This small scaled mixer change it small on the original and traditional mixer foundation and add a vibration equip, also changes to turn to move the construction.It passes the electric motor arouses, was turned by 蝸 an active stalk for decelerating machine decelerating changes direction, passing flexibility pillar 銷(xiāo)聯(lián) stalk machine linking, arousing of 筒 descending to move, as a result make of 筒 turned to move, of 筒 is in turn move of at the same time, because of of 筒 oneself with gravity, and tiny the impact dint of the material, from but 筒 bottom a purpose for next spring coil back and forth contracting playing rising, from but attaining side turning moving side vibration.Its contents includes:Total design, spread to move the choice between device and electric motor, the design of the 聯(lián) stalk machine, the design of the pole of 蝸 , active and axial design, from move the axial design, the axle of 蝸 and a design for of design, of 筒 , the design of the vibration frequency.This mixer of the creative a choice for consisting in 聯(lián) stalk machine equips with the vibration, this design is a foundation that observation to pass oneself the peacetime considers and check every kind of data, and guide the teacher point out with own a theories for learning knowledge ascend to complete of.
Key phrase:Spread to move the device, the 蝸 round decelerates box, flexibility pillar 銷(xiāo)聯(lián) stalk machine, active stalk, from move the stalk, of 筒 , vibrate the frequency.