中考英語 重點難點梳理 九上 Unit 1-2課件.ppt
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教材重點難點梳理 九年級 上 Unit1 Unit2 廣州中考高分突破 crown Olympics agreement confirmation pot doubt golden real truth seem solve fill bowl displace less metal certain prison boxing racing wrestling hit brave punctuation correct mistake astronomer genius consider sense humour invitation mind theory university pleasure avoid lecture tonight audience trust seat applause pale achievement universe philosopher obey reduce exactly action findoutthetruth fill with runover runinto be happywith send toprison cut inhalf divide between goahead be amazedat dressas cut up haveatry godown makesure take off addup asenseofhumour let down byheart takeaseat withoutdifficulty joinin turnpale havenoidea be introuble receivealotofapplause leaveamessage callback takeamessage playajokeonsb turningpoint aseriesof sidebyside fromtimetotime tellthetruth inreturn 2 Sallywon tgotoschooltoday willshe No shewon t 事實上 Sally真的由于生病還沒好 不上學 2 That swhyI mangry 那就是為什么我會生氣的原因 That swhyhewaslate 4 ItisbelievedthathewrotetheDaodejing 可以相信的是 他寫了 道德經(jīng) 句型 Itisbelievedthat 相當于 Peoplebelievethat 其中it為形式主語 真正的主語是that引導的從句 類似的句型有 Itissaidthat 據(jù)說 Itisreportedthat 據(jù)報道 Itisknownthat 眾所周知 Itissupposed thoughtthat 人們認為 翻譯 據(jù)說他們隊贏了籃球賽 對 人們認為 他們打得不錯 theirteamwonthebasketballmatch Right theyplayedverywell 5 SoI mcertainthatIt snotcompletelymadeofgold 所以我確定它并不是完全用黃金制造的 句型 be certain sure that 從句 意為 一定 肯定 或是be not certain sure if whether 特殊疑問詞 主語 謂語 意為 不敢肯定 不確定 注意連接詞的區(qū)別 如 Itissaidthat itisthoughtthat Iamcertainthathehascomebackhome 我確定他已經(jīng)回到家了 Iamnotcertainwherehewillgoforatrip 我不確定他去哪里旅游 6 That ssuchaneasyquestionthatevenmydrivercananswerit 這是如此簡單的問題 甚至我的司機也能回答 句型 such that 意為 如此 以至于 與 so that 不同的是 such是形容詞 用來修飾名詞 常見結(jié)構有 含例句 句型轉(zhuǎn)換 Lindaissofriendlyagirlthatallofuslikeher 同義句轉(zhuǎn)換 Lindaisafriendlygirlallofuslikeher 7 It sapleasuretodriveageniuslikeyou 給一位像你這樣的天才開車真是一件令人高興的事 句型 It sapleasuretodosth 意為 做某事是一件樂事 翻譯 收到你的來信真是件高興的事情 hearfromyou 8 其他好用的常用的句型 1 Thisproblemseemsdifficulttosolve 這個問題似乎很難解決 such that It sapleasureto 鞏固練習一 語法選擇TaiwanesemagicianLiuQianhasmade magic 魔術 ahotword HistwoshowsfortheCCTVSpringFestivalGala 春晚 leftpeopleamazed Ienjoy1thesurpriseonpeople sfaces said33 year oldLiu It sthebestreward 回報 2amagiciancanget Hisbooks3magicaresellinglikehotcakesandmagictoolshavebecomeverypopularwithchildrenalloverChina LiuQianhasbecomeastarnowandeveryonewantedtoknow4abouthim Liudidn ttrainby5tobeamagician Helearnedhistrickson6own Liuwassevenwhenhe7inlovewithmagic ItwasinabigstoreinTaiwan Thesellershowedtheboyacointrick Youcan timagine8Ifeltatthatmoment saidLiu 9abletodomagicwaslikehavingasuperpower thekindallchildrenwanttohave ItwasjustlikesomethingfromSuperman Idecided10upmagic Liupracticed11athometoimprovehismagicskills12onedayhewasabletoshowatrickbeforehisclass Isawthatlookofamazementonpeople sface Icouldtellthat13feltasIhadfeltintheshopwatchingthecointrick saidLiu thinkingbacktotheday Liupracticedjustashardtoday He14nonewshowlightly Ithastakenhimuptothreeyears15readybeforehe sbeenreadytoshowthepublicanewact 1 A seeingB toseeC seesD saw 2 A whoB thatC whomD when 3 A ofB forC onD in 4 A manyB muchC moreD most 5 A otherB theotherC othersD theothers 6 A itB heC himD his 7 A fallB fallsC fellD fallen 8 A whatB howC whyD when 9 A BeB BeingC TobeD Is B D C C B A C C B 10 A totakeB takeC takesD took 11 A hardB hardlyC harderD hardest 12 A becauseB butC whenD until 13 A theyB themC theirD themselves 14 A takeB takesC tookD istaking 15 A getB getsC togetD getting A A D A B C 二 完形填空Bill athirteen year oldboy thoughthehadgrownuptobeaman Buthisparentstoldhim Youwon tbearealmanuntilyoubeginto1helpingothers Onemorning hisparentsgavehimsomemoneyto2somemilkforthem Outsideashophesawahomelessoldmanwholookedverysick Billwenttohimandasked What swrongwithyou Theoldmananswered I m3 Ihaven thadanyfoodfortwodays Atthethoughtofhisparents words Billsaidtotheoldman Let sgotothe4 A B C D A D C A B A 三 閱讀理解 Mydreamhascometrue IhavealwayswantedtobeaGrandSlamchampion ThesearethewordsofChinesetennisplayerLiNaaftershebecamethefirstAsianwomantowinaGrandSlamfinalintheFrenchOpenonJune4 2011 PeopleweresayingI mgettingold Sothisisagreatsuccessforsuchanoldwoman the29 year oldgirljoked MissLihasatattoo Shehasdyedherhairmanydifferentcolors And atthe2008BeijingOlympics shetoldherfansto shutup whentheygottoonoisyintheirsupport A D B D D 四 閱讀填空閱讀下列短文 從短文后的五個選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項 WhenwetalkedaboutNBA manypeoplewillthinkofYaoMing ThereisnodoubtthatYaoMingisaChinesehero OnOctober16 2013 YaoMingannounced 宣布 hewouldopentheNBAYaoSchool 1 Lookingatthenameoftheschool manypeoplewouldthinkthattheschoolisgoingtotrainNBAtalents 2 TheNBAYaoSchoolprovidesafter schoolbasketballtrainingandhealthprograms Itsstudentsincludeboysandgirlsover16yearsold A B whoareverygoodatplayingbasketball Theschoolaimstoteachtheimportanceofteamwork leadership 領導素養(yǎng) andcommunicationinafunbasketballenvironment Yaoisquitegladtobeapartoftheschool Hewantstopositively 積極地 influenceyoungpeople slifethroughsports 3 Now manybasketballfansinChinaarelookingforwardtogettingbasketballtraining 4 Intheschool studentshavechancestomeetNBAstars 5 Theschool sfirstprogramopenedattheWukesongBasketballParkinFebruary 2014 Ifyouwanttoknowmoreinformationabouttheschool E C D A Butthatisnotthetruth B Thiswasreallyexcitingnews C TheNBAYaoSchoolisagreatchoiceforthem D Ithasalwaysbeenhisdream E Thestarscanofferadviceonhowtoplaybasketballwell rison eal olve ertain istakes bey udiences nvitation rave onight 六 完成句子1 當她醒來時 她發(fā)現(xiàn)籃子里已經(jīng)裝滿了樹葉 Whenshewokeup shefoundthatthebasketwasleaves 2 別跟他開玩笑 他可能會生氣 Don thim Hemaybeangry 3 請坐下 會議馬上開始 Please Themeetingwillbeginrightnow 4 他輕而易舉就解出了那道題 Heworkedouttheproblem 5 據(jù)報道 那個男子的車被毀壞了 thattheman scarwasdamaged filledwith playajokeon takeaseat withoutdifficulty Itwasreported 6 雨一直下得很大 這就是他留在家里的原因 Itwasraininghardallthetime hestayedathome 7 能夠參加到這個活動來是件樂事 tointheactivity 8 我們都不知道什么時候能解決這個難題 Wealldon tknowtheproblem 9 觀看這場足球賽花了我差不多兩個小時 meabouttwohoursthefootballmatch 10 這是一個放松的好地方 Thisisagoodplace Thisisbecause It sapleasure attend whentosolve Ittook towatch torelax- 配套講稿:
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- 中考英語 重點難點梳理 九上 Unit 1-2課件 中考 英語 重點難點 梳理 課件
