河北省2019年中考英語一輪復習 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第06課時 Units 1-3(八上)課件 人教新目標版.ppt
《河北省2019年中考英語一輪復習 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第06課時 Units 1-3(八上)課件 人教新目標版.ppt》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《河北省2019年中考英語一輪復習 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第06課時 Units 1-3(八上)課件 人教新目標版.ppt(25頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網上搜索。
第6課時Units1 3 八上 PARTONE 第一篇教材梳理篇 hungry diaries talented less least difference differently clearly truly truth necessarily better best moreoutgoing careful careless carefully wonderful wonderfully building builder dying death dead won won winner competition competitor says said said saying enjoyable trader decision broke broken feellike careabout bringout keepadiary keepdiaries goonvacation decidetodosth getbettergrades gotothedentist share with bedifferentfrom besimilarto betalentedin thesameas becauseof atleast infact waitfor aslongas morethan lessthan suchas quiteafew hardlyever mostofthetime somethingspecial somewhere anywhereinteresting mostofthetimetoread arrivedin sunnyandhot decidedtogotothebeach Whatadifferenceadaymakes Itisgoodtorelax thebestwaytorelaxisthroughexercise ishealthyforthebodyandthemind spendtimewithyourfriendsandfamily it snoteasyformetomakefriends Agoodfriendislikeamirror aslongasthey regood reachesforyourhand touchesyourheart seemv 好像 似乎 看來 題1 用括號中所給單詞的適當形式填空Theyseemed find thewaytothecinema 題2 同義句轉換Theyseemtobeintheclassroom thattheyareintheclassroom tofind Itseems 歸納拓展 enoughadj 充分的 地 題3 I llbeawayforalongtime Don tworry Shecanlookafteryourpet A carefulenoughB enoughcarefulC carefullyenoughD enoughcarefully 題4 用括號中所給單詞的適當形式填空Theyoungmanisoldenough drive acarbyhimself C todrive 歸納拓展 decidev 決定 選定 題5 Jack whyhaveyoudecidedChinesefolkmusicasacourse TolearnmoreaboutChineseculture A takeB takenC takingD totake 題6 用括號中所給單詞的適當形式填空Theyhaven tmadea decide aboutwheretospendtheirsummervacation D decision 歸納拓展 tryv 努力 題7 1 Dear let stryheratanothernumber Maybewephonedthewrongnumber A tocallB callingC callD called 2 Rememberthemascarefullyasyoucanandtryanymistakes A tonotmakeB notmakingC nottomakeD notmake B C 歸納拓展 althoughconj 雖然 盡管 即使 題8 ridingsharedbikes 共享單車 isanenvironmentallyfriendlywaytotravel manyofthebikesarethrowneverywhere A AlthoughB AsC UnlessD Until A 歸納拓展 although though 引導讓步狀語從句時 從句放在主句前后均可 若句中用了although或though 就不能再用but 但可用yet或still Although Thoughitwassnowing yet itwasnotverycold Itwassnowing butitwasnotverycold 雖然在下雪 但不是很冷 hardly hard 題9 Itisforhimtogettoschoolontime becauseitisraining A hard hardlyB hardly hardC hard hardD hardly hardly 題10 用括號中所給單詞的適當形式填空Healwaysworks buthecanmakemoney hard C hard hardly howoften howlong howsoon howfar 題11 用howoften howlong howsoon或howfar的適當形式填空 1 wasthe2018WorldCup Foraboutfourweeks 2 isitfromyourhometothepark It sabouttenminutes walk 3 Booksareourfriends doyoureadbooks Ireadbookseveryday 4 willtheprojectofShijiazhuangMetroLine2becompleted Maybeinayear Howlong Howfar Howoften Howsoon win beat lose 題12 用win beat或lose的適當形式填空 1 Peterisgoodatplayingchess andhealwaysmeinchess 2 Davepracticedsingingalldaybecausehewantedtothesingingcompetition 3 Lastweek wethestrongestteaminthefootballmatchandthefirstprize 4 TomtoLiLeiinyesterday stennismatch beats win beat won lost Whatadifferenceadaymakes 一天的差異是多么大呀 題13 連詞成句 1 time what I a had wonderful 2 fresh air the how is WhatawonderfultimeIhad Howfreshtheairis TaraworksashardasTina 塔拉學習和蒂娜一樣努力 題14 1 IthinktheHUAWEIP20worksasastheiPhone8 Ilikeitverymuch A goodB wellC badD badly 2 Whatdoyouthinkoftheenvironmentinyourhometown It s Boththeairandthewaterarebadlypolluted A notbadB asgoodasbeforeC notsogoodasbeforeD muchbetterthanbefore 歸納拓展 as 形容詞或副詞原級 as 意為 和 一樣 其否定形式為 notas so 形容詞或副詞原級 as less 形容詞或副詞原級 than 意為 不及 B C 用所給單詞的適當形式填空1 Harrydecided open anonlineshopafterfinishinghighschool 2 Therearealotofnew build there 3 Stillnooneseemedtobe bore 4 Asweallknow a care driverisalwaysadangertothepublic 5 Alexbelieveshewillsoonbeabletoplaychessas good asthecomputer 6 WuDajingwasthe win ofmen s500 meterspeedskatingatthe2018WinterOlympics 7 Onthemorningof8May 2018 anairhostesswasfound die inZhengzhou 8 Thereisa compete betweenChinaandJapanthisyear 9 Don tspeakso loud becausethebabyissleepingnow 10 Passmethatpairofglasses please Ican tseethewords clear toopen buildings bored careless well winner dead competition loudly clearly 根據句意及首字母提示填空11 Mymotherdidn thaveemoney soshecouldn tbuythecoat 12 Wemustwwhenthetrafficlightisred 13 Ididn ttakeanusoIgotwetintherain 14 Wekeepadtoimproveourwritingskills 15 Idthesweaterbecauseitisoutofstyle 16 Sheatenbutsomebreadattheparty 17 Whatawnewsreporthemade 18 Ibmyarmlastyearbutshemademefeelbetter 19 IhavetogotothedbecauseIhaveatoothache 20 Iliketalkingwithothers MymothersaysI manogirl enough wait umbrella diary dislike nothing wonderful broke dentist outgoing 連詞成句21 your was how vacation 22 I to Tom s went farm withmyfamily 23 there we pigs some baby fed 24 tired happy we but were 25 day what we happy a had Howwasyourvacation IwenttoTom sfarmwithmyfamily Wefedsomebabypigsthere Weweretiredbuthappy Whatahappydaywehad- 配套講稿:
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- 河北省2019年中考英語一輪復習 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第06課時 Units 1-3八上課件 人教新目標版 河北省 2019 年中 英語 一輪 復習 一篇 教材 梳理 06 課時 課件 新目標
