摘 要
近年來,我國家電工業(yè)的高速發(fā)展對模具工業(yè),尤其是塑料模具提出了越來越高的要求,2004年,塑料模具在整個模具行業(yè)中所占比例已上升到30%左右,據有關專家預測,在未來幾年中,中國塑料模具工業(yè)還將持續(xù)保持年均增長速度達到10%以上的較高速度的發(fā)展。國內塑料模具市場以注塑模具需求量最大,其中發(fā)展重點為工程塑料模具。 注射成型是塑料成型的一種重要方法,它主要適用于熱塑性塑料的成型,可以一次成型形狀復雜的精密塑件。本課題就是花朵蓋塑料成型工藝與模具設計,將注塑模具的相關知識作為依據,闡述塑料注塑模具的設計過程。
(4)本課題通過對榨汁機料桶杯的注射模具設計,鞏固和深化了所學知識,取得了比較滿意的效果,達到了預期 的設計意圖
In recent years, the rapid development of China's home appliance industry mold industry, especially plastic mold made increasing demands, in 2004, the entire mold plastic mold industry in the proportion had risen to 30%, experts predict in the next few years, China plastic mold industry will continue to maintain more than 10% higher rate of growth with an average annual growth rate. In the domestic market, plastic mold injection mold greatest demand, which is focused on the development of plastic mold. Injection molding is an important method of plastic molding, it is mainly suitable for thermoplastic molding, forming a complex shape can be precision plastic parts. The subject is flowers covered plastic molding process and mold design, injection mold knowledge as the basis to explain the plastic injection mold design process.
(1) through the use of plastic mold design guidelines, mechanical drawing, interchangeability and measuring technology 673A mechanical principle and parts, mold materials and heat treatment, mold manufacturing process, the plastic molding process and die design and other aspects of the necessary basic knowledge and expertise, plastic mold design analysis and solve problems, to further consolidate and deepen the knowledge learned to open up
(2) The design of injection mold design flowers cover plugs, the use of UG software was solid modeling plastic parts, plastic parts for the structure analysis process. Clear design ideas, determine the injection molding process and the various specific parts of a detailed calculation and verification. Such a structure designed to ensure reliable use of mold work to ensure coordination with other components. Finally, draw a mold assembly drawings and parts drawing with autoCAD
(3) by calculating, mapping and the use of technical standards, specifications, design manual and other relevant design sheets, plastic design comprehensive basic skills training, and lay a good foundation for the practice of graduation design.
(4) This paper cup through the juicer barrel injection mold design, to consolidate and deepen the knowledge, and achieved satisfactory results, to achieve the desired design intent.
Key words: plastic mold; injection molding; mold design
目 錄
第一章 前言 1
1.1課題背景 1
第二章 塑件分析 3
2.1 產品分析及其技術條件 3
2.2塑件的結構工藝性分析 3
第三章 成型布局及注塑機選擇 5
3.1計算塑件的體積和質量 5
3.2 型腔的布局及成型尺寸 5
3.3注塑機的選擇和校核 6
3.3.1注射膠量的計算 6
3.3.2 鎖模力的計算 6
3.4.3 注塑機選擇確定 7
第四章 注塑模具設計 9
4.1模架的選用 9
4.1.1模架的類型 9
4.1.2 模架的選擇 9
4.1.3型腔模板的計算 10
4.1.4.確定模板周界尺寸 11
4.1.5.注射機參數校核 11
4.1.5導向與定位機構設計 13
4.2分型面的設計 14
4.3 澆注系統的設計 14
4.3.1 主流道設計 15
4.4 成型零部件的設計 15
4.4.1 成型零部件結構 15
4.4.2.型芯和型腔的工作尺寸計算 15
4.4.3中心距工作尺寸計算 19
4.4.4 凹模寬度尺寸的計算 19
4.4.5 凹模長度尺寸的計算 20
4.4.6 凹模高度尺寸的計算 20
4.4.7 凸模寬度尺寸的計算 20
4.4.8 凸模長度的計算 20
4.4.9 凸模高度尺寸的計算 20
4.5.脫模及推出機構 21
4.5.1脫模力 21
4.5.2 推出機構 21
4.6冷卻系統的設計與計算 23
4.6.1 冷卻水道設計的要點 23
4.6.2 冷卻水道在定模和動模中的位置 24
4.6.3 冷卻水道的計算 24
4.7 模具與注射機安裝模具部分相關尺寸校核 25
總結 27
參考文獻 28
致謝 29
沈陽化工大學科亞學院學士學位論文 致謝
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