中考英語 重點難點梳理 九上 Unit 7-8課件.ppt
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教材重點難點梳理 九年級 上 Unit7 Unit8 廣州中考高分突破 novel frog congratulations sympathy steamboat steam adventure writer humorous 10 柵欄 籬笆 11 任務 工作 12 碼 長度單位 13 木板 14 查看 審視 fence task yard board survey progress rest pity silence while careful deal coat celebrated lead plot lazy pretend graduation cent count afford present knee gift sign goods search chain bill step draw set comb accuse America wife album note thinkof comealong makefunofsb pickup havearest whatapity 7 不停地做 8 沉默地 9 越來越感興趣 10 過了一會兒 11 越快越好 goondoing insilence becomemoreandmoreinterested afterawhile asquicklyaspossible turnsth over alittlestreamofwater flyat tricksb intodoingsth putout beproudof gooutofthedoor lookfor atlast watchchain fix on insteadof holdout be accusedof underthename of supportone sfamily movingstory photoalbum memorableevent be deeplymoved ivyvine goupstairs ivyleave outofdanger icycold 先行詞被theonly thevery thesame thelast修飾時 先行詞被序數(shù)詞或形容詞最高級修飾時 先行詞是be的表語或therebe的主語時 先行詞有人又有物時 當主句是以who或which開頭的特殊疑問句時 2 Becausehisrealnamewastoohardtoremember 因為他的真名太難記 句型 too adj adv todo 意為 太 而不能做某事 這個結構可以和 so that從句 或是 not enoughtodo 轉換 句型轉換 Heistooyoungtogotoschool 同義句轉換 1 Heisyounghegotoschool 2 Heisnottogotoschool so that can t oddenough decisiononstudying arrivedat wasbusywith 鞏固練習一 語法選擇Twentyyearsago Idroveataxiforaliving OnenightIwenttopickupapassengerat2 30a m WhenIarrivedtocollect Isawasmallwomaninher1standbeforeme Itookhersuitcasetothecar andthenreturnedtohelpthewoman Shetookmyarmandwewalkedslowlytowardthecar Shekept2meformykindness It snothing Itoldher IjusttrytotreatmypassengersthewayIwouldwantmymothertreated Oh you re3goodman shesaid Whenwegotintothetaxi shegaveme4address andthenasked Couldyoudrive5downtown It snot6way Iansweredquickly Oh I minnohurry shesaid I mon7waytoahospice 臨終醫(yī)院 Idon thave8familyleft ThedoctorsaysIdon thaveverylongtime I9shutoffthemeter 計價器 Forthenexttwohours wedrovethroughthecity Sheshowedmethebuilding10shehadonceworkedin theneighborhoodwhereshehadlived Sometimesshe daskmetoslowdowninfrontofaspecialbuildingandwouldsitstaringintothedarkness sayingnothing Atdawn shesuddenlysaid I m11 Let sgonow Wedrovein12totheaddressshehadgivenme Howmuchshall13giveyou sheasked Nothing Isaid Youhavetomakealiving sheanswered Oh thereare14passengers Ianswered Almostwithout15 Ibentandgaveherahug 擁抱 Sheheldontometightlyandsaid Yougaveanoldwomanalittlemomentofhappiness 1 A eightB eightyC eightiesD eights 2 A thankingB thanksC tothankD thank 3 A soaB soanC suchaD suchan 4 A theB C aD an A C C D 5 A acrossB throughC overD cross 6 A theshortestB shorterC shortD shortest 7 A aB myC D your 8 A someB noC anyD every 9 A quietB quietlyC quieterD morequietly 10 A whoB whenC whereD which 11 A tiringB tiresomeC tiredD tiredly 12 A silenceB silentC silentlyD silenced 13 A IB meC myD mine 14 A othersB theothersC otherD theother 15 A thinksB tothinkC thinkD thinking B B B A A A C C D C D 二 完形填空WhenIwas18yearsold onemorning myfathertoldmetodrivehimintoatown about40milesaway Ihadjustlearnedto1 soIagreedwithpleasure Whenwecametothetown somethingwas2withthecar ThenItookthecartoanearbygaragetohaveitrepairedandpromisedtopickDadupat4pm BecauseIhadafewhourstospend Idecidedtogotothe3 However IbecamesointerestedinthefilmthatI4thetime Whenthelastfilmfinished itwas6o clock IwasafraidDadwouldbe5andneverletmedriveagain soIdroveback6tomeetDadand A B D C B A C B A D 三 閱讀理解Aboutayearago IwenttostayataDetroithotel Idid twanttocarrytoomuchmoneywithme soIaskedthedeskclerktoputahundred dollarbillinthesafeforme Thenextmorning however theclerksaidheknewnothingaboutmymoney Idid thaveproofthatIhadgiventhemanthemoney TherewasnothingIcoulddobutgotothenearestlawyer Thelawyeradvisedmetoreturntothehotelwithhimandgiveanotherhundred dollarbilltotheclerk Ididso Anhourlater Iwentbacktothedeskandaskedformymoney SinceIhadthelawyerasaneye witnesstothesecondhundred dollarbill theclerkcouldnotsayheknewnothing D C A B B 四 閱讀填空Whenyouhearpeopleinwesterncountriessay Dropinanytime 隨時來玩 or Comeandseemesoon youshouldrealizethatitdoesn tmeanyouarewelcometocomeovertotheirhouseanytime 1 First it swisetotelephonebeforevisitingsomeone 2 Second neveracceptaninvitationunlessyoureallyplantogo 3 Forexample youcansay Thankyouforinvitingme butImaynotbeabletocome Ifyouareunabletocomeafteracceptingtheinvitation besuretotelltheminadvance D E A 4 Whenyouhaveacceptedtheinvitationtoapartyoradinner itispolitetobringsmallgiftswithyou suchasbottlesofdrink flowersandchocolate Last payyourownbillsometime SometimesWesternersmaytakeyououttodinnerinarestaurant 5 Theneachpersonshouldpayhisownbill C B A Youshouldlearntosay No ifyouarenotreadytogo B Howevermaybeheisn tgoingtopaythebillattheendofthemeal C Third asmallgiftwillmakeyoumorewelcome D Infact tobeawelcomevisitor youshouldrememberthefollowingadvice E Visitingawesternerwithoutcallinginadvance 提前 isimpolite riter ovels ity areful resent earch ign est ounting ife 六 完成句子1 這名記者被指責撒謊 Thereportlying 2 我是唯一去過那個國家的學生 Iwastheonlystudentbeentothatcountry 3 他們還沒有決定什么時候建造那座橋 Theyhaven tdecidethebridge 4 這冰對你來說太薄 不能在上面滑 Theiceisforyouskateon 5 他不休息一下 一直工作 Hekeptonworking wasaccusedof thathas whentobuild toothin to withouthavingarest 6 她是眾多自己寫歌的歌手之一 Sheisthesingerswritetheirownmusic 7 你認識那個正和語文老師聊天的女人嗎 DoyouknowtheladytalkingwiththeChineseteacher 8 它是一棟10年前由農(nóng)民們建造起來的大樓 Itisabuildingbypeasantstenyearsago 9 這畫多么了不起 great 啊 誰畫的 thepictureis Whopaintedit 10 我們都為你感到自豪 Weyou oneof that thatis thatwasbuilt Howgreat areproudof- 配套講稿:
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- 中考英語 重點難點梳理 九上 Unit 7-8課件 中考 英語 重點難點 梳理 課件
