(山西專用)2019中考英語高分復習 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第03課時 Units 1-4(七下)課件.ppt
《(山西專用)2019中考英語高分復習 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第03課時 Units 1-4(七下)課件.ppt》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《(山西專用)2019中考英語高分復習 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第03課時 Units 1-4(七下)課件.ppt(41頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網上搜索。
山西專版 第3課時Units5 9 七上 PARTONE 第一篇教材梳理篇 stories brushes teeth buses lives dishes central lucky villager unlucky luckily unluckily sang sung singer swam swum dancer drew drawn spoke swimmer spoken speaker speech wrote written writer taught taught teacher ran run runner cleaner rode ridden running drove driven driver left left fought fought relaxing relaxed felt felt feeling kept kept keeper learner funnier truth funniest quickly brought brought most quietly more swimmingclub artclub busstop bus train subwaystation playchess playtheguitar piano tellastory tellstories playtheviolin makefriends getup gotoschool speakEnglish Chinese playthedrums getdressed brushteeth have eatbreakfast takeashower doone shomework gotobed takeawalk playsports rideabike listentomusic thinkof makeone sbed takethesubway goout cometrue followtherules gohome gotowork thinkabout readabook cook makebreakfast dothedishes makerules crosstheriver begoodat begoodwith bestrict withsb between and afterschool onschoolnights days lotsof alotof ontheweekend onweekends bybike begoodfor jointheartclub Afterschool playbasketball halfanhour from rideabike listentomusic to arrivelateforclass beontime listentoitoutside playbasketballafterschool domyhomework aresometimesstrict eitherwatchTV makerulestohelpus computergames shown 演出 節(jié)目v 給 看 展示 題1 1 MybrotherTomaninterestinouterspaceanddreamedofbecominganastronaut A showedB playedC learnedD taught 2 Heisjustbecausethegirlhelikesishere A showingupB showingoffC shownupD shownoff 題2 根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子Hepromisedtoattendmygraduationceremony buthedidn t 出現(xiàn) B A showup 題3 根據(jù)句意 用適當?shù)脑~填空MyunclewholivedinAmericashowedmelotsofbeautifulplaces 題4 同義句轉換Canyoushowmeanotherpairofshoes Canyoushowanotherpairofshoestome around round 歸納拓展 1 showsb sth 與showsth tosb 同義 意為 把某物給某人看 send give pass offer也可用于這兩種結構 注意 當sth 是代詞時 則只能用 show send give passsth tosb 結構 Pleaseshowmeyournewpen Pleaseshowyournewpentome 請讓我看一看你的新鋼筆吧 在本句中 如果用代詞it代替yournewpen 只能使用如下句式 Pleaseshowittome 請讓我看看它 2 show用法小結 rememberv 記住 記起 題5 1 Jackrememberedthedoorwhenleavinghome Butwhenhecameback hefounditopen A lockingB tolockC tolockingD lock 2 I msorry MissGreen Ileftmymathbookathome Itdoesn tmatter Pleaserememberitheretomorrow A takingB totakeC bringingD tobring A D 3 TheTVinyourroomisstillon Oh Iforgot A turningitonB turningitoffC toturnitoffD toturniton 題6 用括號中所給單詞的適當形式填空Thechildiscrying Pleasedosomethingtomakehimstop cry A crying 歸納拓展 1 remember為動詞 意為 記住 記起 后常跟名詞或代詞等作賓語 其常用結構為 join joinin takepartin attend 題7 用join joinin takepartin或attend的適當形式填空 1 WhynotanEnglishclubtopracticeyourEnglish 2 Ididn twanttotheirargument 3 HowmanycountriesthelastOlympicGames 4 TheteacherwillleaveforGuangzhoutoanimportantmeetingtomorrow join joinin tookpartin attend begoodfor begoodat begoodto begoodwith 題8 根據(jù)句意 用適當?shù)慕樵~填空 1 Theteacherisverygoodthesenaughtykids 2 HewasverygoodmewhenIwasillinhospital 3 Eatingasmanyvegetablesaspossibleisgoodyourhealth 4 Theyoungmanisverygoodtellingstories Soallthechildrenlikehimsomuch to with to for at wear puton dress in 題9 用wear puton dress或in的適當形式填空 1 Thelittleboylikestohats 2 He stooyoungtohimselfinthemorning 3 Thesunlightistoostrong you dbetteryoursunglasseswhenyougoout 4 Doyouknowthegirlareddress wear dress puton in bring take get carry 題10 I msorryIleftmyhomeworkathome ShallIgoandit No youneedn t itheretomorrow A get TakeB bring TakeC get BringD carry Bring C 詞義辨析 bring意為 拿來 帶來 指從別處帶到說話處 take意為 拿去 帶去 指把某物 人 從說話處帶到別處 與bring所表示的方向相反 get表示到某地去把某物取來 相當于fetch carry意為 搬運 攜帶 沒有方向性 arrive get reach 題11 用arrive in get to 或reach的適當形式填空 1 ItwasrainingheavilywhentheGermansattheairport 2 TheSmithswillChangshatomorrow 3 Iusuallytoschoolinmyfather scar reach arrivein getto arrived get 注意 1 三者在一定情況下可相互轉換 2 當它們后接地點副詞there here或home等時 副詞前不加任何介詞 Whendidyouarrive get reachhome 你何時到家的 HowdoesMarygettoschool 瑪麗如何到校 Shetakesthesubway 她坐地鐵 題12 1 Doesyourfathergotoworkcarorfoot A by onB by byC on byD on on 2 Mysonlivesalittlefarfromhisoffice sohealwaysgoestoworkbus A onB byC withD in A B 歸納拓展 Howlongdoesittakeyoutogettoschool 你到學校要用多長時間 題13 Ittakesmehalfanhourplayingthepianoeveryday Howaboutyou Iusuallyspend20minutesit A practicing onB topractice inC topractice onD practicing in 題14 同義句轉換Myfatherspentabouttwohoursfixingmybikeintheyard C Ittookmyfatherabouttwohourstofixmybikeintheyard Formanystudents itiseasytogettoschool 對許多學生來說 到校很容易 題15 Mario yourmobilephoneisringing Waitaminute It sdangerousformeitwhilecrossingthestreet A answeringB toanswerC answerD answered B 單項選擇1 2015山西17題 EverytimeIseestrawberries thesweetandbeautifulcoloralwaysmakemymouthwater A voiceB tasteC shape2 MustIcomeat6 30tomorrowmorning No youneedn t Youcomeonehourlater A canB needC should3 2015山西18題 Thedrivershavetothetrafficrulesandcontrolthemselvesiftheywanttobesafeontheroad A followB breakC make B A A 4 Thegirloftenherlittlebrotherwhatshehaslearntfromherschool A asksB teachesC lends5 Lisaawhiteuniform Lilyiswhite too A wears inB wears wearC in in6 Don tknowwhereyourkidsareinthehouse TurnofftheInternetandthey llupquickly A joinB bringC show7 youyourbrothercanjoinus Wewantoneofyou A Both andB Neither norC Either or B A C C 8 It simportantusEnglishwell A of tolearnB for tolearnC of learning9 Simonusedtobe butnowhetakespartindifferentactivitiesandhasmademanynewfriends A honestB livelyC quiet10 Thebusiscoming Oh myGod It sfull I mafraidwecan tit A getupB getonC getoff B C B 用方框中所給詞的適當形式填空halftoothluckcrossfinishlifespeakbeimportanttrue11 AfterIgetdressed I llbrushmyandwashmyface 12 Heisnotstupid butheislazy 13 Igottothestationlate butthetrainwasstillthere 14 Aisapersonwhomakesaspeechorgivesatalkatameetingorothergatherings 15 Ibrokethechocolateinto Here syourhalf 16 I mverysorrytohearthatmanypeoplelosttheirintheearthquake teeth truly luckily speaker halves lives 17 Ithinkeitheryouoryourcousinright 18 It shardforhersomuchworktoday 19 theriver WalkalongMoonStreetandyou llfinditonyourright 20 Withthehelpofmymother Irealizetheofstudying is tofinish importance Cross- 配套講稿:
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- 山西專用2019中考英語高分復習 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第03課時 Units 1-4七下課件 山西 專用 2019 中考 英語 高分 復習 一篇 教材 梳理 03 課時 課件
