電大《文學(xué)英語賞析》期末復(fù)習(xí)重點參考資料小抄 1. Figures of Speech 修辭格 P15-19 Simile 明喻:one thing is compared with another, usually using the word like, as. Metaphor 暗喻 : when we make a direct comparison between one idea and another unrelated idea. Alliteration 頭韻 : when the same consonant sound (輔音) is repeated in words either next to or close to each other. Assonance 半韻 : Assonance refers to the repetition of similar vowel sounds(元音) close to each other. Personification 擬人 :when a non-animate(無生命) object is given animate(有生命) characteristics. Parallelism 排比 : when we have an identical structure repeated one or more times. Irony(and Sarcasm) 諷刺 : On one level, a person’s words do not match their intention; on another level, irony refers to the total situation. Puns and wordplay 雙關(guān) : 有發(fā)音雙關(guān)和詞義雙關(guān)。 2.句子或單詞的正式程度:degrees of formality: very informal – informal—neutral(中性)—formal --- very formal 單詞: general(普通) --- specific (特殊) 3. the Short Story 六要素 P29 Plot 情節(jié) :opening – development --- climax/ crisis (高潮)– anticlimax—coda (結(jié)尾) The Sniper (阻擊手) : 小說故事發(fā)生地點:on a rooftop near O’Connell Bridge P32 Setting 地點 : refers to the physical location and the background information about the reason for telling the story and information we may need about the main character or characters P36 Characterization 人物刻畫 : appearance ( 外貌) , dialogue (對話), behavior(行為) P39 Point of View 角度,視角 : P41-42 1) first person narrative 第一人稱。代表作:The Paring knife 2) “ I am a camera” third person narrative 照相機式第三人稱。代表作: The Sniper 3) third person narrative seen from only one of the characters’ point of view, 代表作:Night 4) third person narrative seen from two or more different characters’ point of view ,代表作:Rosary 5) third person omniscient(無所不知的) narrative, 代表作:Yours 4. Time Structure 時間結(jié)構(gòu) P44-45 1) the linear (順敘):the action proceeds as in real time, one event follows another 代表作:The Sniper , 和 Room for one more 2) the flashback (倒敘),usually works by starting a story at a point in the recent past, then switching the action back to an earlier time, farther back in the past. At the end it will usually bring us back to the same time zone we started from. 代表作:The Paring knife, 和 Bluebells and Autumn Leaves 和Words Long Unspoken 3) the moving point (移動點):when the writer shifts abruptly back and forth between different time zones. 代表作:Mother 5. Short Story短篇小說: 5.1) Hills Like White Elephant 《白象似的群山》: P51 作者:Ernest Hemingway: American novelist and short story writer. Nobel Prize Winner 諾貝爾文學(xué)獎(1954)獲得者. 文體風(fēng)格:prose style--- economical, direct and immediate. 故事地點:a train station in Spain 故事內(nèi)容:一對情侶在火車站等車時,兩人在小店喝一種licorice(苦艾酒)飲料,雙方為了abortion(墮胎)不愉快經(jīng)歷。 5.2) The Man Who Talked to Trees 《和樹交談的人》: P54 作者:Alan Maley 他的作品還有: Words Long Unspoken 《好久沒有說的話》 5.3) Eveline 《伊芙林》: P57 作者:James Joyce : Irish novelist, poet, one of the innovative writers of the 20th century. Master of stream of consciousness (意識流大師) 代表作:Dubliners 《都柏林人》,Ulysses 《尤利西斯》, In Finnegan’s Wake 《為芬尼根守靈》 故事內(nèi)容:It presents us with the dilemma(進退兩難)of a young girl, Eveline, living as a domestic slave to her violent father and younger siblings(兄弟), who has the chance to escape to a new life with her lover. 5.4) Thief 《小偷》 作者:Robley Welson P59 5.5) Paper Pills 《紙丸》 P62 作者:Sherwood Anderson: writer between two wars 代表作:Winesburg, Ohio 《俄亥俄州溫斯堡》 6. Novels 長篇小說: 6.1) A Christmas Carol《圣誕頌歌》: P66 作者: Charles Dickens 主人翁: a old miser (吝嗇鬼), Scrooge 6.2) Heart of Darkness《黑暗的心》: P68 作者: Joseph Conrad 故事內(nèi)容: The adventurer , Marlow 在Thames 河口向一群水手介紹去Congo River 探險尋找一位神秘人Kurtz 6.3) Lord of the Flies《蒼蠅王》: P72 作者:Golding: Nobel Prize Winner 諾貝爾文學(xué)獎(1983)獲得者. 故事內(nèi)容: a group of schoolboys survive an air-crash(空難),后來分裂成兩派,正方代表有Ralph, Piggy, Simon, 反方代表以Jack為首,最后正方失敗。故事結(jié)尾出現(xiàn)cruiser(巡洋艦),暗示著人類好戰(zhàn)破壞的價值觀the warlike, destructive values of adult。 Lord of the Flies is a dystopla(反面烏托邦)。Golding makes and intertextual reference(映射) to the 19th century novel for boys—Coral Island (珊瑚島)by R.M. Ballantine, which presents an optimistic, romanticized, idealistic story of some boys shipwrecked (船只失事) on a coral island. 6.4) Jane Eyre《簡愛》: P74 作者: Charlotte Bronte 主人翁:Jane Eyre 和Mr. Rochester 她小說主題 themes--- passionate love, love for a married man, woman as an independent agent in a male-dominated world. Jane Eyre 曾經(jīng)當(dāng)過governess (家庭教師) 6.5) The Pearl《珍珠》: P77 作者: Steinbeck: Nobel Prize Winner 諾貝爾文學(xué)獎(1974)獲得者 故事內(nèi)容:Kino, a poor fisherman, 因為得到一個碩大珍珠,最后家破人亡。 6.6)The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde《杰克醫(yī)生和海德先生的奇案》: P81 故事內(nèi)容:杰克白天是一名受人尊敬的醫(yī)生,晚上服用一種藥物,就變成無惡不作的壞人海德先生,最后藥物失控,事情敗露,自殺。 6.7)A Burnt-Out Case《病毒發(fā)盡的病例》: 作者:Graham Greene P87 6.8) Wide Sargasso Sea《茫茫滄?!罚鹤髡撸篔ean Rhys P90 Wide Sargasso Sea takes the story of Jane Eyre and re-tells it from the point of view of the first Mrs. Rochester. 《茫茫滄?!肥菑摹逗啇邸分蠷ochester第一任妻子角度改寫的故事。 6.9)The Mayor of Casterbridge《卡斯特橋市長》:作者: Thomas Hardy P93 Hardy sets most of his novels in “Wessex”— a region of England 6.10) The Picture of Dorian Gray《道林-格雷的肖像》:作者:Oscar Wilde P94 6.11) The Old Man and the Sea《老人與?!罚鹤髡撸篍rnest Hemingway P96 小說主題:It is a novel about the strength, endurance and cunning intelligence of one man pitted(反抗) against the forces of nature. 6.12) Great Expectations《遠大前程》:作者:Charles Dickens P98 小說主人翁:Pip, a poor orphan (孤兒),和 Magwitch, a convict(罪犯) 7. Non- Fiction 演說,散文 7.1)The Gettysburg Address《葛底斯堡演說》: P104 演說者:Abraham Lincoln(林肯), 演說時間: Nov.19, 1863 演說目的:to reinforce(加強)the principles of freedom for all for which the war is being fought. He urges his listeners to make sure that those who died in this great battle should not have died for nothing. 演說開頭:Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers …. 7.2) I Have a Dream 《我有一個夢想》: P109 演說者:Martin Luther King Jr(馬丁.路德.金) 演說時間: Aug. 28, 1963 演說地點:at the Lincoln Memorial(林肯紀(jì)念堂)in Washing D.C. 演說開頭:Five score years ago, a great American, …. 7.3) Speech On the Granting of Indian Independence《慶祝印度獨立演說》P112 演說者:Jawaharlal Nehru (尼赫魯) 演說時間: August 14, 1947 7.4 Of Studies《論學(xué)習(xí)》:作者;Francis Bacon (培根) P114 《論學(xué)習(xí)》中一些名句: Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Crafty men contemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing and exact man. Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtile; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. Bowling is good for the stone and reins; shooting for the lungs and breast; gentle walking for the stomach; riding for the head; and the like. 8. Poetry 詩歌 P118 Types of Poetry 詩歌種類: 8.1)Lyrical Peoms:抒情詩:to express strong emotional feelings 代表作:Rain《雨》 P119 8.2)Narrative Poems:敘事詩:to tell a story 代表作:The Rime of the Ancient Mariner《一個老水手的故事》P119 作者:Samuel Taylor Coleridge 8.3) Elegies:挽詩:to commemorate (悼念)someone who has died 代表作:Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone《鐘停下來,電話線切斷》 作者:W.H. Auden P120 8.4)Confessional poetry: (自白詩):to explore the poet’s inner world and feelings. 代表作:The Dead Heart 《一顆死心》: 作者:Anne Sexton 代表作家:Robert Lowell, Allen Ginsberg, Sylvia Plath, John Berryman, Anne Sexton. 自白詩主題:revelations about sex, madness, hallucinations(幻想), drugs, suicide, outrageous feelings—and partly by the raw, direct way. 影響最大的兩人:D.H. Lawrence 和 Walt Whitman (惠特曼) 的代表作Leaves of Grass 《草葉集》 8.5)Poetry of Observation:觀察詩:to describe in perceptive ways an object or person 代表作:Finding a Sheep’s Skull《找到一個山羊頭骨》 作者:Frances Horovitz P123 8.6)Protest Poetry:抗議詩:to criticize or protest against something or someone代表作:Love Your Enemy《愛你的敵人》 Relative Sadness《相對悲傷》 P124 8.7)Satirical Poetry:諷刺/挖苦詩:to mock people or manners 代表作:How to Deal with the Press《怎樣應(yīng)對媒體》 作者:Wendy Cope P124 8.8) Comic Poetry:喜劇詩:to amuse people and make them laugh. 代表作家:Edward Lear 和 Ogden Nash 代表作:There was an old man of Calcuttla《加爾格達有一位老人》 A word to husbands 《對丈夫說的話》 P125 8.9) The Ballad 民謠: P126 格律:a b c b 代表作: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner《一個老水手的故事》 The streets of Laredo 《Laredo大街》 8.10)The Sonnet 十四行詩 P127 Shakespearean 莎士比亞十四行詩格律:abab cdcd efef gg 8.11)Quatrain 四行詩 P127 Haiku 緋句: 3 lines, 三行分別有5,7,5個syllables (音節(jié)) 8.12)Cinquain: 五行詩 P128 代表作:《Dancer》, 《He is old》, 《Parting》. 五行詩五行分別有2,4,6,8,2個syllables (音節(jié)) 8.13) The Limerick 五行打油詩: 格律:aabba P130 8.14) Visual Poetry 視覺詩 P130 代表作: 《40-love》(作者:George Herbert ) 和 《The Wall》 8.15) Free Verse 自由詩 P131 定義:It is not constrained by any of the usual formal discipline . It does not have to rhyme or obey rules of metre or line length. 代表詩人:D.H. Lawrence 8.16) 補充詩歌 《The Charge of the Light Brigade》 P138 作者: Tennyson Poet Laureate (桂冠詩人) 《Ballad of Reading Gaol》 作者:Oscar Wilde P140 《Wild Nights! Wild Nights!》 作者:Emily Dickinson P141 《Words》 作者:Anne Sexton P141 《Be Glad Your Nose is on Your Face》作者:Jack Prelutsky P142 《The War Process》作者: Benjamin Zephaniah P143 《Interruption to a Journey》作者:Norman MacCaig P143 《The Owl》 作者: Edward Thomas P144 《Too Soon》作者: Mary Yarnall P144 《Coat》作者:Vicki Feaver P145 《Leisure》作者: W.H. Davies P146 《The Wall》視覺詩 作者:Abdul Ghafar Ibrahim P146 9. Drama 戲劇 9.1) Comedy 喜劇 P149-152 代表作:The Importance of Being Earnest 《誠實的重要性》 作者: Oscar Wilde 主人翁:Lady Bracknell Jack Worthing 故事內(nèi)容:It is about two young men getting engaged(訂婚) to two young women. 9.2) Tragedy 悲劇 代表作:Macbeth 《麥克白》 P152 作者:William Shakespeare 主人翁: Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, 莎士比亞四大悲?。篐amlet, King lear, Macbeth, Othello. 9.3) Theatre of the Absurd 荒誕劇 P154 代表作:The Dumb Waiter 《升降機》 作者:Harold Pinter諾貝爾文學(xué)獎(2005)獲得者 主人翁:Ben 和 Gus 故事內(nèi)容:Two men are in the basement(地下室)of a house or restaurant. 戲劇語言:The language is very spare and brief, but it seems to have hidden meanings. 9.4) Theatre of Social Commentary 社會評論劇 P157 代表作:An Inspector Calls 《巡官登門》 作者:J.B. Priestley : a committed socialist (社會主義者) 戲劇主題:to show how hypocritical (虛偽) and uncaring (漠不關(guān)心) of the property-owning classes(資產(chǎn)階級)。 9.5) Historical Drama 歷史劇 P159 代表作: The Crucible 《煉獄》 作者:Arthur Miller 主人翁:Abigail, John Proctor, Elizabeth 戲劇主題:The play is set in New England at the end of 17th century. It concerns a real historical incident, involving withcraft(魔法) and an attack of mass hysteria(歇斯底里)。 9.6)補充戲劇 P164-173 《In the Native State》 作者:Tom Stoppard 《The Birthday Party》作者:Harold Pinter 《The Merchant》作者:Arnold Wesker 請您刪除一下內(nèi)容,O(∩_∩)O謝謝!?。?016年中央電大期末復(fù)習(xí)考試小抄大全,電大期末考試必備小抄,電大考試必過小抄Basketball can make a true claim to being the only major sport that is an American invention. From high school to the professional level, basketball attracts a large following for live games as well as television coverage of events like the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) annual tournament and the National Basketball Association (NBA) and Womens National Basketball Association (WNBA) playoffs. And it has also made American heroes out of its player and coach legends like Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, Earvin "Magic" Johnson, Sheryl Swoopes, and other great players. At the heart of the game is the playing space and the equipment. The space is a rectangular, indoor court. The principal pieces of equipment are the two elevated baskets, one at each end (in the long direction) of the court, and the basketball itself. The ball is spherical in shape and is inflated. Basket-balls range in size from 28.5-30 in (72-76 cm) in circumference, and in weight from 18-22 oz (510-624 g). For players below the high school level, a smaller ball is used, but the ball in mens games measures 29.5-30 in (75-76 cm) in circumference, and a womens ball is 28.5-29 in (72-74 cm) in circumference. The covering of the ball is leather, rubber, composition, or synthetic, although leather covers only are dictated by rules for college play, unless the teams agree otherwise. Orange is the regulation color. At all levels of play, the home team provides the ball. Inflation of the ball is based on the height of the balls bounce. Inside the covering or casing, a rubber bladder holds air. The ball must be inflated to a pressure sufficient to make it rebound to a height (measured to the top of the ball) of 49-54 in (1.2-1.4 m) when it is dropped on a solid wooden floor from a starting height of 6 ft (1.80 m) measured from the bottom of the ball. The factory must test the balls, and the air pressure that makes the ball legal in keeping with the bounce test is stamped on the ball. During the intensity of high school and college tourneys and the professional playoffs, this inflated sphere commands considerable attention. Basketball is one of few sports with a known date of birth. On December 1, 1891, in Springfield, Massachusetts, James Naismith hung two half-bushel peach baskets at the opposite ends of a gymnasium and out-lined 13 rules based on five principles to his students at the International Training School of the Young Mens Christian Association (YMCA), which later became Springfield College. Naismith (1861-1939) was a physical education teacher who was seeking a team sport with limited physical contact but a lot of running, jumping, shooting, and the hand-eye coordination required in handling a ball. The peach baskets he hung as goals gave the sport the name of basketball. His students were excited about the game, and Christmas vacation gave them the chance to tell their friends and people at their local YMCAs about the game. The association leaders wrote to Naismith asking for copies of the rules, and they were published in the Triangle, the school newspaper, on January 15,1892. Naismiths five basic principles center on the ball, which was described as "large, light, and handled with the hands." Players could not move the ball by running alone, and none of the players was restricted against handling the ball. The playing area was also open to all players, but there was to be no physical contact between players; the ball was the objective. To score, the ball had to be shot through a horizontal, elevated goal. The team with the most points at the end of an allotted time period wins. Early in the history of basketball, the local YMCAs provided the gymnasiums, and membership in the organization grew rapidly. The size of the local gym dictated the number of players; smaller gyms used five players on a side, and the larger gyms allowed seven to nine. The team size became generally established as five in 1895, and, in 1897, this was made formal in the rules. The YMCA lost interest in supporting the game because 10-20 basketball players monopolized a gymnasium previously used by many more in a variety of activities. YMCA membership dropped, and basketball enthusiasts played in local halls. This led to the building of basketball gymnasiums at schools and colleges and also to the formation of professional leagues. Although basketball was born in the United States, five of Naismiths original players were Canadians, and the game spread to Canada immediately. It was played in France by 1893; England in 1894; Australia, China, and India between 1895 and 1900; and Japan in 1900. From 1891 through 1893, a soccer ball was used to play basketball. The first basketball was manufactured in 1894. It was 32 in (81 cm) in circumference, or about 4 in (10 cm) larger than a soccer ball. The dedicated basketball was made of laced leather and weighed less than 20 oz (567 g). The first molded ball that eliminated the need for laces was introduced in 1948; its construction and size of 30 in (76 cm) were ruled official in 1949. The rule-setters came from several groups early in the 1900s. Colleges and universities established their rules committees in 1905, the YMCA and the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) created a set of rules jointly, state militia groups abided by a shared set of rules, and there were two professional sets of rules. A Joint Rules Committee for colleges, the AAU, and the YMCA was created in 1915, and, under the name the National Basketball Committee (NBC) made rules for amateur play until 1979. In that year, the National Federation of State High School Associations began governing the sport at the high school level, and the NCAA Rules Committee assumed rule-making responsibilities for junior colleges, colleges, and the Armed Forces, with a similar committee holding jurisdiction over womens basketball. Until World War II, basketball became increasingly popular in the United States especially at the high school and college levels. After World War II, its popularity grew around the world. In the 1980s, interest in the game truly exploded because of television exposure. Broadcast of the NCAA Championship Games began in 1963, and, by the 1980s, cable television was carrying regular season college games and even high school championships in some states. Players like Bill Russell, Wilt Chamberlain, and Lew Alcindor (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) became nationally famous at the college level and carried their fans along in their professional basketball careers. The womens game changed radically in 1971 when separate rules for women were modified to more closely resemble the mens game. Television interest followed the women as well with broadcast of NCAA championship tourneys beginning in the early 1980s and the formation of the WNBA in 1997. Internationally, Italy has probably become the leading basketball nation outside of the United States, with national, corporate, and professional teams. The Olympics boosts basketball internationally and has also spurred the womens game by recognizing it as an Olympic event in 1976. Again, television coverage of the Olympics has been exceptionally important in drawing attention to international teams. The first professional mens basketball league in the United States was the National Basketball League (NBL), which debuted in 1898. Players were paid on a per-game basis, and this league and others were hurt by the poor quality of games and the ever-changing players on a team. After the Great Depression, a new NBL was organized in 1937, and the Basketball Association of America was organized in 1946. The two leagues came to agree that players had to be assigned to teams on a contract basis and that high standards had to govern the game; under these premises, the two joined to form the National Basketball Association (NBA) in 1949. A rival American Basketball Association (ABA) was inaugurated in 1967 and challenged the NBA for college talent and market share for almost ten years. In 1976, this league disbanded, but four of its teams remained as NBA teams. Unification came just in time for major television support. Several womens professional leagues were attempted and failed, including the Womens Professional Basketball League (WBL) and the Womens World Basketball Association, before the WNBA debuted in 1997 with the support of the NBA. James Naismith, originally from Al-monte, Ontario, invented basketball at the International YMCA Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts, in 1891. The game was first played with peach baskets (hence the name) and a soccer ball and was intended to provide indoor exercise for football players. As a result, it was originally a rough sport. Although ten of Naismiths original thirteen rules remain, the game soon changed considerably, and the founder had little to do with its evolution. The first i- 1.請仔細閱讀文檔,確保文檔完整性,對于不預(yù)覽、不比對內(nèi)容而直接下載帶來的問題本站不予受理。
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