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摘 要
. Pickup trucks take a large proportion of commercial vehicles production, and the drive axle is one of the most important structure. Drive axle is the one of automobile four important assemblies, Its performance directly influence on the entire automobile, especially for the truck .Because using the big power engine with the big driving torque satisfied the need of high speed, heavy-loaded, high efficiency, high benefit today` truck, must exploiting the high driven efficiency single reduction final drive axle is becoming the trucks’ developing tendency. Design a simple, reliable, low cost of the drive axle, can greatly reduce the total cost of vehicle production, and promote the economic development of automobile and automotive drive axle of the study and design practice, can better learn and to master modern automotive design and mechanical design of a comprehensive knowledge and skills, so the title of the fine structure of the design of a pickup vehicle drive axle has a certain practical significance.
In this paper, first of all determine the structure of major components and the main design parameters, the analysis of the various parts of the structure of the bridge drive type, the form of the development process and its advantages and disadvantages of the past, determined on the basis of the design program, using the traditional design method of various parts of the drive axle Main reducer, differential, axle, axle housing was designed to calculate and complete the check. Finally complete the final assembly drawing by using AUTOCAD and mapping the main components.
Keywords: Pickup truck; Drive axle; Single reduction final drive; Differential; Axle; Drive Axle housing
目 錄
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 選題的背景目的及意義 1
1.2 國內(nèi)外驅動橋研究狀況 1
1.3 設計主要內(nèi)容和預期結果 3
第2章 驅動橋的總體方案確定 4
2.1驅動橋的種類結構和設計要求 4
2.1.1汽車車橋的種類 4
2.1.2驅動橋的種類 4
2.1.3驅動橋結構組成 4
2.1.4 驅動橋設計要求 5
2.2 設計車型主要參數(shù) 5
2.3主減速器結構方案的確定 6
2.3.1 主減速比的計算 6
2.3.2 主減速器的齒輪類型 6
2.3.3 主減速器的減速形式 8
2.3.4 主減速器主從動錐齒輪的支承形式及安裝方法 9
2.4 差速器結構方案的確定 10
2.5半軸的形式確定 11
2.6 橋殼形式的確定 12
2.7本章小結 13
第3章 主減速器設計 14
3.1概述 14
3.2主減速器齒輪參數(shù)的選擇與強度計算 14
3.2.1 主減速器計算載荷的確定 14
3.2.2 主減速器齒輪參數(shù)的選擇 15
3.2.3 主減速器齒輪強度計算 18
3.2.4 主減速器軸承計算 24
3.3主減速器齒輪材料及熱處理 30
3.4主減速器的潤滑 30
3.5 本章小結 31
第4章 差速器設計 32
4.1概述 32
4.2對稱式圓錐行星齒輪差速器原理 32
4.3 對稱式圓錐行星齒輪差速器的結構 33
4.4對稱圓錐行星錐齒輪差速器的設計 34
4.4.1 差速器齒輪的基本參數(shù)選擇 34
4.4.2 差速器齒輪的幾何尺寸計算 36
4.4.3 差速器齒輪的強度計算 37
4.4.4 差速器齒輪的材料 39
4.5 本章小結 39
第5章 半軸設計 40
5.1概述 40
5.2半軸的設計與計算 40
5.2.1全浮式半軸的計算載荷的確定 40
5.2.2半軸桿部直徑的初選 42
5.2.3 全浮式半軸強度計算 42
5.2.4 全浮式半軸花鍵強度計算 42
5.2.5 半軸材料與熱處理 44
5.3 本章小結 44
第6章 驅動橋橋殼的設計 45
6.1概述 45
6.2橋殼的受力分析及強度計算 45
6.2.1 橋殼的靜彎曲應力計算 45
6.2.2 在不平路面沖擊載荷作用下橋殼的強度 47
6.2.3 汽車以最大牽引力行駛時的橋殼的強度計算 47
6.2.4 汽車緊急制動時的橋殼強度計算 49
6.2.5 汽車受最大側向力時橋殼強度計算 50
6.3 本章小結 54
結論 55
參考文獻 56
致謝 57
附錄A 58
附錄B …………………………………………………………………………………………………64