelieveC That sallrightD Whatapity 17 WouldyouliketohelpmefetchthewaterforGrannyLi Iwilldoitrightaway A OfcoursenotB No pleasedon tC Ofcourse I dlovetoD Idon tthinkso A C 18 Ithinkthepollutioninourcitywillbecomeworseandworse Sosomethingmustbedonetosolvethepollutionproblem A IagreewithyouB IdisagreewithyouC Idon tthinksoD Itdoesn tmatter 19 Shallwemeetat7 00o clockatthegateofthecinema Seeyouthen A That srightB I dlovetoC AllrightD I mnotsure A C 20 Jack willyoupleasepaintthechairyellow Ididn tcatchyou A PardonB HowdidyousayC HowcanIdoitD WherecanIseeit 21 Wouldyoulikesomemoresoup Itisdelicious butI vehadenough A Yes pleaseB No thankyouC NothingmoreD I dlikesome A B 22 CouldyoutellmehowIcangettoChengduRailwayStation please Idon tknowtheway either A Sorry Ican tB Don taskmeC TellmethewayD Yes goahead 23 Excuseme Twokilos please A HowmuchmeatdoyouwanB WhatdoyouwantforsupperC HowmanypiecesofbreaddoyouwantD Whatfruitsdoyouwanttobuy A A 24 Whatdoesthesign mean Itmeansyoucan ttakephotoshere A NOPARKINGB NOSWIMMINGC NOSMOKINGD NOPHOTOS 25 Helpyourselftosomemoremeat Linda A No thanks I mfullB It smypleasureC Itdoesn tmatterD Verywell thankyou D A 1 YesterdayIwonthefirstplaceinthe100 meterrace Really 2010廣東 A CongratulationsB NevermindC ThatisallrightD I msorrytohearthat 2 WouldyoumindifIsithere It sforMissZhang 2011廣東 A BetternotB NevermindC NotatallD Ofcoursenot A 中考鏈接 A 3 MynewiPhonewasstolenwhenItookabusyesterday 2012廣東 A I msorrytohearthatB itdoesn tmatter C Don tbesillyD I dloveto 4 Roseisn theretoday Issheill Isawheratthedoctor sthismorning 2013廣東 A IhopesoB Idon tmindC IamafraidsoD Idon tthinkso A C 5 I mgoingtotakepartinChina sGotTalentShownextmonth Iamsureyouwillwin 2014廣東 A NevermindB GoodluckC WhatapityD Mypleasure 6 Hurryup orwewillmissthesealionshowintheOceanPark Westillhavefifteenminutesbeforetheshowbegins 2015廣東 A TakeiteasyB GoodluckC IguesssoD Takecare B A 謝謝- 1.請仔細(xì)閱讀文檔,確保文檔完整性,對于不預(yù)覽、不比對內(nèi)容而直接下載帶來的問題本站不予受理。
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- 中考英語沖刺復(fù)習(xí) 語法 情景交際課件 中考 英語 沖刺 復(fù)習(xí) 情景 交際 課件
